
Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 2 [page 58]

1. . . . to which I gave money turned out to be a fraud./ . . . that I gave money to . . . 2. . . . that I

bought last week is now on sale. 3. . . . whose employees are on strike is probably going to be

sold. 4. . . . that I rescued from a tree has been hanging around our house. 5. . . . who tend to

get sick often may have poor diets. 6. . . . who you saw in the hall with the dean is actually

working on a doctorate in mathematics. 7. . . . whose works were featured in last week’s Time

magazine just got another grant. 8. . . . to whom you gave your seat used to work with your

mother./ . . . whom you gave . . . 9. . . . whose employees are always complaining should take

an honest look at itself.

EXERCISE 2 [page 64]

1. . . singer whom . . . 2. . . . neighbors with whom we left our dog. 3. . . . the mountain from

whose summit . . . 4. . . . my keys, which I thought I had put in . . . 5. . . . dolphin that she had

thrown some fish to./ . . . the dolphin to which she had thrown some fish.

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 6 [page 61]

1. The manager we met was very polite. 2. The computer at the end of the row is out of

order. 3. The crowd cheered the runner trying to regain the lead. 4. Dedicated students can be

found in the library on Saturday nights. 5. No change. 6. The paintings we saw at the

museum were impressive. 7. The president elected in November saw his popularity decline in

March. 8. The parking place near the entrance is reserved for the employee of the month. 9.

Angry workers confronted the union leader about the new contract. 10. Programmers

experienced with UNIX systems will be given first consideration.

EXERCISE 5 [page 69]

1. I am often disappointed in movies made from books I have enjoyed. 2. We rented the same

house our friends had lived in last year. 3. Look at the deer hiding in the shadows! 4. No

deletion possible. 5. I felt overwhelmed by the papers scattered all over my room. 6. The

trekkers walked down a narrow trail with a terrifying drop. 7. So far we haven’t found a

candidate competent enough to get the job. 8. Doris forgot to thank the woman she had

received a gift from. 9. No deletion possible. 10. I went to the restaurant you recommended.

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

Test Prep

Units 7–9 [PAGE 80]

1. b

2. a

3. c

4. a

5. c

6. d

7. b

8. a

9. a

10. d

11. a

12. a

13. a

14. c

15. d

16. c

17. b

18. a

19. d

20. c

21. d

22. c

23. b

24. a

25. b

26. d

27. d

28. b

29. d

30. d

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 5 [page 4]

1. (c) arrived (c) lived (b) haven’t seen (c) was (b) will visit

2. (b) will go (c) will take (c) will do (a) has (c) will buy (c) was getting (c)

switched (a) get (b) has helped (b) was going

3. (c) looked (c) looked (c) felt (c) wanted (c) asked (b) give (b) become (b) is not

4. (c) have been writing (c) have probably never read (b) wrote (c) is (c) have also

learned (b) have hunted and roamed (a) do

5. (c) have lived (b) isn’t (b) gets (b) covered (b) know (b) ended (d) had done 

(a) issued (b) would live

6. (a) has never been painted (b) knows (c) was planted (c) wanted (c) expanded (c)

gelled and formulated (b) is becoming (c) felt (a) am not sitting

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 3 [page 20]

(1) write (2) their (3) has written (4) are (5) major writers (6) have (7) appeal (8)

interests (9) Has (10) tell (11) Do (12) is (13) a good choice (14) appeals (15) are 

(16) good choices (17) find (18) their (19) books

EXERCISE 4 [page 21]

(2) it (3) is using (4) is (5) is (6) are writing (7) their (8) is (9) like (10) comes 

(11) helps (12) like (13) is (14) has (15) doesn’t favor (16) interests (17) is (18)

tend (19) do

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 5 [page 21]

1. is 2. is 3. is 4. was 5. is 6. have been 7. is 8. are 9. was 10. is 11. are 12.

were 13. is 14. is 15. was 16. is 17. are

EXERCISE 6 [page 22]

(1) were (2) is (3) deals (4) were (5) has (6) knows (7) seems (8) has (9) has 

(10) are (11) continues (12) was (13) was (14) had (15) were

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 3 [page 29]

Part A

Paragraph 1: were manufactured; are bought; is found

Paragraph 2: are made; are devoted; are . . . manufactured; are exported; are imported

Paragraph 3: are killed; are listed; are lost

Paragraph 4: was caused; are required; are found; are outlined; have been passed

Paragraph 5: is related

Part B

Stative Passive

is found; are devoted; are listed; are lost; are found; are outfitted; is related

Dynamic Passive

were produced; were manufactured; are bought; are made; are manufactured; are exported; are

imported; are killed; was caused; are required; have been passed

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 7 [page 33]

1. (d) It was believed that if a toad crossed your path, you would have good luck./A toad crossing your

path was believed to be a sign of good luck. 2. (h) It was believed that if a cat sneezed, it would

rain./A cat sneezing was believed to be a sign that it would rain. 3. (g) It was believed that if a lizard

crossed the path of a bridal procession, the marriage would have problems./A lizard crossing the path of a

bridal procession was believed to be a sign that the marriage would have problems. 4. (a) It was

believed that if you saw a golden butterfly at a funeral, you would have a long life./Seeing a golden

butterfly at a funeral was believed to be a sign that you would have a long life. 5. (c) It was believed

that if a weasel squealed, a death was imminent./A weasel squealing was believed to be a sign that a death

was imminent. 6. (b) It was believed that if a beetle crawled out of your shoe, bad luck would come to

you./A beetle crawling out of your shoe was believed to be a sign that bad luck would come to you. 

7. (e) It was believed that if a spider fell on you from the ceiling of a house a legacy would come your

way./A spider falling on you from the ceiling of a house was believed to be a sign that a legacy would

come your way. 8. (f) It was believed that if you fed horsehair to your children, they would do well in

school./Feeding horsehair to your children was believed to help them do well in school.

EXERCISE 8 [page 34]

1. It is expected that he will run in the primary elections./He is expected to run in the primary

elections. 2. It is rumored that he is undergoing treatment in a clinic in Arizona./He is rumored

to be undergoing treatment in a clinic in Arizona. 3. It is believed that the results of the lab

tests were misinterpreted./The results of the lab tests are believed to have been misinterpreted. 

4. The case is assumed to have been settled out of court./It is assumed that the case was settled

out of court. 5. It is alleged that it was the work of arsonists./It is alleged to have been the work

of arsonists. 6. A major reshuffling of the White House staff is expected to be announced

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

shortly./It is expected that a major reshuffling of the White House staff will be announced


Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 2 [page 114]

Meaning-word clue/Modal

(1) annoyed/should/could/might have accepted (2) It was well within her abilities/could have

done (3) thoughtless/could have worked (4) regretted / should have been (5)

angry/could/might have called (6) rude/could/might/should have had (7) was perfectly

able/could have helped (8) strongly criticized/could/might/should have told (9)

reproached/should/could/might have remembered (10) thoughtless/could/might/should have


Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 1 [page 38]

(1) The (2) the (3) a (4) the (5) The (6) the (7) a (8) Ø (9) the (10) an (11) Ø

 (12) Ø  (13) The (14) a (15) a (16) the (17) a (18) Ø  (19) the (20) the (21) Ø

 (22) a (23) the (24) the (25) Ø  (26) Ø  (27) A (28) a (29) the (30) the (31) a

EXERCISE 4 [page 40]

1. the second item/C; the auction/J 2. the subway/H; Ø friends/K 3. The end/F; the play/J 

4. The moon/A; the trail/J 5. the candidates/E; the rich/G 6. The most challenging

assignment/B; a physics project/K 7. the mall/l 8. the in-basket/J; the pile/J; the window/J;

the fifteenth time/C 9. The function/F; the machine/J 10. the population/E 11. The main

reason/D; the lecture/J; the most famous living poet/B 12. the ignorant/G; the state of bliss/F

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 1 [page 130]

1. were . . . would . . . say 2. had taken . . . had studied/studied . . . could have had/would have

had 3. look . . . will see/should see 4. had trained . . . would be 5. takes . . . is 6. smoke

and eat . . . run 7. were . . . would not allow . . . 8. want . . . have to/will have to 9. had

asked . . . would have helped. 10. had bought . . . would have been able 11. did not eat . . . did

not get 12. had studied . . . would not have felt 13. graduate . . . will buy

EXERCISE 2 [page 131]

1. . . . will qualify . . . only if . . . 2. . . . will lose . . . only if 3. You should take . . . only

if . . . 4. People were invited . . . only if they . . . 5. We got . . . only if . . .

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 4 [page 132]

Sentences can begin with either Only if or Not unless 2. Only if I am totally exhausted can 

(e) 3. Only if you are a serious photographer should you (a) 4. Only if I exercise every day

do ! (d) 5. Only if the book is overdue do (h) 6. Only if the danger of frost has passed 

(i) 7. Only if they are freezing do (f) 8. Only if you ask and receive permission should

you (c) 9. Only if I washed it and cleaned it was I (b)

EXERCISE 5 [page 133]

1. unless she knew word processing, she would have to spend a lot of time rewriting. 2. unless

we stop the timber industry/unless the timber industry is stopped, virgin forest will be

destroyed. 3. if she hadn’t been so frank and outspoken, she might have gotten the job she

wanted. 4. if he hadn’t found someone to practice French with, he wouldn’t feel so

confident. 5. if we had not spoken only English, I would have understood more about my

grandparents. 6. If she were not such a great music lover, she would not have so many tapes

and CDs. 7. if it were harder to get a gun, the number of murders would decrease. 8. If he had

had health insurance, he would have gone to see the doctor by now. 9. unless it rains soon,

their crops will be ruined.

EXERCISE 6 [page 134]

1. Even though 2. even if 3. even though 4. even though 5. even though 6. even if 7.

Even though 8. even though 9. even though 10. even if

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 7 [page 135]

(1) unless (2) even if (3) Only if (4) only if (5) If (6) even if (7) only if (8) unless 

(9) if (10) only if (11) unless

EXERCISE 8 [page 136]

1. Don’t get on the tube in rush hour unless (d) 2. Take the riverboat up the Thames to

Hampton Court if (h) 3. Don’t rent a car unless (a) 4. Go to visit the crown jewels on a

weekend only if (j) 5. Check to see that the flag is flying over Buckingham Palace if (i) 6.

Expect to pay 15% VAT (value added text) when you purchase anything except food or books

even if (b) 7. Be sure to visit the London Museum at the Barbican if (e) 8. Be prepared to

encounter accents and dialects that will perplex you even though (g) 9. Always say Sorry

when you bump into someone even if (f) 10. Take a stroll on Hampstead Heath, London’s

largest park, if (c)

EXERCISE 9 [page 137]

ACROSS 3. despite 4. even 5. emphasis 8. contrary 11. though 12. Not

DOWN 1. unless 2. were 6. might 7. hadn’t 9. only 10. don’t

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 1 [page 141]

While I am waiting for a helicopter to arrive/White waiting . . . After we spent a couple of days

in Kathmandu/After spending / Having spent . . . When we started out/When starting out . . .

After we had trekked for a week/After having . . . Before we climbed the high pass/Before

climbing . . . while I was huffing and puffing my way to the top of the pass/while huffing and

puffing . . . While he was scrambling over loose rock/While scrambling . . . Before I left the

U.S./Before leaving . . .

EXERCISE 2 [page 142]

Answers will vary. Possible answers are:

1. Before signing up for a class . . . 2. After having received your syllabus/After

receiving . . . 3. While listening to lectures . . . 4. When hearing something you don’t

understand 5. While taking part in discussions 6. After finishing class 7. After having

finished your homework/After finishing . . .

EXERCISE 3 [page 142]

Not being very rich, Truhana had to go . . . Having a long way to go, Truhana had . . .

Daydreaming, she began . . . getting a good price for the honey, I will buy . . . “Loving lamb so

much, . . . And making so much money, I’ll soon . . . And being rich and respected, I’ll marry . . .

Taking so much pleasure in her fantasy, Truhana began . . . Seeing clearly now the ruin of her

dreams, Truhana . . .

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 8 [page 147]

ACROSS 1. frightened 4. shocking 6. pleasing 7. embarrassed 9. amused 10.

puzzling 11. Boring

DOWN 1. frustrated 2. irritated 3. confused 5. intrigued 8. annoying

EXERCISE 9 [page 148]

Answers will vary. Possible answers are:

1. While cleaning the yard, Sam spotted an opossum sniffing under the hedge. 3. After hiking

all day long, I found the thought of a tent and a sleeping bag very attractive. 5. Having planted

bulbs in the fall, we enjoyed many flowers in the spring. 6. Being late, Robert found the

highway very long as he raced to work. 8. Frustrated by overly complicated questions, the

students found the test infuriating. 9. After hoisting it up to the fifth floor with a heavy rope,

the movers brought the piano in through the window. 10. After putting on sunglasses, he

realized that the glare wasn’t so bad.

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 5 [page 214]

1. Under no conditions does that restaurant permit smoking. 2. Not once has he ever said he

was sorry. 3. Not for anything would I take that drug. 4. Never had she felt so insulted.

5. Under no circumstances will the theater allow children to see that movie. 6. Not until

recently did I realize the complexity of the health care dilemma. 7. In no way does this alter my

opinion. 8. In no case can they leave the children unattended at home. 9. Not since I left

home have I felt this way. 10. Nowhere have I seen such fascinating architecture as in India.

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 4 [page 161]

2. Genghis Khan’s desire was to (c) 3. What Abraham Lincoln is remembered for was

emancipating (g) 4. My personal dream is to (a) 5. The goal of the Peace Corps is to 

(d) 6. One of the things Henry VIII is remembered for is beheading (b) 7. The ambition of

every rock group is to (e) 8. One reason to become a doctor is to (j) 9. What a workaholic

enjoys is working (f) 10. What everyone loves is receiving/to receive (h)

EXERCISE 7 [page 163]

1. I couldn’t stop watching it. 5. I used to hate eating meat 8. Her lawyer advised her to drop

the case. 9. I really appreciate your mentioning that 11. Would you hesitate to help 14.

Gauguin hated living in France and yearned to paint 16. I don’t deny visiting 17. She appears

to be having trouble 18. He expected us to put in

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 4 [page 176]

1. To have seen what is right and not to have done it is cowardice.

2. To have died for an idea is to have placed a pretty high price upon conjecture. 3. There are

two tragedies in life. One is not to have gotten your heart’s desire. The other is to have gotten

it. 4. To have interpreted is to have impoverished. 5. The easiest person to have deceived is

one’s self.

EXERCISE 5 [page 177]

1. . . . consider America to have been discovered . . . 2. . . . not to have been 3. . . . reported

the high government of official to have been selling . . . 4. . . . found all the jewels to have been

stolen. 5. . . . people claim the Nazca lines in Peru to have been . . . 6. . . . low enough for

them to have been accorded . . . 7. They promised all the work to have been done . . . 8. . . .

expects their papers to have been checked . . . 9. She was thrilled to have been chosen . . . 10.

The guerrillas claimed to have been educating

EXERCISE 6 [page 178]

1. . . . not to have tried . . . 2. . . . never to have heard . . .

3. . . . never to have given . . . 4. . . . not to have had . . .

5. . . . not to have investigated . . .

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 11 [page 182]

Answers will vary. Possible answers are:

1. I drank enough coffee to have kept me awake twenty-four hours. 2. That horror movie was

scary enough to have given me a heart attack. 3. The slide show of their last trip was boring

enough to have put anyone to sleep. 4. The storm was snowy enough to have buried all the cars

on the street 5. After exam week, I was tired enough to have slept for days. 6. The salesman

was convincing enough for me to have wanted to buy the stereo system right away.

EXERCISE 12 [page 182]

1. Derek’s too serious to have gone to see . . . 2. Dr. Mayer’s far too dedicated a teacher to

have returned . . . 3. The border’s too well guarded for them to have . . . 4. That lawyer’s

arguments were too convincing for him to have . . . 5. His excuses were somehow too

contrived to have been believed.

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 8 [page 195]

1. OK 2. What explains the fact that in some cases . . . 3. . . . was bizarre. 4. OK 5. She

was conscious of the fact that . . . 6. OK 7. . . . about the fact that he has . . . 8. OK 9. . . .

the notion that we 10. OK 11. . . . supported the fact that the 12. OK

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key

EXERCISE 1 [page 200]

1. John recommends that Bill (should) see an eye doctor.

2. They demand that the chief assign more police to . . .

3. They insisted that she get . . . 4. The memo stipulates that all personnel (should) wear formal

. . . 5. Betty suggests that he/she try the house special. 6. The town planner proposes that they

ban . . . 7. The teacher advises that he/she should check his/her figures again. 8. The librarian

requested that we lower . . . 9. The president of the union insists they not lose hope. 10. She

begs that he/she not send . . .

EXERCISE 3 [page 202]

Answers will vary. Possible answers are:

1. Kurt’s suggestion that he poison the dog was immoral. 2. Sally’s proposal that he talk to the

dog’s owners again was worth a try. 3. Lisa’s recommendation that he make friends with the

dog might or might not work. 4. Rod’s suggestion that he release the dog from its chain was

somewhat risky. 5. Scott’s advice that he buy earplugs was a good temporary solution. 6.

Kate’s suggestion that he get other neighbors to sign a petition was a good idea.

EXERCISE 4 [page 202]

Answers will vary. Possible answers are:

PART A 1. That Matthew L. be hospitalized immediately 2. that Peter S. stop smoking 3.

That Louise M. have a pregnancy test 4. that Greg A. apply a cold pack to his knees. 5. that

Ronnie P. drink less coffee.

Grammar Dimensions 4 Workbook Answer Key
