Page 1: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

The Things They CarriedA Unit Review

By: Teri Hinrichs

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Page 2: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

Review Jeopardy

About the Book Characters Important Quotes

The Story The Vietnam War

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Page 3: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

Who is the author of The Things They Carried?

Category 1 – 10 points

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ANSWER:Tim O’Brien

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When was the novel first published?

Category 1 – 20 points

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Who is the narrator?

Category 1 – 30 points

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ANSWER:Tim O’Brien

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What is the setting of the novel?

Category 1 – 40 points

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ANSWER: Vietnam and Massachusetts

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Name 1 of the 3 symbols O’Brien uses in the novel.

Category 1 – 50 points

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ANSWER:•The dead young Vietnamese soldier


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Who is the protagonist of the story?

Category 2 – 10 points

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ANSWER:Tim O’Brien

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Who is the lieutenant in charge of Alpha Company?

Category 2 – 20 points

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ANSWER:Jimmy Cross

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Who carries moccasins in order to walk silently?

Category 2 – 30 points

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Who is the medic for Alpha Company?

Category 2 – 40 points

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ANSWER:Bob “Rat” Kiley

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Who is the first of Alpha Company to die?

Category 2 – 50 points

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ANSWER:Ted Lavender

Page 23: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

What is being discussed by the following lines:

“They carried the soldier’s greatest fear, which was the fear of blushing. Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to. It was what had brought them to the war in the first place, nothing positive, no dreams of glory or honor, just to avoid the blush of dishonor. They died so as not to die of embarrassment.”

Category 3 – 10 points

Page 24: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

ANSWER:The emotional baggage that each soldier carried in addition to their

physical possessions

Page 25: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

Who is being described in the following quote:

“He was a slim, dead, almost dainty young man of about twenty. He lay with one leg bent beneath him, his jaw in his throat, his face neither expressive nor inexpressive. One eye was shut. The other was a star-shaped hole.”

Category 3 – 20 points

Page 26: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

ANSWER:The young Vietnamese soldier that

O’Brien killed

Page 27: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

What event causes O’Brien to reveal:

“By telling stories, you objectify your own experience. You separate it from yourself. You pin down certain truths. You make up others. You start sometimes with an incident that truly happened, like the night in the shit field, and you carry it forward by inventing incidents that did not in fact occur but that nonetheless help to clarify and explain.”

Category 3 – 30 points

Page 28: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

ANSWER:Kiowa’s death

Page 29: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

What event leads O’Brien to reveal:

“I’d come to this war a quiet, thoughtful sort of person, a college grad, Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude, all the credentials, but after seven months in the bush I realized that those high, civilized trappings had somehow been crushed under the weight of the simple daily realities. I’d turned mean inside.”

Category 3 – 40 points

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ANSWER:Jorgenson, the new medic, failed to

treat O’Brien competently, so he had planned to exact revenge

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What is the significance of the following:

“[S]ometimes I can even see Timmy skating with Linda under the yellow floodlights. I’m young and happy. I’ll never die. I’m skimming across the surface of my own history, moving fast, riding the melt beneath the blades, doing loops and spins, and when I take a high leap into the dark and come down thirty years later, I realize it is as Tim trying to save Timmy’s life with a story.”

Category 3 – 50 points

Page 32: Jeopardy   Things They Carried

ANSWER:At the end of the novel, Tim O’Brien tries to

make sense of who he is now through a childhood memory

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Why does Ted Lavender take tranquilizers?

Category 4 – 10 points

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ANSWER:Because he has a problem with nervousness

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What is O’Brien’s summer job before the war?

Category 4 – 20 points

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ANSWER:He works in a meatpacking factory

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How is Curt Lemon killed?

Category 4 – 30 points

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ANSWER:He steps on a mine

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When the platoon burns a village and then finds a young girl dancing,

who mocks her?

Category 4 – 40 points

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Why did O’Brien’s relationship with Linda end?

Category 4 – 50 points

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ANSWER:She died of a brain tumor

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During what years was the Vietnam War fought?

Category 5 – 10 points

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About how many Americans were killed in the war?

Category 5 – 20 points

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ANSWER:About 58,000

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What was the average age for soldiers in the war?

Category 5 – 30 points

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ANSWER:23 years old

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What happened on May 4, 1970?

Category 5 – 40 points

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ANSWER:Kent State Massacre

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What is significant about the date January 27, 1973?

Category 5 – 50 points

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ANSWER:Considered the official end of the

Vietnam War

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