  • 7/29/2019 ITC is Only Company in the World to Be Carbon Positive


    ITC is only company in the world to be carbon positive, water positive & solid waste recycling positive.

    ITC has been Carbon Positive seven years in a row ( sequestering /storing twice the amount of CO2

    that the Company emits).

    Water Positive for ten consecutive years ( creating over two times more Rainwater Harvesting

    potential than ITCs net consumption).

    Solid Waste Recycling Positive for the last five years.

    All Environment, Health and Safety Management Systems in ITC conform to international standards.

    ITCs businesses generate livelihoods for over 5 million people.

    ITCs globally recognised e-Choupal initiative is the worlds largest rural digital infrastructure benefiting

    over 4 million farmers.

    ITCs Social and Farm Forestry initiative has greened over 1,25,000 hectares, creating over 56 millionperson-days of employment among the disadvantaged.

    ITCs Watershed Development initiative brings precious water to over 90,000 hectares of drylands and

    moisture-stressed areas.

    ITCs Sustainable Community Development initiatives include womens empowerment, supplementary

    education, integrated animal husbandry programmes.

    e-Choupal rural digital-physical infrastructure

    ITCs globally awarded e-Choupal initiative is a powerful illustration of a unique business model that

    delivers large societal value by co-creating rural markets with local communities. The e-Choupal digital

    infrastructure enables even small and marginalised farmers in rural India, who are de-linked from the

    formal market, to access relevant knowledge, market prices, weather information and quality inputs to

    enhance farm productivity, quality and command better prices making them more competitive in the

    national and global markets. Customised agri-extension services and farmer training schools through a

    focused programmeChoupal Pradarshan Khet enable farmers to access best practices in

    agriculture and improve productivity. Together, the digital-physical-human infrastructure has led to thecreation of an efficient two-way channel raising farmer incomes and productivity, transforming rural

    communities into vibrant markets.

    This project has empowered more than 4 millions farmers in India.

  • 7/29/2019 ITC is Only Company in the World to Be Carbon Positive


    Social & Farm Forestry

    ITC procures wood pulp for its Paper and Paperboards business from renewable plantations cultivated

    by tribals and farmers on their private wastelands. ITC invested

    in extensive R&D to create clonal saplings which apart from

    being disease resistant, grow much faster and in harsher

    conditions. A large number of tribals and marginal farmers

    have benefited by growing these pulpwood saplings on their

    private wastelands. ITCs paperboards business is a willing

    buyer of their produce, whilst the growers are free to sell

    to the highest bidder in the open market.

    ITC could have taken the easier route by importing pulp,

    rather than a more difficult route of mobilising tribals and

    marginal farmers which involved long gestation and substantial

    investment exposure. However, the adoption of this more

    challenging route has not only created a source of sustainable

    livelihoods for a large number of disadvantaged sections

    of society, but has also brought a multiplicity of benefits

    by creating a large green cover that contributes significantly

    to groundwater recharge, soil conservation and carbon


    Recently, ITCs social forestry project in Andhra Pradesh was

    registered under the Clean Development Mechanism of the

    United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

    The carbon credits earned will also be shared with the tribals

    and farmers, enabling them to participate in an international

    carbon market mechanism.

  • 7/29/2019 ITC is Only Company in the World to Be Carbon Positive

