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January 2012 Issue 31

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Word From The Pastor

Are you ready for a fresh start? The New Year provides each of us a unique opportunity to start anew once again. Certainly not everything starts fresh, we can’t undo things we have previously done or words we have spoken. We can’t forget about the mistakes we have made or the goals we set but never reached in 2011. But with the dawn of a new year there is a great opportunity for a fresh start. This is especially true in the spiritual sense. As I read the pages of God’s word I am convinced that our creator is a God of fresh starts. From Adam and Eve, to David, Nehemiah, and Jonah we see fresh starts decorating the pages of the Old Testament. Virtually all of the disciples got fresh starts, not to mention people like Zacchaeus, Onesimus, and Saul. There are fresh starts on nearly every page of the Bible. This is why I have decided to dedicate the month of January to the subject of fresh starts. Over the next few Sun-day’s we will be talking about fresh starts. I really believe that God is going to use this sermon series to speak to people at all levels of spiritual maturity. So invite a friend, family member, or neighbor to Cowboy Fel-lowship this week. These messages will be encouraging, and will no doubt play an important role in your life as we get 2012 off on the right foot. I hope to see you this weekend!

Pastor Pete

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Phase one is just about complete thanks to all who have made this possible with your financial support and prayers. Please continue to pray for the next phase and continue to help with your contributions. If you haven’t done so, please go take a look at the progress. God bless you all from your building team! As for Phase 2, for the month of December you all have donated $15,932.50. Thank you for your donations and for con-tinuing to support this vision for Cowboy Fellowship! If you would like to make a donation to our building fund you may do so by clicking the milk jug


Covered Facility Update

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John 15:13

Greater love hath no man than this,

that a man lay down his life

for his friends.

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Letter From An American Hero

Dear Sue Johnson:

Hi, my name is Sgt. James Avalos. I received a box with a letter inside from

your Cowboy Fellowship church group and wanted to write you back let-

ting you know how thankful I am for it! It really means the world to me to

have received a package from complete strangers with all of these treats

inside. Please thank the volunteers and all of you at the church for all you

are doing.

Myself and the rest of the marines are doing really good here. Our deploy-

ment started off pretty tough as we had field like living conditions living

with all types of wildlife (snakes, ticks, huge camel spiders, rats, lizards, and

huge herds of camels), sand storm days, and the same meal twice a week.

We lived like that for a few months then were moved to a better area. We

now have a chow hall, showers, gym, and internet/phone center to call

home. This is my 4th deployment (2 in Iraq and 2 in Afghanistan) so I’m

used to any type of living conditions. Our deployment is almost done as

we only have a few more months to go.

I know this is a short message, but I again wanted to write and thank you

for all that you’re doing. It really means so much to me! I hope things are

going well for you all back home.

Sgt. James Avalos

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*The following are reoccurring

events that take place each

week/month at the same time

unless otherwise denoted:

Church Services - Sunday: @

10:45 AM

Discipleship Classes - Every

Monday - 6:30 PM ~ New se-

mester begins Jan. 16, 2012

@ 6:30

Children’s Play Group Every

Tuesday from 10 - 11:30.

CFY R.E.A.L.M. - Every

Wednesday @ 7:00 unless

otherwise noted.

Pre-Teen Ministry—Every

Wednesday @ 6:30—Bldg D

Living Hope - Every Thursday

@ 7 PM Call Paul @

830-570-4301 for more info.

2nd Saturday Clean Up @ 8:00

Breakfast Provided

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Every 3rd Saturday

@ Stage Stop - 8:00 AM

Share The Harvest—Every

Wednesday @ 5:00 (Will resume

in the spring)

Please Go To Our Website For

Times And More Information!


Of Events

January 2012

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Services 10:45 AM Baptisms

No Potluck


Office Closed

For New Year


3 4 CFY Bldg B

Pre-Teens Bldg D

6:30 PM


Living Hope 7:00



8 Services 10:45 AM Saddle Up After the service!


10 Play Group 10:00 AM


CFY Bldg B

Pre-Teens Bldg D

6:30 PM


Living Hope 7:00




Services 10:45 Growth Spurt 12:30 PM


Discipleship Classes 6:30 PM

New Semester


Play Group 10:00 AM


CFY Bldg B

Pre-Teens Bldg D

6:30 PM


Living Hope 7:00

20 21 Men’s Fellowship Breakfast


Services 10:45


Discipleship Classes


24 Play Group 10:00 AM


CFY Bldg B

Pre-Teens Bldg D

6:30 PM


Living Hope 7:00

Helping Hands

10:30 AM


PreTeen Lock-in

6 PM—12 AM


CFY Manly

Weekend Retreat


Services 10:45

Growth Spurt 12:30 PM


Discipleship Classes


Play Group 10:00 AM

2 Corinthians 3:6

He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant— not of the letter but of the Spirit;

for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

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To lead one of the

following Ministries:

2nd Saturday Clean Up

Restroom Clean Up


Oilfield OutReach


If God has put it on your

heart to serve then one

of these ministries

might be for you!

Please call the office

for more information!


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2011 has finished and 2012 is upon us!! We had an extremely busy year

in 2011, we did some new things, went to some familiar events and God

definitely moved in all of it. We had an awesome summer, taking 56 students

to Alto Frio Area Youth Camp and taking a group of 16 on our Waco Mission

Trip with World Changers. We had an awesome trip to the beach, where we

all came back a little crispy, and conquered Six Flags Fiesta Texas over the

Easter Break, and our local Sonic became very acquainted with our youth

group, as we were there playing volleyball and hanging out frequently. We

enjoyed a couple of Christian concerts, seeing Mercy Me at the 2011 SA

Stock Show and Rodeo as well as Casting Crowns at the Freeman Coliseum.

2012 looks to be just as promising and twice as busy. So far we have 2

mission trips planned out for the summer of 2012, an international trip to

Kenya Africa to work again with Build the Village Organization on a building

project and to put on a VBS for 2 local schools, and we will once again be

working with World Changers to help rebuild houses. This time we will be go-

ing to Corpus Christi instead of Waco. We are going back to Alto Frio Area

Youth Camp in July, which has an extremely awesome lineup this year. Not

only that but we have scheduled a guys retreat weekend, a girls retreat

weekend, a camping trip over spring break, and a fall retreat planned out

for October. No telling what is going to happen in between!!

Parents if you are looking for a safe environment for your teenagers

where they will have an awesome time while being taught how to have an au-

thentic and real relationship with God, you definitely need to get them

plugged in this year to the Cowboy Fellowship Youth Group. Please join us on

Wednesday January 4th at 6:30pm in the main sanctuary to get more details

on all these events for the upcoming year.

CFY – “To see the lost saved, to see the saved growing, and the growing serving.”

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Late Season Dove Hunt

January 22, 2012

$20 per person

Bartek Farm ~ Red Barn Road

Prizes To Be Given At Event

For more info call Bryan Crouch @ 210-889-5431

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