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POP CULTURE SMACKDOWN! Objective: Analyze people’s words, deeds, and relationships from

different racial, ethnic, religious, and social groups Analyze the Cause (Why/How did it happen?) and Effect

(What Happened?) relationship between events

Goal: communicate understanding by making connections between the Past and the Present

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RULES: Teams of 3 designate who is responsible for reading the Events in Column 1, Column 2, Column 3 After reading: Interact with the text through collaboration to make Pop Culture Connections TEAM TO BEAT: 1st team to raise their hands CHALLENGERS: any team can challenge the “Team to Beat” but the TEAM TO BEAT selects their Challenger SHARE - Points Awarded by class and/or teachers

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Reasons for leaving homeland

In the late 1500s, England lacked jobs and land. Therefore, many people from England saw the opportunity for a better life in America. Interact: Facebook Status

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Starting Jamestown In 1606, a group of London

businessmen, called the Virginia Company, got permission from the king to start a colony, in what would eventually become Jamestown, Virginia. interact: Permission Slip:

“I give…permission to…”…

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Arrival in Virginia In 1607, the English arrived (104 men

and boys) and named a settlement after their king, James I. Many of the settlers hoped to get rich by finding gold, silver, trade, NW passage to Asia & to spread Christianity. interact: College mascot

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the colonists & native Americans interact

From the beginning, the relations between the English settlers and the local Native American tribe (the Powhatan) were very uneasy. The Native Americans traded with the English, supplied food, taught them the ways of the forest, how to clear the land, intro’d new crops (yams, corn), yet, the English would also use violence to steal from the Natives.

interact: College football teams

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the first months

The first months were difficult because the Colonists built their site too close to the water. This led to problems including marshy soil, poor drinking water, and exposure to disease-infected mosquitoes. interact: MTV doc title (i.e., Jersey


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A leader saves The colony

John Smith’s strict style of leadership, “he that will not work shall not eat,” was needed at this time, and helped contribute to the colony’s growth. interact: If John Smith taught a

college class what would it be called?

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John smith & Pocahontas

Many years following Pocahontas’ death

and John Smith’s adventure in Jamestown, he wrote about his capture by the Powhatan. He reported that Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan’s daughter, saved his life. Why have some historians discounted his version of the story interact: Become a character from the

Jersey Shore & write Smith’s version of the story.

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A deadly time

When John Smith returned to the colony in early 1608, he found that they had suffered many setbacks, including the deaths of many colonists. interact: Habit of Mind

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trouble ahead

Ships arrive, bringing more colonists, and the colony grew in size. An injury from a gun powder explosion forced John Smith to return to England. interact: If “trouble ahead” were a

pharmaceutical drug what would the warning be on a drug commercial?

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The Starving Time The winter of 1609-1610 was known as the “Starving Time.” Many colonists died because they were not farmers, hunters, builders, etc. Also, in response to cruel treatment from the English, the Powhatan refused to trade. The English ate cats, dogs, rats, corpses, & snakes.

interact: Name a deli sandwich

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A New Beginning

The 1610 arrival of Lord De la Warr brought much needed resources and manpower to the struggling colony.

interact: Doritos flavor

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Brown Gold

The planter John Rolfe helped develop a desirable tobacco crop in Jamestown, which would become the colony’s main cash crop. However, tobacco depletes the soil and the settlers starting planting in Native American lands. interact: Name a cigarette that

wouldn’t appeal to kids

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John Rolfe & Pocahontas

After being kidnapped by the English, Pocahontas lived with the Jamestown settlers for a time, eventually marrying the tobacco planter John Rolfe.

interact: Celebrity Couple Name

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Peace of Pocahontas

The marriage brought brief peace between the Powhatan and the English. Soon, Pocahontas was brought back to England, where she became very well-known & soon died.

interact: Rap Name

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Massacre In 1622, Powhatan’s brother took over the tribe, and led a surprise attack against the English, killing 350.

interact: Energy Drink

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Native Americans are defeated

As a result of the massacre, the English armed themselves and began regular attacks on the Native Americans.

interact: Make a Nostradamus Prediction.

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Slavery Arrives in Jamestown,1619

Dutch sell tobacco planters 20 African slaves. Initially, slave owners treated Africans like indentured servants. Some were freed or bought their freedom.

interact: TV Show title

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Slavery Grows After 1660, two major factors promote the expansion of slavery. First, slavery becomes a legalized institution in Virginia. Secondly, prices drop for slaves as the slave trade expands. interact: Horror Movie Title

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Owning Slaves

Slave owners often treated their slaves inhumanely. For example, Slaves lived in cramped cabins and were controlled by fear and punishment. For example, runaway slaves could be killed instantly. interact: Horror Movie Sequel

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Plantations & Tobacco Trade

As plantation owners gained more wealth, they gained more power and were able to buy out small farms. Plantations were both farms and villages, growing or making everything that was needed, like bricks. Tobacco was traded for goods

from England. interact: website

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House of Burgesses, 1619

Initially, this first elected legislature in The English colonies met once annually. One of the first things they did was to give all colonists the Rights of Englishmen (i.e., right to trial by jury). Colonists were British Royal Subjects. interact: Video Game

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End of Virginia Company

After the Virginia Company went bankrupt (possibly from overproduction of tobacco), King James I revoked the charter and appointed a royal governor.

interact: Create a “Catch Phrase” like Donald Trump’s, “You’re Fired!”

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Voting Rights After 1620s, the Virginia Colony stretched beyond the James River. Only white landowners could vote (gentry: large landowners and small farmers). Consequently, the House of Burgesses often protected the rights of the gentry.

interact: Pop Tart Flavor

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Political Troubles After Governor William Berkeley declared western land off limits to colonial settlement to keep the peace with the Native Americans, indentured servants and poor farmers ignored the governor’s orders. Fights broke out amongst the Natives and settlers. interact: Announce the fight like a ring

announcer, “In this corner…”

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Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon, a burgess & plantation owner, raised an army to attack Native Americans, killing hundreds. He and his men burned Jamestown but he died suddenly ending the rebellion. Consequently, Berkeley lost his job as governor. Interact: Jury Verdict Against Bacon
