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Welcome to IVchat! Got an exciting chat in store 4 u. Bfore we begin, pls introduce yourselves in <140.. #IVchat IVchat

I'm here, thanks for having me! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

Hi all, I'm Cora, infusion nurse, welcome to IV chat!! #ivchat InfusionNurse

Good evening, welcome to IVchat!! RT @DrDeanBurke: Im here, thanks for having me! #IVchat IVchat

Looking 4ward to it #ivchat cilburke

Hi , Jon here..not a nurse but in healthcare....lurking and learning #IVchat MEDsyntrix

Hi all, I'm Andy...never been on a chat so glad to be here...#IVchat mcvassociates

@mcvassociates @mesyntrix ...welcome to all! We will start in a sec. #IVchat IVchat

Hello! Crystal here for NursingLink. This is our first time in Twitter chat 2 :) #ivchat NursingLink

@nursingpins @nursinglinks..welcome to IVchat!! IVchat

T1 -tonight-holiday shopping-check out today's blog post: What are your spending plans this year-welcome all #IVChat DrDeanBurke

Forgot the ht - Vernon in New Orleans - Hi all, here to learn - running late. #IVchat nursingpins

RT @DrDeanBurke: T1 -tonight-holiday shopping-check out todays blog post: What r yr spending plans this year #IVchat IVchat

Hi Vernon! RT @nursingpins: Forgot the ht - Vernon in New Orleans - Hi all, here to learn - running late. #IVchat IVchat

Dr. Burke is our guest on tonights chat, feel free to post ur replies/questions #IVchat IVchat

@nursingpins Hey Vernon #IVChat DrDeanBurke

b/c of economic, this holiday will be tough...#ivchat anyone else? mcvassociates

@mcvassociates Welcome Andy! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

hi DrDeanBurke - good to see ya. #IVchat nursingpins

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@mcvassociates to make the most of your lean pocketbook, need a list and a spending plan for each person! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

I feel bad that I might not be able to give what my family wants this year too #IVchat MEDsyntrix

T1 I have 4 daughters - after purchasing kotex and hairspray - will go from there :) #IVchat nursingpins

@nursingpins lol #ivchat NursingLink

@DrDeanBurke some nice tips in the URL you gave earlier #ivchat NursingLink

@MEDsyntrix Shouldn't feel bad, give plenty of love, that is what is important! Hugs and kisses are free! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

T1 - will try to get the #1 on each list - may not get far down the the list though! #IVchat nursingpins

@NursingLink Thnxs :) they work if you use em! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

Here's that link from Dr. Burke: #IVchat IVchat

T1 talking about holiday shopping! Black Friday is near! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @DrDeanBurke: T1 talking about holiday shopping! Black Friday is near! #IVchat IVchat

Does anyone set a limit for total holiday spending, and more important keep to their limit?? #IVChat DrDeanBurke

T1 The day after TG has usually been good - if you can fight the crowds! #IVchat nursingpins

staying under budget is hard! dig the googling coupons idea though. #ivchat NursingLink

@DrDeanBurke ..what would be a reasonable spending limit u would suggset? #IVchat mcvassociates

@NursingLink coupons are good, but take effort to keep straight, and use. #IVChat DrDeanBurke

Who doesnt shop day after TG? #IVchat MEDsyntrix

@mcvassociates Depends on your financial status-debt level, and needs-practical things vs toys? #IVChat DrDeanBurke

I don't shop after TG. I have to work that night... #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

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@DrDeanBurke ..does store coupon really save money or justt enticement to shop more? #IVchat MEDsyntrix

According to Reuters, in 2007 135 million people participated in the Black Friday shopping rush. - wikipedia. Wowza. #ivchat NursingLink

@MEDsyntrix I avoid Black Friday-day after Thnksgvng, but my wife loves it:) #IVChat DrDeanBurke

@nursinglink Staying under budget is hard. We all love to give. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

@joyceharrellrn and not disappoint. #ivchat NursingLink

I agree..RT @JoyceHarrellRN: @nursinglink Staying under budget is hard. We all love to give. #ivchat MEDsyntrix

I don't charge anything for Christmas. Cash all the way. No debt after. @DrDeanBurke #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

@NursingLink That's a lotta shopping! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @NursingLink: According to Reuters, in 2007 135 million people participated in the Black Friday shopping rush. wikipedia. Wowza. #IVchat IVchat

that's smart! RT @joyceharrellrn: I dont charge anything for Christmas. Cash all the way. No debt after. @DrDeanBurke #IVchat IVchat

I find you do better on BF if you know what you are going after - otherwise get lost in the shuffle. #IVchat nursingpins

@NursingLink Yeah, don't want to disappoint. In my family, thank goodness we have gotten passed that. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

Shouldn't be paying for holiday shopping on card if can't pay in full when bill arrives, IMHO #IVChat DrDeanBurke

what about brands and their FB fan pages? sometimes they give out exclusive coupons for followers. #ivchat NursingLink

@nursingpins Good idea! Make lists, and budget for each person. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

anyone notice coupons being pumped out via FB or twitter yet? #ivchat NursingLink

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RT @nursingpins: I find you do better on BF if you know what you are going after - otherwise get lost in the shuffle. Have a plan! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

true RT @nursingpins: I find you do better on BF if you know what you are going after - otherwise get lost in the shuffle. #ivchat InfusionNurse

@DrDeanBurke yes totally agree with this #ivchat NursingLink

@DrDeanBurke i get lost shopping just in the grocery store if i don't have a list! #ivchat NursingLink

not yet but sure it'll be coming RT @NursingLink: anyone notice coupons being pumped out via FB or twitter yet? #ivchat InfusionNurse

@NursingLink FB fan pages, good place for deals, if you have a specific need, don't get caught in hype! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @NursingLink: @DrDeanBurke i get lost shopping just in the grocery store if i dont have a list! #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

LOL..RT @NursingLink: @DrDeanBurke i get lost shopping just in the grocery store if i dont have a list! #ivchat InfusionNurse

I have found a lot of good deals at esp electronics/cameras etc. #IVchat nursingpins

my prob is sticking to the list..really need discipline... #ivchat InfusionNurse

what about is it really even cheaper? #ivchat NursingLink

is using a credit card for xmas shopping ok? if so, when? #ivchat NursingLink

Cpns can encourage a purchase for something you were not already going to buy. Beware! #ivchat cilburke

@InfusionNurse Lists are good, for everyday shopping, but very important to stay in your spending plan for holiday. #IVChat DrDeanBurke

good point RT @DrDeanBurke: @NursingLink FB fan pages, good place for deals, if you have a specific need, dont get caught in hype! #ivchat InfusionNurse

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RT @cilburke: Cpns can encourage a purchase for something you were not already going to buy. Beware! #IVchat IVchat

@Nursinglink @DrDeanBurke I started a few weeks ago, buying for one person, each pay period. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

Blog post: has link to a easy to use list/spreadsheet template, so you can save and use next year! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

With a list and the internet, you can comparison shop for #ivchat cilburke

RT @joyceharrellrn: @Nursinglink @DrDeanBurke I started a few weeks ago, buying for one person, each pay period. #IVchat IVchat

@joyceharrellrn Thats a good idea. #IVchat nursingpins

@joyceharrellrn Good idea to spread out purchases-maybe even layaway! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

@DrDeanBurke: Blog post: has link to a easy to use list/spreadsheet template, #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

@nursingpins Thanks! #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @DrDeanBurke: Blog post: has link to a easy to use list/spreadsheet template, so you can saveuse next year! #ivchat InfusionNurse

Good idea! RT @joyceharrellrn: @Nursinglink @DrDeanBurke I started a few weeks ago, buying for one person, each pay period. #ivchat NursingLink

@DrDeanBurke Finding layaway not so much. Kmart has it here. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

Does anyone shop with a friend, to keep your spending in control? #IVChat DrDeanBurke

I like to make my own cards. You may not save money with that route. But can type a nice family update and send a picture. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

do u buy when not on sale? RT @JoyceHarrellRN: @Nursinglink @DrDeanBurke started buying for one person, each pay period. #ivchat mcvassociates

@mcvassociates ill hunt for coupons online first #ivchat NursingLink

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@DrDeanBurke I think shopping with someone else would make me spend more #ivchat joyceharrellrn

@mcvassociates I only buy when on sale. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @joyceharrellrn: @DrDeanBurke I think shopping with someone else would make me spend more #IVchat IVchat

Agreed! RT @joyceharrellrn: @DrDeanBurke I think shopping with someone else would make me spend more #ivchat NursingLink

I like to send a card or note to family around holiday-agree doesnt have to be fancy, #IVChat DrDeanBurke

shopping w/friends can also help u think of creative ways to save money too though #ivchat NursingLink

my friends r bad w/ shopping 2 RT @joyceharrellrn: @DrDeanBurke I think shopping with someone else would make me spend more #ivchat InfusionNurse

@NursingLink Need to find frugal buddy to shop with... #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @DrDeanBurke: @NursingLink Need to find frugal buddy to shop with... #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

I like to send Fruit Cakes to people I'm not too fond of..smiling. #IVchat nursingpins

RT @NursingLink: @mcvassociates ill hunt for coupons online first #IVchat IVchat

@InfusionNurse LOL. Most friends are bad with shopping... They can spend, and you get on the bandwagon. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

T2..coming up next from Dr. Burke #IVchat IVchat

T2- money problems, spending problems, debt-do any of you carry balance on card, have trouble with spending-sounds like no? #IVChat DrDeanBurke

LOL..RT @nursingpins: I like to send Fruit Cakes to people Im not too fond of..smiling. #IVchat IVchat

I make soap. This makes nice but very appreciated gifts for people I work with, etc. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

they still make those?? shld be banned!! RT @nursingpins: I like to send Fruit Cakes to people Im not too fond of..smiling. #ivchat InfusionNurse

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@nursingpins Vernon, vernon, fruitcake:) #IVChat DrDeanBurke

check out for online savings. sometimes coupons are hit or miss though #ivchat NursingLink

RT @DrDeanBurke: @nursingpins Vernon, vernon, fruitcake:) LOL!!! #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

LOL..RT @DrDeanBurke: @nursingpins Vernon, vernon, fruitcake:) #IVchat IVchat

RT @DrDeanBurke: T2- money problems, spending problems, debt-do any of u carry balance on card, trouble w/ spending-sounds like no? #IVchat IVchat

@InfusionNurse There is only about 25 left - I've had the same one several times. #IVchat nursingpins

RT @NursingLink: check out for online savings. sometimes coupons are hit or miss though #IVchat IVchat

Making gifts, seriously can be a way to curb the budget... #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

@joyceharrellrn ..where do u find the time? #ivchat InfusionNurse

turn off the computer and the tv #ivchat cilburke

RT @InfusionNurse: @joyceharrellrn .where do u find the time?(In between working at hospital, working on my business,and houseclean #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

T2 Excessive debt, student loans? any still paying? #IVChat DrDeanBurke

credit cards: you need to put yourself into debt to establish credit. BOO. #ivchat NursingLink

LOL...make gifts instead...RT @cilburke: turn off the computer and the tv #ivchat MEDsyntrix

RT @DrDeanBurke: T2 Excessive debt, student loans? any still paying? Yes. Working on paying debt off. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

@DrDeanBurke yes to student loans. #ivchat NursingLink

RT @NursingLink: credit cards: you need to put yourself into debt to establish credit. BOO. My goal is to become totally debt free #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

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@joyceharrellrn can you ever be debt free tho? considering home loans, etc. #ivchat NursingLink

RT @MEDsyntrix: LOL...make gifts instead...RT @cilburke: turn off the computer and the tv (like this idea) #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

T2 paid off student loan...but still short on $$$ #IVchat mcvassociates

maybe the stock market is the way to go. #ivchat NursingLink

@NursingLink Yes to Boo on "establishing credit" fact of life, have to work within the system! whoo hoo to debt free! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @NursingLink: @joyceharrellrn can you ever be debt free tho? considering home loans, etc.(I think you can, working on it) #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @DrDeanBurke: @NursingLink Yes to Boo on "establishing credit" fact of life, have to work within the system! whoo hoo debt free! #IVchat IVchat

Anyone investing in Dinar??? #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

Secret to debt free is establish money goals, and spending plan, and be consistent with spending control! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @NursingLink: maybe the stock market is the way to go.(someone told me I needed to buy Dinar) #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @DrDeanBurke: Secret to debt free is establish money goals, and spending plan, and be consistent with spending control! (agree) #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @mcvassociates: T2 paid off student loan...but still short on $$$ congrats on student loan payoff! Great job! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @DrDeanBurke: Secret to debt free is establish money goals, and spending plan, and be consistent with spending control! #IVchat IVchat

RT @NursingLink: credit cards: you need to put yourself into debt to establish credit. BOO. #ivchat motherjonesrn

Careful with stock tips-my experience is almost always a loser, LOL! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

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RT @nursingpins: I like to send Fruit Cakes to people I'm not too fond of..smiling. #IVchat motherjonesrn

RT @motherjonesrn: RT @NursingLink: credit cards: you need to put yourself into debt to establish credit. BOO. #IVchat IVchat

@nursinglink was trying to get caught up on NL, posts, and found myself here... #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

Dinar...the currency? #IVchat MEDsyntrix

T2 I found it is worth paying a tax attorney for ICT filling instead of a chain. #IVchat nursingpins

@joyceharrellrn nice! #ivchat NursingLink

glad 2 c u here !! RT @joyceharrellrn: @nursinglink was trying to get caught up on NL, posts, and found myself here... #IVchat IVchat

RT @MEDsyntrix: Dinar...the currency? Yes, someone last night told me to invest in it... Sounds fishy... #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @DrDeanBurke: Careful with stock tips-my experience is almost always a loser, LOL! #IVchat IVchat

RT @NursingLink: @joyceharrellrn nice! Hey whenever you want me to submit my articles, let me know.... :) #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

@nursingpins What is ICT? #IVChat DrDeanBurke

More budget tips from the FTC #ivchat NursingLink

@DrDeanBurke income tax #IVchat nursingpins

@joyceharrellrn send them to [email protected]! that's where i can relay them to the editor for consideration :) #ivchat NursingLink

RT @NursingLink: More budget tips from the FTC #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @NursingLink: More budget tips from the FTC #ivchat mcvassociates

Good to know...RT @nursingpins: @DrDeanBurke income tax #IVchat IVchat

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@nursingpins agree,in general you get what you pay for with tax preparers if complicated return, itemizing! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

T3 coming up next... #IVchat IVchat

@NursingLink I wrote the editor...They said they were interested, but would get back to me... That was weeks ago... #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

cost more $$$ RT @nursingpins: T2 I found it is worth paying a tax attorney for ICT filling instead of a chain. #IVchat InfusionNurse

@joyceharrellrn hmm...I'll ask and DM you later this week. Sorry about that! #ivchat NursingLink

RT @IVchat: glad 2 c u here !! RT @joyceharrellrn: @nursinglink was trying to get caught up on NL, posts, and found myself here... #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN link to suggestions #ivchat cilburke

interesting ..RT @JoyceHarrellRN: RT @MEDsyntrix: Dinar, the currency? Yes, some1 told me to invest in it... Sounds fishy... #ivchat MEDsyntrix

@IVChat: Thanks and good to be here. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

@NursingLink Thanks! #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

T3, retirement planning-do you have 403b, or 401k, and does employer match? #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @DrDeanBurke: T3, retirement planning-do you have 403b, or 401k, and does employer match? #IVchat IVchat

yes on 401k..shld one have 403b? #ivchat InfusionNurse

@DrDeanBurke I don't know of a hospital that matches? - only have rolled over self directed IRA's #IVchat nursingpins

have the match amount taken out in your 403b, otherwise losing free money.. #IVChat DrDeanBurke

@nursingpins local hosp matches 3 percent #IVChat DrDeanBurke

@MEDsyntrix Cool. Just read your bio. I'm an oncology nurse, as well as wellness coach. #IVChat joyceharrellrn

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RT @DrDeanBurke: have the match amount taken out in your 403b, otherwise losing free money.. #IVChat IVchat

RT @nursingpins: @DrDeanBurke I don't know of a hospital that matches? - only have rolled over self directed IRA's #IVchat IVchat

if no match roll over to IRA can be way to go, more flexibility and choices #IVChat DrDeanBurke

@DrDeanBurke Our hospital doesn't pay social security. There is another thing they do, and match. #IVChat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @JoyceHarrellRN: @DrDeanBurke Our hospital doesn't pay social security. There is another thing they do, and match. #IVChat IVchat

If you don't know if your facility matches in 403b or 401k, ask tomorrow, how much? #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @DrDeanBurke: If you don't know if your facility matches in 403b or 401k, ask tomorrow, how much? #IVChat IVchat

RT @InfusionNurse: yes on 401k..shld one have 403b? #ivchat IVchat

@joyceharrellrn Is facility religious institution owned, they can sometimes opt out of social security.. #IVChat DrDeanBurke

@DrDeanBurke many nurses I know work PT and don't have much of a retirement plan - what would you recommend? #IVchat nursingpins

@drdeanburke..anything we need to prep for end of year financial stuff? #IVchat IVchat

@DrDeanBurke Our hospital is not a religious institution. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @nursingpins: @DrDeanBurke many nurses I know work PT and dont have much of a retirement plan - what would you recommend? #IVchat IVchat

Can't usually have both 401k and 403b, mutually exclusive plans-a almost identical in what they do. allw tax free retirment savings #IVChat DrDeanBurke

@joyceharrellrn Not sure how they opt out of social security?? #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @IVchat: @drdeanburke..anything we need to prep for end of year financial stuff?yes, if you had special first time home buyer #IVChat DrDeanBurke

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I personally am not relying on the hospital to bring my security. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

that's not charitable...LOL RT @JoyceHarrellRN: @DrDeanBurke Our hospital is not a religious institution. #ivchat InfusionNurse

@DrDeanBurke I can't remember the fund, but it is matched 100%, and we can't get until retirement age. #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

@IVchat or other tax credits, you need to plan for taxes on those benefits. Look over your deductions for changes #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @joyceharrellrn: I personally am not relying on the hospital to bring my security. #IVchat IVchat

RT @nursingpins: many nurses I know work PT and dont have much of a retirement plan - what recommended? Roth or Traditional IRA #IVChat DrDeanBurke

I have found that hospitals that have credit unions come in handy - esp for larger purchases. #IVchat nursingpins

RT @IVchat: RT @joyceharrellrn: I personally am not relying on the hospital to bring my security. Should rely on self-I try to help! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

Time goes fast when having fun...before we end, any words of wisdom? #IVchat IVchat

RT @nursingpins: I have found that hospitals that have credit unions come in handy - esp for larger purchases. #IVchat IVchat

I am beginning an online course to help with money problems-see blog post: for details, opt in to get info. #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @nursingpins: I have found that hospitals that have credit unions come in handy - esp for larger purchases. Credit unions rock! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

Wisdom? Just continuing to network, sharing ideas, making smart decisions, investing wise, building up my own business... #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

@DrDeanBurke: I am beginning an online course to help with money problems-see blog post: for details, #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

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Thanks for opportunity to meet with you guys-lots of fun and great questions, will need to continue conversation soon! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @IVchat: Time goes fast when having fun...before we end, any words of wisdom? #IVchat IVchat

Fun chat! Thanks everyone! #ivchat NursingLink

Thanks @IVchat @DrDeanBurke and all - will check out #IVchat nursingpins

this has been a great chat...thanks so much @DrDeanBurke #IVchat MEDsyntrix

I think goal setting, and planning your spending are the two most important steps to making progress with your money! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

RT @DrDeanBurke: Thanks for opportunity to meet with you guys-lots of fun and great questions, will need continue conversation soon! #IVchat IVchat

Next IV chat is on Nov. 23 at 8pm..thanks to everyone and especially to @drdeanburke #IVchat IVchat

Thanks @nursinglink @nursingpins @DrDeanburke, @medsyntrix @IVchat @wellnessnurses #ivchat JoyceHarrellRN

RT @DrDeanBurke: I think goal setting, planning your spending are the two most important steps to making progress with your money! #IVchat IVchat

Good night, great chat, good luck in the future with your #money! #IVChat DrDeanBurke

thanks too! RT @joyceharrellrn: Thanks @nursinglink @nursingpins @DrDeanburke, @medsyntrix @IVchat @wellnessnurses #IVchat IVchat

Goodnight everyone, thanks again for joining..till next chat..remember..Money do nurses!!! #IVchat IVchat

Thanks Dr. Burke! RT @DrDeanBurke: Good night, great chat, good luck in the future with your #money! #IVchat IVchat

IVchat is now on FB...go visit and like us... #IVchat IVchat

Next IVchat Nov. 23 8pm...mark your calendars... #IVchat IVchat

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RT @NursingLink: More budget tips from the FTC #ivchat baerbelsmile

Great #IVchat w/@DrDeanBurke on Nurses & Money...thanks Dr. Burke! Thanks to all who joined us tonight!! InfusionNurse

@IVchat Thanks for the follow. Had fun on the #IVChat tonight. JoyceHarrellRN

@InfusionNurse - OH man!!!! I had to run kids all over last night and missed #IVChat - DRAT!!!!!!!! onlinenursing