Download pdf - John 10:10 Newsletter


13th May 2021

Overthorpe Road, Banbury,

OX16 4SB

Tel: 01295 262507

[email protected]

Head Teacher: Neil Blackwell

Parent Consultations

Thank you to everyone who has attended the Zoom meetings this week, which have been overwhelmingly positive. It’s clear that there is a huge amount of commitment to supporting children’s learning and helping them be prepared for ‘Life in all its fullness’. Thank you for all that you continue to do to support the School and our children.

Anti-Social Behaviour

I have been concerned by reports of poor behaviour and swearing in the Howard Road Park after school, involving children in St Leonard’s uniform. Outside school hours the behaviour and supervision of children is parents’ responsibility and special caution should be taken when primary age children are mixing with older youths. We know that children are able to model the school values of Love, Respect and Responsibility inside school because we insist on it every day. We would hope that all parents join us in promoting and supporting these values outside school, too, and are grateful that the vast majority do.

Tik Tok

Recently we reminded parents of the age limits on Social Media. Please can I specifically alert you to the dangers hidden within Tik Tok, which has an age limit of 13. The LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) for Oxfordshire has alerted us to concerning videos and content which no primary parent would wish their child to see, much of a sexual content. This can be accessed within just a few clicks, either voluntarily or unsuspectingly. Children under 13 SHOULD NOT be accessing this website or posting images of themselves online and we have already referred one matter to the Local Authority.

Wishing you all the very best,

Neil Blackwell

From the Head Teacher

“Life in all its fullness”

John 10:10


“Reading is dreaming with your eyes wide open ”

Reading Rainbow


R1 - Musa

R2 - Abubakr

2B - Yousaf

3/4B - Eliza

3/4C - Evie


R2 - Jimmy 2A - Marcel 3/4B - Amelia, Tyreak

The children who have reached Violet will now start the Reading Bingo Challenge, where they are asked to read a variety of

different books. Teachers will contact parents with this information via our online platforms.

Reading Rainbow Continued...

2B - Nimrah

3/4A - Alex, Luke D

3/4B - Jay

3/4C - Roland



R1 - Chloe 3/4B - Luchia 6B - Vicky


1A - Jackson, Manuka,


1B - Clara

2B - Isa

3/4A - Luke W

6B - Ayesha, Maisie, Evie,


There is so much evidence about the benefits of reading for pleasure upon well being, not just in childhood but for adults as well. This term we hope to complete work on our new Library, which is slowly taking the place of our old ICT suite next to the entrance to the Year One classrooms.

To help us, National Book Tokens are promoting their annual competition and we would like as many people as possible to enter for St Leonard's! The form only takes a minute to complete and we could win £5,000 of book tokens to help us restock it. Many thanks in advance to everyone who supports us.

Book Tokens

3/4A - Laylon

3/4B - Jayden, Elise

5A - Luke

5B - Farhana

6B - Lucas


1A - Lucas

1B - Kian, Belle

2A - Marcel

3/4A - Ethan, Shamas Rebecca

6A - Kyle


This week is Christian Aid Week, with the theme focusing

upon the climate crisis, which is already having a big

impact on the poorest countries of the world and their

children. For instance, there are communities in Kenya

where right now families struggle to survive without a

reliable water source.

Tomorrow, Friday, we will be having a non-uniform day in

return for a donation via School Money if you are able.

Many thanks in advance.

Christian Aid Week

Our new Facebook page is live! Please use the link below

to like and follow our page:


It is now being updated regularly to show you some of the great things happening inside our school.

Social Media

There has been an increase in children not being brought to school on time. Start times are:

8:30 Nursery, Reception and Year 1

8:40 Years 2, 3 and 4

8:50 Years 5 and 6

Please ensure that all children arrive in good time for the start of the day. Many thanks in advance.


Thank you to the many families who are supporting public health by taking Lateral Flow Tests. These are designed to identify children and adults who are asymptomatic. If someone is showing COVID-like symptoms then please arrange to take a PCR test as these are much more accurate and can currently be arranged quickly.

COVID 19 testing

Friday 14th May

Friday 28th May

Monday 7th June

Tuesday 8th June

Christian Aid Week -

Non uniform day

School Closes for Half Term


Return to School

Dates for your diary ...

Once again we wish all our Muslim

families a happy and safe celebration of

Eid-al-Fitr. In line with all schools in

Banbury absences will be authorised

today Thursday, 13 May, but children

are expected back in school tomorrow.

Eid Mubarak