

National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE)


What is Rainwater Harvesting?

Rainwater Management and Functions

Background of Rainwater Harvesting in Malaysia


Case studies – RWHS

RWHS on Community Level

RWHS on Township Level

Way Forward

What is Rainwater Harvesting?

Why Rainwater?

Annual Rainwater ≈ 990 billion m3 (Area = 330,000km2 with Average Annual Rainfall 3,000mm) 566 billion m3 becomes surface runoff 360 billion m3 evaporated 64 billion m3 discharges as groundwater Water Consumption(domestic & industry) ≈

8,949MLD(year 2010) BUT…..we still have water supply disruptions?! (1998 drought brought unpleasant water supply disruptions to

the 1.8 million residents of Klang Valley )

Centralised vs Decentralised



Water Crisis 1998;

Currently, River Water, Storage Dam and Groundwater are the only 3 main water sources in the country;

High water losses or non-revenue water (NRW) ~ 36% in year 2010

A significant amount of treated water does not generate any revenues. Such ‘water losses’ can be measured by non-revenue water (NRW), namely the difference between the quantity of water that leaves the treatment plants and the quantity billed to users based on metered consumption

The average percentage of NRW in Malaysia is high at 36% in 2010. This problem is more serious in some states than in others.

The states with the highest levels of NRW include: Sabah (57.35%); Pahang (55.29%); Kelantan (52.41%); Perlis (51.30%); and N.Sembilan (43.41%). Source: MWA 2011

As a tool to re-position the altered hydrologic characteristics ◦ Increase infiltration rate;

◦ Improve groundwater recharge;

Green “Infrastructure” Technology ◦ One of the elements in Green Building Index (GBI)

under water efficiency category

◦ As a decentralised system with less energy consumption

As a solution to the environmental problems:

◦ Decrease the amount of stormwater runoff and

minimize the problems associated with it, such as soil erosion and disastrous pollution problems for surface water bodies;

◦ According to the research carried out by NAHRIM that (with the incorporation of rainwater harvesting system), it is possible to achieve a 20% reduction of the peak discharge in a housing area.

◦ Further reduction of peak discharge of up to 50%,

could be achieved by installing the systems in the

other commercial and public buildings within the

housing area.

To cope with climate change impact – A No Regret Approach

◦ Studies on hydroclimate projection for Malaysia show that an

increment of 473mm in average max monthly rainfall in Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang States, and a decrement of 17mm for Selangor and Johor States are projected respectively over the next 40 years;

◦ These changes in rainfall have led to the changes in the river

flows; ◦ The flood flow changes range from +6% to +47%, while the low

flow changes range from -35% to -93%, which mean more frequent floods and droughts are predicted in future

Source: NAHRIM, 2006



Annual RAIN

Max: +264mm N/EAST COAST (8.5%)

Min: -110mm

SELANGOR (-4.9%)

Max. Monthly


Max: +473mm NORTH EAST

Min: +17mm


NAHRIM’s RegHCM-PM - Simulated Future Annual & Monthly Rainfall Impacts Assessment


Mean Monthly


Max: +12% [KEL]

Min: - 8%


Max Monthly


Max: +47% KLANG

Min: +0.6% [SEL]

Min Monthly


Max: -93% [SEL]

Min: -35% KLANG

NAHRIM’s RegHCM-PM - Simulated Future River Flow Impacts Assessment

Bekalan Air Tambahan

Pengurangan dalam (UHI)

Pencegahan Banjir Kilat Bandar

Pemulihan Kitaran Hidrologi

Pengawalan Pencemaran yang tidak ada sumber

Pencegahan Kekeringan Aliran Sungai

Rainwater Management and Functions

The drought of 1998 during the El Nino occurrence that brought unpleasant water supply disruptions for Klang Valley folks has undoubtedly created a surge of interest in rainwater harvesting.

The Minister of Housing and Local Government on 7 May 1998 had expressed the Government’s interest for houses to be designed to include facilities for collecting rainwater.

In 1999, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government produced a Guideline on “Installing a Rainwater Collection and Utilization System” (that is SPAH – Sistem Pengumpulan Air Hujan).

2007 – Consideration Paper (2) by NRE to MSAN, YAB Prime Minister decides (a) RWHS to be included as a component in the Guidelines for Planning and Building Regulations (b) Promotion of RWHS installation to government buildings and existing public buildings through amendment of UKBS (1984)

In early stages of Rain Water Harvesting System (RWHS) was introduced, there is no specific research programs are conducted on RWHS;

Early of 8th Malaysia Plan (MP), NAHRIM already embarked on this research program and carry forward under the 9th MP.

Background of Rainwater Harvesting in Malaysia …….

• Approval from the Cabinet and the National Council

for Local Government - May 2011

• To be gazetted

• Local councils issued instruction to install RWS for

new Semi-Ds, Bungalows and Govt. Buildings

• Double Storey Terrace House (year 2001 )

• Government office (2002)

• Mosque (2003)

• Zoo Negara (2009 )

• Long House (2010 )

• NAHRIM Office Complex (2010 )

Research carried out by NAHRIM on a double storey terrace house at Taman Wangsa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur, the SPAH is able to save up to 34% of the household water supply

Average monthly power consumption for electric pump is 1.14kWh

To use rainwater as the supplement or the alternative water supply for the public toilets flushing and the two hippo ponds in the National Zoo

The total volume of rainwater storage tank available is 365.7 m3

The average total daily water demand is about 17.36 m3 (11.36m3) for the Hippo ponds and 6 m3 for toilet flushing) with monthly water demand 521m3

With average 70% of system reliability, monthly total water saving is equivalent to 520m3 and average monthly power consumption for electric pump is 43.33kWh

To supplement the existing river water supply

A 400-gallon rainwater tank for each household unit making a total 24 units of tanks

Based on assumption 66 liters/person/day & average 5 persons per house unit for a total 24 house units (total daily water demand 8,000 litres or 8m3)

Mainly for toilets, bathing, mopping floors, washing clothes & dish washing purposes.

The reliability of the Rainwater Harvesting System is about 85%. Observed monthly rainwater consumption is 285m3.

To supplement the existing public water supply; Two 10m3 rainwater tanks were installed and mainly for toilet flushing and landscaping;

Based on assumption 20 liters/person/day & a total of 150 staff, and 1,000 liters/day for landscaping

The reliability of the Rainwater Harvesting System is at 90%

Average monthly rainwater consumption is 93m3 and average monthly power consumption for electric pump is 7.75kWh

Desktop Study

RWHS on Community Level – Taman Melawati

Total Catchment area at Taman Wangsa Melawati

No. Type of Building Catchment area

(m2) Quantity

Total Catchment

Area (m2)

1 Double Storeys Terrace 60 242 14,520

2 Shop 60 10 600

3 Surau 240 1 240

4 Kindergarten 180 1 180

Overall Total Catchment Area 15,540

RWHS on Community Level – Taman Melawati

Estimated Daily Water Usage

Type of building (2 storey terraced houses)

The purpose of the system: Toilets + watering plants + car wash

Types of systems & components: a header tank, 2 toilet and 1 tap water

Type of building: 2-storey terraced houses

Roof size: 60m2

Number of toilets: 2 toilets

Number of residents: 6 guests (2 adults + 4 children)

Daily water demand: 240 liters / day

Type of building (shop)

The purpose of the system: Toilets + cleaning

Types of systems & components: a header tank, a toilet and a tap water

Type of building: Shop

Roof size: 60m2

Number of toilets: 1 toilet

Number of staff: 5 nos

Daily water demand: 375 liters / day

RWHS on Community Level – Taman Melawati

Estimated Daily Water Usage

Type of building (shop)

The purpose of the system: Toilets + cleaning

Types of systems & components: a header tank, a toilet and a tap water

Type of building: Shop

Roof size: 60m2

Number of toilets: 1 toilet

Number of staff: 5 nos

Daily water demand: 375 liters / day

Type of building (Surau)

The purpose of the system: Toilets + + cleaning watering flowers

Types of systems & components: a header tank, 2 toilet and 1 tap water

Type of building: Prayer

Roof size: 240m2

Number of toilets: 2 toilets

Number of congregation: 150 nos

Daily water demand: 1.100 liters / day

RWHS on Community Level – Taman Melawati

Estimated Daily Water Usage

Type of building (Kindergarten)

The purpose of the system: Toilets + cleaning

Types of systems & components: a header tank, 2 toilet and 1 tap water

Type of building: Kindergarten

Roof size : 180 m2

Number of toilets : 2 toilets

Number of congregation : 200 org

Daily water demand : 2.450 liters / day

Location = Taman Wangsa Melawati

Roof Catchments area(m2) = 15,540 (m2)

Roof Runoff Coefficient = 0.8

Water Demand (liters/day) = 65,380liters/day

Daily Rainfall Data = Kuala Lumpur (15 years)

Hence, estimated system reliability is 84.23% based on 800m3 of underground

storage tank

RWHS on Community Level – Taman Melawati

Overall Total Daily Water Demand (Estimated)

No. Type of Building Daily Water

Demand (liter) Quantity

Total Daily Water



Double Storeys

Terrace 240 242 58,080

2 Shop 375 10 3,750

3 Surau 1,100 1 1,100

4 Kindergarten 2,450 1 2,450

Overall Total Daily Water Demand 65,380

Desktop Study Objective:

Rainwater is used for;

All residential premises, shops, kindergarten and surau

Fire fighting, watering plants and general cleaning

RWHS on Community Level – Taman Melawati


storage tank

Collection pipe

Distribution pipe Elevated distribution tank

RWHS on Community Level – Taman Melawati

Overall Cost Estimation

No. Items Estimated Cost(RM)

1 Internal plumbing & distribution piping 770,750

2 Pumps with related fittings and fire fighting equipment 50,000

3 Underground storage tank 208,000

4 Elevated distribution tank 176,000

Overall system cost 1,204,750

Annual maintenance cost (5%) 60,000.00

Overall Cost Estimation : RM 1.2 million

RWHS on Community Level – Taman Melawati

Monthly Water Bill

No. Building Type Monthly Bill (est) Qty Amount (RM)


Double Storey

Terrace 50 242 12,200

2 Shop 150 10 1,500

3 Mosque 500 1 500

4 Kindergarthen 300 1 300

Monthly Amount (RM) 14,500.00

System Cost = RM1,204,750

Annual Water Bill = RM174,000

Payback period (est.) = 7 Years

Desktop Study Area

RWHS on Community Level – School Complex at

Nabawan, Sabah

RWHS on Community Level – School

Complex at Sapulot, Sabah

RWHS on Community Level – School Complex at Sapulot, Sabah

Underground storage tank

Dewan Makan

Underground storage tank

RWHS for School Blocks

RWHS for Quarters and Hostel Blocks

Components of RWHS’s :

• Roof catchment

• Collection Pipe

• Distribution pipe

• Storage Tank

• Pump

• Feeder Tank

• Plumbing System

• Header Tank

Estimated Daily Water Usage

RWHS for School area

The purpose of the system: Toilets uses+ general cleaning+ landscape uses

Type of building: Multipurposes Hall, administrative offices, classrooms and

laboratories, Canteen & Surau

Roof size : 6,405 m2

Number of toilets : 81 toilets

Number of student : 977

Daily water demand : 8,639 liters / day

RWHS for Hostel and Quarters area

The purpose of the system: Toilets uses+ general cleaning + landscape uses

Type of building: teachers quarters, dining hall, hostel boys & girls

Roof size : 2,280 m2

Number of toilets : 68 toilets

Number of resident : 474

Daily water demand : 5,118 liters / day

RWHS on Community Level – School Complex at Sapulot, Sabah

RWHS Community Level (Combination)

School Blocks

Staff Quarters and

Student Hostel Blocks

Roof Area (m2) 6,405 2,280

RWH Purposes For the toilet uses, landscape uses and general


Estimated daily water

demand (m3/day)

8.64 5.12

Reliability of system (%) 100 100

Volume of storage tank


500 300

Based on rainfall data (15 years) from Rainfall Station Keningau (Sabah),

here’s our estimations and calculations:

RWHS on Community Level – School Complex at Sapulot, Sabah

RWHS on Community Level – School Complex at Sapulot, Sabah

No. Items Total (RM)

1 Preliminaries 484,612

2 Infrastructure works 308,000

3 RWHS 3,151,750

4 Rainwater Treatment System 500,000

5 Genset 100,000

6 Internal plumbing system 201,150

Grand Total 4,745,512

Overall Cost Estimation

Overall Cost Estimation : RM 4.75 million

Star City is located in Jayang-dong, Seoul, South Korea.

Technical Data Height (architectural) : 196.00 m (max) Floors (above ground): 35 - 58 Floors (below ground): 3 Construction period: 2003 – 2006 Land Area: 6.25 ha

In late 2005, introduction of a new regulation requiring harvesting to be applied in any new or re-development of residential and commercial property. The new policy came into force on 4 September. Known colloquially as the ‘Four alls for all’ it can be summarized as (RWH) for (and by) all people, collecting all available rainwater, by all possible methods, and in all possible locations, with the result that people and nature all win.

RWHS on Township Level – Star City, S. Korea

RWHS on Township Level – Star City, S. Korea

In order to strengthen the case for its large-scale implementation of rainwater harvesting in the country, serious efforts should be given for several aspects.

Comprehensive implementing plans have to be prepared by the relevant stakeholders to ensure the extensive and successful implementation of the project.

Rainwater utilisation should not be restricted to supplementing water supply or water bill saving but has to be justifiably related to other aspects of living like food and water security, flood mitigation, environmental rehabilitation, and now in coping with climate change.

Rainwater harvesting in response to climate extremes ultimately enhances the resilience of human society.

It should be borne in mind that rainwater harvesting is a sustainable approach and can be very cost-effective in the long term.

Further research on Rainwater Harvesting as component of

Independent Water Supply System (IWSS) to be carried out. Comercialisation of product related to Rainwater Harvesting.
