
Jesuit Formation

Jesuit FormationFormation of a DoctorWhat training does a Doctor need?A PriestWhat training does a Jesuit Priest need?Stages of FormationNovitiate First StudiesRegencyTheologyTertianship

Novitiate1st stage of formationA person is a Jesuit the day he begins Novitiate and is called a Novice.Novitiate lasts 2 yearsNovices:Take classes on the history of the JesuitsStudy Spirituality, Ignatian Spirituality in particularWork in the local community in ApostolatesMake the Spiritual Exercises in its 30 Day formatNovitiate ends with the taking of vows: Poverty, Chastity, Obedience

First StudiesThis second stage of formation lasts up to 3 years.Jesuits in this stage are known as Scholastics.First Studies is also known as Philosophy and the Jesuit earns an M.A. in Philosophy. Jesuits study one year of Theology at this time as well.Scholastics work in the local community.The Goal of Philosophy Studies is

Stages of FormationNovitiateFirst StudiesRegencyTheologyTertianship

RegencyThis third stage of formation lasts up to 3 years.In Regency a Jesuit is known as a Regent (or Scholastic).During Regency a Jesuit lives in a regular Jesuit community and works full-time in a Jesuit Apostolate.The purpose of Regency is to give the Jesuit real-life experience as a person in ministry.

TheologyThe fourth stage of formation lasts 3 years.In Theology a Jesuit is known as a Theologian.It is the formal studies for Priesthood and a Jesuit earns an M.Div. (Master of Divinity).They work in the local community.Many Jesuits start a professional degree at this time.It ends with ordination to the Priesthood.

Stages of FormationNovitiateFirst StudiesRegencyTheologyTertianship

TertianshipTertiary means third.Tertianship is a third year of Novitiate.A Tertian makes the 30 day retreat again.He studies the founding documents again.Tertianship ends with the making of Final Vows (including, perhaps, the 4th vow).Tertianship completes formation.

Stages of FormationNovitiate First StudiesRegencyTheologyTertianship