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Israel's government is a proportional representation that has many parties. It is unlikely for any single party to getenough representation to form a government - so it is has been always necessary to form a coalition government. See example: 

In a (overly simplified) two-party system, any party with a simple majority, in

this case the "right-wing" party (red) will run the government and determine

government policies for the term

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However, Israel doesn't have a traditional two or three or even four party, but instead many many small parties, some of which join to make slightly larger coalition parties, and where many of these coalition parties must join to form a government.

In this current example, the results of the 2009 election, you can see the two

largest parties, the centrist Kadima and the center-right Likud had 23 and 22% of the votes. To form a government, at least 61 seats, slightly over 50%, must

be agreed upon. This is often problematic.

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ZIONIST PARTIES• Kadima• Likud• Yisrael Beiteinu• Labor• Independence *• National Union **• Meretz

* Independence are formerly members of Labor, forming a new party to stay in the government

** National Union is a coalition party of both religious and extreme (revisionist) Zionist parties

JEWISH RELIGIOUS• Shas• United Torah Judaism




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FOUNDED 2005Ariel Sharon

LEADERTzipi Livni

Slogans:(1) The courage to change(2) A different leadership

Platform:(1) Peace Process based on the "Road Map"(2) Creation of a Palestinian State(3) Negotiations with Hamas if they accept Israel's right to exist, past agreements, renounce violence(4) No further unilateral withdrawals; although reserving the right to determine the borders of Palestine if their obligations under the "Road Map" are not fulfilled.(5) Favors keeping the major settlement blocks (including Ariel, Gush Etzion, Ma'alei Adumim)(6) Legalize civil marriage and burial

Notes:(1) Compromised of former center-leaning Likud members, and some former right-leaning Labor(2) Olmert's corruption scandal and the 2006 Lebanon war (where Israeli public opinion dropped to single digits) damaged the party.

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LIKUDThe Consolidation

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IDEOLOGIESLiberal ConservatismRevisionist Zionism

FOUNDED 1977Menachem Begin

LEADERBenjamin Netanyahu

Slogans:(1) Because we have a country to run(2) Remaining strong together

Platform:(1) Will negotiate with any Palestinian leadership "not compromised by terror". Will not negotiate with Hamas.(2) In favor of a realistic solution to the advancement of the peace-process; focus on improving the Palestinian economy(3) Opposed to dismantling of major settlements(4) Favors maintaining status quo in any religious/state issues

Notes:(1) Likud has many very nationalist members (like Danny Danon, who is anti-Two State Solution), and some liberal-leaning pragmatic members (like Dan Meridor and Uzi Dayan). It's hard to put them all in one camp*.

An example is Moshe Yaalon and Benny Begin, who completely oppose each-other politically.

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Revisionist ZionismRussian-Speaking

FOUNDED 1999Avigdor Lieberman

LEADERAvigdor Lieberman

Slogans:(1) Lieberman, I trust him!(2) Leadership You Can Trust

Platform:(1) A belief that the "land for peace approach" is fundamentally flawed - only a "land for land - peace for peace" approach, with some compromises on both sides, can succeed(2) Strong security and anti-crime Platform(3) A desire to see Israel join NATO and the EU(4) Easing of conversions and the introduction of civil unions, while strengthening the Jewish nature of the state.

Notes:(1) Lieberman was originally a member of Likud(2) Left the government in 2008 in protest against talks with PA(3) Supports the controversial "triangle plan" for the creation of a Palestinian state - so it does not get along well with religious or ultra-nationalist parties

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IDEOLOGIESSephardic & Mizrahi

Haredi JudaismPopulism


FOUNDED 1984Aryeh Deri

LEADEREli Yishai

Slogans:(1) Yes, We Can

Platform:(1) Sephardic religious movement(2) Government policies should be based on strict Jewish law(3) Prepared to relinquish land in return for peace(4) Pragmatic approach to security based on the sanctity of life(5) Higher social payments to large families and increase funding for the Yeshivas

Notes:(1) Shas, unlike some of the other religious parties, has been willing to sit with the Palestinian Authority(2) Was formally a non-Zionist party, but joined the World Zionist Organization in 2010 - so is now considered a "Zionist party"

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IDEOLOGIESSocial Democracy

Labor Zionism

FOUNDED 1948David Ben-Gurion


Slogans:(1) Look Me in the Eyes and See the Truth(2) Not Nice, a Leader

Platform:(1) Willing to negotiate with the Palestinian Authority while remaining strong on security(2) In favor of the creation of a Palestinian State, and dismantling isolated settlements(3) Favors increasing the minimum wage, guaranteeing pensions to every employee, and increased social security benefits for the elder and the handicapped.(4) Favors maintaining the religious state quo

Notes:(1) Originally called Mapai in 1948(2) After Ehud Barak left to form a new party, there has not been a single strong leader(3) Labor is an observer in the European Conference of Socialist Parties(4) Formally led for most of Israel's history with numbers greater than Likud 

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YaHudat HaTorahUnited Torah Judaism

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Halacha (Jewish Law)


LEADERYaakov Litzman

Moshe Gafni

Platform:(1) Coalition of Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox parties representing the Hassidic and Lithuanian sects(2) Non-Zionist but would like to see laws see laws strengthen Judaism in Israel(3) Can sit with any of the major parties regarding security issues, but more comfortable with the right as much of its constituency is hawkish(4) Advocates on behalf of their constituency regarding government budgets and social services(5) Opposes negotiations with the Palestinians and the formation of a Palestinian state; supports increasing settlements in the Palestinian territories(6) Wants to maintain the status quo in regard to religion and state issue

Notes:The most important thing about United Torah Judaism is that are not Zionist, and not all of their constituents accept a secular government.

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FOUNDED 2011Ehud Barak

LEADEREhud Barak

Background:Independence is not a "real" party.  It is composed of  Ehud Barak, and four other Labor ministers, who left the Labor party.

After the settlement freeze expired and the peace talks hit a standstill in late 2010, the Labor party threatened to either leave the coalition, or sack Ehud Barak as leader due to his lack of leadership on pressuring Benjamin Netanyahu.

Most of the Labor members left the coalition, Barak and the other four more right-leaning members created a new party to maintain their positions in the government.

Notes:While criticized by the Israeli left for his "betrayal", Ehud Barak has criticized Netanyahu and the coalition for not making enough compromises for peace, and supports apologizing to Turkey.

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Halhud HaLeumiNational Union

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IDEOLOGIESReligious Zionism

Land of IsraelNationalism



LEADERYa'akov Katz

Slogans:(1) Not Afraid At All

Platform:(1) Greater Land of Israel(2) Coalition of ultra religious Zionist parties and the secular ultra nationalist HaTikva party(3) Against any withdrawals from any territory(4) Against the creation of a Palestinian state

Notes:(1) Has some ties to banned "Kach" party, which had associations with Jewish terrorists and extreme anti-Arab racism.(2) Some party members have adopted the "Jordan is Palestine" solution to the Palestine question(3) The most hard-line party when it comes to land

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al-Qā'ima al-'Arabiya

United Arab List

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IDEOLOGIESIsraeli-Arab Interest



LEADERIbrahim Sarsour

Platform:(1) Union of three Israeli Arab parties(2) Israel should become a state of all it's inhabitants and not have overtly Jewish character(3) Arabs should be recognized as a national minority and be awarded rights accordingly(4) Full Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem(5) Establishment of Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital(6) Right of return for Palestinian refugees of 1948

Notes:(1) Constituency is primarily either religious or nationalistic Arabs, with 80% popularity among Bedouin in 2009.(2) Operates the Islamic Movement of Israel

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HadashDemocratic Front for Peace and Equality

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Arab-Jewish Partner


LEADERMohammad Barakeh

Slogans:(1) Building a New Left

Platform:(1) Non-Zionist and Communist ideology(2) Improving status of disadvantaged Israelis(3) Formation of a democratic and secular constitution(4) Improving rights for Israeli Arabs and women(5) Supports Israel as a state for all its citizens rather than a "Jewish State"(6) Supports formation of a Palestinian State(7) Supports (to varying degrees) the Palestinian refugees of 1948 to return or be compensated

Notes:(1) Coalition party including the Black Panthers(2) While historically non-Zionist (Marxist, not Nationalist) it has shifted according to some to a more Arab Separatist/Nationalist agenda(3) Uri Averny is a famous Israeli peacenik and Hadash member

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MERETZNew Movement

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IDEOLOGIESSocial Democracy

Labor ZionismGreen Politics

Peace Activism

FOUNDED 1992Shulamit Aloni


Slogans:(1) Doing what is good for Israel

Platform:(1) Left-wing social democratic secular party(2) Supports a just and comprehensive peace between Israel and its neighbors(3) Supports direct negotiations with the Palestinians; concedes that direct negotiations with Hamas is ill-advised at this time(4) Favors dismantling and an almost full withdrawal from West Bank, with land swap for the remainder(5) Supports state recognition of non-Orthodox conversations and acceptance of descent as source of Jewishness(6) Human, civil rights, and social justice agenda(7) Ecology and safe environment/green agenda

Notes:(1) One of the parties most responsible for the Oslo Accords (strongest partner of Labor)(2) Had the first openly gay Knesset member(3) Lost much support to Kadima in recent years

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Brit Le'umit Demokratit


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IDEOLOGIESArab Nationalism

Democratic SocialismAnti-Zionism

FOUNDED 1995Amzi Bishari

LEADERJamal Zahlaka

Platform:(1) Israeli-Arab Party(2) Israel should be a democratic state of all its citizens(3) Supports right of return for Arab refugees from the 1948 war(4) Full Israeli withdrawal from the territories(5) Creation of a Palestinian state

Notes:(1) Balad was disqualified in 2009 from the Israeli general elections for calling for armed conflict against Israel. This was overturned by the supreme court.(2) Balad hosts some of the most controversial members, including Haneen Zoabi, who has argued that Iran should acquire nuclear weapons to counter-balance Israel

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Some interesting notes or points not covered:

(1) If you add up the percentages of all the Israeli-Arab parties, you'll see it doesn't even hit 10% (where-as it should be closer to 20% looking at demographics). Many Israeli-Arabs either don't vote (they are against "the system") or support/have supported Zionist parties, including Kadima, Labor, and Likud.  These Zionist parties have had/do have Arab representatives in the Knesset.

(2) Other than the ultra-Nationalist and ultra-Religious parties, none of the parties (even the Arab ones) argue for any form of a "One-State solution".

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Camp David (1979)

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* Shas would leave the government once Oslo started in 1993, and the coalition was joined by a new breakaway party of 3 MKs. ** Hadash and the Arab Democratic Party announced support for the gov't, all though they were not coalition members.


Oslo Accords (1993)

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Camp David (2000)

* The elections were held at a time when negotiations with the Palestinians were going badly. Although the Wye River Memorandum had passed the Knesset, it had alienated both the left (who claimed the peace process was moving too slowly) and the right, who were unhappy with territorial concessions** One Israel was a coalition party primarily made of Labor

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Gaza & Annapolis (2005 - 2009)

* Likud fell to a historical low of 12 seats (-26 from late 2005)** Yisrael Beinenu briefly joined the government after the Lebanon war, but left in protest after Olmert began peace talks with the Palestinians

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PALESTINE - OVERVIEWThe Palestinian governance structure and breakup is even more complicated than the Israelis, if such is possible. There is the following governing bodies:

PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)"Sole legitimate representative" of the Palestinians, enjoys observer status at the United Nations. This is like the (former) Jewish Agency.PLC (Palestinian Legislative Council)The legislature/parliament of the PNA. This is like Congress/the Knesset.PNA (Palestinian National Authority)The authoritative body, created by the Oslo Accords, to govern limited parts of the Palestinian territories and to eventually become the Palestinian government in a state. This is formed Government.

And there are numerous other factions and sub-factions that are not represented by either and oppose either or all of these bodies.

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The Palestinian Government is primarily dominated by the secular Fatah party and the Islamist Hamas party, with small amounts of seats going to various socialist, communist, and centrist parties.

The results of the PNA 2006 elections was a victory for Hamas, but was not

internationally recognized, and was rejected by the PLO and Fatah.

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SECULAR• Fatah• Popular Front for the

Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

• Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)

RELIGIOUS/ISLAMIST• Hamas*• Islamic Jihad**


* Hamas and Third Way ran for the PNA, but are not members of the PLO** Islamic Jihad additionally did not run for the PNA

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Claims Ismail Haniyeh as Prime Minister (Currently operating as PM of Gaza)

Claims Aziz Duwaik as President (Currently highest ranking Hamas official in the West Bank)


Claims Salam Fayyad as Prime Minister (Operating as PM of West Bank)

Claims Mahmoud Abbas as President (Operating as President of West Bank and Chair of the PLO)

The results of the 2006 Palestinian National Authority results are disputed. Officially, under EU observer status, Hamas one a majority of seats. This was rejected by Fatah and much of the Palestinian western backers. As of 2011, technically speaking neither Fatah or Hamas have legal legitimacy.

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Democratic SocialismSocial Democracy

FOUNDED 1959Yasser Arafat

LEADERMahmoud Abbas

FATAHPalestinian National Liberation


Platform:(1) More nationalist than socialist(2) Recognizes Israel and denounces violence(3) Supports a negotiated two-state solution from the conflict, and a full withdrawal from the Occupied Territories(4) Full "right of return" of the Palestinian refugees from 1948 to their homes or compensation

Standing:(1) Not considered to be a terrorist organization by any government, including the US and Israel(2) Disolved Force 17 (Arafat's Elite) into the Palestinian Presidential Guard(3) Disolved some of the Al-Aqsa Martyr Brigades into the Palestinian Security Forces

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FOUNDED 1967George Habash

LEADERAhmed Sa'adat

PFLPPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Platform:(1) Far-left Marxism-Leninism(2) Hard-line party in regards to Palestinian national aspirations, opposing moderate stance of Fatah(3) Opposes any negotiations or recognition of the Israeli government(4) Favors a "One Arab State" solution, where Jews were entitled to live as a minority(5) Recognized the Oslo Accords until 2010

Standing:(1) Considered a terrorist organization by more than 30 countries (including the US, European Union, Australia, and Canada)(2) Consistently the second-largest group in the PLO (the largest being Fatah)(3) Currently the PFLP is boycotting participation in the Executive Committee of the PLO

Notes:(1) Well known for a series of armed hijackings in the late 60's and early 70's, and some major suicide bombings during the second Intifada

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FOUNDED 1967George Habash

LEADERAhmed Sa'adat

DFLPDemocratic Front for the 

Liberation of Palestine

Platform:(1) Left-Wing Marxism-Leninism(2) A people's democratic (bi-national) Palestine, where Arab and Jews would live without discrimination, and without classes(3) Originally called for a "revolution of the masses", but more recently adopted a more moderate standpoint while preserving a hard-line attitude to the armed struggle(4) Objects to, but respects, the Oslo Accords

Standing:(1) Leadership in stationed in Damascus, Syria, and is active in the Palestinian refugee camps(2) Dropped designation as a terrorist organization in 1999, all-though they committed some shootings, primarily during the second Intifada

Notes:(1) Well known for the Ma'alot massacre, where 105 elementary school children were taken hostage, and 22 executed in 1974

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IDEOLOGIESSunni Islamism

Islamic FundamentalismReligious Nationalism

FOUNDED 1987Mahmoud Zahar

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin

LEADERKhaled Mashaal

HAMASIslamic Resistance Movement

Platform:(1) Liberation of Palestine and the establishment of an Islamic state by means of armed struggle(2) Has mixed responses to a resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, with some absolutely denying it and others allowing it in the context of a complete withdrawal and full right of return(3) 2006 Legislative Program: “The question of recognizing Israel is not the jurisdiction of one faction, nor the government, but a decision for the Palestinian people"

Standing:(1) Recognized as a terrorist organization by the European Union, the United States, Canada, Israel, and Japan(2) Sometimes recognized as anti-Semitic, including anti-Jewish imagery/statements.

Notes:(1) Hamas is regarded as the most responsible for the violent waves of attacks, including suicide bombings, during the second Intifada

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Does NOT recognize the PLC


Islamic Fundamentalism


FOUNDED 1970sRamadan Shallah

LEADERRamadan Shallah

ISLAMIC JIHADPalestinian Islamic Jihad

Platform:(1) Armed struggle leading to the destruction of Israel and it's replacement with a Palestinian Islamic state (2) Opposes any state, including Arab or Muslim ones, that recognize or are willing to negotiate with Israel, and threatens violence(3) Opposes any form of secular government

Standing:(1) Recognized as a terrorist organization by the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia, Israel, and Japan(2) Is not a political faction and does not run or represent itself in the PLO or PLC or recognize either's legitimacy.(3) Has carried out attacks in Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan

Notes:(1) Has cooperated with Hamas to plan and target Israelis will suicide bombings and other actions

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PALESTINE - Other Factions & GroupsThird Way - A centrist/secular and nationalist party established by Salam Fayyad and Hanan Ashwari in 2005. It won 2 of the PLC's 132 seats in 2006.

Palestinian National Initiative - A centrist/secular and nationalist party that opposes Fatah for being corrupt and undemocratic, and Hamas for being extremist and fundamentalist, established by Mustafa Barghouti. It won 2 of the PLC's 132 seats in 2006. Historically supported by Edward Said

There are an unofficial group of Salafists (some reports up to 15000) in Gaza who sometimes directly challenge Hamas' rule, and oppose any moderation of Hamas towards Islamic law and peace, even cease fires, with Israel. They are currently not officially represented in any political party or faction.
