Page 1: Js effects and manipulation 1

Jordan SmithBefore and after editing

This is the original sound file I used to edit into the sound that I now have.

This is the sound file after the editing process.

Page 2: Js effects and manipulation 1

Jordan Smith

All of the shift commands all relatively do the same thing; they adjust the pitch of the audio and some change the audio wave length more than others to make the clip sound more distorted and more like an echo. They work better when you have first fully moved the wet or dry effect all the way up, or all the way down. This helps the change in the audio and is a lot more noticeable when you listen to it over again; it seems each command vastly changes the audio piece, when you fully pull them up or down.

The attack option seems as though it controls the smoothness of the audio.

The length changes the wave length and increases the echo the more the amp it up.

The width of the audio adjusts the band width and extends a noise for a certain amount of time due to the option selected.

The Damp effect control the duration of audio disturbance effects, such an effect that it adjusts is the pitch.

The Dry effects adjust the volume/pitch of the audio, the higher the pitch, the higher the volume is increased along with it.

Lo, Color Mid and Hi all sound like the control the depths of the audio.

The Wet L and Wet R control setting adjust the volume of the overall audio.
