Page 1: j*mwmMm> wwmwm&ti nmcsmmm^mm* Ofc*^i**fSd^i; · j*mwmMm> wwmwm&ti nmcsmmm^mm* «?» THE ^PALT,ADfUltt is publish-edevery

«, , , • * * * & ,

: $

j*mwmMm> wwmwm&ti nmcsmmm^mm* « ? » THE ^PALT,ADfUltt is publish-

edevery Wednesday morning in Geneva, Ontario bounty, N. Y*.

(0* Ttf'ftMS.-~$2 50 perarin. to vil­lage subscribers. #2 per arin. to country; and Wail subscribers-^towhieh" 50 cents will be added if not paid yearly.

fi*?* Np Paper pi; Advertisement ?top-' J without orders and a settlepiint, (Cp* An vERTtSEMkNa'S inserted af the

Usual rates, -••"•'.••'• .:*\ij-.:•/*. «. •••:»,'•;-'-

JSteWj. Cheap, and Seasonable


|HE subscribers havejust received and ajre now opening a large addl-

Jtion to.theif stock of Summer-G^0DS, ["consisting of a vSriety of . ...

Printed Muslia artd Calicoes; G*os de Naples; Italian,, & Florence.Silks; Black\*E Colored Barege Floss Presses; GauxSi-BibfeOHS;; '..,-Barege* 'Sfllt* & .Gauge I}re?s Hand ker-

t chiefs;; Silk and' Cotton Hojjs'e Irisb^ippiis;; Loftg Lawns;, LmelvCanibries wtth/uordefS; Diaper and, "Pablo Linens;' Table Covers;:

Green and Crimson Moreen.; Silk Braid; Military Braid and Cords ? Jaconet and Cambric Muslins; Brown Cambric; Millinett; French Bombazin; Thread Laces; Bobihett Veils; /Shell Combs', &c. &c,


' / -• • 'S'tf.titi A.S: '• ' . . .' 1-4 and Dorchester Tickings, Checks, gripes, Plaids, Shirtings, Sheetings, fee* lisp, 1 case BOLIVAR LEGHORNS, Case LEGHORN; GYPSIES, which ateuncommonly'low, ' • " . . / , .

Ll'soV a large assortment of INGRAIN : ;CARPET1NCJS>, ' • • -. • ' ' • " • pikevvise, a general supply of

Cteoceries, Crockery, im&wwq,Cutlery, •&&' All of whioli• will "be" sold cheaper than

ban tie d.btain|d £t any ottierestabjisli-^pntin'the country*.' " . •. >••

On'hatf 4 a fresh Supply of MiettSf Co'*, iperior S N ^ F & TOBACCO, at N, V prices, free 6ftrarjsporiation. Also, 500 Ba rrols SALT.

WtimdULT,l}Co, tGeneva,'Jnfym, 1827.

^•HKAS'recently received, at Jl 'JL the store formerly pecu-; • Doct, JA ' S .. CART E R, a general alspjitmerit of

Comprising every article iti the Apothe-lary line, ail which are'* waranted to be lenuine. . Also* Qh<.handi%

iy .Oils*. ' % - ^ t u i s , Sic. [nd will be.offered for/sale at reduced pri^ lbs. '-... Giniva, dtugvlst, 1827.

, Tf OHtN;H> SWIFT, opposite Hejnen-."#jl,- way's[.Hotel, is now receiving a very large assortipent of



40,ps; BROAD CLOTH of every color < and quality*

JIO '' black, blue, imx'd and drab CASSI-.'•' MERES;- • ' * * . ' ' i 4 " blue and bottle, gieeu Habit Cloths: 10 " green Baize', 10 ps. Satineits; {30 '•' Plaids and Cambists; % " real Tartan Plaids, a superior article, 10 " Flannels; 4;ps. Inerain Carpeting; Rose and Point Blanketsf 'Table Covers; Prussian Shawls; Scarlet and drab Cassimeredo^ 4^4 black and red Merino do. '•'4'4•-. " worsted Barege do. 4-4, 9 *&r 5 -4 an d 6 -4 Bobbin et; Spitaifteld Cravats; Thread Lace? and J^rfg-i^ j . Silk, wojrsted'and cotton ffosiery, a gene­

ral assortment^ 8*4 & 10-4 Damask Table Linen; e Russia a*nd cotton Diaper; Irish Linens;\ Furniture and common Dimity; Linen Cambric; Lone Lawn; Linen cambric. Handkerchiefs i Ari elegajnt assortm,ent of Cafe*co«s- from

Is. to Ss. 9d.;.' Dorchester Ticking; 6-4 Ticking; 2. cases bleached Sliiftings; uncommonly

cheap? Gold etid Shirtings; White and fancy Cravats; . : t Plain and fig?d Japonet, Mull, Swiss and

and Book Mu$Kns ; Bangup Cords, from 2s 6d to T6s pr y'rd. Ah elegant sssdrtment of Winter Fesiings; Plain and "figufxl Silks; Italian and Canton Crapes; A^ splendid assortment of'Habit Trfm-

mings, &c. SECV

AH of Avhi©h he is enabled and deter­mined to sejl as cheap or cheaper than c^n be bought at any other store in the country. , ,.

$£e is also receiving a krge addition to his stock, of ,

Among: which are .some superior Old ^Wiries sn6 fresh imported Teas.

.Tavern-keepers are t.equested to call and ejcarjpjfie his Liquors, which will be found of Jirst qriatiiy arid at uncommonly low prices. Oh hand,

.'A GE'lf«aAS,AS:S0R.TM,EPr.T OI!-'"''

CftOGKEKY a i id (3 tASS-WARE. Also-^-a large assortment of Lorillard's

§NUFF and Paper TOBACCO, at tlje New-ydrk prices, addirig transportation.

Geneva, October 15, 1827.

- OCTOBER, 1827.. '

^ ^ H E $to^CRiBEfi;& have now . _U_ »received tlieir entire

ST0C?R :0lE WM$r.$$& WUVTfcR

A T T O E N B Y A T L A W , -.-| Ste i#V dnd !Cbuii$eUo)> in Chattcefy,

"ASo^ehed hiidffiCe in the hew _ , J t bUiTd|hg bp^osfe his fo'rnier resi-[erice** in-' the ,v,illVgSf of;i&e'heVsiy a few fcds florfh of the *Coite|e, where^hB will leyote his'lim^:t%$ attention excfcjsively b his jjroffessioni, and rejjfjectfully solicits Portion of piiblic patronage* V Conveyimciiig'^tbgether with the usual justnessiri theyes^ectiveCourts of Law fed Equity:, 'will be strictly/ attended; to | rhim.--<?en^a, Mv> &Gt4?MV,- 6 2 0 t f


tow^W^fe.f*i*, ^500,000. . j HE subscrHie* havirrg been ddly ap>

poin't d*Agerft !for the above Com-mya Willi otf apflication* effect Isasura«-Is uppft the most favourable terms; ajid tso renew'-Pdlicies issjueet by the Western lire Insurance Company. f JOHN L. DOXv tGmva,Jtyn?M, tM7,. ; 59»:tf

Ofc*^i**fSd^i;. MOUE

'•'• . • A T T H E . '


E M. DANIELS, is now receiving • and opening a large an^ elegant

addition to his stock of

comprising the most splendid assortment of Fashionable, Fancy and Seasonable STAPLE ARTICLES, offered this sea­son ; among which are—

4-4, 7-4, 8-4,9-4. U 10-4, black, white* and scarlet MERINO SH| iWLS-eie-gaiit patterns and low prices: ^

Atsoj black, "white and scarlet LONG SHAWLS; 4-4, &. 64 , Bobbinett LACES, and black white Bobbinet Lace VIELS—a large assortment.

CALICOES--a great variety of the newest styles, and patterns;

Plaini colored, and plaid GROS DE N A P L E S with a large assortment of plain and 6g*d French and India LUS-TRtNGS and, SATINS i'

Heavy, plain, black and figured SILK VELVETS, for Vestings. with a great variety of Valencia and Tpilinett do.

Rich fancy Silk, Barege. Cause, Velvo-leen fe Prussian HANDKERCHIEFS;

Flag, Bandana and German Silk do. A new style of fancy %'d CRAVATS; Also, "a few plain colored Goods, im­

ported expressly for ^nVn^—comprising an assortment of Norwich CRAPES; a* new style Of English twilled MUSLIM, for dresses; 5 4 U 6-4, plain silk ShaiM, and plain CALICOES; with a great va­riety of other Goods too, numerous to mention ; all of" which will be sold for cash cheaper than' the cheapest. *

October 10, 1827,- - f


JUST RECEIVED and for sale by ..the subscwberr-^ .•••.. .-. v .

The ATLANTIC SOUVENIR, for 1828-yan elegant Christnias and New-, Year's offering,

TRAVELS in Ireland, England, Scot^ Japd, France, Italy and Switzerland in 1825 '26 & '£7, by N . R .CARTER. Edi­tor of the N'ew-T'ork Statesman^ 2 vols, 8V0.; £The substance of a large portion of these.letters have, already been pub­lished in the Statesinan, and generally admired. Tite author has now made nu­merous additions/and corrections, render­ing the vvork.highly interestingi]

PersoAial Narrative of the First Voyage! of Cdluinblis to America, from a Manu­script recently discovered in Spain,

Mignet's; History of the French Revo­lution,

Mrs. Heman's Poenjs, The Pastorls Sketch Book; or authen­

tic Narrative of real characters, Father Clement, a Roman Catholic


toct. ^ifciii A. Townsend, pHTsioiAir 4 0mcmpN,

ESPEOTFIJLLW offers his servi* _ ces to the inhabitants of Geneva,

[nd the fidirtity, in the various branehe* M his profession. A regular course "SOWiptfeted at the Medical Insti-lute of fate College, and impiroved by Twelve years assiduous application to the fluties of thefe profession, Ure the ground if his pretentions tin merit.

All professional cadis promptly attended to, at his house; second door south of the Pogt-Dftt^.-v''' ' ' ' . . . !;;. MeHey1*,, My. 12,1827./ r 5t8-tf I"*".- ' ' .'?..- * "

All of which were .purchased: hefoH the late advance of ntani)Heading;, articles.

Their asaprtment is much moregene-rajaftd extensive than any other in this paift of the state, and Will as usual be sold cheaper than can be purchased at any oth­er establishment.

[An enumeration of the articles will be given in a future advertisement.|

'. The attention of Mechanics and others who wish to purchase at wholesale prices, is particularly invited to the fonowing Goods, just received: -6 cases and hales CLOTHS, CASSL;

MERES, Tartan Plaids, Cartiblets, Bareges, Flushings, Flannels, &ic

4 casesLeghonv FLATS.& CROWNS, t do BOLIVAJIS; . 2 hales beautiful Scotch Iugrain CAR-

PJEJTliJ'G.S; jEfeartb Rtigs, Fringe, anc( ; ^Cirpet BiiJdirig. • - , .; vTogetner with a'great Yarie^ of MILLL

# K ^ . A r t i | | e s , Silks, Ribbons, Habit tPrimtnings, "Pelece^,iht,Jg,e.

80 chests Hyson, ^ourig Hyson and Hy^ .,'. skin-.TEAS i' .:.. ' -125 kegs TOBACCOlSO bMs Paper do. '30 crates assorted, C^OCEERY; ;500 sides best -Eastern 'SOAL and IJP-,: PER LEATHER;

1600; i)bls Otnpnda§a SALT. . 0 3 ^ Cash 'paid for Whmit, Pot and

Pearl Ashes, mam-Seed, Pork, Sfc. DE 3ENG $• HALL.

Lady of the Manor, vol, 5th, by Mrs. Sherwood, „

Goriversations on the Bible, by a Lady of PhUade!phi,a,

The Coverness; pr the young Female Academy, by Mrs. "SherwOod,

Scott's Life of Na^olepUj S Vols.--r-neW supply at a reduced price, •

The\ Buccaneers* a Resmance of our own country in its ancient day, 2 vols.

Ward's History of the Hindoos, Foster's pssays oq the importance of

Religion, &c. Sic, - Also—A very large Stock of


comprising the best works on History, Biography, Religion, Poetry, Medicine, &e". &c.

/ INpJMPERAKCi?. J . For peopl|! to drink spirits in cold

weather, in pWliBr to be warm, is a mere fallacy, "^he glo* of warmth produced by strong drink, is not only soon over, but is followed by a weak and chilled state of the frame. .

This is evinced by many facts; and among the rest, the following. In the winter of 179G, a vessel beldnglng to Connecticut, Was wrecked on an island off the shores of.ftjaiisachusetts,, There Were seven persons on: boa id.' It was night. Five of them, resolved to quit the wreck, and seek for shelter oh shores— To prepare for the attempt, four of them drank freely of spirits; the fifth would drink none. They all leaped into the water; one was,drowned before he reach--' ed the shore. ,The other foUr 'came to land : arid, in a deep snow, andf piercing cold, direpted their coarse to a distant light. All that drank spirits failed and stopped, and (ioze, one after another.— The man that drank none,' reached the house, and still-lives to enjoy the rewards of temperance.

This is the. cause why sailors are so frequently frozen, when shipwrecked in cold weather. They feel a sort of dread' and desperation ;/t,hey drink freely, and then make-thj&attempt to escape. When they reach thelffhore, the glow of warmth the spirits ha^oceasioned, ha-ving subsi­ded, they are left in a chilled, state, pre­pared to freeze* as they do; while other persons from accidents, such as breaking through the ice, falling into the water, Sec. are equally wet* equally exposed, equally distant/from shelter, in weather equally cold, yet do not freeze.

It is,objected,* that it is excess, and not the.temperate use of spirits, that produces such fatal effects in cold weathen But the following fact shows the contrary.

A brig from, Russia,, laden with iron ran aground on a sand bar that makes off from Newport Is\and. The master was disposed to unlade suid. get her off, but the weather was extremely cold, and none Could be found to undertake tli| |ask; as the vessel wlas at-a distance'from the shores covered with ice, and exposed to thei full effect of wirid and cold.

Captain G-—r-—,,a packet master of Newport, respected for his integrity, and who had abstained from the; use of spi­rits, a t length engag:ed to unload the brig,, and procure his hands. @jx men were employed in the hold, which (the vessel being bilged) was fttU'of water. They began the work with free, but temperate use of spirits; thinking they should need it then if ever. But after two hour's la­bor they give out; cliille'd through. Af­ter refreshing and warming, they made a second attempt; using cider only, the re* mainder of <he day. They now Succeed­ed better, hut still they suffered much from cold. The second day they consent­ed to follow the.directions of Capt. G-— -, and drank nothing.but milk porridge, made rich, and taken as hot as the sto-maeh could b^sir ij. The weather was. equa lly severetas • before; but they were now able to continue their work from four to seven hours at a time; and then came up, as Captai|:G—= expressed it, "smoking JaotJ,'- With this simple be­verage, handet round every half hour.

field of labor were tinlmown; we shall find that the work.df a day was fully equal, if hot more than now, with all the aid of spirits. , - . ' • . - . -

Among the premiums offeredv last y atv* by an Agricultural Society in New-Ywk, there was one of twenty-fivt dollars, to the farmer whp should gather jn tbe^reatf est quentity of grain and hay, Without the use of ardent spirits, ',

Life Insurance.rr-lt has often been a subject of marvel to us* that the system of life insurance which prevjls so exten­sive in Great Britain.shottld never have been intrbdticed to infiy perceptible degree in thk city. The benefits of tliis practice have been Ibng felt and ackimwledged by all classes of persons in -that country, and they are of a nature to produce a sjtitl Wider and more serviceable influence i -mongst -us. Persons holding situations in public offices; clerks; widows wjth small incomes; holders of life interests in seal estates; and, indeed, allsuch as have large families/ with small income, are those to wBom this system is likely to be of greaj service. Take, for instance, the case of a man, w,ho- has( th^ee or four, ycmrig-ohildren with a small income, ari­sing fidrn his personal labor. If he be 35 years of age, by' paying about J&0. per annum, his children will be entitled aj his death, to receive #3000. Now np Sa­ving or frugality on his part, could ena­ble him to leave such a desirable sum at his death. Creditors also, wliose pros­pect of payment depends on the life of his debtor, may thus "secure his debt. But these are only two, out of a hundrpd ca­ses, where the insurer may be consoled during his life with the knowledge-that his fan)i|y will not be left destitute at his death. We are not aware that any of the companies in New-fork insure on lives, with the excep4on of. the Dutches?.— There are several others which are privi­leged by Charter to effect such insuran­ces, and they would probably exercise the privilege if the public could be once in­duced to adopt the systein.~N6ah,

-HOEESALU ^ R E T A I L , — v Ca'les Fine Beaver Hats,

~Q cases FasHionah'le Ifapt Hats, 1 do Broadbrim, foV old gentlemen 2 do Fashionable D r # ; ' d° . Just received and for sale by^the sub­

scriber, lower than they wereTeyero^freterl I iu the country. JOHN H, SWIFT.

Geneva, June IS, 18a7.

i'i' DOCTOR tiODSON, KtSFFORMS his friends and the public,

that he has r«fl»oi;M to the house here­tofore occupied by Mr... Chdtles W. Hen­ry, three doors south of Messrs. DC 2Jeng k Hall's store, Main-street, where all ap­plications for his professional service? will be promptly attended to.

Geneva, May 4,1827. 59l:tf

, :J.taflI,JK.::;';;

AS added to his Circulating Libra­ry, the following valuable works::

Life of Napoleon, by Walter Scott, 3 v. Westminster Review, for April, 1827i Museum of Foreigp Literature, for Sep­

tember and Octoter, , . ' " - ' " - ' London Quarterly Review, No. 71, Edinburgh Review, for Jane, 1827; American Quarterly Review,. Sept* 1827, North American Review, fir Oct. 1827,' United States Rev!ew,;f0r Sept. 1827, De Vere, 2 vols.; ' Barrington's Sketches of his own times* Fortunes of Nigel, 2 vols. Tales of my Landlord, first series, First Vsoyage of Columfeus, Reuben Apsley, 2 vols. Two Hundred and Nine Days, 2 vols. Village Tales, i^te, Living and the Dead, by a country Co-Clio, No. 3, by jameS G. Pervical, Patience, a taje by Miss Hofland,

'Miss Hemans Poems, Reliqiies of Ancieflt Poetry, 3 vols. Christian Indian, ' Eulogies on Adams and %fferson, New-York Mirror, alrld Ladies i#ttot«ky

Gazette, vol. Sd in part, voK4th entire. October 31* 18^7. :~x *U," •

Familv* Octavo, Duodicemo, Sclwol, Pocket U Diamond BIBLES* and TES­TAMENTS, at unusually low prices. A variety of Comnwjn PRAYER BOOES^; Watt's. D wight's and Winchers PSALM and-HYMN BOOKS; Episcopal NEW HYMNS; Methodist and Camp Meeting Hymns; SCHOOL and CLASSICAL BOOKS, wholesale and retail.

Ari elegant and extensive assortment of various kinds of

all oT will be sold at the most reduced pri' ces. ,••"•' JAMES BOGERT.

Good Cider.—Good Cideif can be made any where of good fruit, by the fol­lowing method 1 When: your apples are well ground, wet your straw with the juice instead of water; put some straw in a cask next to your receiving tub* with a blanket on it to filter or strain it; then put it in good clean casks immediately; suffer it to have as little air as possible, to prevent fermentation; when your casks are full, bung them up tight and remove them to your cellar* not to be dis­turbed until the expiration of one month at least. This cider will retain its sweet­ness tor years, and be as clear as heedful. It should not be removed in the cask it was put up in* hut racked into another. If there be any Who doubt this mode* let them try, one cask. The above is certi­fied by experievce.

common S6ottiift**patJance, is,*'caHed p' havereili vi » a1 oatur#fool. JZtitt in»Joltti-^ iny's muddled' e^ani«m> there-wa's1s»nif •crevices-stuffed svtthstl anger .and 'unac­countable-' o'bsertfatiotiSr -and/dufirig «hi* lucid inter!valVtT=uiy*elecuifyiirg 'flashes-of wit and*satire-'beamed Irofjh his getie^ rally unfadlated d j ^ r st'oryv 5Phe* pre­sent anecdote affpff* an ii.nst ittcfe',w a*

i power of combination and invention >al# most unique in 'a reputed haverel. * At oft^ of his brothe'if's eMctioneering feasfs, hafp pened to i | j a JJjErsi Oeikje, the guacy1

gudeivife of HOpolnest grocer |n ©upa* ' Angus. "This %orth^ »voman was blest v with a triliy 4&ifyi$g!gift of gat, and w-» deed her sole pleasure in We appeared to consist in hearing a'hd making others hear the accents of he^'tnelodlous tongue'. • She was, as asnal, spinning a long yaJrn,'of which Johnny salfff afterwards^ *• Ndiy doot it was a miracle to say it, btit that wife's clashes^ had neither beginning noir end." At'^a's% %:|iiig 'obliged to,«pausef for wantQlhrpath^lohnny relieyed gttardr not-less; to hef contusion than to the (a-m^zernerrt,of.|he|l«ijmpany^ , " 0,man »• Geordy," saylt»e?addressing his brother, "phad an awsome dream last night."— "Badye , my anon,".said Mr. Dempster, clapping hinV kindly on the sho'ulder,s. "> What sort 0* a dream was it Johnny 7'5 " O Geordy,'dy yVkenl dreamt I was* deed, (dead.) Wee! man, I .gadg a?ya to heaven'*' yett, (gate,) and wha saw I thece, think ye sirs ? Wha but the arjsh; angel Gabriel, we a great niuekJe flaming sword in his hand. Gift i had been a leevin body, and no a ghaist, I watl hae dwarfed t at the very sight o* him^ 3T© needna doot hut mony niair beside me We're ettlinglf tp win in at thVyett, but" hech! sirs, the fiery sword made an unca skalingl o' them a.way to a^place I'm? laith to give a name to. A wel^, "quoji tq tmyser t;he't surelyrken me: soup t gangs till hip. .But, Loid.bae mercy, on'% a') what a grosomelT facehe^put OIU"J "Wfya's dbg are ye?" quo'he. ' "D've n§ ]ken me, Gabrieli" quq' J, **ghat's un­co .queer too, for J ken yaw brateltyfy I irh .Johnny Dempster, the laird o . Dun-. nichehVbrithdr. "Fei^t, a haii1 are,y« the better 0* that, quo' h"e; "he's a(ne 0^ Satan's Parliamentors (hear ye-that Ge­ordy f) and ye; being sib- till him canna come in here. • Swith, awa wi' ye, QV" ghaist as ye are, 111 make ye shorter by the craig*"** WeeU, I saw npthing for't bfirt to creep into a corner, and may be, think* I, t% get in heddlingteiae, when-his back's turner!. But, gudesake, Wha should come among ithers butourgude fteend MrSi Geikie, ower there. Forrit" she gade, hap, stap, and lowp, and foe

J. SMTH.. JR. AS JJ&ST RECEIVEI) at his Bookstore the followirig

3*E\V & T A I U A B L E W O K S S : The life of Napoleon Buonaparte* Em-,

peror of the French* 3 vols. . Barriogton's Personal Sketches of his

own tiroes. Personal Narrative of the first voyage

of Columbus to America—from a Manu^ script recently,discovered in Spain.

Reuben Apsley, by t he author of Bram-bletye House, 2 vols;

The Living and the Dead* by a coun­try Curate.

Two hundred and nine days, or the Journal of a Traveller on thfe Continent, by Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Esq. of the Middle Temple,

Mrs. HemaW Poems, cheap edition. Clio* No. 3, by James C. PercivaJ. The Epicurean, a tale by T. Moore* Introductory Report to the Code of Pri­

son Discipline, by Edward Livingston

they contiuue6| their work from day to day, with not pie drop of spirits, till the iron was all ha nded Out and brought to .shore, and not 1 man had a finger frozen.

And experiei ie has taught not a fewf that if people* When travelling in cold weather,, wouT wholly omit drinking spirituous liquQ s*;they would feel,the efs fects of cold nH 3h. less: because the glow of warmth, pec; sioned liy drinking at one stage, leaves tb m ;iu this cold state, loqg before they reai h the n^x-t.,

In- a most severe frost, which happen"-ed about eight^er! yearSjSincfii the haefc-ney-coachmen'of Lpndbft suffered ex­ceedingly by thVpricti^e^f dripklng ar­dent spirits: many died.ih' of dram-drinking; wferle those who re­sorted to the use of tes, ^liich a few did, not only weathered the cold, btit acqui­red health and acthity from their re­gimen. ';' * -'.',',

Let it not be said, ardent spirits have become necessary, fronr habit, in harvest, and in other seasons Qf.pitcommon and arduous labor. Thl^abiit^is a bad one, and may be easily br kei** Let but half a dozen farmers ih^P'elgliborboodcom­bine tpallow higher* rageif to theirlabor­ers than common, iijd a siifiicient quan-r tity of any wholescariis"liquor; and they may soon by their %xarapte. abolish the practice,'6f giving them spirits*. In a lit­tle while they will <lj£X delighted with the good effects ofthjgif^association. Their gram and hay will be gathered into their barns in less time, and in a better condi­tion than formerly,' and of course at a less expense, and a hundred disagreeable scenes, from sickness, contention; and ac­cidents* will b6;|ayoi4ed, all of which fol­low in a greater;.jor less degree the use of ardent spirits. ':j^.

As well mighfe^e throw oil into a hous,e, the roof of 1fchlchiwa3 on fire, in order to prevent the flames from extending to its sides, as pour ardent spirits into the sto­mach, to lessen the effects of a hot sun upon the skin.

Nor do arden^ spirits lessen the effects of hard labor upon the body. Look at the hprse; with every muscle of his body swelled from morning 16 night in the plough, or a team* does h* make signs for a draught of toddy^ or a glass of spi­rits to enable him to cleave the ground or

a bill? No; |ie requires nothing

The tone of good company i s marked by the absence of personalities. Among well infoi-nied persons, there are plenty of topics |to discuss; without giving pain to any one present—without submitting lo act the part of a butt, or of that still poorer creature,v the Wag that plays his part.

' Prom the New*York Enquirer, Nov* 22. , Police.—-A bustle in the Police, on

Monday, attracted the usual number of boys and spectators, when in stalked two dapper cockney tailors* With lion skin great coats, large* pea|l Buttons, yellow flag handkerclii^f3,*and everv thingtippy and a hi Bruirinjek .They were introt-diiced by several 0tizer^, who led a poor black woman, lame, and in great.pain,— It seems that the ships had taken a fancy to have a little gig riding, and it being rather a cold day, they fortified them­selves with a thimble full of-•* Wue ruin," and mounted the Jaryey-—the horse being rather restive* probably somewhat proud of his honorable losid, began to caper,.. snort, and: cut all manner of stitches and herring-bones, and finally they knocked down the po#r African, and fairly ran over her, and set off on a full gallop.^-Some humane citizens pursued and over­took them, and forthwith gallanted them by the button to the Police, whefe they made their complaints pro forma. "Hpw come you to be driving so fast?" said the Justice. "Drive fast" said the Tailor, "Come,, that's a good onc-r^Ve vere going on a genteel canter, and nothing more*—short trot of about six miles an.our. Drive fast! Vby air, Rattle the h'ladk mare, vhat took the purse,on

sixteen miles

what qo* she was aye 3 wondetfu'iWO* man, and her gudeman Saunders there, i* as sponsible a carle as ony in a 'An­gus. , Gabriel takes a Jang look at hei', and at last* says he, -««ThisJiine,*;piaCt for the like of ye* tna leddy.". ..if^^'kett-our fieend's abeelitiesin the way; p*speak? ing-; She began ane 6* ber lang stories till him* bu t t trow before she ^ s h a f f dune, Gabriel cried out like a.,demented creature, "Gang in woman, t wadna be-troubled wt' your infernal clack for a* Heaven itsel'." , „:.' .

JSwooned. (fEndearorio , fSatteriog. TBorriWe. **Neek* ^ . "•

From the Schoharie Repub1ican>; ^ ., Anecdote of Gen.} HaT)iilion.^BanD&

the life time of this distmguiihed.':gtaji^^ man, arid while on a journey to M^?MM >• he chanced to puf up fpr the night, at a tavern in one of the small villages onthe Hudson tiyeri where a Mountebank had Advertised a dismay of his. ingenuity at slight Pf hand, wjre, &ic. on that evening. Induced by motives^ pf curioritj» and 4 (lesire to^ifcaWa? the:$e&ieu5hours of a winter's evening, the General took a front seat in the apartment: allotted for the per­formance. Hisv keen piercing eye did not escape the observaiioii[ of^hCJTtiggler, , who stepping tip to hittr and1|l^ajed^ri|f a silver dollar, politely r e ^ 4 p g ibijnn td , hold it uhtjjl he sjhpuld cfll^fpr iVad- ; ding that it might escapehisfingers with-' out his knowledge. The generatthink^ irtg some harmless .trick was iptended,., and being desirous of humoring t|ie.jojai[^ very readily accepted the dollar, a | i l : , clenching it fast in his Hand, waited in momentary expectation of some attempt being made to extricate it from bis grasp, Withput his privity. The Juggler when-••... ever he attempted to perfpwri a,tti^^e|ji;f would first.cast':«hinqu1rifig^«l^^|||r'i;' -General, as much as to say, •ftfi^mfiji/, m: for yout "dollar !'* Whej^tJKfppef Would immediately lookintohishand, to convince hitnself t|iat he was y^et' ih pos­session of it. After the perfprmance had ended, the Mountebari^eqitiested his dot-

Island, vent if sixteen miles an v v w « •----- ^;--- -,--™.-T--,-,--a——7 - ; =--v Ve ad a livry orse--ho.great things; t o ] 5 l ^ L ? ^ a l ^ i ^ 0 ^ J e ^ n . i ^ t be snte^npt fit for gentlemen's use^-tyen ~ """'""' "'* "**' ' J —.«-«

hut pool water hd substantial food. Therp is no noutifliinentin ardent spit its* The strength the|» prddircp in labor, is pf a transient nat^f*. a|id is always followed

this here nigger ran over pur orse,-and nearly kilt him. 1; am as good .a vip as any in the colonies,1 sir, but if A nigger runs Over my orse and, gig, that's not my fault. "• Are you sure you had «ot been drinking before you commenced ypur ride?" said the Justice.—-**Ve drink 1 come, that's a good one--if you call drinking a rummer of apple toddy and a negus, in a cold day, vy then ve vere .drinking."-—^f shall certainly hind ypu over for the misdemeanor, said the jus­tice, unless you make some reparation for the injury done to the poor woman.-r-" Veil ye »ill give her a guinea." , That is not enough; she is seriously hnrt,'W Snip took the black woman aside, and agreed to give her two guineas, which she accepted, in commntauon of her wrongs, and hobbled out. The whipsters, after,

observed that he could discover no trick in it. " Idoilhbugh," replied the Moun­tebank •$;'' You had not been three mi» putes in the room, when I perceived that if I did not do something to divert your attention^ ypu would delected me in eve­ry trick I attempted; I therefore, ga?p> you the dollar to hold, and managed to have it absorb so* much of your attention, that I got through the performance thupli better than, I anticipated when you,! " fixed your eyes upon me." Gen.* H« { said, was highly amused withthiftj d'auvre pf the Juggler, and pr pile "

The Tyros Greek and English Lexi-[by a sense of w^krj*$s and fatigue.

it the best * trick" performed • n i n g . - , - • •-. 't ^

The Abbe And use relates, in Jbe, Globe, that as he was one day making .the best of hi ! way <»ver a mountain/ in the Alle­ghany ranges he suddenly felt the soil


,. • . « rAi.,^ f ^ S i T J m A ^ - 1 ««>»* "tide* »i* fe^*. and perceiving that lmemngto an exordium f ™ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i4#s feed field, well J S t y t i

cs for gale

OTTERY ARGUS.—A new *up ply of thi* very uieful paper for the | j|lso, Silver and eyer.

con, by John Jones, L . L. D. London October Sl*.18a7. .

LEGANT CUTLERY, fete.—-j: SMITH, Jr. has just received an

elegatit assortment of PEN KNIVES.- '

Individuals are tp be found who-drink no spirits;, and are' :tiibi$W noted for ti­ring out throve' wpdv drink spirits to sfip-porllabor? Andwfcyislt 10? Because their strength is untfdrmi.neither railed nor exhausted by the stigg|few of spirits

trate^ left the office, saying, -» cu u ui,»i .-. -- ... ,v^ -_ . . . *»irfAutrt^ , i, not like Johnny Gilpin ve„ he lost his l S ^ & ^ a l ^ ? ^ f f l ^ vig. Let's go to vork, and give Up gig riding to BIPomiii|dale in future."

'-••' " • ' " - ' • " ' • — ^ ; " > - M . • ' ' * ' « » • • ' < ' • • • * : • '

ithe plain, thither he"quickly* ; Wkliottt the hiast inconvenlenCiSw* | tnteyirig landscapes are common hi

s! Johniiy, the laird's 6n<A«r.~The *ub

ject of the following anecdote was the] JOijffererice 6ettee«»rtfce only brother cf M». Dempster pf Dimntw4P<«rai.--Wbett1ttrsU*"^ chen, Forfarshire, of which county^ rrp | ange. Ian

n,itl n ln.fci,
