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Day 2 - Question 1 

How does your body let you know when it’s feeling overworked?


Day 2 - Question 2 

How does your body feel when you eat a non-healthy meal?


Day 2 - Question 3 

What positive messages can you send your body today to demonstrate self-love and support?

Reflection Questions 1/3How does your body let you know when it’s feeling overworked, tired, or stressed?

Reflection Questions 2/3Describe how your body feels when you eat a non-healthy meal. What does it feel like when you have a healthy meal?

Reflection Questions 3/3What positive messages can you send your body today to demonstrate self-love and support?


Day 3 - Question 1 

How does your body feel when you are faced with a dilemma or important decision? Be specific; describe the sensations in your body.


Day 3 - Question 2 

How does your body reveal to you its intuition and inner guidance?


Page 2: Jurnal Perfect Health


Day 3 - Question 3 

Describe a time where you followed your intuition. What was the outcome?


Day 3 - Journal 

Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.

Reflection Questions 1/3

How does your body feel when you are faced with a dilemma or important decision? Be specific; describe the sensations in your body.

Reflection Questions 2/3

How does your body reveal to you its intuition and inner guidance?

Reflection Questions 3/3

Describe a time where you followed your intuition. What was the outcome?


Reflection Questions 1/3

What messages do you tell yourself throughout the day?

Reflection Questions 2/3

When faced with a difficult situation, what is one positive message you could tell yourself?

Reflection Questions 3/3

How can you talk to yourself in more positive ways each day to support optimal wellbeing?



Page 3: Jurnal Perfect Health

Reflection Questions 1/3

Our bodies constantly give us messages. How does your body speak to you when you are in resistance to something or someone?

Reflection Questions 2/3

Recall a time when you decided to let life events unfold without trying to control the outcome. What did you learn from simply letting go?

Reflection Questions 3/3

List the ways you can commit to living each day with greater passion and joy.


Reflection Questions 1/3

What are three aspects of your body that you love?

Reflection Questions 2/3

What are some of the messages your body is telling you right now?

Reflection Questions 3/3

Take a moment to list what your body has allowed you to accomplish over the years.


Reflection Questions 1/3

Over the first week of our Challenge, what points have most resonated with you?

Reflection Questions 2/3


Page 4: Jurnal Perfect Health

When you hear the phrase, “the body is a temple,” what comes to mind?

Reflection Questions 3/3

What are three positive changes you can make today to better nurture your body, mind, and spirit?


Reflection Questions 1/3

Take a moment to reflect on your daily patterns and habits. Which behaviors would you like to change?

Reflection Questions 2/3

How would your life improve if you changed these current patterns and habits?

Reflection Questions 3/3

When you review your habits and routines, what can learn about yourself?


Reflection Questions 1/3

How do the environments where you spend the most time impact your goals of perfect health? Do you feel that these spaces support your goals or take you farther away from them?

Reflection Questions 2/3

What can you change in your current environment to create a more nurturing space?

Reflection Questions 3/3

In detail, describe your ideal living or working space. How does it differ from where you are now?


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DAY 10

Reflection Questions 1/3

Close your eyes for a moment and allow yourself to enjoy three deep breaths, gently and slowly inhaling and exhaling. Notice and describe how your body feels afterward.

Reflection Questions 2/3

How would a few minutes of conscious breathing benefit you throughout the day?

Reflection Questions 3/3

Identify situations in your life where you could restore a sense of calm by practicing conscious breathing techniques.

DAY 11

Reflection Questions 1/3

What are some foods your body often craves? Are they healthy and supportive to your wellbeing? Is your body speaking to you about something it requires for balance?

Reflection Questions 2/3

How do you feel when you eat fresh, healthy food?

Reflection Questions 3/3

What changes can you make today to plan more nutritious meals and eat with more awareness?

DAY 12

Reflection Questions 1/3

How much time do you spend each day connecting with loved ones, whether in person or through social media?


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Reflection Questions 2/3

How do you feel after you’ve spent time with good friends?

Reflection Questions 3/3

What are the unique qualities and talents that you can offer your community?

DAY 13

Reflection Questions 1/3

List the types of movement and exercise that make you the happiest.

Reflection Questions 2/3

How does your body and mind feel when you engage in those activities?

Reflection Questions 3/3

How can you bring that good feeling you enjoy during your exercise back with you into your interaction with others?

DAY 14

Reflection Questions 1/3

What do you desire for your life and overall health?

Reflection Questions 2/3

What intentions can you set to help bring you the wellbeing you envision?


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Reflection Questions 3/3

How can you create time each day to continue building a sustained meditation practice, long after our Challenge has ended?

DAY 15

Reflection Questions 1/3

What does living well mean to you?

Reflection Questions 2/3

How do you envision incorporating everything that you’re learning into your daily life?

Reflection Questions 3/3

List the positive changes you have made during this Challenge

DAY 16

Reflection Questions 1/3

How do you feel when you’ve spent time outdoors?

Reflection Questions 2/3

What special places make you feel most connected with the beauty that surrounds you?

Reflection Questions 3/3

How can you connect with nature each day no matter where you are?


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DAY 17

Reflection Questions 1/3

How do you express yourself?

Reflection Questions 2/3

What creative pursuits bring you the greatest joy?

Reflection Questions 3/3

When you have free time, how do you spend it?

DAY 18

Reflection Questions 1/3

What are the things you are most passionate about?

Reflection Questions 2/3

How do you feel when you engage in those activities that truly excite you?

Reflection Questions 3/3

Envision a day spent dedicated to living your passion. What does that day look like, feel like?

DAY 19

Reflection Questions 1/3

What are 3-5 new messages that you can tell yourself each day to support your path to perfect health?


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Reflection Questions 2/3

How often do you express gratitude for all that you have in your life? What are you grateful for today?

Reflection Questions 3/3

How do you know when you are living in or out of alignment with your purpose or dharma?

DAY 20

Reflection Questions 1/3

How do you feel about aging?

Reflection Questions 2/3

What wisdom has come to you with age?

Reflection Questions 3/3

What activities can you enjoy to help you live agelessly each day?

DAY 21

Reflection Questions 1/3

What have you learned that you find most useful in living perfect health?

Reflection Questions 2/3

What new, positive messages are you telling your body each day?

Reflection Questions 3/3

How is your meditation practice aiding your health and wellbeing?