Page 1: July 2012 Newsletter - 2012 Newsletter EditorialEditorial The Western Cape has embraced the sudden bitterly cold

Western Province Athletics

July 2012 Newsletter

EditorialEditorialEditorialEditorial The Western Cape has embraced the sudden bitterly cold and wet winter conditions. The events

calendar also depicts the normal winter trend with a lot fewer events scheduled for the coming

month. We must encourage clubs and commissions to prepare for the upcoming season that begins

after the school holidays.

The Cross Country league events show some positive increase in numbers notwithstanding the

weather conditions. Our Junior and Master category events are experiencing a total new era with

very good participation and quality performances. It is the senior category that lacks participation in

both male and female performances. This situation is not healthy for WPA and we must concentrate

on this field of athletes to ensure growth. It is true that all athletes are not participating in Cross

Country but history has proven itself time and again that every school, club or province that

competes during the winter bares the fruit in the season that follows.

Road Running and Race Walking are also experiencing a much more widely spread fixtures

calendar with much fewer events. We are in a fortunate position where we are able to host an

event each weekend. This is the time that the clubs must ensure that we maintain the high standard

of events that we normally host in WPA.

The Track & Field athletes have performed exceptionally well with Roscoe Engel winning a gold

medal as part of the relay team and Juanita Stander winning the silver medal in the women’s pole

vault at the African Senior Championships in Benin.

WPA is thrilled to announce that the licence numbers purchased to date stands at 9725 senior

licences and 870 junior licences. We have witnessed incredible growth in the province, which will

place WPA as the second biggest province in the country. We believe we will reach the 11 000 mark

and can easily end the season on a record of 12 000 licenced members in WPA. We ask clubs again

to please submit their completed licence forms to the office as soon as possible as these athletes

need to be placed on the ASA system for licence insurance cover.

Administration in the WPA office under the General Manager with our very dedicated office staff is

continuously improving and serves the clubs in the best possible way. Most of the club administration

is of a high standard. For the first time WPA had to unfortunately cancel an event due to bad club

administration and management. Certain events were hosted over the past month where the

organisation and planning did not serve the province or the athletes that participated in these

events, which is a serious concern.

Information that is distributed at Council meetings, decisions taken, and new implementations, are

not known by all the clubs/members in the Province. Some clubs do have bad administration and

will be under guidance from the Board in the next few months. The Board is available to assist clubs

and not to police the province. We do appeal to all the clubs to ask for assistance to ensure that

their administration is correct. An attitude of zero tolerance will be in place at all times and failure to

comply will reflect negatively on these clubs, members or athletes.

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Please remember that all clubs must have a minimum of 20 senior licenced athletes and junior

members that are actively participating across the four disciplines of athletics. Programs must be

followed to ensure a positive outcome from our partnership agreements in the province. Small

empires and personal grievances cannot stop the noble sport of Athletics in WPA.

The upcoming events on the national ASA calendar in the province are the SA 21km Championships

on the 26th of August in Tokai as a closed event with participating provincial athletes. This is followed

by the Cape Town Marathon on the 23rd of September and the SA Race-walk 50km Championships

during October. This is the first time that we have three events on the national calendar and we wish

to call on all members and clubs for support and assistance, let the province be proud and

honoured to host these events.

Athletics Regards

Jakes Jacobs

CCCCommission News ommission News ommission News ommission News RACE WALKING

As race-walkers, we mostly have a vague idea that you are allowed 2 warnings for contravention of

correct race-walking technique, with a 3rd warning leading to disqualification.

An extensive document on the new IAAF 2012 rule changes are available on the IAAF website in

electronic PDF format. Follow the link: You will find rules pertaining to

all track and field disciplines with the Race Walking section starting from page 216. What the rule

book does not discuss is the exception to the rule within the final 100m of a race where instant

disqualification can be imposed even though the athlete has not had any prior warnings. No

mention is made either of the generally accepted condition that an athlete wears apparel keeping

their knees exposed.

The most important change in the rules for the Race Walking fraternity is the change in the wording

of a “Caution” (previously “warning”) issued by a Race Walking Judge to a race walker who is

potentially in contravention of these race walking rules.

The word “Caution” is now simply replaced with Yellow Paddle indicating the bent knee “chevron”

or the lifting “squiggle”.

In other words a race walk Judge may present a “Yellow Paddle” in the event of an athlete breaking

any of the 2 race walking rules, however the same Judge may not show a Yellow Paddle to the

same athlete for the same offence twice. In essence a race walker could get 2 Yellow Paddles from

the same judge; one for loss of contact and one for a bent knee. If the race walker does not correct

his/her technique the judge must issue a Red Card after which the athlete is no longer being judged

by that particular judge.

When three Red Cards from three different Judges have been sent to the Chief Judge on the same

athlete, the athlete is disqualified and he shall be notified of his/her disqualification by the Chief

Judge or a Chief Judge’s Assistant by being shown a red paddle.

This is a worthwhile document to read for anybody who is keen to learn more about the rules

pertaining to track and field but hopefully our WP race-walkers are all well within their legal race-

walking technique.

The next 10km League Walk takes place on 22 July at the Zevenwacht Mall. Until we see you there,

just keep on walking…

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Running Road Races

Running races should be a great experience and is the measure to examine your level of fitness.

Running appeals to the wider athletic community and there are the elite athletes’ right through to

the "back of the pack" athletes. To ensure everyone has a great race, there are elements needed

to be in place.

Running Race Reminders

• Parking: Get to a race early. There are times, such as experienced at UWC 10km where the

venue used at previous races, was not available. This created a problem and you needed to park a

distance away. On the subject of parking, park to ensure the parking area can take the maximum

amount of cars. One carelessly parked car can block access to another vehicle. Do not take

valuables to a race and leave any tog bags hidden in the boot of your car. According to the

police, most break-ins are into vehicles where goods are visible. Races should all have a tog bag

security so make use of those. Parking at times is at such a premium so try share lifts with a mate.

• Race Entry: Entry fees increased as at April 2012. The entry fee is a guide for the WPA clubs

and races cannot charge more than the determined entry fee. Clubs can charge less but not more

unless by special arrangement by WPA Council. Race flyers all have to be approved by WPA and

should appear on the WPA website. Check the race entry fee and come to the race with the

correct cash amount. Trying to give change on the morning of a race causes delays. Make sure

you have the correct race entry card. Very often people working at race entry tables are volunteers

who do not necessarily know the rules. Race entry areas are sometimes small, so once you have

purchased your entry card, fill in your card at the allotted area and move out of the area. When it is

cold it is tempting to stay in a warm area, if you do make sure you are not blocking the entrances.

At some venues, in the interest of safety, one way traffic is imposed, follow the rules. Do not try

entering the area against the flow. This was seen at the recent Brackenfell race.

• Race: Some runners get to the race early and wait on the start line. This is perfectly

acceptable. Some of the faster runners arrive at the last minute as they have been warming up.

Faster runners try to be accommodating to those runners who have arrived early. Everyone needs to

be behind the start line when the gun is fired. If you arrive after the gun has been fired, please

remember you do need to cross the start line. Running abreast in the race can cause problems.

One of the joys of running is the camaraderie and very often as many as four runners can be seen

strung across the road. This does cause problems as it is difficult to pass. If it is an out an back run, it

also can be a safety hazard as there are runners on both sides of the road as we saw at the Mamre

15km race. Also if it is a relay race and a longer race as we had at Bay to Bay earlier this year, the

runners who were doing the full race encountered slower runners running abreast who had had a

fast first leg runner. This did create a problem and spoiled the chances of those full distance athletes

doing a good time.

• Marshals: Marshals are appointed and together with the traffic officers are there to ensure

your safety. On the morning of the race things can go wrong and last minute changes are made to

ensure your safety. Please do not cross unless the marshal or traffic officer has indicated you to do

so. So often one runner crosses a road inappropriately and then everyone just follows. This is a

dangerous practice. Remember we are running in the road and there will be vehicles on the road.

On the busier routes such as at the recent Brackenfell race who will be asked to stop for traffic.

Marshals are volunteers and have in most cases got up and gone to their positions a lot earlier than

you have got up. Please be polite and do not take out your frustrations on these people.

• Water/Coke Tables: There are rules regarding the stations along the route. The allocation is

three water sachets per runner per station. However, sometimes the race entries far exceed the

expectations so if you only need one sachet, please do not take three. Refuse boxes should be

placed so you can dispose of the empty sachet. If this is not the case, please keep the empty

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sachet until you find somewhere to dispose of it. Sew your licence number as a pocket on the front

of your vest as it makes a great place for that empty sachet. Please do not throw your empty

sachet into the bushes along the road. Race organizers have to clean the route after a race and

sachets thrown into bushes create extra work. Remember, a route not properly cleaned, will not be

allowed by the City next time.

• Finish: At some races the entries far exceed the entries expected or manageable on a

manual basis. It would be great to have timing chips but this would increase race entry fees. This

was something seen at both the Lighthouse run and Constantia Village this year. Be patient, stay in

the order as you cross the line. Remember to put your finish entry into the finish sachet and put on

the board or in the box provided. We are very aware of the pirate runners who run races. This is not

acceptable. Please do not throw the finish sachet away as the race organizers have the added

expense of replacing any missing sachets.

• Medical: Licenced runners are covered by insurance for medical incidents while running.

Please report an incident to the race referee.

At the halfway stage of the 2012 Powerade League, last year’s winners - ARD Athletic Club - is again

leading the standings.

The Powerade League is the inter-club participation competition for WPA Road Running and is

designed to encourage maximum participation by club runners in the selected events. Each finisher

earns a point for their club. A weighting factor enables clubs of all sizes to compete.

The 2012 league consists of 10 monthly events, ending in October. Prizes will be awarded at the WPA

Awards function in November.

The events in November and December will count for the 2013 league.

A club’s best 8 scores count. With this in mind it is interesting to see that ARD has already “sacrificed”

two events, so they will have to be competitive in all the remaining events. Top Form in second place

however have good scores in all events to date so can afford to “drop” one or more of the

remaining events. It should remain competitive up to the final event.

The remaining events of the 2012 Powerade League are:

EERSTERIVER 15 23/06/2012


ATLANTIS 15 25/08/2012

CAPE TOWN MARATHON 42 & 10 23/09/2012

GUN RUN 21 & 10 14/10/2012

Please remember that only permanent licensed runners count for points. It is therefore essential that

members supply their license numbers on the entry cards otherwise they will be excluded.

If you have any questions regarding the league points please feel free to contact Chris

Goldschmidt [email protected]

The full list of positions is shown below. Please note that there are a few minor changes compared to

the version that was distributed on email as a result of corrections.

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8 scores

Club Club Event RAW ADJUSTED

Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL TOTAL

Position after 5 events Red HillKoebergCentury CityGlenryckBrackenfellEersteDave SpenceAtlantisCape TownGun Run

1 ARD 65 54 100 100 64 100 418 300

2 Top Form 172 100 96 94 100 94 484 296

3 In Touch 84 72 98 60 94 98 422 290

4 Telkom 60 94 72 86 88 96 436 278

5 M. Plain Titans 112 80 90 90 92 86 438 272

6 Itheko Sport 653 52 94 96 44 80 366 270

7 Ommiedraai & Friends 90 37 92 88 40 84 341 264

8 Edgemead 310 82 86 92 72 82 414 260

9 RCS Guguletu 234 86 70 50 96 78 380 260

10 Plexus Durbanville 366 90 40 46 90 74 340 254

11 Pinelands 212 74 84 80 78 70 386 242

12 Celtic Harriers 479 78 80 76 80 56 370 238

13 Strand 215 96 10 10 82 60 258 238

14 Vodacom Striders 60 42 78 84 42 76 322 238

15 Nedbank 165 62 58 66 98 62 346 226

16 Ravensmead 49 10 88 82 54 50 284 224

17 Easterns Kraaifontein 58 10 24 74 56 90 254 220

18 Sanlam 102 28 64 64 30 92 278 220

19 West Coast 300 68 76 48 76 42 310 220

20 Tygerberg 268 20 66 78 10 72 246 216

21 Blue Downs 30 10 0 40 86 88 224 214

22 Atlantic 380 88 50 12 70 28 248 208

23 NB Multi Sport 555 70 42 56 68 68 304 206

24 Melkbos 41 66 68 18 60 64 276 198

25 Century City 58 10 74 72 38 48 242 194

26 Acsis VOB 857 98 54 22 36 40 250 192

27 Brackenfell 298 56 60 70 58 20 264 188

28 SAP 30 32 0 18 84 66 200 182

29 Bidvest 55 10 38 98 10 44 200 180

30 Defence WP 167 50 52 52 12 46 212 154

31 Bellville 277 48 26 10 50 54 188 152

32 RWFL 328 10 46 54 10 52 172 152

33 Foresters 68 92 10 0 46 10 158 148

34 Old Mutual 81 37 10 58 52 26 183 147

35 Multi Sports Maniacs 20 76 20 26 18 32 172 134

36 Metropolitan 167 26 30 34 66 18 174 130

37 Eskom Gijimas 73 12 12 38 48 38 148 124

38 Stragglers 20 10 56 26 14 30 136 112

39 Fit 2000 25 15 0 10 62 34 121 111

40 Helderberg Harriers 130 18 32 42 10 36 138 110

41 Eersterivier 59 10 62 36 10 10 128 108

42 Hout Bay 111 84 10 0 10 0 104 104

43 Atlantis Harriers 30 0 82 10 10 0 102 102

44 Orak 25 10 0 26 16 58 110 100

45 Southern Striders 35 60 16 18 10 22 126 100

46 Khayelitsha 39 10 10 62 0 24 106 96

47 Wildrunner 85 10 48 30 10 14 112 92

48 Acsa 20 10 0 68 10 0 88 88

49 Elsies River 26 0 0 0 74 12 86 86

50 Satori 80 64 0 0 10 10 84 84

51 Sacs Old Boys 40 44 0 10 26 10 90 80

52 Spartan Harriers 303 40 10 10 24 16 100 80

53 Fish Hoek 179 58 10 0 10 10 88 78

54 Correctional Services 51 10 28 14 34 0 86 76

55 Harfield Harriers 120 34 10 10 32 10 96 76

56 Langebaan Strandlopers 63 22 44 10 10 10 96 76

57 Farnese 27 46 0 0 10 10 66 66

58 Mr Price WP 20 0 0 44 20 0 64 64

59 UCT 214 10 14 32 10 10 76 56

60 Mamre 20 10 35 0 10 0 55 55

61 WP Cricket Club 60 10 0 10 28 10 58 48

62 Somerset Striders 44 24 0 10 10 10 54 44

63 Pick n Pay 46 10 0 10 22 10 52 42

64 Mates 45 30 0 10 0 0 40 40

65 Darling 1 0 35 0 0 0 35 35

66 Macassar 20 15 0 10 10 10 45 35

67 ATC 210 10 10 10 10 10 50 30

68 CPUT 70 0 10 10 10 10 40 30

69 Herbalife 20 10 20 0 0 0 30 30

70 Resbank 24 0 20 0 0 10 30 30

71 UWC 205 0 10 10 10 10 40 30

72 Groot Constantia 30 10 0 0 10 0 20 20

73 Arcelor Mittal 50 10 0 0 0 0 10 10

74 Bonteheuwel 32 0 0 0 10 0 10 10

75 Hewat 20 10 0 0 0 0 10 10

76 Namakwa 45 0 0 10 0 0 10 10

77 Asics 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

78 Chaeli Sports & Rec. 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

79 Ravensmead Jnr AC 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

80 South Peninsula 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

81 TM Mbiza 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

82 WC Sports School 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Level 1

Track Events

Field Events

16 July 2012

17 July 2012

18 July 2012

19 July 2012

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

N. Abels

N. Abels / C. Piedt

C. Piedt

G. Burgess

Time Keeping

(Road Clocks)

25 July 2012

19h00 - 21h00

K. Harlock

Level 1

Road Running

Cross Country

14 August 2012

15 August 2012

16 August 2012

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

C. Goldschmidt

C. Goldschmidt

B. Oliver

Level 1

Track Events

Field Events

20 August 2012

21 August 2012

22 August 2012

23 August 2012

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

N. Abels

N. Abels / C. Piedt

C. Piedt

G. Burgess



Practical (In season)

4 September 2012

19h00 – 21h00

V. Desai

Level 1

Road Running

Cross Country

11 September 2012

12 September 2012

13 September 2012

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

C. Goldschmidt

C. Goldschmidt

B. Oliver

Level 2

Track Events

Field Events

17 September 2012

18 September 2012

19 September 2012

20 September 2012

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

19h00 – 21h00

J. Arendse

J. Arendse

G. Burgess

C. Le Roux

Check and Mark


10 / 11 October 2012

19h00 – 21h00

C. Le Roux / G. Burgess

Electronic Timing



19 October 2012

20 October 2012

19h00 – 21h00

12h00 – 14h00

J. Evans

J. Evans

Refresher Course

Road Running

5 January 2013

14h00 -17h00

C. Goldschmidt

Refresher Course

Track & Field

12 January 2013

14h00 -17h00

G. Burgess / J. Arendse

•••• REFRESHER COURSE – New Rules Discussion / Technical Officials Affiliation / Registration for 2013.

•••• ALL COURSES – R100.00


•••• VENUE – TBC

Club News Club News Club News Club News HARFIELD HARRIERS

Following the news of the death of Andrzej Okreglicki, we would like to

honour him. Right: Andrzej receiving his permanent number from

Helderberg Harriers, vice-president James Duncan, at last year's Mr Price

Winelands marathon on 19 November 2011.

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will be hosting the

Saturday 21st July 2012

at the

Strandfontein Sports Complex,

Spine Road, Strandfontein

Pssssssst ……….

this one is gonna be very different so make a date to be there!!!!!

SSSh!!! We gonna have a pikkie run for the 3 to 5 years ……

(Limited to first 50 entrants)




Enquiries: Mark – 083 375 7621 or Tony – 082 947 5102


Rewarding Effort and Excellence

“Nothing beats the feeling of being rewarded for your efforts; and nothing beats the feeling of

rewarding efforts”

With the above quote in mind, acknowledging performance is part of

Ravensmead Athletic Club’s objectives. After several delays, the 22 June

2012 became a night to remember. Not only did the club celebrate the

awards evening, we also celebrated a milestone – the Club’s 30th


The MC for the evening (walker and master athlete of the year 2011),

Willem Fransman Jnr, kept the audience well entertained and took us

back with snippets from the past 30 years, like the price of bread, a litre of

petrol that cost R1.75 and car of the year, the Ford Escort. (MC Willem Fransman)

6th Western Province Cross Country League

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The keynote speech by John Stewe, a fellow runner and club member, was inspirational. His theme

for the event was “Running is not just about running” and “there is more to runing than just running...”

This made us think, and so should it make you also think. Doesn’t it make you wish you were there?

The club will soon have this on CD/DVD for those interested in hearing his inspiring message.

Because this events included the 30th anniversary celebration of the club, we were priviledged to

have some of the founder members, Carlisle and Sharon Newman and past members, in our midst.

Calla, as he is fondly known, took us back to the early years. It became clear that the roots of this

club run very deep, and it was fitting that Calla lit the first candle that symbolized the start of a

special club 30 years ago. A candle was lit for each past and present leadership who sustained the

existence of the club. Taking the very first step 30 years ago (against all odds) was significant to

carve a path for decades to come. Lives were shaped, formed and transformed through athletics

(Running is not just about Running!!!). Now 30 years later, members of RAC count themselves

priviledged and blessed to be part of such a historical club that has produced athletes of high

quality and caliber and pledge to continue on this trend.

Our esteemed guest, Jakes Jacobs, president of WPA, put our sport into perspective. Our awards

evening took place at the time the Baby Boks won the junior rugby world cup for the first time. In

Jakes’s words – “… in that field, 15 guys are sad, and 15 guys are happy. But with running everybody

is happy when the final whistle is blown. You can stand alongside greats such as Vladimir Kotov, our

own Zintle Xiniwe and others at the start, and at the end of the race both are winners in their own

rights, because each one achieved a goal set out before the race (Running is not just about

Running!!!). Also, you can run long after your expiry date, for frankly in running there is no age


After the speeches, members were reawarded for their effort and time put in 2011. It was indeed a

delight to see the surprise and excitement on the faces of the recipients, as if the MC was making a

joke when he called out their names. Members received recognition in every category in which they

represented the club, i.e senior, veteran and master. For merit, the awards ranged from the best

times over a certain distance to athlete of the year in the various categories. The best running

couple of the year went to Reggie and Lynette Madjoe. The administrator of the year went to

Abram Madiehe, for his hard work in steering the club in the right direction. The chairperson’s award

went to Elizabeth-Ann Daniels, who worked tirelessly with the fundraising committee to ensure that

the club is financially self-sufficient.

The three main accolades were for sportsman, sportswoman and sportsperson of the year. Abram

Madiehe received the award for Sportsman of the year. He participated in 49 events, covering

850km. Sportswoman of the year award went to Fundiswa Sandi, who participated in 61 events,

covering about 1070km in road running, cross country and race walking. She represented WPA in the

20km championship grandprix and came home in position number 4. And finally, Sportsperson of the

year, went to Fundiswa Sandi. She is certainly not a flash in the pan! She took to running like a duck

to water. We as club members have seen how she has developed since joining Ravensmead AC.

She has flown the Ravensmead flag very high in 2011. You make us proud to be a Ravies. All we can

say about Fundiswa is - Watch this space!!! Fittingly she lit a candle symbolising development and

the future of the club.

(Jakes with Sportsman of the year – A. Madiehe) (Jakes with Sportswoman, Sportsperson of the year – F. Sandi)

The chairperson then mapped the way forward for the future of the club. He pronounced that RAC

is no longer the ugly duckling of the WPA, but a swan – and this must be sustained for the next 30

years. He thanked the founders of the club, our guests, Jakes Jacobs (president of WPA) for always

believing in the club, Carlisle Newman for making and donating the beautiful trophies, Captain

Pietersen (SAPS) and Mr Kosta Theys (Neighbourhood Watch) for always being available to render

safety and security services at our events, Ms Glenda Abrahams for paramedical services, Piet Meyer

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(Tygerberg Sports Trust) for supporting the club, Diane …. David Olivier and Bruintjies family for

sponsoring the club events.

Thanks to David Charles for capturing the awesome moments on film; to all the members present

and those who could not make it. And last but not least, the awards committee who worked hard to

make this evening a success. A special salute to Blossom James, for her labour of love for the club.

To our fellow athletes in the WPA, our keynote speaker reminded us that “there is more to running

than just running...”. We are a community, and come from various communities that are in despair

and in great need. So, when you put on those running shoes to take bold steps towards greatness,

take a moment to reflect on this notion - “Running is not just about running” and “there is more to

running than just running...”. Along your way, we urge you to encourage and develop others to

achieve greatness through athletics.

Go Ravies!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Comrades 2012

This was indeed the most promising comrades for our club. Out of 56 members 29 made the trip to

Durban. 19 participated in the ultra and 4 runners that ran the events on the Saturday. They were

also part of our support group of 10. We had 4 husband and wife teams of which Bradley and his

wife Chantel did their 1st voyage in Two Oceans and Comrades. Although Chantel picked up an

injury two weeks before Comrades her determination made her finish in a comfortable time. We are

also proud of the father and daughter team, where Merril had no respect for her father and finished

37min in front of him. Our stars of the day are, Randall, who ran his first silver in a time of 07:20 and our

novice, Ismail, finishing in 11:14. Doug Husselmann finished his 14th voyage, the most in our club.

Another husband and wife competition, between Jonathan and Jeanette Cloete, where Jonathon

promised to stop running if his wife ever finished in front of him… JC make good to your promise

because Jeanette showed you a pair of heels.

For the 5 for whom comrades OC did not give enough time

to finish, never give up 2013 will be better.

In total our club covered 1629 comrades’ km’s within

12hours…….well done!

To our support team, you were the heroes of the

day…….thank you.

To the Western Province comrades contingent, well done

and looking forward to comrades 2013.

WPA DeveWPA DeveWPA DeveWPA Development lopment lopment lopment WP KIDS HOLIDAY CAMP

Western Province Athletics is committed to increasing and improving kids athletics within the Western

Cape. One of the key roles of WPA is to create opportunities for participation in athletics; our plan

aims not only to achieve the stated objectives but also to make enormous strides in development

within our affiliated clubs and communities.

Western Province Athletics in partnership with the Two Oceans Association will be hosting a Holiday

Camp for 150 children aged from 7 years to 16 years at Vygieskraal Stadium, Athlone, from Monday

2 July to Friday 6 July 2012, 08H30 to 14H00. The holiday programme is an extension of the Kids

Athletics Development Programme which is active throughout the year.

The children will be transported on a daily basis to Vygieskraal Stadium from the following areas;

Athlone, Constantia, Eerste River, Gugulethu, Khayelitsha, Kraaifontein, Mitchells Plain, Parow and


Children will be well entertained and educated in a secure environment with fun teambuilding and

fitness activities, games, educational and life skills, as well as an exciting excursion to the Two

Oceans Aquarium. Children will also receive a healthy and nutritional breakfast and lunch each day.

Interested individuals are invited to attend the holiday programme which will give them an

opportunity to learn more about the progress, objectives and goals of the Western Province Athletics

Development Programme.

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JuJuJuJulylylyly Events CalendarEvents CalendarEvents CalendarEvents Calendar







CLUB Contact Person Contact No. E-Mail



CAA African Senior Championships



ASA ASA Office



Orak 12 Hour Race



Vredendal Sports Grounds

Orak Gerrie Cillers 083 650 0642 [email protected]

8-Jul Sun Dave Spence Memorial race 10 7:30 RCS NY 49 Stadium, Gugulethu RCS Guguletu AC Marshall Moiloa 084 650 8758 [email protected]

Sun Dave Spence Memorial race 4 7:30 NY 49 Stadium, Gugulethu RCS Guguletu AC Stanley Malange 076 470 8592 [email protected]



World Junior Championships


Barcelona, ESP

ASA ASA Office



World Junior Championships


Barcelona, ESP

ASA ASA Office



World Junior Championships


Barcelona, ESP

ASA ASA Office



World Junior Championships


Barcelona, ESP

ASA ASA Office



World Junior Championships


Barcelona, ESP

ASA ASA Office



World Junior Championships


Barcelona, ESP

ASA ASA Office

14-Jul Sat Bastille Day Trail Trail Franschoek Trevor Ball



Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay 21km




Gordonsbay Spur

Strand AC Lester Burrow 082 424 8547 [email protected]



Cross Country League 6



Bidvest AC WPA Office 021 699 0615 [email protected]



Voet of The Wine Route 10 km



Zevenwacht Mall Kuilsrivier

In Touch AC Pricilla Willaims 076 230 4919 [email protected]

Sun Voet of The Wine Route 10 km Walk

10 W


Zevenwacht Mall Kuilsrivier

In Touch AC Marie Uys 082 897 5416 [email protected]

Sun Voet of The Wine Route 5 km



Zevenwacht Mall Kuilsrivier

In Touch AC Magda Roos 082 412 9007 [email protected]



Cape Winter Trail Series 1 of 4



Tygerberg Nature Reserve

Wildrunner Event Manager 072 438 3242 [email protected]



Cross Country League 7 CC


Mitchell's Plain Titans AC WPA Office 021 699 0615 [email protected]



Hout Bay Trail Challenge Trail

Hout Bay

Claire Ashworth [email protected]



Cape Winter Trail Series 2 of 4



Paarl Mountain

Wildrunner Event Manager 072 438 3242 [email protected]

Should you wish to share your club or event news please send the information to [email protected]

