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    1Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Chapter 3 Control Statements

    Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers, Programs,and Java

    Chapter 2 Primitive Data Types and Operations

    Chapter !oops

    Chapter " #rrays

    Chapter $ %ethods

    &asic computer s'ills such as using (indo)s,

    Internet *+plorer, and %icrosot (ord

    --1./101./3 in Chapter 1. ecursion

    Chapter 23 #lgorithm *iciency and Sorting

    Chapter 3 Selection Statements

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    2Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    OectivesTo declare oolean type and )rite &oolean e+pressions 4-3/25/

    To distinguish et)een conditional and unconditional 66 and 77operators 4-3/2/15/

    To use &oolean e+pressions to control selection statements 4-3/30


    To implement selection control using i and nested i statements4-3/35/

    To implement selection control using s)itch statements 4-3/5/

    To )rite e+pressions using the conditional operator 4-3/$5 /

    To display ormatted output using the System/out/print methodand to ormat strings using the String/ormat method 4-3/"5/

    To 'no) the rules governing operand evaluation order, operator

    precedence, and operator associativity 4--3/803/95 /

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    3Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    The booleanType and Operators

    Oten in a program you need to compare t)ovalues, such as )hether i is greater than / Java

    provides si+ comparison operators 4also 'no)n

    as relational operators5 that can e used to

    compare t)o values/ The result o the

    comparison is a &oolean value: true or alse/

    boolean b = (1 > 2);

  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Comparison Operators

    Operator Name

    < less than

    greater than

    >= greater than or e;ual to

    == e;ual to

    != not e;ual to

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    $Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    &oolean Operators

    Operator Name

    ! not

    && and|| or

    ^ e+clusive or

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    "Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Truth Tale or Operator Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rig

    hts reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&


    System/out/println4AIs A B num B A divisile y 2 and 3 A B

    44num 2 ?? >5 66 4num 3 ?? >555E

    System/out/println4AIs A B num B A divisile y 2 or 3 A B 44num 2 ?? >5 77 4num 3 ?? >555E

    System/out/println4AIs A B num B

    A divisile y 2 or 3, ut not oth A B

    44num 2 ?? >5 @ 4num 3 ?? >555E

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    *+ample: Determining !eap Fear

    LeapYearLeapYear RunRun

    This program irst prompts the user to enter a year as

    an int value and chec's i it is a leap year/

    # year is a leap year i it is divisile y ut not y

    1>>, or it is divisile y >>/

    4year ?? >66 year 1>>

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    hts reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    *+ample: # Simple %ath !earning Tool

    AdditionTutorAdditionTutor RunRun

    This e+ample creates a program to let a irst grader practice additions/The program randomly generates t)o single0digit integers numer1

    and numer2 and displays a ;uestion such as G(hat is 8 B .H to the

    student, as sho)n elo)/ #ter the student types the ans)er in the

    input dialog o+, the program displays a message dialog o+ to

    indicate )hether the ans)er is true or alse/

  • 7/24/2019 Java slides

    13/6413Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    The 6 and 7 Operators

    &&: conditional AND operator

    &: unconditional AND operator

    ||: conditional OR operator

    |: unconditional OR operator

    exp1 && exp2

    (1 < x) && (x < 100)

    (1 < x) & (x < 100)

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    The 6 and 7 Operators

    If x is 1, what is x after this


    (x > 1) & (x < 1")

    If x is 1, what is x after this


    (1 > x) && ( 1 > x)

    #ow about (1 == x) | (1" > x)

    (1 == x) || (1" > x)

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    15/641$Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Selection Statements



    Conditional Operators

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    alse4radius =? >5


    area ? radius radius PIE

    System/out/println4AThe area or the circle o A B

    Aradius A B radius B A is A B area5E


    4#5 4&5

    i 4oolean*+pression5 statement4s5E


    i 4radius =? >5

    area ? radius radius PIE System/out/println4AThe areaA

    B A or the circle o radius A

    B radius B A is A B area5E


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    if ((i > ") && (i < 1"))%

    'steoutprintln(*i is an * !

    ! *inte+er between " an, 1"*);





    if ((i > ") && (i < 1"))

    'steoutprintln(*i is an * !

    ! *inte+er between " an, 1"*);

    Outer parentheses re;uired &races can e omitted i the loc' contains a single


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    #dding a semicolon at the end o an i clause is a common

    mista'e/i 4radius =? >5E

    area ? radiusradiusPIE


    AThe area or the circle o radius A B

    radius B A is A B area5E

    KThis mista'e is hard to ind, ecause it is not a compilation error

    or a runtime error, it is a logic error/

    This error oten occurs )hen you use the ne+t0line loc' style/


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    2>Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&


    if (raius >= ") %area = raius 0 raius 0 1134;

    'steoutprintln(*5he area for the 6

    6$ir$le of raius * raius * is * area);


    else %

    'steoutprintln(*7e+ati8e input*);


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    %ultiple #lternative i Statements

    if (s$ore >= 4"")+ra,e = 9:9;


    if (s$ore >= "")

    +ra,e = 99;


    if (s$ore >= "")

    +ra,e = 99;


    if (s$ore >= ?"")

    +ra,e = 9@9;


    +ra,e = 9A9;


    if (s$ore >= 4"")

    +ra,e = 9:9;

    else if (s$ore >= "")

    +ra,e = 99;

    else if (s$ore >= "")

    +ra,e = 99;

    else if (s$ore >= ?"")

    +ra,e = 9@9;


    +ra,e = 9A9;


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    22Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace i0else statement

    i 4score =? .>/>5

    grade ? M#ME

    else i 4score =? 9>/>5

    grade ? M&ME

    else i 4score =? 8>/>5 grade ? MCME

    else i 4score =? ">/>5

    grade ? MDME

    else grade ? MNME

    Suppose score is 8>/> The condition is alse



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    23Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace i0else statement

    i 4score =? .>/>5

    grade ? M#ME

    else i 4score =? 9>/>5

    grade ? M&ME

    else i 4score =? 8>/>5 grade ? MCME

    else i 4score =? ">/>5

    grade ? MDME

    else grade ? MNME

    Suppose score is 8>/> The condition is alse



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    2Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace i0else statement

    i 4score =? .>/>5

    grade ? M#ME

    else i 4score =? 9>/>5

    grade ? M&ME

    else i 4score =? 8>/>5 grade ? MCME

    else i 4score =? ">/>5

    grade ? MDME

    else grade ? MNME

    Suppose score is 8>/> The condition is true



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    2$Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace i0else statement

    i 4score =? .>/>5

    grade ? M#ME

    else i 4score =? 9>/>5

    grade ? M&ME

    else i 4score =? 8>/>5 grade ? MCME

    else i 4score =? ">/>5

    grade ? MDME

    else grade ? MNME

    Suppose score is 8>/> grade is C



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    2"Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace i0else statement

    i 4score =? .>/>5

    grade ? M#ME

    else i 4score =? 9>/>5

    grade ? M&ME

    else i 4score =? 8>/>5 grade ? MCME

    else i 4score =? ">/>5

    grade ? MDME

    else grade ? MNME

    Suppose score is 8>/> *+it the i statement


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    28Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    LoteThe else clause matches the most recent i clause in the same

    loc'/int i = 1;

    int B = 2;

    int C = ;

    if (i > B)

    if(i > C)'steoutprintln(*:*);






    int i = 1;

    int B = 2;

    int C = ;

    if (i > B)

    if(i > C)'steoutprintln(*:*);



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    29Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Lote, cont/

    Lothing is printed rom the preceding statement/ To orce

    the else clause to match the irst i clause, you must add apair o races:

    int i = 1;

    int B = 2;

    int C = ;

    if (i > B) {

    if (i > C)





    This statement prints &/

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    2.Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&


    if (nuber D 2 == ")e8en = true;


    e8en = false;


    *;uivalent boolean e8en= nuber D 2 == ";


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    3>Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&


    if (e8en == true)&'steoutprintln(

    *It is e8en*);


    *;uivalent if (e8en)&'steoutprintln(

    *It is e8en*);


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    31Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    *+ample: Computing Ta+es

    The S ederal personal income ta+ is calculated ased on

    the iling status and ta+ale income/ There are our ilingstatuses: single ilers, married iling ointly, married iling

    separately, and head o household/ The ta+ rates or 2>>2

    are sho)n in Tale 3/1/

  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    32Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    *+ample: Computing Ta+es, cont/

    !oputeTax"it#$election$tateent!oputeTax"it#$election$tateent Run

    if (status == ") %

    EE opute tax for sin+le filers


    else if (status == 1) %

    EE opute tax for arrie file Bointl'-

    else if (status == 2) %

    EE opute tax for arrie file separatel'


    else if (status == ) %

    EE opute tax for hea of househol


    else %

    EE @ispla' wron+ status


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    33Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    *+ample: #n Improved %ath !earning Tool

    This e+ample creates a program to teach a irst grade child

    ho) to learn sutractions/ The program randomlygenerates t)o single0digit integers numer1 and numer2)ith numer1 = numer2 and displays a ;uestion such asG(hat is . 2H to the student, as sho)n in the igure/#ter the student types the ans)er in the input dialog o+,the program displays a message dialog o+ to indicate)hether the ans)er is correct, as sho)n in igure/

    $u%tractionTutor$u%tractionTutor Run

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    3Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    *+ample: Quessing &irth Date

    ue''irt#Dateue''irt#Date Run

    The program can guess your irth date/ unto see ho) it )or's/

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    3$Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    swit$hStatementss)itch 4status5

    case >: compute ta+es or single ilersE rea'E

    case 1: compute ta+es or married ile ointlyE


    case 2: compute ta+es or married ile separatelyE


    case 3: compute ta+es or head o householdE


    deault: System/out/println4A*rrors: invalid statusA5E



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    3"Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    swit$hStatement Nlo) Chart

    status is >Compute ta+ or single ilers rea'

    Compute ta+ or married ile ointly rea'

    status is 1

    Compute ta+ or married ile separatly rea'status is 2

    Compute ta+ or head o household rea'

    status is 3

    Deault actionsdeault

    Le+t Statement

    i h St t t l

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    38Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    swit$hStatement ules

    s)itch 4s)itch0e+pression5 case value1: statement4s51E


    case value2: statement4s52E



    case valueL: statement4s5LE


    deault: statement4s50or0deaultE


    The s)itch0e+pression mustyield a value o char, yte,

    short, or int type and mustal)ays e enclosed in


    The value1, ///, and valueL must

    have the same data type as thevalue o the s)itch0e+pression/

    The resulting statements in the

    case statement are e+ecuted )hen

    the value in the case statement

    matches the value o the s)itch0

    e+pression/ Lote that value1, ///,and valueL are constant

    e+pressions, meaning that they

    cannot contain variales in the

    e+pression, such as 1 B +/

    it h St t t l

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    39Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    swit$hStatement ules

    The 'ey)ord rea' is optional,

    ut it should e used at the end o

    each case in order to terminate the

    remainder o the s)itch statement/

    I the rea' statement is not

    present, the ne+t case statement

    )ill e e+ecuted/

    s)itch 4s)itch0e+pression5 case value1: statement4s51E


    case value2: statement4s52E



    case valueL: statement4s5LE


    deault: statement4s50or0deaultE


    The deault case, )hich is

    optional, can e used to perorm

    actions )hen none o the

    speciied cases matches thes)itch0e+pression/ The case statements are e+ecuted in se;uential

    order, ut the order o the cases 4including the

    deault case5 does not matter/ o)ever, it is good

    programming style to ollo) the logical se;uence o

    the cases and place the deault case at the end/


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    3.Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h); case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    Suppose ch is MaM:


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    >Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h); case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    ch is MaM:


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    1Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h); case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    *+ecute this line


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    2Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h); case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    *+ecute this line


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    3Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h); case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    *+ecute this line


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h); case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    Le+t statementE

    *+ecute ne+t statement


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    $Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    break; case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    Suppose ch is MaM:


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    "Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    break; case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    ch is MaM:


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    8Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    break; case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    *+ecute this line


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    9Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    break; case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    *+ecute this line


  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    .Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Trace s)itch statement

    switch($h) %

    case9a9F 'steoutprintln($h);

    break; case9b9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    case9$9F 'steoutprintln($h);


    Le+t statementE

    *+ecute ne+t statement

    C di i l O

  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    $>Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Conditional Operator

    i 4+ = >5

    y ? 1else

    y ? 01E

    is e;uivalent to

    y ? 4+ = >5 1 : 01E4oolean*+pression5 e+pression1 : e+pression2

    Ternary operator&inary operatornary operator

  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    $1Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Conditional Operator

    if (nu D 2 == ")

    'steoutprintln(nu 6is e8enG);


    'steoutprintln(nu 6is oG);


    (nu D 2 == ") nu 6is e8enG F nu 6is oG);

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    $2Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Conditional Operator, cont/

    (boolean.xp) exp1 F exp2

    N tti O t tJD 1/$

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    $3Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Normatting Output

    se the ne) JD 1/$ print statement/

    System/out/print4ormat, items5E

    (here ormat is a string that may consist o sustrings and

    ormat speciiers/ # ormat speciier speciies ho) an item

    should e displayed/ #n item may e a numeric value,

    character, oolean value, or a string/ *ach speciier egins

    )ith a percent sign/


    N tl d S ii

    JD 1/$

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    $Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Nre;uently0sed SpeciiersNeature

    Specifier Output Example

    Db a boolean 8alue true or false

    D$ a $hara$ter 9a9

    D a e$ial inte+er 2""

    Df a floatin+/point nuber 3?""""

    De a nuber in stanar s$ientifi$ notation 33?"""e"1

    Ds a strin+ *Ha8a is $ool*

    int $ount = 3;

    ouble aount = 33?;

    'steoutprintf(*$ount is D an aount is Df*, $ount, aount);

    ispla' $ount is 3 an aount is 33?""""


    C i N d S i

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    Creating Normatted Strings

    System/out/print4ormat, item1, item2, ///, itemk5

    String/ormat4ormat, item1, item2, ///, itemk5

    String s ? String/ormat4Acount is d and amount is A, $, $/$"55E

    O P d

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    $"Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Operator Precedence

    o) to evaluate 3 B = $ 4 B 35 1

    O t P d

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    $8Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Operator Precedence 8ar, 8ar//

    , / (nar' plus an inus), 8ar,//8ar (t'pe) astin+

    ! (7ot)

    0,E,D (Jultipli$ation, i8ision, an reainer)

    ,/ (inar' aition an subtra$tion)

    = (oparison)

    ==,!=; (.Kualit')

    & (n$onitional :7@)

    ^ (.x$lusi8e LM)

    | (n$onitional LM)

    && (onitional :7@) hort/$ir$uit :7@

    || (onitional LM) hort/$ir$uit LM

    =,=,/=,0=,E=,D= (:ssi+nent operator)

    O t P d d # i ti it

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    Operator Precedence and #ssociativity

    The e+pression in the parentheses is evaluated irst/

    4Parentheses can e nested, in )hich case the e+pressionin the inner parentheses is e+ecuted irst/5 (henevaluating an e+pression )ithout parentheses, theoperators are applied according to the precedence rule and

    the associativity rule/

    I operators )ith the same precedence are ne+t to eachother, their associativity determines the order o

    evaluation/ #ll inary operators e+cept assignmentoperators are let0associative/

    O t # i ti it

  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    $.Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Operator #ssociativity

    (hen t)o operators )ith the same precedenceare evaluated, the associativity o the operatorsdetermines the order o evaluation/ #ll inaryoperators e+cept assignment operators are left-

    associative/ a B c d is e;uivalent to 44a 5 B c5 d

    #ssignment operators are right-associative/

    Thereore, the e+pression a ? B? c ? $ is e;uivalent to a ? 4 B? 4c ? $55

    * l

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    ">Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&


    #pplying the operator precedence and associativity rule,

    the e+pression 3 B = $ 4 B 35 0 1 is evaluated asollo)s:

    0 > 3 0 ( ) / 1

    0 > 3 0 N 1

    1? > 3 0 N 1

    1? > 3 N 1

    14 > 3 N 1

    14 >


    1 inside arentheses irst

    425 multiplication

    435 multiplication

    45 addition

    4$5 sutraction

    4"5 greater than

    O d * l ti O d

  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    "1Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Operand *valuation Order

    The precedence and associativity rulesspeciy the order o the operators, ut do not

    speciy the order in )hich the operands o a

    inary operator are evaluated/ Operands are

    evaluated rom let to right in Java/

    The left-hand operand of a binary operator is

    evaluated before any part of the right-hand

    operand is evaluated.

    O d * l ti O d t

  • 7/24/2019 Java slides


    "2Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    Operand *valuation Order, cont/

    I no operands haveside effectsthat change the valueo a variale, the order o operand evaluation isirrelevant/ Interesting cases arise )hen operands dohave a side eect/ Nor e+ample,xecomes 1 in theollo)ing code, ecause a is evaluated to > eore ++ais evaluated to 1/

    int a ? >E

    int + ? a B 4BBa5E

    &utxecomes 2 in the ollo)ing code, ecause ++ais evaluated to 1, then ais evaluated to 1/

    int a ? >E

    int + ? BBa B aE

    l * l ti * i

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    "3Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Sixth Edition, (c) 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. A rights reserved. 0!"#!222"$%!&

    ule o *valuating an *+pression

    ule 1: *valuate )hatever sue+pressions you can

    possily evaluate rom let to right/

    ule 2: The operators are applied according to their


    ule 3: The associativity rule applies or t)o operators

    ne+t to each other )ith the same precedence/

    l * l ti * i

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    ule o *valuating an *+pression

    #pplying the rule, the e+pression 3 B = $ 4 B 35 0 1is evaluated as ollo)s:

    ! 0 > 3 0 ( ! ) / 1

    ! 1? > 3 0 ( ! ) / 1

    14 > 3 0 ( ! ) / 1

    14 > 3 0 / 1

    14 > 3 N 1

    14 >


    415 I is the irst sue+pression that can

    e evaluated rom let/

    425 3 B 1" is evaluated no)/

    435 B 3 is no) the letmost sue+pression

    that should e evaluated/

    45 $ I 8 is evaluated no)/

    4$5 3$ P 1 is evaluated no)/

    4"5 1. = 3 is evaluated no)/