Page 1: Isaury Santana and Lauryn Sayles in:  Ghost Hunting in Snug Harbor

Isaury Santana and Lauryn Sayles in:

Ghost Hunting in Snug Harbor

Page 2: Isaury Santana and Lauryn Sayles in:  Ghost Hunting in Snug Harbor


Snug Harbor was said to be very haunted. There was said to be a lot of paranormal experiences that happened inside of that house.

People claimed to see a woman in white dancing inside of the Music Hall on stage and walking around on the balcony. They would have claims of hearing chairs moving when no one was in the house.

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One of the questions our group wanted to find out is if the ghosts are more active at day or at night. We also wanted to know if the ghosts were more friendlier to women or men.

We formed a hypothesis based on the questions and traveled from there on.

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Our first hypothesis was if we capture m0re EVP’s at night than day then it supports the idea that ghosts are more active at night.

Our second hypothesis was if we capture more responses (visual/verbal) to men/ women, does this mean that ghosts have a gender preference.

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Our Method The base method that we used was the

Scientific Method. Our method was to enter the house as a team. We used our senses to observe anything that you think was paranormal. We were informed to ask questions for elicit responses. We was informed to record all of the potential questions.

We were supposed to analyze all of the responses to see of it was artificial, natural, or supernatural.

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The Equipment

Digital Recorder: ~A recording device that is most

popular for recording speech. PSB-7 Spirit Box: ~A PSB-7 Spirit Box is a device that

is used to talk to spirits.

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The Equipment

Sony HD Night Vision Camcorder~ This device is used to record videos at night time. People use this device for ghost hunting because they usually hunt for spirits at nighttime.

Digital Camera~a camera that records and stores digital images.

K-II Meter~The -2 EMF meter uses flashing lights to signal an increase in electromagnetic energy.

Mel-Meter: an Intelligent microprocessor based instrument specifically designed for Paranormal Investigators & Enthusiasts.

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When we were finished conducting our experiments, we concluded that ghosts respond better to male voices.

We also found out that it not always going to be true that they response better on night than they do during the day. When we went during the day we got more response than we did during the night.

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Number of EVP Responses

Male Female0








Number of EVP\ Responses

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Number of EVP’s Captured!












Number of EVP's Captured

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Discussion *Discussion*Our first hypothesis was if capture more EVP’s at night than day than it supports the ideas that ghost are more active at night. This hypothesis was invalid because we had more response at day.

*Discussion* Our second hypothesis

was if we capture more response (visual/verbal) to men/women, does this means ghost have a gender preference. This hypothesis was valid because the ghost responded more to men than women

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Discussion * Errors* In this experiment,

we made several errors because we used different people, different equipment, and different tour guides

*Conclusion* We believe that the

house we visited was haunted because we got visual evidence and audio evidence to prove that the house is haunted. We can say that from our experiences , ghost talk more to men than women.

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Summary My team and I had a lot of fun going

ghost hunting this week my team and I believe that the stories about Snug Harbor is true. Next year, we will defiantly sign up again!

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