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Madrid, 26 de mayo 2015


Almudena Agüero Punto Nacional de Contacto del Joint Research Centre

Subdirección General de Relaciones Internacionales y con Europa MINECO-SEIDI

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1. Información general del JRC

2. El Instituto de la Salud y Protección de los Consumidores (IHCP)

3. Acceso a las infraestructuras

4. El foro europeo para la ciencia y la industria

5. Oportunidades de acceso y empleo

6. El Papel de los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto

7. Conclusiones

Nota: JRC ha sido el proveedor de la información de esta presentación

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1. Información general del JRC

2. El Instituto de la Salud y Protección de los Consumidores (IHCP)

3. Acceso a las infraestructuras

4. El foro europeo para la ciencia y la industria

5. Oportunidades de acceso y empleo

6. El Papel de los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto

7. Conclusiones

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The JRC in the European Commission


Jean-Claude Juncker

27 Commission Members

4 17 June 2015 JRC is the in-house science service of the European


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Joint Research Centre





European Reference

Laboratories, Centres & Bureaus


17 June 2015

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JRC Institutes

• IRMM – Geel, Belgium

Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements

• ITU – Karlsruhe, Germany, and Ispra, Italy

Institute for Transuranium Elements

• IET – Petten, The Netherlands, and Ispra, Italy

Institute for Energy and Transport

• IPSC – Ispra, Italy

Institute for the Protection and Security of the


• IES – Ispra, Italy

Institute for Environment and Sustainability

• IHCP – Ispra, Italy

Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

• IPTS – Seville, Spain

Institute for Prospective Technological Studies

• Established 1957

• 7 institutes in 6 locations in 5 EU Member States

• 3027 staff in June 2014

• Budget: €393 million annually, plus €73 million earned income

• Excellence mapping of JRC activities. 1370 scientific

publications in 2014

JRC at a glance

•Up to 3% belong to the top 1% most cited publications

•Up to 23% belong to the top 10% most cited publications

•In many scientific areas, the JRC scores similarly to the range of the Top-15 organisations

•JRC co-authored publications with 87% of the Top-100 ranked universities

•JRC has formal agreements with almost half of the universities in the Top-100 rankings

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As the Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre's mission is to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle. Working in close cooperation with policy Directorates-General, the JRC addresses key societal challenges while stimulating innovation through developing new methods, tools and standards, and sharing its know-how with the Member States, the scientific community and international partners.

The Mission of the Joint Research Centre

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Cooperation and support to Member States

and Associated Countries is central in JRC's


• Horizon 2020: objectives for non-nuclear work

• nuclear work funded by the EURATOM Research

and Training Programme

• scientific and technical support throughout the

policy-making cycle


Overall Objectives (1/2)

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• Independence from private or national interests

combined with scientific-technical reference role

enables consensus building between stakeholders

and policy makers

• Support ERA: research networking, training,

opening facilities and databases to users in

Member States and in Associated Countries

• Promote integration of new Member States and

Associated Countries: dedicated training courses

on the scientific-technical basis of the body of

Union law


Overall Objectives (2/2)

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Connections at political level



- Presidency

- Scientific Attachés

Permanent Representations to EU

Regional authorities

European Parliament

national Ministries

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Presidency of the Council of the EU

• The Presidency rotates among EU Member States

every 6 months

• Presidency chairs meetings at every level in the

Council to ensure continuity of EU's work

• JRC's support to Latvian Presidency (1 January-30 June 2015)

— Smart specialization event (12-13 February, Riga)

— Council Research Working Party's visit of JRC-Ispra (26-27 March)

— JRC-IHCP speaker - European Consumer Protection Conference (23-24 April , Riga)

— DG JRC's side event "Putting the Science into Standards" - European

Standardization Summit (3 June, Riga)

— Invitation of Latvian delegates - European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (1-4

June, Vienna)

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Connections at scientific level



Research & Technology

organisations (RTOs)

Individual researchers

Industry/ Private


National research


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Different modalities of cooperation

• Joint research

• Joint publications

• Access to JRC infrastructure

• Exchange of information and


• Exchange of personnel

• Joint conferences and events

• Ad hoc requests…etc.

But no transfer of money.

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• Collaboration Agreements, Memoranda of

Understanding, Letters of Intent

e.g. joint research, information sharing and personnel


• Scientific networks

e.g. methods and measurements

harmonisation/validation, common standards

definition: support to EU legislation implementation

• Competitive Activities

e.g. work carried out at JRC facilities, access to the

JRC’s infrastructure.

Different types of partnership agreements

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Useful Information

JRC Science Hub

Collaborations per country (country leaflets)

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1. Información general del JRC

2. El Instituto de la Salud y Protección de los Consumidores (IHCP)

3. Acceso a las infraestructuras

4. El foro europeo para la ciencia y la industria

5. Oportunidades de acceso y empleo

6. El Papel de los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto

7. Conclusiones

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Chemical Assessment and Testing


Toxicology Public Health Policy Support


Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Director: K. Maruszewski

Molecular Biology and Genomics

JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

M. P. Aguar Fernandez

C. Nicholl

J. Kreysa

M. Whelan

H. Stamm

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Our challenges:

• Helping to achieve the highest level of protection of human health in relation to the safety of food

and consumer products.

• Contributing to enabling safe industrial innovation, particularly in the health sector and including ab-

initio safety considerations.

• Resolving the heterogeneity of health registries and information systems across Europe.

• Reducing disparity of healthcare quality and outcomes across Europe.

• Promoting disease prevention and counter environmental and behavioural factors which can

augment the disease burden.

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Competencies and Staff Competence in the area of life sciences, especially:

• Analytical chemistry

• Biology

• Material Sciences

• Molecular Biology

• Nanobiosciences

IHCP Staff (January 2015) 261 Staff Members (52% female / 48% male) of which:

• 56 % are permanent statutory (AST/AD officials)

• 10 % are temporary statutory (contractual agents)

• 34 % are non-statutory (grantholders, trainees, SNEs)

• Risk Assessment and Toxicology

• Nutrition and Public Health

• Computational Toxicology

• Behavioural Sciences

• Data Management

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State-of-the-art laboratories for analytical chemistry, toxicology,

nanobiosciences and molecular biology

23 17 June 2015

JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

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● Alternatives to Animal Testing

● Food and Consumer Products

● Genetically Modified Organisms

● Public Health

● Nanotechnology

Policy Support Areas

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● Chemicals (including mixtures),

nanomaterials, endocrine disrupters, dietary substances

● Integrated risk assessment


● Exposure assessment

Risk and benefit assessment

25 17 June 2015

JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

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● Detection and Quantification in Food

and Consumer Products of:

● Chemicals and other contaminants

● Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

● Nanomaterials

● Toxicity Testing of chemicals and

nanomaterials with a strong focus on

alternative-to-animal testing methods

Development and Validation of Sampling Protocols and Analytical Tools for:

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JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

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Reference Centres and Bureaus hosted by JRC-IHCP

• EURL FCM - European Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials

• EURL GMFF - European Union Reference Laboratory for GM Food and Feed

• EURL ECVAM - European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to

Animal Testing

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JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

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● Coordination of National Reference Laboratories

● Analytical controls are harmonised throughout Europe

● Standardised methods delivering robust analytical results

● Better implementation of legal limits

● Reduced number of analyses in EU Member States

● Safe food and consumer products for European consumers

● Reducing number of animal tests by supporting Replacement, Reduction, Refinement ("3R")

Impact of EU Reference Laboratories

28 17 June 2015

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● Databases

• Alternatives to animal testing methods (DB-ALM)

• Nanomaterials (JRC Nanohub)

• JRC (QSAR) Model Database

• European Cancer Information

System (in preparation)

● Material banks

• Food contact materials

• JRC Repository of Representative Nanomaterials

Establishment and Hosting of Databanks and Repositories

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Policy Area: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

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JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

- EU Reference Laboratory for GMOs - Capacity building - Impact: ● Supporting EU legislation on GM food and feed and on official controls ● JRC is an important partner in international fora on GMO analysis

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31 17 June 2015

- EU Reference Laboratory ECVAM - Research towards next-generation toxicity testing - Impact: ● JRC is a key actor in OECD harmonisation and standardisation activities ● Supporting EU legislation on cosmetics, chemicals (REACH), consumer products, food ● Supporting EU strategy on endocrine disrupting substances and chemical mixtures

Policy Area: Alternatives to Animal Testing

JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

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Policy Area: Nanotechnology

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- Nanomaterials in consumer products - Safety assessment of nanomaterials - Impact: ● Providing scientific support and implementation tools to regulators ● Supporting EU legislation on chemicals (REACH), cosmetics, food and consumer products ● JRC is an important partner in OECD, ISO and CEN activities and in EU research projects

JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

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Policy Area: Food and Consumer Products

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- EU Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials - Food and consumer products - Impact:

● Supporting EU legislation on cosmetics, official food control, food contact materials ● Active in international harmonisation and standardisation fora, such as OECD and International Cooperation of Cosmetics Regulators

JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

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Policy Area: Public Health

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- Improving cancer care in Europe - Nutrition, health and environment - Impact:

● Supporting EU legislation on public health and consumer protection ● JRC is a partner of international organisations such as WHO, IARC, nutrition platforms

JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

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1. Información general del JRC

2. El Instituto de la Salud y Protección de los Consumidores (IHCP)

3. Acceso a las infraestructuras

4. El foro europeo para la ciencia y la industria

5. Oportunidades de acceso y empleo

6. El Papel de los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto

7. Conclusiones

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Opening up access…

Opening up access to JRCs RIs is recognized by the JRC Board of Governors and the Director General as being very important for the JRC:

• The JRC has unique (large scale) Research Infrastructures (RI)

• There is considerable demand by European researchers and industry to access the JRC RIs (FP Programs, Industry)

• The JRC can offer its expertise in key areas of research in line with the Junker's Priorities for the EU

• The large RIs of the JRC offer possibilities of demonstration projects facilitating the transfer of knowledge and innovation from research to industry


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• Role of JRC and RIs in drafting of European Guidelines


• The JRC is strategically positioned for promoting collaboration at EU and international level

• Key role in the Dissemination of knowledge of research results: databases, PUBSY (open access)

• JRC RIs provide access to training

A JRC Working Group was set-up in 2014 to:

• Discuss concrete possibilities and modalities of cooperation between JRC and ESFRI (European Strategy for Research Infrastructures)

• Develop Guidelines for best practice in Managing Large Scale RIs


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Collaboration with ESFRI

The association of the JRC to an ESFRI project gives recognition of being part of a network of pan-European interest

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l R





Coordinated access at EU Level

European Strategies for Research


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Inclusiveness. Access to JRC scientific facilities

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Pilot Projects for Opening up

Access • Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) Institute of Environment and Sustainability

• European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA) Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen

• Geel Electron Linear Accelerator (GELINA) and Van de Graaff Generator (VdG)* (EUFRAT Project) Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements

Association to the ESFRI Roadmap:

Memorandum of Understanding or Framework Arrangement

Resources to deliver the full range of services expected by ESFRI

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Setting up a Legal Framework for Opening up Access of JRC RIs

Based on the Charter of Access developed by DG RTD

Non-binding common standards and harmonized access rules and conditions for the use of RIs

Considers issues of:

• Access policy

• Research data management

• Intellectual Property, Dissemination

• Education and training

• Health, safety, security and environment

• Rules for entry and stay of visitors at the JRC sites

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Modes of Access

Excellence-driven (physical) • Calls for proposal, selection process

• Institutional resources JRC Annual Work Program

• Funding scheme for Travel & Subsistence of users visiting the JRC

Market-driven (physical) • Acceptance criteria

• Competitive resources

Wide access (digital) • Scientific data and digital services

• Intellectual Property and security issues

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1. Información general del JRC

2. El Instituto de la Salud y Protección de los Consumidores (IHCP)

3. Acceso a las infraestructuras

4. El foro europeo para la ciencia y la industria

5. Oportunidades de acceso y empleo

6. El Papel de los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto

7. Conclusiones

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European Forum for Science and Industry

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Support to Standardisation (ex. Reference Materials and Measurements, Eurocodes)

European IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Bureau - BAT reference documents (BREFs)

European Solar Test Installation Laboratory (ESTI), Ispra

European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA), Ispra

Vehicle Emissions Laboratory (VELA), Ispra

European Union Reference Laboratory

for alternatives to animal testing


TTO Circle

The EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard

Scientific support to industry


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European Forum for Science and Industry: a platform for permanent exchange between science and industry, strengthening the dialogue and cooperation with European industry in key sectors for European competitiveness in a regular and structured way

- examines themes of key importance to European industry and is open to interested stakeholders

- aims to reinforce the link between science and industry by providing a platform for dynamic discussion, by integrating different perspectives of an issue and by giving a voice to stakeholders from science and industry, while also involving policy-makers

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over 1500 members from public institutions, private companies, the scientific community, European associations, Universities, industrial organisations and related networks



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Through its various tools, the Forum itself is an important tool contributing to strengthening the European competitiveness, stimulating economic growth and job creation.

• Initiatives

• Roundtables in Brussels, also in Member States

• Newsletter

• Other industry related initiatives,

bilateral meetings with high-level stakeholders and technical meetings


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providing a framework for science to address the needs of industry in a more structured way

Tools: Initiatives

EU Growth and Jobs: efficient buildings, vehicles and equipment

- launching Conference, 26 March 2013 - Round Table on Scientific Support to

energy efficient buildings


- launching Conference, 15 May 2012 - JRC high-level meeting: Building a

Transatlantic Scientific Bridge on Eco-Industries, 26 September 2013

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addressing issues of key importance to European industry; such events aim to contribute to reinforcing the link between science and industry in support of industry by providing a platform for dynamic discussion, integrating different perspectives of an issue and giving voice to stakeholders from science and industry, but also involving policy-makers

Topics from past Roundtables include Standardisation, Key Enabling Technologies and Innovative SMEs, Energy and Climate change, Health, Energy efficient buildings, Quantum Technologies, JRC – Universities, Financial Stability, Refining, Nuclear decommissioning

Tools: Roundtables

Digital privacy: citizens' rights in the light of new technologies and commercial needs Brussels, 28 January 2015

Scientific support to Europe’s photovoltaic

manufacturing industry Brussels, 27 January 2015

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Published at least once a month, the EFSI newsletter includes information on JRC activities related to industry needs, updates on science and industry related work from both the JRC and its partners as well as announcements of upcoming events.

Forum members are encouraged to contribute to this publication with an editorial on a study, an innovative idea or an event announcement

Tools: Newsletter

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Useful links:

European Forum for Science and Industry on the JRC Science Hub:

To become a member and subscribe to the EFSI newsletter:

[email protected]


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1. Información general del JRC

2. El Instituto de la Salud y Protección de los Consumidores (IHCP)

3. Acceso a las infraestructuras

4. El foro europeo para la ciencia y la industria

5. Oportunidades de acceso y empleo

6. El Papel de los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto

7. Conclusiones

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JRC in Figures


Headquarters & Directorate General Policy Support Coordination

Directorate Resources Directorate

7 Scientific Institutes in 5 Member States (Italy, Belgium, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands)

2968 staff

Officials AD, 879

Officials AST; 947

Contract Staff, 389

Grantholders, 753

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Permanent officials


Administrators (AD): drafting policies, managing scientific research programme, etc.

Assistants (AST): executive and technical role in e.g. administrative, financial, research implementation

Assistants/Secretary Clerk (AST/SC)

Selection organised through open competitions by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)

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Contract Staff members

Four Function Groups:

FG I: Manual and administrative support tasks FG II: Clerical secretarial tasks FG III: Executive tasks FG IV: Administrative, advisory or other scientific/technical tasks

For FGII-IV contracts up to the maximum of 6 years For FG I an indeterminate contract can be offered

Selection through open calls organized by EPSO or through dedicated calls for expression

of interest (e.g.

A new call for researchers in FG IV has been recently launched by the JRC:

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Ph.D. students

Experienced scientists (i.e. at least 10 years of experience at post-doc level)

Can be of any nationality (a derogation from the DG

must be granted for recruitment of Third Country Nationals)

Contracts under the national employment law of the site where the JRC Institute is based:

For Ph.D. students contracts from 12 to 36 months

For experienced scientists contracts from 3 to 24 months

Grantholders are recruited through open calls published on the JRC’s External Staff Recruitment Application (ESRA)

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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grantholders


Individual Fellowships

Ph.D. students or researchers with at least 4 years of research experience

Compliance with the mobility rule

Contracts under the national employment law of the site where the JRC Institute is based for a duration of 12-24 months

Proposals must be submitted to the MSCA Participant Portal

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Specialists dealing with scientific/technical tasks selected through open competitions organized by EPSO

Typically, the contract is awarded for an initial period of 4 years and may be renewed not more than once for a period of 2 years

Temporary Agents

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Seconded National Experts

Staff employed by a national, regional or local public administration or an IGO who are working temporarily for the European Commission

SNEs remain in the service of their national employer throughout the period of secondment

The SNE’s employer shall continue to pay their salary and maintain their administrative status throughout the period of secondment

Typically, the secondment may not be less than 6 months or more than 2 years. It may be renewed up to a maximum total of 4 years.

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JRC Trainees

Enable students or recent graduates to practise what they have acquired during their studies

Two types of traineeships at JRC:

training related to the preparation of a degree thesis

training after university education

Trainees are selected through open calls published on the JRC’s External Staff Recruitment Application (ESRA)

Duration ranges from 3 to 5 months

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Unpaid Visiting Scientist (UVS)

JRC can host scientists from a scientific public body, university, organisation, institute or private company conducting research

An agreement is signed between the sending organisation, the UVS and the JRC

The agreement does not create in any way an employment relationship between the JRC and the UVS

No transfer of money between the parties in connection with the agreement

Duration ranging from 1 to 12 months

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Invited Person

Collaboration Agreements provide a legal framework for cooperation between the JRC and other organisations, in particular research institutes, and allow also for the possibility of exchange personnel

Similarly as for UVS invitation of a person to the JRC must be in the framework of scientific and technological collaboration without exchange of funds

The duration of an invitation cannot normally exceed 12 months. Extensions are possible.

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1. Información general del JRC

2. El Instituto de la Salud y Protección de los Consumidores (IHCP)

3. Acceso a las infraestructuras

4. El foro europeo para la ciencia y la industria

5. Oportunidades de acceso y empleo

6. El Papel de los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto

7. Conclusiones

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Para la Comunidad Investigadora

Organizar actividades de información y difusión, enfocadas

a las oportunidades de colaboración con el JRC

Asesorar en los procedimientos para colaborar con el JRC.

En su caso, organizar cursos y seminarios de formación para

grupos específicos (PYME, universidades, organizaciones

empresariales, etc)

Diseminar información y noticias sobre los eventos del JRC.

Para el JRC

Apoyo en la organización de eventos nacionales

Proporcionar información que nos solicitan

Punto Nacional de Contacto del JRC

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Seminario conjunto Centros Españoles-JRC

Notes on session 2 (Health, Food and Agriculture)

This session gathered over 30 participants, including representation

from 4 JRC institutes and 10 different Spanish centres. Tough some

punctual contacts in the area have taken place, it was recognised

that these are areas of common interest with a lot of potential for

synergies and cooperation.

It was agreed also that the domains are too wide and that better

identifying more detailed areas (as described below) would enhance

the effectiveness of follow-up actions. Some narrower areas to be

explored for possible cooperation (divided into specific and

transversal topics) are listed below.

Some discussion was also held around the possible mechanisms of

cooperation, and a few suggestions are included in this note

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Specific Topics

Health Sciences & technologies including areas such as genomics, medical devices & IVD,

biomarkers, sensors, nanomedicine etc..;

Public Health Challenges – Cancer, rare diseases, healthy ageing and integration of clinical and

basic research;

Neurosciences and Behavioural Sciences (including prevention);

Transversal Topics

Dissemination/communication towards policy making: exchange of best practices/experiences

in translating and feeding science into useful policy advice;

Handling of massive information, big data, interoperability of systems, ethical issues,

accessibility, harmonization;

E&I Capacity Building: sharing expertise, experience and networking possibilities for research

cooperation beyond EU-MS (accession and neighbouring countries)

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1. Información general del JRC

2. El Instituto de la Salud y Protección de los Consumidores (IHCP)

3. Acceso a las infraestructuras

4. El foro europeo para la ciencia y la industria

5. Oportunidades de acceso y empleo

6. El Papel de los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto

7. Conclusiones

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1. El JRC es el servicio de investigación de la Comisión Europea para apoyo a sus políticas, es independiente de los EEMM y PA.

2. Conviene colaborar con investigadores del JRC porque investigan para dar servicio a las políticas de la Unión y conocen las estrategias que se implementarán a través de las convocatorias de H2020.

3. El Instituto de la Salud y Protección de los Consumidores realiza actividades de investigación punteras y además se interrelaciona con otras áreas del JRC

4. El acceso a las infraestructuras de alto nivel se fomenta en el marco de las actividades del JRC y las necesidades de otros agentes.

5. El Foro Europeo para la Ciencia y la Industria es una buena oportunidad para colaborar con el JRC a la vez que con la industria

6. Las oportunidades de acceso para desarrollar una labor científica en el JRC son muchas y conviene explorarlas

7. El papel de los NCP es informar sobre cualquier aspecto a los interesados nacionales en el JRC, es fundamentalmente un papel institucional


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…, muchas gracias por su atención
