Page 1: It is believed that because children lack adequate levels of circulating androgens to stimulate increases in muscular hypertrophy, it is believed that

Youth Resistance Training

Page 2: It is believed that because children lack adequate levels of circulating androgens to stimulate increases in muscular hypertrophy, it is believed that

Strength Gains and BenefitsIt is believed that because children lack adequate levels of circulating androgens to stimulate increases in muscular hypertrophy, it is believed that neutral adaptation are primarily responsible for training-induced strength gains in childhood. Along with this belief several researchers have discovered that children have experienced significant strength gains with a minimal circumference increase of the muscle. Therefore most of the strength gains can be accredited to the motor skills improvement and the neuron firing speed increase, “ the body learns to do the activity better, therefore being able to lift more weight”. Along with the strength gains that a youth would experience in a resistance program over time, they have also been to show significant health benefits as well. Some of the major benefits are; an increase in bone density, increase in injury resistance, increase in sport performance, an increase in overall mental health, and many others.

Page 3: It is believed that because children lack adequate levels of circulating androgens to stimulate increases in muscular hypertrophy, it is believed that

Motor Skill and Sport Performance

An increase in motor skill and sport performance were among two of the biggest benefits found in you resistance training. It is logical to think that because most sports have some significant strength or power component tied into the activity, that children that are stronger will perform better. Being able to perform better will increase the feeling of accomplishment for the child, which will in turn make the child enjoy and want to continue playing the sport. One of the biggest problems with youth not being physically active in today's society is that the youth don’t find the activities aren't fun and lose interest in the activities.

Page 4: It is believed that because children lack adequate levels of circulating androgens to stimulate increases in muscular hypertrophy, it is believed that

Injury Reduction The raise in youth sport has also increased along with sports injuries. This is where youth resistance training comes into play. It has been proven that resistance increases bone density and joint strength, this in turn lowers the risk of injuries for youth that that have been involved in a resistance training program. It is not necessary for very young youth to do preseason training to prevent injury because the intensity of the of the competition is not at a level where injuries are a common occurrence, but as youth grow and the intensity and physicality of the sport increase preseason training to prevent injury play a more vital role in safety.

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Potential Risks and ConcernsIn the last ten years the interest and participation in youth programs has in creased, due to this the number of injuries that go along with these programs has also increased. This is one of the major problems that comes with youth resistance training. The way that this problem is reduced is by proper training and safety measures that needs to be taken very seriously. It is important that trainers that are dealing with youth need to focus mainly on safety and proper techniques. Another common belief is that if youth participate in resistance training can damage the growth plates or growth cartilage. This can be a problem if improper techniques are taught or a poorly unsupervised program is carried out. This is why it is so important for a trained professional to supervise and design programs for youth. With the proper design and techniques, injuries and damage to the growth plates will not be a possibility.

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Youth Resistance Training Guidelines

1. Adapt the program to the participants developmental level- typically chose medicine ball, elastic cord, and body weight calisthenics for you just beginning resistance training.

2. Instruction by qualified professionals is essential- it is important that a trained professional helps set up and supervise these programs to insure that the activities are appreciate and being carried out correctly.

3. Start gradually and increase overload progressively- generally speaking you should participate in 1 to 3 sets of 6 to 15 reps depending on the muscle group, also it is common for kids in the first week to do one set of 15 to become familiar and to gain confidence in the exercise.

4. Adherence to sound training principles is critical- it is important that trainers do not overdue the work load for these youth and provide adequate rest between secessions.

Page 7: It is believed that because children lack adequate levels of circulating androgens to stimulate increases in muscular hypertrophy, it is believed that

5. Proper techniques should be taught and reinforced- it is more important to teach good technique first instead of seeing how much weight they can lift, proper technique can lead to a greater potential overall.

6. Emphasize intrinsic enjoyment- Teaching youth that physical activity can be fun and is important for overall well being is an important lesson to teach youth.

7. Incorporate verity into the training program- it is important to keep youth interested and to keep adding new ways to workout

8. Consider multiple goals- it is important to not just have the one goal to increase muscle strength, also add safety and technique goals.

9. Listen to the children and teach them to listen to their bodies- it is important for the trainer to realize and respect the physical abilities of the youth and should teach the youth to realize when they have pushed their body to far.

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Summary •All in all, resistance training along with other physical activities, gives children another chance to improve their overall wellbeing and to improve their quality of life.

•There is scientific data that shows that youth resistance training is no more risky than the sports and activities that you and adolescents participate in.

•Medical and Fitness organizations now support well designed youth resistance training programs. Resistance training has shown to have beneficial health and fitness related results.

•Parents, teachers, and coaches should realize that when done correctly, with the correct age specified workouts, resistance training can overall improve the overall wellbeing of the youth.
