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Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene Dawn Clark


Recode Your DNA for Success Unlock Your Potential Reboot Your World


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Published in the United States of America

October 2015

© 2015, Dawn Clark, Dawn Clark Productions, LLC

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or

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While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the references, referrals, and links (collectively “Links”) presented in this e-book, Dawn Clark, and Dawn Clark Productions, LLC and Infinite EnergyLinks, Inc. is not responsible or liable for broken Links or missing or fallacious information at the Links. Any Links in this e-book to a specific product, process, web site, or service do not constitute or imply an endorsement by Dawn Clark, and Dawn Clark Productions, LLC and Infinite EnergyLinks, Inc. of same, or its producer or provider. The views and opinions contained at any Links do not necessarily express or reflect those of Dawn Clark, and Dawn Clark Productions, LLC and Infinite EnergyLinks, Inc.

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This book is dedicated to my three children, Clark, Katherine and Christopher, who inspire me each and everyday, and to my late father, my mother, and Dietmar, whose love I cherish always.

I’d like to give special thanks to Christopher Kocurek, who helped me bring this book to life. I’m eternally grateful for his creative genius and dedication to understanding the work at an intrinsic level.

Heartfelt thanks to Pamela Stevens-Steffenson, for her brilliant developmental edits, dedication, and tireless diligence in making sure we met our deadlines.

Immense gratitude to Kim Ribbans, who helped me with cover design and layout. I am so appreciative of her patience and her insight in helping me express graphically the messages my soul yearns to share!

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1.   The Truth Behind Reality

2.   What You’re Getting

3.   The Initiation

4.   Imprint Zones

5.   The Gifts

6.   A New Kind of Karma

7.   Your Cherry Blossom Triggers

8.   The Writeable Code

9.   Beyond the Law of Attraction

10.   Your Morphic Resonance

11.   The Elixir

12.   An Invitation

13.   Unlock Your Potential

14.   The Bigger Why

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THE TRUTH BEHIND REALITY We all want a lot of things, but

oftentimes we are left wanting, not knowing how to truly realize our dreams, or how we get from here to there. The cutting-edge research, information, and insights in this book will fundamentally shift your understanding of why you experience the world as you do, and give you skills to improve your life.

What you’re going to learn in this book will change your relationship with wealth and success forever. You’ll be one of the few insiders with the information that will let you open up new worlds of potential and possibilities!

You might be 50 years old, looking for new opportunity to experience a passionate life, a person in between jobs, a successful entrepreneur, or a fresh college graduate.


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Regardless of your age, or what stage of life you are in, what’s inside this book will help you achieve your goals.

I’m here to give you the tools to upgrade your life. I have seen my students vastly increase their income, change their circumstances, buy houses and even win a $1,000,000 prize after doing this work. Believe me, if you’re looking for more opportunities, how to turn passion into profit, or experience greater success in your life, then this book will help you.

I’m going to share with you some of the same secrets and tools that took me from a single mother with three kids and only $54 in my pocket, to an internationally bestselling author, who attracted the funding to develop a next-generation technology and interactive platform to help people all over the world improve their lives.

This is the truth behind reality. This is the science of wealth. It unlocks your potential for opportunities, income, and financial stability, and the best part about it is that you ultimately learn how to step into your passion and do what you love. As you learn how to work within this framework, it will level everything else up in your life and it

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can work alongside any other modality that you’re using.

I’m ready to give you the keys. Are you ready to take the first step?

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WHAT YOU’RE GETTING First, let me say that this book won’t take you two weeks to read. I’ll be giving you valuable

knowledge and powerful tools to Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene and open yourself to new opportunities, but I value your time and want to make sure I deliver this information as clearly as possible. In this book you’ll learn about and get tools like:

•   WIN-States •   Your Imprint Zones •   Wealth Imprinting In Your DNA •   Morphic Resonance •   Your Cherry Blossom Triggers

Don’t worry if those things don’t mean anything right now. They aren’t supposed to! I’ll be taking you by the hand and sharing each concept with you in a straightforward and simple way.


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With this knowledge and toolkit, you will raise your WIN-state. Getting out of debt, making more money, and attracting unforeseen opportunity will suddenly become easier.

But, this is just the very beginning. If you’re serious about getting past the invisible barriers that block you from living a wealthy life, I invite you to attend my upcoming online workshop. I’m making it free to people who have read my book. Register early because the seats will fill up fast. Go to: to reserve your spot.

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THE INITIATION You are a part of a network that connects the universe. The strength

of your “signal” within this network, as well as what you’re directly connected to, empowers or impedes your ability to create the life of your dreams. This network is called your WIN-state. WIN stands for Wealth Integration Network.

Have you ever wanted something and tried and tried to get it? I mean really yearned with all your soul? But, no matter what, it keeps slipping out of your grasp, as though it vanishes the moment you catch a glimpse.

This is a classic symptom of someone with a low WIN-state.

The higher your WIN-state, the easier it is to realize opportunities, make money and


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succeed in your passionate endeavors. The lower a person’s WIN-state, the more they struggle with what they want, the more they feel trapped. People with low WIN-states often go into debt and instead of creating tangible plans for the future, stay fixated in fantasies.

Curious to know what YOUR WIN-State is? Stay tuned…

I first perceived WIN-states (though I didn’t call them that then) when I was a young girl.

A unique set of circumstances led to me developing heightened awareness, and I actually saw distinct fields of resonance and energy signature related to each person I met.

Back then, all I knew is that everyone had this storehouse of information, and the data impacted potential.

I started my life in Germany. My father was a CIA agent during the Cold War, and after he finished a mission we relocated to the United States.

Growing up with a high-ranking counter intelligence agent as your father puts your life at risk. This is why, historically, the best

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spies are people with no families. It’s their greatest weakness.

Without getting into any grisly details, I lived the first part of my life acutely aware that anyone who walked through the door of our house might be there to kill me, my mother, and sister.

My survival instincts kicked on and helped me develop the ability to read people’s fields.

What I see is different than what people commonly refer to as ‘aura’ – I see is our connection the quantum world, the world where anything is possible - what I now refer to as WIN-states.

I also saw the things that hold people back, such as core fractures, pools of toxic emotions, and signature frequencies of limiting beliefs stored all the way down in people’s DNA

In the midst of the sea of information, the thing that struck me most, despite the fear and danger of my environment, was that everyone has this beautiful  fingerprint of soul resonating within their field. This fingerprint contained the essence of their hopes and dreams, of what they came here to do.

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As I learned about the world, I realized that there are countless people living a life counterfeit to their  nature. Deep within each one of us is a true call to passion and power – our purpose in life.

My purpose revealed itself to me quickly. My path led to helping others unlock their potential at the highest level.

Then, I had my initiation.

I was swimming in the deep end of a public pool, when someone came off the diving board and landed on my back. The air knocked out of my chest. The bubbles  floated by my face. I recall feeling myself floating upward – out of the water and through a layer of clouds.

That’s when I met my first Guides.

What struck me about these radiant beings was not their appearance, but that they resonated at the highest level – the full potential that I saw within us.

I asked them how I could help enable people to step into this state of power, but they told me that was not my  mission at the time. What I was supposed to do was go back and understand the language of frequency.

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After this first near death experience, I heeded what the guides had told me. I paid great attention to people’s resonant fields, or WIN-states, and learned that no matter  what a person’s age, or spoken language, or country of origin, there was a distinct set of vibrational ‘viruses’ that were holding people back.

I came to recognize these viruses included outdated beliefs and core emotions to the human experience. Fear based beliefs, such as ‘not enough,’ and emotions such as grief, rage, hate, and shame. No matter who held these viruses and toxic emotions, they appeared the same way in everyone’s field.

On the other hand, the emotions of joy and love,  these positive resonances, also shared their own unique signatures.

It became clear that everyone’s WIN-state was made up of the same base components, plus more.

By the time I was nine years old, I felt like I had this mastered, and I wasn’t seeing any new frequency patterns. I was in for a surprise.

After months of excruciating back pain, the doctors diagnosed me with severe scoliosis. They gave me two years to live. This nearly

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tore my parents apart. They were stricken with grief at the thought of losing one of their children. Miraculously, a new surgery became available,  and they went deep into debt to afford it.

My Dad got me signed up for this Harrington Rod Surgery. But, as luck would have it, during the operation, my aorta was accidentally nicked.

I bled out on the table.

Before this happened, I remember standing outside my body watching the doctors work; which isn’t an uncommon phenomenon for people having surgery. I was listening as the bones in my spine were being fractured and suddenly I remember seeing blood everywhere. At that moment, I remember thinking, literally, “That body’s shot. I’m out of here.”

I awoke in a new place, away from my broken. I now sat on a log in the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. It was the most quintessentially beautiful place I had ever seen. I could best describe it as a celestial garden. Flowers that glowed with warm golden light unfolded before me. Their intense colors coupled with delicate fragrance more exquisite than anything I

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knew filled the air, which felt light and balmy. I can only describe these sensations as the feeling of pure love.

I inhaled deeply – the air itself was oxygenated with pure love, a sense of peace and infinite knowing.

I started to feeling a humming inside of me. The vibration spread through my entire body, building in intensity. Faster and faster. The colors shone vibrantly. I felt a distinct sense of Oneness. Of Love both Outside and Within… just when I felt like I couldn’t take anymore…

There was a “POP!”

When this “pop” happened, I was blessed with an understanding of the energetic nature of our universe. It was like the sky opened. I perceived mathematical, physics based information. And within, I saw frequency codes,  informational wave-length signatures with the ability to serve as an elixir to the viruses holding people back.

These are what would become my Master Codes.

But, I didn’t stay there much longer. They brought me back to life. And while I had seen all of this amazing information, I didn’t

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fully grasp it yet. I was still a young girl who now would spend a year in a body-cast.

It still would take me twenty years to integrate what I had seen in a usable format.

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IMPRINT ZONES Emotional Carrier Waves and Imprint Zones are a core concept to

this work. I want to communicate this very clearly early on, because it’s an essential part of what’s to come. Emotional Carrier Waves have the power to imprint your morphic field and your DNA. Imprinting can raise or lower your WIN-state, making it harder, or easier, to create wealth.

What did you eat for lunch 34 days ago? You can’t answer that, can you? It’s because your lunch 34 days ago was a mundane affair. However, if I you asked me what I ate 10 minutes before a car came crashing through the front of the restaurant I was eating at, I could tell you that it was a garden salad with a lemon-olive oil dressing and three cherry tomatoes.


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The reason I could remember that is because our brain is trained to record information that might be relevant to emotionally charged events. This is survival imprinting, and its how species have been learning to stay alive for eons. It’s why that one salad could be remembered for the rest of a person’s life, but they might not recall a phone conversation they had thirty minutes ago.

This is how phobias are formed. There are so many examples of traumatic events creating negative imprints that I want to go into it further; what’s important is that positive emotions can imprint just as powerfully for love, success, and prosperity.

The day to day emotions that we experience, whether those are mild happiness or upset, usually fall within the “no imprint zone.” This means that new beliefs or ideas are not being imprinted. So you can spend ten hours saying “I believe in myself,” but as long as you remain in the no imprint zone, there will be little to no lasting effect.

On the low end of the graphic shows the “negative imprint zone” range. This is what has primarily been used for survival coding. These peaks of negative emotion (anger,

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fear, etc.), facilitate the imprinting of beliefs like fear of failure, thoughts like “I am not enough,” or “artists starve.” In our prehistoric past, these negative imprint zones were very useful for helping us form information systems that kept us safe from poisonous plants and animals.

What we are mostly interested in is the “positive imprint zone.” The positive imprint zone is the area of peak experiences of joy, love, bliss, and ecstasy. This allows for imprinting like “my passion will support me,” or “the world will provide for me.” These systems of belief are very powerful and facilitate the creation of our reality.

To recap, there are three “zones” of emotional intensity. At the highest positive charge, you have the positive imprint zone. This is when you are happiest or most in love, and it is possible to imprint empowering and wealth-creating information. The no imprint zone is where we usually reside. While in this doldrum, it’s very hard, if not impossible, to create lasting change in your imprints. The negative imprint zone is associated with creating imprints around fear of failure, fear of success, and other limiting beliefs.

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During my research and private practice, I came to understand that conventional therapy methods such as psychological counseling and pharmaceutical drugs were not addressing the core, underlying framework that was accessible only through these ECWs.

This is because the client’s emotional state never became high enough in vibration to rewrite what had already been etched in their field.

For a long time, this was my barrier. I knew that we  needed to be able to access the inner, energetic “vault” where these programs and scripts were stored, but how could we do that unless we were also experiencing a peak emotional experience?

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But what were the Emotional Carrier Waves helping to recode? I knew that they were an essential  ingredient to upgrading WIN-states and unlocking potential, but I didn’t yet understand the blueprint underneath.

That question led me on a journey where I grappled with my own genetic programming, where I struggled – and nearly failed – against the limiting imprints coded in my DNA that were lowering my WIN-state.

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THE GIFTS I tried steering my life in a normal direction. I got married and

graduated college. I had three beautiful children. But, I struggled with abuse in my relationship. After a dangerous escalation, I left with my three children and $54 dollars to my name.

My emotions were so high during that time; I vividly remember everything. I was so, so scared. I had no idea what I was going to do, or how I was going to care for my children and provide them the opportunities they deserved.

However, this moment led me back to my path of passion, and ultimately showed me how I could use what I learned during my second near death experiences.

I remember sitting there, watching my three small children sleep, asking “how can I possibly pull this off?” Intrinsically, I knew


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there was a solution. Yet everything seemed impossible at the time. I remember closing my eyes, and allowing myself to drift back and connect with that feeling of infinite love I had experienced in the celestial garden, and no sooner had I done that, then the answers ignited in my memory again.

In that meditation, I received the first set of master codes, and specific protocols for overwriting and canceling out what holds us back. There were 12 total, and each one corresponded to a distinct elixir frequency I had perceived during my time in the celestial garden.

I put them into practice with myself and my clients and noticed that they boosted a person’s WIN-state and lit up a person’s field as though they were experiencing a tremendous love experience and a reconnection with their soul’s path and purpose. It had taken me decades, but I finally understood how to use the knowledge I had received in my 2nd near death experience!

Amusingly, what I thought would be the conclusion to an already long-path was just another milestone in its development.

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My clients used these codes and protocols to tremendous effect. I gave them to my kids. My oldest son got into Lehigh University, my daughter got into Harvard, and my youngest son went to college when he was 14.

Even then, using them on myself, I developed a concrete private practice. My first book became an international bestseller all on its own accord, without me even having a foreign rights agent. Clients were pouring in from all over the world.

Before long I had too many clients. I realized that no matter how hard I worked, I couldn’t get these tools out to a large enough audience to create the impact the world needs.

I knew the codes were freeing me from these long-standing viruses that had been holding me back. But, it seemed too easy. The way I was raised, I thought that I had to work super hard to make anything happen. And that was my mistake.

In the midst of my success, I stopped doing my own protocols. I let the business of life as a single parent get in the way and my remaining old viral imprinting get in the way. I chose to play it safe – to play it small and not get any more visible, because as

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my early life experience had conditioned me, being seen might mean death.

Instead of trusting myself and this amazing work, I started thinking in a very linear fashion. I got into business endeavors that could help give me the financial security I thought I needed to take the time to write the new book I dreamed about publishing.

I bought land in East Houston. A contractor signed on to build the homes. It was a promising situation. Then suddenly, things flipped. The contractor disappeared, the economy flatlined… I was massively in debt, without a clue how to get out.

I made a mistake when I stopped using the codes and following the guidance of my passion path. My WIN-state lowered and I became vulnerable to the limiting imprinting I had not corrected. As I sank into debt, I continued asking what I could learn from this lesson.

Clearly there was something I had missed…

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A NEW KIND OF KARMA I had missed one the fundamental building blocks of the WIN-state - the

coding in your DNA.

DNA is the information system our body uses to form itself. It contains information about our hair and eye color, but recent breakthroughs have also shown DNA is changeable, and that the epigenetic coding of your DNA directly influences your belief systems and perceptions about reality.

This vast repository of information is utilized by your WIN-state. Picking up the imprints you have about money and success, the WIN-state actively reflects that and sends your information out to the world.

Soon I’ll start showing you how you can Recode Your DNA for Wealth upgrade your


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blueprint for life. But, before I do, we need to go over a little foundational material.

Why have you been struggling to break through? Why do “invisible” barriers that you can’t quite put your finger on keep holding you back and limiting your wealth? Do you know?

Well, the truth is… your DNA has been holding you back

Profound new studies reveal that that DNA influences not only your hair color, but also your fear responses, your core beliefs, your perception of reality. This can hold you back from unlocking your true potential!

You can think of this like a new kind of Karma – one that’s stored in your DNA – one that could be impacting your willingness to take risk and your ability to and create wealth and prosperity!

Startling! How Generations of Mice Became Conditioned... (keep reading)

New research from Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, reveals that it is possible for information about traumatic or stressful experiences to be passed on to subsequent generations through DNA. During the tests, scientists took mice and exposed

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them to alarming stimuli while releasing the smell of cherry blossoms into their habitat to create a fear response.

Here's what’s amazing: Subsequent generations of mice (who had not been conditioned) also experienced a fear response to the smell of cherry blossoms! This fear had been passed down through their DNA.

What this means for you: If your parents or grandparents experienced economic hardship, struggle, persecution, war or loss, your potential for wealth and success is most likely being limited by markers in your DNA. And your DNA stores it from 6 generations back…!

Think about it! If mice could become conditioned to being afraid of Cherry Blossoms, then it’s easy to understand how your forefather’s experiences could make trying to create wealth, find love or share your truth feel like the hardest thing in the world.

These hidden triggers and invisible barriers concealed in your DNA are certainly reducing your WIN-State and you are less prosperous because of it. Right now, this old patterning is literally shaping how you perceive your world, including your core beliefs about yourself and

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what you believe is possible. For most, it’s coded them for a life of scarcity, a life of “not enough.”

Now, don’t get me wrong. We can also be programmed with positive markers. This happens with intense positive emotional experiences such as winning the lottery. Who knows, perhaps your forefathers even struck it rich in the gold rush. But for the majority of humanity, the intense emotional experiences that have coded their DNA tend to be associated with survival and hardship imprints.

The GOOD NEWS is that the imprints that are holding you back are reversible - we have can overwrite the limiting beliefs stored in our DNA. And, I’ll share more about that in a moment…

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YOUR CHERRY BLOSSOM TRIGGERS Awareness is the first step to

Jumpstarting Your Wealth Gene.

Think about it: If mice could become conditioned to being afraid of Cherry Blossoms, then it’s easy to understand how your forefather’s experiences can make trying to create wealth, find love or share your truth feel like the hardest thing in the world.

Professor Wolf Reik, head of epigenetics at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, said of the Cherry Blossom study, “These types of results are encouraging as they suggest that transgenerational inheritance exists and is mediated by epigenetics.”


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What are your Cherry Blossom Triggers? The invisible barriers that hold you back – that you can’t quite put your finger on?

If you’ve ever been plagued by thoughts like, “there’s not enough…not enough money…not enough time…”

Or that “life is a struggle,” and that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get to where you want to go, then now is the time to find out how to keep reading and find out how to 'Turn Off' what may be holding you back.

You might be surprised!

Let’s get started with a short activity. Take just a moment to jot down 2 or 3 of the “Cherry Blossom Triggers” you are currently experiencing or have in the past experienced in your life. Those seemingly inexplicable, sometimes knee-jerk reactions to situations, fears about moving forward, or roadblocks that somehow seem to keep you from moving forward in life. Let me assure you, whatever your cherry blossom triggers are, you’re not alone.

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ACTIVITY Write down a short list of your “Cherry Blossom Triggers” and how they impact you:




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During my online training, I take you even further and introduce 5 steps you can take right now to start Recoding Your DNA for Wealth. You can sign up for free here:

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THE WRITEABLE CODE The study with Mice and Cherry Blossoms is only one example of

many which show how experience can imprint DNA and pass on belief systems, fears, and interference patterns. I will talk about this more in my online training, and it is a well-documented phenomenon.

What you need to know is this: high-emotion experiences of the past 6 generations have created a set of ‘rules’ for your life by imprinting your Junk DNA. This code either raises, or more probably, lowers your WIN-state.


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It is key to note that the experience is usually associated with intense fear or or anger or love. Remember Emotional Carrier Waves? Without these, none of the information gets stored in the DNA to be passed down for future generations.

A lot of people ask me why our DNA gets riddled with these viruses. Why would our DNA code to hold us back?

Keep in mind that our DNA served, for eons, to keep us alive in the wilderness. These are survival programming tricks, but we now live in a culture and society where we must be able to open up – and truly fly free – if we

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want to succeed in our dreams and live a life of wealth, passion, and ease.


Emotional Carrier Waves are key to access your Imprint Zones and coding your DNA for the future and if we can access the Positive Imprint Zone, we can overwrite negative programming stored in our DNA that’s holding us back.

I first had this thought when I came across an interesting study done in Russia. A team of scientists had taken the genetic code of a frog, and by broadcasting at this code information contained in sound (frequency), they changed the genetic structure into that of a salamander.

Incredible! They were able to fundamentally alter genetic code using nothing more than information and sound.

And what is sound really? Sound is a range of vibrational frequency that we can detect with our sense of hearing.

I asked myself – if scientists could change DNA this much with a frequency code, is there a way to change the limiting patterns in DNA using frequency?

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Asking myself this question put me down the final path of my journey. Within years, I would create a million-dollar technology capable of delivering personalized vibrational frequencies of love, allowing the user to access their Positive Imprint Zone purposefully re-imprint their Junk DNA for success.

BEYOND THE LAW OF ATTRACTION Odds are, you’ve heard about the Law

of Attraction. You’ve probably tried it. Similarly, I’m willing to bet that you’ve used positive affirmations. These are cool ideas, and some people have found success with them, but for the most part, we feel better only for a moment, then the empowerment passes away.


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This is because you are not actually raising the WIN-state. Without an intense emotional trigger, you are working at a superficial level. You’re not entering the Imprint Zone. Perhaps it does have an influence, but it’s not the sort of life-altering thing that has been promised over and over.

So, when I talk about recoding DNA and your limiting beliefs, how is it any different?

After you have identified your patterns – the ones that are lurking deep within your programming that you may not even be consciously aware of – you must access your Positive Imprint Zone to begin recoding your DNA for wealth.

And, the trouble is, that the very thing we are trying to overwrite, prevents us from access that extraordinary bandwidth of emotion required.

During my online training, I will be sharing more about how you can identify the areas that are holding you back.

The things you’re about to learn will fundamentally shift your understanding of how ‘luck’ happens, prosperity is created and how success is made. This is not about The Law of Attraction - in fact we are going to dive way beyond that into the very

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underpinnings of how your reality is creation through the Law of Formative Causation.

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Another integral component of your WIN-state is the broadcast of your morphic resonance. Morphic resonance is related to the morphogenetic field, a concept coined by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake in the late 20th century. The morphogenetic field in an underlying blueprint of information that informs your genetic system. This is one of your key interface points with the quantum world. The active components of your morphogenetic field change your resonant broadcast, which has a powerful impact on your WIN-state.

Now, what do I mean when I say ‘quantum?’ This is a word that’s thrown around a lot these days and with very little understanding. Similarly, doing a google search will lead you down a hundred


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different paths with very deep rabbit holes ending in a PhD.

For our purpose, connecting with the ‘quantum’ gives us the ability to tap into the universal network of information and unlock new resources and opportunities. Our quantum universe and our 4D world as we perceive it, are inextricably interwoven. Learning how to navigate this invisible landscape and engage, opens doors to potential where before there were none! And that’s just what you will be doing as you start Recoding Your DNA for wealth.

The powerful effect of morphic resonance has been well documented. Dr. Sheldrake himself ran a study on dogs and their owners. In this research, they showed that dogs were able to perceive when their owners began the return trip home, even when the schedule was out of the ordinary.

Other evidence of the “collective field” of morphic resonance has been shown by the formation of crystalline substances. When a new type of crystal is created – it is slowed to form at first. However, as more of this crystalline structure is created, the more it broadcasts its morphic resonance, and the faster other structures are able to form.

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We can even observe the power of morphic resonance in a study done on the Maharishi Effect. There have been numerous cases of an effort of meditators in various communities showing that when a small portion of a population practices transcendental meditation, the overall crime rate and violence goes down dramatically.

Because I promised this book would be short, I’m not going to go further into morphic resonance here. What you need to know is that this is a very powerful aspect of your WIN-state. Your morphic resonance is influenced by the coding of your DNA, as well as some other factors which I’ll be discussing in my online training.

Your morphic resonance and the information stored in your DNA are part of the “field” which informs your reality. This is field of information is what I was seeing as a child.

If your morphic resonance is broadcasting “struggle,” because that’s what’s coded in your DNA, then no matter how hard you think “success” and try to win, you’re not going to get ahead. You’ll scrounge and flail, but ultimately you won’t be making the sort of progress that you need.

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Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene Dawn Clark


THE ELIXIR Every disaster is an opportunity. Remember that?

After I sank deep into debt and struggled to return to a life of passion, I held onto that idea.

I used this wakeup call to change my life. I got back on path and to returned to what I was meant to be doing.

While working on a novel that I felt a calling to write, I also was putting my children through first-rate colleges, researching quantum physics and epigenetics, doing personal coaching for clients, and perfecting my own tools.

Still, I was struggling financially. I didn’t know how to receive. I was in “giver” mode. There was no way I was going to work my way out of this hole of indebtedness of the real estate going upside down doing what I was doing. At the same time, I knew I had


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to expand my work private clients. There were so many people in the world who needed help that I needed a new way to reach them.

Then, I had a breakthrough. My research into the fields of epigenetics and morphic resonance became fruitful and made sense out of the antidote frequencies I’d seen in the Celestial Garden.

Suddenly, I realized that with the proper imprinting statements and foundational work, a person can totally recode their DNA for wealth, enhance their morphic resonance, boost their WIN-state, and upgrade their life!

The only thing that was missing were the extraordinary Emotional Carrier Waves required for them to access their Positive Imprint Zone!

The answer sat in front of me all along. One night, while using my master codes, I realized that these were the very tools I needed to bridge the gap – these antidote frequencies of Pure Love. I had been using them for years, having other people use them, without truly realizing what they could do!

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However, the solution was still far away. Without technology, I wasn’t able to personalize the master codes to a point where they would be most effective for an individual.

I remember being almost ready to give up on the thought, because it seemed impossible to find the million dollars in funding necessary. I had no collateral to secure the note with.

But, instead of letting that negative imprint take over, I went back to my codes. I used them and I used foundational statements on myself.

Then suddenly, an investor miraculously appeared. I got the funding that I needed to develop this technology that I had been asking for, seeking for, a technology that could bring the codes I had gotten from my near death experiences and put them in a format that was personalized for individuals, so that they could be empowered to help themselves.

Since then, my work has gone out internationally. I’ve made steps in business that I didn’t even know existed, and the future has never looked brighter.

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And how did I do it? I’ll be sharing another secret to my success in the next chapter.

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AN INVITATION The concepts I have taught about here are the beginning. If

you utilize the tools I share here in an effective manner, you can absolutely begin upgrading your WIN-state. However, there is so much more.

I am doing an online training event which I have mentioned several times throughout this book.

During the training, I’ll be teaching about:

•   The 7 WIN-states •   5 Steps to Start Recoding Your DNA for

Wealth •   6 Reasons Most Fail and You Can


These trainings introduce new concepts beyond what I’ve talked about here in the book, so having read this will give you a big advantage.


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I invite you to join me during this event, absolutely FREE!

It’s my passion to help you unlock your potential, and the next step is me getting up there and teaching you new tools.

I look forward to seeing you there!

The technology and practices I have developed over decades can be applied simply and easily to anyone or anything… making them all that more powerful.

Take a look at this before and after depiction of differing WIN-States. You’ll be learning how to shift from this to this:

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The long and the short of it is that you’re going to be learning how to unlock your potential by upgrading your underlying blueprint for life - your morphic field - and recoding your DNA for opportunity creation, prosperity and wealth.

Because as it stands right now, at this very moment, you are coded within your DNA, and resonating in your field, are 6 generations of your ancestors limiting beliefs - beliefs born of the Depression Era, war, loss, prejudice and fear. These encoded imprints echo into your life, creating unwanted repeating patterns, unnecessary obstacles and a phenomenon I call “glimpsing,” whereby you get glimpses of what you want, only to have it disappear again.

The truth is you can recode the limiting beliefs of scarcity and lack stored in your DNA, and when you do, suddenly you can take immediate control of your financial destiny and create a passion-filled, purpose-driven life of prosperity, happiness, and the deep satisfaction born of conscious creation.

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UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL We’ve covered a lot in only a

few pages. From the power of the past to imprint your DNA, to your morphic resonance, and how both those things are influencing your WIN-state.

You’ve learned about the power of Emotional Carrier Waves, and that you actually have the ability to up your WIN-state and Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene.

But, this is only the beginning.

We all want wealth and financial freedom, right? But does true wealth refer only to money? When I say wealth, I’m not just talking about having hundreds of thousands, or millions of dollars in your bank account. It’s really about having the time and freedom to enjoy your life, so that you don’t feel you’re constantly trapped and moving


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out of reflex from place to place. It’s a sense of freedom, joy and prosperity.

Action is key to success.

After Jitendra, one of my students, implemented the tools and frameworks he learned in the Recode DNA for Wealth system, he was able to create a career opportunity that made his #1 dream come true. He was no longer feeling frustrated and off path -- he went from being the CEO of a failed startup, to heading up a global innovation team!

Let me tell you about Beth… although she was a nurse, she felt trapped live and in an abusive relationship. I’m proud to announce that, using the Recode Your DNA system, she was able to break free and is on her way to creating a private practice she loves and a brand new life! It’s truly inspirational! And that could be you!

You’re going to get to meet Beth in the workshop, and we’ll go step by step over how she did it, and you’re going to be amazed to see where her life is taking her now!

For now, I encourage you to take this knowledge and apply it to your everyday life. Notice where you are being held back

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and find out what the limiting imprint really is.

Recoding those imprints is the key for jumpstarting your wealth gene!

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THE BIGGER WHY If there’s one thing I know for certain, you're here for a reason. Your soul chose this

body with purpose, and the power of that purpose has created you - a human whose potential is tremendous, who can plot the trajectory of a satellite through the wastes of space or climb Mount Everest. What we do at our best not only serves us, it serves the whole world.

The universe is built on the foundational energy of Love. Love is the power that fuels creation - bringing life from the ashes of stars. Love has the power to span time. Love is the only thing we can take with us when we transition from this life.

Our purpose is to be Love. To behold life in its awesome glory; to play a part in the romance of reality.


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The fact is that every single human has an amazing potential. We soar across the cosmos with our minds, and we glide through the infinity of our inner worlds with the power of spirit.

The most important thing you can do is be yourself, and embrace that authentic purpose with love. Even when your path leads you down dark passages, or across dangerous lands, you have to trust that this is what you were designed to do. This life is your passion; this life is your path.

We are at a critical moment in human history. As of now, we hold more potential than ever before. Our access to information and communication is nearly unfathomable. The ability we have to chronicle our lives and create what we are passionate about is unparalleled by any other time.

As the wheel turns, we must recognize this chance we have to become better, more compassionate, more grateful than we have been.

This is an opportunity for us, at the global and individual level, to step up, move out of the past, and learn to create the future that we all know to be possible.

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Dawn Clark is an international best-selling author, speaker, futurist, and creator of next-generation tools who has spent more than twenty years helping

thousands of people unlock their potential and create profound breakthroughs personally and professionally.

Standing at the heart of science and spirituality, Dawn brings together cutting edge research from quantum physics, biochemistry, and technology, along with her own unique insights, some of which have been informed by profound near-death experiences.

You can learn more about Dawn at:

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Every  effort  has  been  made  to  accurately  represent  this  product  and  it’s  potential.    Even  though  this  industry  is  one  of  the  few  where  one  can  write  their  own  check  in  terms  of  earnings,  there  is  no  guarantee  that  you  will  earn  any  money  using  the  techniques  and  ideas  in  these  materials.    Examples  in  these  materials  are  not  to  be  interpreted  as  a  promise  or  guarantee  of  earnings.    Earning  potential  is  entirely  dependent  on  the  person  using  our  product,  ideas  and  techniques.    We  do  not  purport  this  as  a  “get  rich  scheme.”  

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This  book  is  ©  copyrighted  by  Dawn  Clark,  Dawn  Clark  Productions,  LLC  and  Infinite  EnergyLinks,  Inc.  and  is  protected  under  the  US  Copyright  Act  of  1976  and  all  other  applicable  international,  federal,  state  and  local  laws,  with  ALL  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  may  be  copied,  or  changed  in  any  format,  sold,  or  used  in  any  way  other  than  what  is  outlined  within  this  book  under  any  circumstances  without  express  permission  from  Dawn  Clark,  Dawn  Clark  Productions,  LLC  and  Infinite  EnergyLinks,  Inc.