Page 1: Jesus came, the doors being shut,  and stood in the midst,  and said, “Peace to you!”

Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!” — John 20:26

Page 2: Jesus came, the doors being shut,  and stood in the midst,  and said, “Peace to you!”

门都关了。耶稣来站在当中说:「愿你们平安!」—约翰福音 20章 26节

Page 3: Jesus came, the doors being shut,  and stood in the midst,  and said, “Peace to you!”


Page 4: Jesus came, the doors being shut,  and stood in the midst,  and said, “Peace to you!”


Page 5: Jesus came, the doors being shut,  and stood in the midst,  and said, “Peace to you!”

经过耶稣被钉十字架的残酷事实,惊魂未定的门徒在一个熟悉的地方聚集。约翰写道:「那日晚上,门徒所在的地方,因怕犹太人,门都关了。耶稣来站在当中,对他们说:『愿你们平安!』」(约翰福音20章 19节)一周之后,又发生同样的事。虽然门都锁上,但耶稣进到门徒当中,并要借着祂的同在带给他们平安( 26-29节)。

Page 6: Jesus came, the doors being shut,  and stood in the midst,  and said, “Peace to you!”

不管今天你在哪里,正如歌词 所说:「有足够的希望,并足 够的能力,会驱走一切忧伤。


Page 7: Jesus came, the doors being shut,  and stood in the midst,  and said, “Peace to you!”


When in the midst of life with its problems,Bent with our toil and burdens we bear;

Wonderful thought and deep consolation:Jesus is always there.

Page 8: Jesus came, the doors being shut,  and stood in the midst,  and said, “Peace to you!”


Our loving God is always near— forever by our side.
