
Jeremy Strauss

SED 514


Things You Should Know

• My goal at CSUN is to get my bachelor’s degree in English while simultaneously acquiring my teaching credentials

• I teach so that I may offer even just a little bit of excitement, inspiration, and entertainment to the world of High School English


• I enjoy writing short stories, most of them based in science fiction or fantasy

• I am learning to play the electric guitar, although the road ahead is a long one…

• I have a notorious passion for movies, especially if they are on DVD!


Speaking of Music…

• My classmate Kevin is hoping to learn valuable technical skills in this class so that he may apply them in his efforts to teach Music to a modern educational world!


Strengths & Fears

• My greatest strength is my empathy towards my friends, family, and coworkers; my life has been built around positive relationships with others

It is my fear that I will one day look back on life and realize that I have fallen below my lofty expectations

You’ll Want to Write This Down• You’ll note that this slide is an egregious example of a

violation of the first rule of effective PowerPoint techniques, which essentially states “Thou Shalt not put War and Peace on a Slide”. This is of course a literary reference to the infamously lengthy novel by Leo Tolstoy which chronicles Russian life during the Napoleonic Wars. The novel was published in the late 1860’s and is often cited when one wishes to hyperbolize the length of a written work, such as the amount of text on this single slide. It is immediately obvious why one would never wish to write this much on a single PowerPoint slide, as it is way too much for a captive audience to read and absorb effectively.

When I Need a Laugh…

• I enjoy visiting “Rob and Elliot”, which is the hilarious online comic-book story of two roommates and their misadventures