
Is there Religious Discrimination & Double Standards towards Conservative Christians in 21st Century America?

Is there Religious Discrimination & Double Standards towards Conservative Christians in 21st Century America?Heather Yeager

Discrimination against people of faith, particularly Christians, has become an epidemic in this country. - M. Staver, (founder of Liberty Counsel)My research brief focuses on issues surrounding: Religious freedomsDouble standards regarding our religious rights andWhether or not Christians are being discriminated against in the United States.Religious Discrimination


Religious Discrimination - is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of what they do or do not believe.

Constitutional Freedoms- refers to those freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Such freedoms are granted by the Constitution to its citizens and they can enjoy it under the protection of the Constitution. The freedom guaranteed under the Constitution includes the aggregate of personal, civil, and political rights of individuals. These freedoms are secured against invasion by the government or any of its agencies. Freedom of religion, speech, and press as guaranteed by the first amendment and the due process clause of fourteenth amendment are certain basic freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution to its citizens.


Who is Involved This situation focuses on Conservative Christians in the 21st Century living in the United States and those who would have animosity towards them and their religion.

(Although every religion is discriminated against at some point and by different types of people, stations, races and cultures.)

Benefits from Examining the TopicBy looking deeper into this topic it helps educate us more on the issue at hand; discrimination towards Conservative Christians and other religious groups.

It helps us to:Identify the problemRecognize our differences and learn how to become more tolerantAgree to disagreeFight for our constitutional and religious freedomsStand up against religious discrimination towards ourselves and othersPut into practice our constitutional rights a.k.a. the First Amendment andHelp educate our youth to do the same

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves Abraham Lincoln

Examples of DiscriminationThe Illinois High School Association is being challenged on policy that bans Christian schools form offering a prayer or any religious message over their public address systems when they host association events on their own property.It is blatantly unconstitutional for public school officials to come into private schools and enforce a policy prohibiting them from expressing whats central to their religious beliefs, said David Cortman, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF).The ADF wrote to association chief Marty Hickman recently after several private schools complained about the new restrictions. In enacting the policy, the IHSA was purportedly concerned that allowing private host schools to conduct customary pre-game prayers violated the First Amendments Establishment Clause, the letter said.The ADF is trying to persuade the IHSA that prayers on private school property is constitutional. There is a strong likelihood that the IHSAs new policy violates the First Amendment rights of private Christian schools that host IHSA state series events, the letter said.(WorldNetDaily. 3/7/09.)Provided by the National Alliance Against Christian Discrimination: High School Bans Prayer

Examples continuedAn elementary school in Tennessee, after successfully rebuffing an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit over religious expression on campus, has nonetheless ordered the words God Bless the USA and In God We Trust covered up on student-made posters in the hallway.Administrators at Lakeview Elementary School in Mr. Juliet, Tenn., told parents that the posters, promoting the See You at the Pole student prayer event, mentioned God and are therefore precluded by school board policy and prohibited in the always as inappropriate.Christian students shouldnt be censored for expressing their beliefs, said ADF Senior Counsel Nate Kellum in a statement. Its ridiculous as well as unconstitutional to cover up these references to God and prayerone of which is the national motto. (WorldNetDaily. 3/3/09)Elementary School Blots Out GodThe U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear a case involving a high school football coachs effort to respect his players tradition of stopping for a moment of prayer prior to games, leaving in place an appeals court decision that essentially mandates a school policy of hostility, according to The Rutherford Institute.This decision undermines a time-honored tradition that has less to do with religion than it does athletic tradition, said John Whitehead, chief counsel of The Rutherford Institute which argued the case on behalf of Coach Marcus Borden of East Brunswick High School in New Jersey.Its a sad statement on our rights as Americans that schools are no longer bastions of freedom. Weve become so politically correct and secularized that religious individuals who seek the same First Amendment rights as others are censored, Whitehead said.A federal court of appeals concluded the high school coach broke the law routinely when he would bow his head or take a knee while his team prayed before gamesa school tradition of 25 years. (WorldNetDaily. 3/3/09.)Coach Cant Bow Head In Prayer

Examples continued Racism Rampant in Dearborn, MIThe YouTube video, Christian Racism Rampant in Dearborn, MI (Campbell, 2011), tells the story of just one mans experience with anti-Christian animosity. The gentleman being interviewed came to this country with hopes and anticipation for a happy and successful life and was met with anger, hate and ridicule. Jobs were hard to come by because of his religion and his word was often disregarded for being a Christian. Not all Muslims in his community met him with disrespect and animosity, about 30% were friendly and unbias, but he stated that the other 70% did.

Get educatedEducate othersStay active in our governmentStand up and help keep our constitutional rightsPay attention to laws being passed and fight for what you believe inGet involved in your communitiesVolunteerCreate positive artBe tolerant Step back and look at others points of view Start dialogs that allow people to hear each others views


The American Center for Law and Justice National Alliance Against Christian Discrimination (NAACD) Graham Evangelistic Association: Christian Rights Ministries Coalition of America ResourcesMy entire research brief on Religious Discrimination & its references :
