Download pdf - January 2015


In this Issue


Motorcycle Ministry

Women’s Conference


Children’s Church

Christmas Program

Snow Days

Parent Link

Page 2

The following are reoccurring

events that take place each

week/month at the same time

unless otherwise denoted.

Discipleship before Church

at 9am

Church Services - Sunday at

10:45 AM

Baptism Sunday mornings

Children’s Play Group Every

Tuesday from 10am -


Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

3rd Sat. 8-9 Call Bob Byrd

for info at: 210-896-5525

CFY - Every Wednesday @


Pre-Teen Ministry -Every

Wednesday @ 6:30pm-8

Bldg D

Women’s Sticky Group

Thursday 10:30 am

2nd Thursday Helping

Hands 10:30 —12

Please Go To Our Website

For More Information!



Office closed

2 3


10:45 a




6:00 pm Stronger Bible Study



Play Group



5th & 6th


6:30p-8p CFY



Helping Hands


Women’s Sticky


6:30 p–8p


9 10



Ladies Riding








and Lay

Pastor Mtg.

12 6:00 pm Stronger Bible Study



Play Group


6:30 -8p

5th & 6th





10:30 am

Women’s Sticky



6:30pm– 8


16 17

8a-9a Men’s Fellowship Breakfast






Saddle up

Bldg D

19 6:00 pm Stronger Bible Study



Play Group


6:30 -8p

5th & 6th


6:30p-8p CFY


10:30 am

Women’s Sticky



6:30pm– 8




25 9a Discipleship 10:45a Worship Service 12pm-1 Elders mtg. 5:30 Celebration of ministries

26 6:00 pm Stronger Bible Study



Play Group


6:30 -8p

5th & 6th


6:30p-8p CFY


10:30 am

Women’s Sticky



6:30pm– 8


30 31


Of Events

25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25

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The Helping Hands Ministry met on December 11th to wrap Christmas gifts to be

delivered by the Motorcycle Ministry for needy children in the area on December

20th. There was a good turnout and all the presents were beautifully wrapped. After

the wrapping was done the gang went to Café Chris for lunch where they were joined

by associate pastor Scotty for lunch and fellowship.

The Motorcycle Ministry along with the Helping Hands Ministry delivered Christmas gifts on

December 20th to 3 families in Jourdanton, one family in Christine and one family in Pleasanton.

The families were very appreciative and the children seemed overjoyed. The members of both

ministries who helped with the delivering of the presents were Heather, Thomas and TJ Williams,

Dottie Ellis, Marty and Larry Pryor, Cathy and Janet Dow, Larry Dobbs, Ross Duren, Avalon

Newell and officer Rick Luna. Behind the scenes buyers and wrappers were Yvonna and Alan

Bentz, Jim Hindes, Peggy Hooper, Karen Kraft., Treva Rumfield, Loretta and John Reppond,

Connie and Donna Hill and Marge Lockhart. Thanks to all of the participants of this very worthy


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A Godly Woman Discerning What is Best

Philippians 1:9-10

Jan 30 - 6:30 pm (doors open at 6) Jan 31- 8 am (doors open at 7:30) $25 includes registration and lunch

Visit the Cowboy Fellowship website for a list of workshops and to reserve your spot! Speaker: Pamela Hughes

Child care provided For more info contact

Rebekah at 210-461-9633

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Our hearts overflow with


*Engedi Marriage Retreat

When we were asked to leave our apartment for a month due to major plumbing problems we knew we needed to find another place for our October and November retreats. We combined the two retreats at a lovely little retreat center owned by the Church of God. Not only was it the nicest place we found, it was also the most economical. God provides way beyond our imagina-tion.

Wow God has answered prayers! Last weekend, at the Engedi Marriage Retreat for pastors and their wives, one of the pastors wives said, ¨In Uruguay, 'submission' is such a negative term, I never knew how positive God has meant it to be for my life. I need to ask God forgiveness for not trusting HIM to lead me through my husband."

We moved back into our apartment Monday night and worked like crazy to make it a home again. The kitchen cabinets are not finished so we still have dishes out on the countertop but we are so very thankful to be home!

We have not had reliable internet for the last two weeks and therefore we thank our Weekly Prayer Team for their patience and prayer as we couldn't get the prayer & praise list out on time. THANK YOU for praying anyway! We praise God for providing tickets for Alicia and Josh to come for Christmas! They will be here in less than a month and we are sooooo excited!

And we praise God for you! Thank you for your interest, prayers, and investments for what God is doing in and through us!

Overflowing gratitude!

Craig and Denise Williams Camino Global-Uruguay

“Go tell it on the mountains,

Over the hills and everywhere… That Jesus Christ is born…”

and coming again!

It’s hard to believe that in a few short weeks we will be celebrating Christmas and then returning to the Himalayas to tell the Good News on the mountains! It seems like yesterday we landed in the U.S. The truth is we have been travel-ling so many thousands of miles since returning that we could have literally driven more than half way around the world! We have been blessed to be able to connect with so many churches and friends. J Despite our many miles and weary bodies we haven’t been able to make to all the churches and friends we wanted to see. Sorry L!

As I am writing you today I am flooded with a million emotions and thoughts. I am seized by a sense of urgency to get back to the Himalayas. We must go tell it on the mountains! We must train, equip, and proclaim! If there were giant earthquakes today in the Himalayas, as many experts have been predicting as imminent, whole people groups would go to hell because they have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are so thankful for the promises of God that remind us that there will be a vast multitude from every people, nation, language, and tribe worshipping our God before His throne who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. To this end we work and labor. We are so grateful for teammates, national partners, churches and supporters who labor alongside us. Please pray for our na-tional partners who have been so faithful. Next week they will throw several Christmas parties (Dec 18th-20th). Through your giving they will be buying, in addition to the regular food we provide, special Christmas treats for sev-eral Lowa schools. They will be performing skits, singing carols, and presenting the Gospel to students and staff. Please keep them in your prayers.

Words do not adequately describe our thanks for the many who have been so gracious in hosting us in our many travels. For those we missed we offer our apologies and weary bodies and hope you can forgive us. Please pray that the Lord will use our visits and talks to bless and glorify the Lord, that He would bear fruit for His glory.

Thank you for your prayers for Joel. It has been quite an adjustment but he seems to be doing well, though living on a lot less sleep. I think he said he averages one all-nighter a week plus at least two nights a week with 3-4 hours of sleep a day. He hasn’t much time for guitar or anything else. Please pray for Joel to know balance and experience the grace that the Lord would have him live by. Next week he has exams so I know he’d appreciate your prayers.

Isaiah is probably struggling more than Joel. He really misses his big brother. Please pray for Isaiah to continue to grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. Terry and I are really going to have to step up to make up for Joel’s absence. Please pray that Isaiah will be able to connect with his friend Samuel and other children when he gets back.

Leaving the U.S. is always bittersweet as we say our goodbyes. We probably won’t be back again until Joel graduates from college. Thankfully we can spend Christmas with family, a rare treat even when we lived in the States.

Continued on page 10

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Please pray for:

Our national partners as they throw Christmas parties and present the Gospel (Dec.18th-20th).

Joel as he prepares for finals (Dec 15th-18th).

Teams who would like to come and serve along side us.

The trekking agency to get the clientele necessary to bring the Gospel into the Himalayas and to be able to provide their salaries.

For our long-term visa situation to be resolved.

For Isaiah’s adjustment without Joel.

For a great response to the annual Lottie Moon Christmas offering (100 % goes to overseas missions work).

For our remaining speaking opportunities here in the States Thanks be to God for you and all of our partners and co-laborers who have so generously given and prayed

for us!

We wish each of you a very blessed Christmas and New Year!!!

Love and Thanks

Craig, Terry, Joel, and Isaiah

Page 10

Has it struck you how great the need is in the World to hear and respond to the Gospel? The World popula-

tion has increased by 1 billion people in the last ten years! Mission agencies have decreased in size due to

the economy and the U.S. seems to have lost its moral groundings.

The darkness is indeed dark. The need is there. Please pray for all of us to make the most of every opportu-

nity! Pray that we would all be a light in the midst of darkness. Pray for revival among Christians and awak-

ening among non-Christians!

Praise: The Lord did not leave us in darkness but sent His own Son to reconcile the world to Himself!

What a gift! Merry Christmas!

Page 11

Pleasanton City Council was represented by Doug Best who along with other members

is a strong advocate of the Skate park Our friend Lisa Luna, a writer for The Pleasan-

ton Express has been influential in the development of local interest and additional con-

tacts for expanded promotion. Pray for Christ to influence the lives of all skaters and

families. This is our mission to “Go and make disciples.”


Thirty parents and friends watched intently as 35

skaters showed moves on their skateboards that had

the crowd applauding enthusiastically. 35 Skate-

boarders came from Pleasanton, Poteet, Leming, Flo-

resville, Jourdanton and San Antonio to participate in

some high level competition, as well as beginner and

intermediate skill levels. Clayton, Juan, Josh hosted

the event and did a superb job of keeping it moving

and fun with appropriate prizes for the winners. Par-

ents indicated a strong desire to help with the next

VISION SKATE JAM and Jimmy Stewart of Plea-

santon added some special challenges to the skaters

with the new equipment he built and made available

for the future events. The future of THE SKATE-







Bob and Verna Byrd

65 Pulliam Dr.

Pleasanton, TX. 78064


Thirty five children, ranging from age 3 to 16, sacrifice Monday after Monday to practice for this year’s Children’s Christmas Program. The program was held Sunday, December 21, 2014 here at the sanctuary. As Nathan Reed and Karoline Barton read the Christmas story from the book of Luke, the 3’s and 4’s were ushered in to sing Away In the Manger. Then a group of students performed the Legend of the Candy Cane Skit. The remaining students began ringing their bells as they marched in and took the stage, singing “Our Savior is Born” followed by “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”. The choir then took a seat as a small group performed the skit, “Don’t Forget Him”. The choir then finished the evening by singing “Welcome to Our World” and “Joy to the World”. The performance was celebrated with cook-ies, cake, and hot chocolate.

The other students who took on skit parts or leads in the music include:

Joey Dickey Kendal Crouch Claudia Rodriguez

Julia Smith Brylee Miller Hadley Pawelek

Molly Jane Barton Sydney Blair Aurianna Rich

Madison Carr Lexi Rich Jordan Wallace

Alizay Rodriguez Presley Crouch Brady Carr

The evening would not have possible with out the support of the parents and a great volunteer team. The choir was led by Brian Carr, Helen Osterman, and Laci Anderson. Lights, sound, and stage set up was provided by Steven Chaney, Staci Krueger, and Mike Dickmann. Refreshments were provided and served by Rebecca Lopez, Johnnie Goetzel, and Joyce Hollan.

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LET IT SNOW Everyone had a great time at the LET IT SNOW days. The snow was

beautiful; many of the children had never seen snow.. Other activities for

the kids to enjoy were several bounce houses and a mechanical bull. The

pictures below tell the story of the fun shared by all. During the snow days

activities the gospel was shared with over 700.

Page 14

January 2015

Start Fresh This Year

As you look forward to 2015, it’s an

ideal time to make sure your family is

looking toward God. A new calendar

year can mean a fresh start in many

areas—including your family life and

your faith life.

With busy schedules, it’s easy to fall

into “survival mode” and lose focus

on what really matters: the eternal

future of our children and ourselves.

So no matter what other goals you

set for the year ahead, keep in mind

the “end goal” of heaven. Then be

intentional with all of your choices.

Arrange plans around the big-picture

goal. If activities or possessions start

interfering with what’s really most

important, re-evaluate and rework

your family’s schedule.

When faith is your top priority—and

your family’s—it’ll also become your

children’s top priority.

Here are more ideas for staying fo-

cused on Jesus during the new year:

• Create a family mission statement

together. Decide your values, pur-

pose, and vision. Then have every-

one commit to living that way,

publicly and privately.

• Start reading an age-appropriate

devotional book together after dinner.

End each time with prayer.

• Make worship a weekly highlight.

Afterward, talk about what you

learned. Show kids that following

Jesus is a joyful, lifelong pursuit.


1. To guide and protect your fam-

ily in the new year ahead.

2. To help you de-clutter your

lives and hearts so you can


focused on Jesus.

3. To show your children the

importance of living for Je-

sus—and living like Jesus.

Let faith be your

top priority this

new year

Page 15


Press On

On opposite walls, hang signs that read

“2014” and “2015.” Remove obstacles

between the walls. Have family mem-

bers stand in front of last year’s sign and

reflect on things they’re proud of and

things they regret from 2014. Then have

them walk backward to cross the room,

keeping their eyes on last year.

Ask: What happens when we focus on

the past? Why do you think it’s hard

to look ahead when we only think

about the past?

Say: It’s good to learn from the past,

but because God forgives us, we get

a fresh start and can move on.

Read Philippians 3:13-14. Then have

family members go back to last year’s

wall, face the 2015 sign, and “race” for-

ward toward into the new year.

Stay Focused on Jesus

As a parent, your most important role—and goal—is helping your kids know and

follow Jesus. He’ll help you and your family focus on him, no matter what you’re

facing. Have a conversation with your kids, starting with these questions:

What things would you like to achieve or accomplish during the next week,

month, and year?

What are ways you can stay focused on a goal, despite challenges?

What goals do you think Jesus wants us to set? How can he help us reach


De-clutter and de-stress. If you did-

n’t purge some of your family’s be-

longings before the holidays, do so

now. Together, sort and donate cloth-

ing and toys you’ve outgrown. Talk

about how possessions are a blessing

from God but don’t replace him. Also

examine your family’s schedule and

see if you can cut an activity or two.

Try to set aside at least one free eve-

ning per week.

Tend to your goals. Take turns toss-

ing buttons into a bowl that’s three

feet away. Gradually move the bowl

farther away. Then move it closer.

Talk about what it means to persevere

and try new strategies when meeting

a goal. Also discuss ways we can

reach the goal of moving closer to Je-

sus (reading the Bible, praying, sing-

ing praise songs, showing love to

other people, and so on).

Stay focused. Play this “pay atten-

tion” game (with a twist!) as a re-

minder to focus on what’s really im-

portant. Give each person paper and

a pencil. Fill a tray with a variety of

items (office supplies, candy, small

toys, etc.). Choose one family mem-

ber to walk around displaying the tray

for a few minutes and then leave the

room. Ask everyone else to write or

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a

new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all

of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself

through Christ.”

—2 Corinthians 5:17-18

draw what he or she saw. Then ask

questions not about items on the

tray but about the family member

with the tray. (What colors of cloth-

ing was he wearing? Was she

wearing anything in her hair? Was

he wearing a watch?) Have that

person return to the room. Then

read Romans 2:7 and talk about

what we miss when our focus is

wrong. Discuss what really mat-

ters—God and our relationship with


Avoid distractions. As a family,

read Luke 10:38-42. Give each

person paper and a pencil. While

you spin a toy top three times,

have family members write or draw

things that take their focus off God

and their relationship with him. Af-

terward, share the distractions you

came up with, and make a plan to

overcome them in the week ahead.

Close in prayer, thanking God for

always loving us and being faithful

to us, even when we lose our focus

on him. Also ask God to help your

family not forget him in the year

ahead but to seek him and put him

first, above everything else.

Page 16


MOVIE Title: Paddington

Genre: Family, Comedy

Rating: Not yet rated (likely PG)

Cast: Nicole Kidman, Peter Capaldi,

Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins

Synopsis: In this live-action feature, a

young bear from Peru with a passion

for all things British travels to London.

He’s hoping to find a home but gets lost

in Paddington Station. A kind family

temporarily takes him in. Unfortunately,

a museum taxidermist takes note of the

rare bear, and is determined to capture


Our Take: With its theme centered on

“home,” this movie can spark discus-

sions about where we belong and why.

MUSIC Title: Sing the Bible With Slugs and

Bugs Artist: Randall Goodgame Synopsis: The 18 songs on this CD are filled with silliness as well as lyrics straight from Scripture. The CD fea-tures guest appearances by the African Children’s Choir, best-selling author Sally Lloyd-Jones, and several Nash-ville musicians.

Our Take: Goodgame, who’s written

silly songs for “VeggieTales,” has many

young fans, thanks to his “Slugs and

Bugs” series. With this CD, listeners will

learn Bible verses as they have fun

dancing to the catchy tunes. Tracks

include songs that help kids learn the

names of books in the Old and New


Games, Sites & Apps

Tetrobot & Co. In this Wii U game, play-

ers go through mazes

and solve puzzles. The

plot involves a scientist

named Maya, who builds

Psychobot to help repair

other robots. The game,

rated E for Everyone,

has mild fantasy vio-

lence. On this educational site,

children and parents can

read books for free while

doing good at the same

time. For every book you

read, the site donates a

book to the charity of

your choice. You have to

sign up to join, but mem-

bership is free.

Handwriting Without

Tears: Wet-Dry-Try

This $6.99 iPad app makes

learning to write fun. On

the virtual slate, children

can practice capital and

lowercase letters, as well

as numbers. The newest

version of the app also

comes with a “lefty-friendly”



On the Run—With the increase in

charity races, kid-friendly 5k’s, and

even mini-triathlons, more children are

hitting the pavement. Experts say kids

are usually able to run longer dis-

tances (say, a 5k) between ages 8 and

10—but parents need to let kids set

their own pace. (

ADHD Link?—As rates of attention

deficit/hyperactivity disorder continue

climbing, researchers are exploring a

possible link to air pollution. New York

City children who had high levels of

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

(PAHs) in their umbilical cords after

birth were five times more likely to be

diagnosed with ADHD later.


“Read Me a Story!”—Twenty percent

of parents don’t read a bedtime story to

their kids. Of those who don’t, 25% said

they’re too busy, 14% aren’t home for

bedtime, and 8% admitted they find it

boring. (

Poverty Persists—America has the

second-highest rate of relative child

poverty among economically devel-

oped nations. According to a study

looking at health, education, and eco-

nomic well-being, New Hampshire,

Minnesota, and New Jersey ranked as

the best states for underprivileged kids.

Arkansas, Florida, and Mississippi

rated the worst. (

This page is designed to help educate parents and isn’t meant

to endorse any movie, music, or product. Our goal is to help

you make informed decisions about what your children watch,

read, listen to, and play.