Page 1: John Locke - Two Treatises on Government

Name: ___________________________

In your notebook: Copy and complete the sentences below: 1. John Locke was ________. Robert Filmer was ______. A treatise is ___________. Locke defined liberty as _______. For Locke’s Two Treatises on Government: 2. OPVL (Origin – Purpose – Value – Limitation) 3. Explain the connection between the Scientific Revolution and the ideas of John Locke. 4. Explain John Locke’s basic argument against Absolute Monarchy. 5. Discuss the arguments Locke would use to disprove Filmer’s Patriarcha. 6. Predict Locke’s beliefs about religion. 7. What type of government do you expect Locke to support? Discuss your reasoning.

1Sir Robert Filmer was an English political theorist. His best known work, Patriarcha was a defense of the divine right of monarchs.

