Page 1: Inwardlove€¦ · 10/05/2017  · You want to find solutions to your problem, and I want to be part of your finding that solution. There’s beauty in finally being free both mentally

Page 2: Inwardlove€¦ · 10/05/2017  · You want to find solutions to your problem, and I want to be part of your finding that solution. There’s beauty in finally being free both mentally


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Page 3: Inwardlove€¦ · 10/05/2017  · You want to find solutions to your problem, and I want to be part of your finding that solution. There’s beauty in finally being free both mentally

Hi beautiful,

I’m grateful that you have taken the

time to get my free report. It’s exciting

for me and I hope it’s the same for you,

that the journey to a natural, radiant

clear skin has finally begun with this simple step you have taken. I’m here

with you every step of the way to help you, until you are able to gain

back that confidence.

My name is Rachel, the author and founder of which started with one purpose and that is to

help you through this somewhat of a tough time. A couple of years back, I

had acne and I’m overjoyed that I can not only relate to you, but help

you as well.

I’m here not just talking about this issue, but offer my help as someone

who has gone through it. You are probably going through some emotional

pain and I understand that fully well. I believe that is why you are here.

You want to find solutions to your problem, and I want to be part of your

finding that solution. There’s beauty in finally being free both mentally

and physically, and watching your life go back to normal.

This is the reason why I have written down these 10 things you can

immediately start doing to achieve a clear and radiant skin.

The 10 easy steps I’m about to describe might go against what you might

have known, but it’s important that you have an open mind and take that

leap of faith to do it. I’m sure you can think of a time where you were

using birth control pills, different drugs and face washes and creams as an

effort to clear out your skin. In fact, you put your faith in these things

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only to be highly disappointed. Your skin instead of clearing up got more

irritated and inflamed.

I have the confidence to give you these 10 steps I’m about to

mention because just like you, I have tried and tested everything. These

steps will work if you’re willing to give them a chance.

How do I know that? A few years ago, I suffered from cystic acne. If you

search up what cystic acne is, you can already imagine how big, bumpy

and painful they are. I tried many things that didn’t work for me because

I was treating my acne topically, until I found a natural way of dealing

with the root cause of it. Acne didn’t only affect me physically, but

emotionally as well, which made it hard for people to interact with me.

Here are some pictures I took then of my acne:

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After Acne:

I took these pictures purely by chance. I didn’t even think that one

day I would be talking to you about it. For me, my breakouts could occur

during my menstrual cycle, which was quite normal. I thought my acne

would go away easily after my period was over, not knowing that it was

the beginning of my nightmare. It got worse in a matter of days, then I

came to the realization that something was wrong.

I tried all that I could, in hopes that something could work. Hey!... it

didn’t, in fact, it actually got worse. People started getting concerned with

the state of my skin and some suggested some creams I could use. But

what I and others didn’t know was that the problem was not with the

acne on my face, it was with what was going on inside with my health.

All my life I have had somewhat of a clear skin except the once in a while

spots I would get. It was something I could handle and that could easily

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go away in a day or two. I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking


Honestly, I never thought it could happen to me since my skin was always

smooth and something I was very proud about. You know when people

say “you are what you eat”, we often ignore it, well it is actually very

true. About two years ago, I really began to eat unhealthily, slept at odd

hours of the night trying to complete assignments and barely drunk water

except for sodas or juice.

What you feed yourself today has consequences tomorrow. My skin had

enough of it and it showed on the face. It started to breakout which didn’t

go away in a day or two like before. At that time, the bumps I had were

stubborn and irritated with little signs of getting any better. The acne you

see on your face right now is an indication of something going wrong on

the inside, which now shows though the skin.

When I first began to break out, I had hoped that my skin would heal in

about a week but that didn’t happen. As long as I refused to make

changes to the choices of food I ate, nothing was changing. I got more

worried and anxious every day because I didn’t know why my skin was

behaving so badly. What was even worse was that I didn’t experience

acne in my teenage years as some of my friends did, so to experience it

as an adult was just terrible.

For many people and me inclusive, you often wish that the acne on your

face is all just a terrible dream and that you would wake up with clear

skin. When reality does set in though, you can become overwhelmed with

just how bad your skin looks and feels.

Some exciting news!

When I knew that I could clear my skin out naturally without having to

worry about bad side effects, I decided to go for it 100%. The great thing

about doing a natural treatment is that it goes to the root cause of acne.

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This is perfect because it prevents new ones from popping out since the

skin heals itself from the inside out.

As I took that step, the big bumps on my face started to shrink and dry

out. My skin was clear in just a couple of months with treating my body

well. And you know the most amazing thing about natural healing is that

it is a permanent solution. Unlike using chemicals where you’re trying to

find a solution at the surface level, you don’t have to watch the problem

persist with natural healing because you are working at solving the actual

issue. This was honestly such a great feeling for me because I knew that

if I continued to stay healthy, it would show on my skin.

I have had a clear skin since then. So I hope this motivates you to have

clear and glowing skin once again by giving your body only the best.

Remember that what goes on in the body, affects other parts too.

Covering the problem with drugs and other chemicals is far from

addressing the root cause of acne.

I hope that after this talk, you can make the conscious

decision to experience the benefits of natural healing. I

want only the best for you and your skin as my sister and

friend. You are the reason why I’m motivated and

passionate every day to do this.

Here are the 10 steps to a radiant clear skin starting right


1. Listen to your body It is time you supported your body to help it heal itself.

Your body is super intelligent and so it does not make any mistake when

communicating something to you. My experience with acne is what made

me realize that my total health was not in good shape at all.

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There is an imbalance and the body is expressing it through your skin.

Like I have said before, you are able to know what is making you feel a

certain way based on how your body is feeling.

For example, you know that your skin gets a certain reaction once you eat

dairy products like cheese, milk, etc. but you choose to ignore such

information and never think it is important.

Like in my case, I knew that my eating habits were terrible even though I

had no idea that it would affect my skin in the way it did.

2. Make small changes and start eating smart

What am I saying here? If you focus on change, you will definitely get

results. It must begin with making the right choices with the food you eat.

What I mean by eating smart is that you only eat foods that help your

body. For example, adding more vegetables or salad to dinner, having a

fruit with your breakfast or carrying a bottle of water with you to drink

any time you need it is a great start.

All these are small changes that provide the body with enough

healthy fuel it needs to function better. Your skin will love it, I


3. Hydrate your body with water

I’m sure you have heard that dehydration is one of the factors that affect

the skin. Let me be honest, I never drank the recommended liters of

water for many years until I had acne. Nobody just likes to drink water

anyhow, right? But I drink water because of its great benefits for the skin

and the body as a whole.

The sodas and all the chemical drinks you take the whole day do more

harm than good. They don’t hydrate the body, instead they add more

sugar and toxins which are bad news for your skin.

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4. Make leafy greens your friend

On a healthy note, I want you to love the greens. Green vegetables like

kale, broccoli, spinach for example will do so much good for your skin.

There are also so many other fresh green veggies you can find in your

local food store.

Kale for example, is known to be an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant.

Cucumber and romaine are good for hydration of your skin.

You are not limited to only kale. There are many other leafy greens

that you can introduce to your diet slowly to detox your body.

Fruits like;

Apples have vitamin A and C to prevent your skin from sagging.

Oranges have anti-oxidants to improve your complexion

5. Support your skin as it heals

Learn to leave your face alone. No picking, popping or touching

your acne no matter how big they look. Sometimes, acne develops

pus...leave it alone.

Being harsh on your skin will only leave it with those dark spots that you

don’t want to see or deal with after your skin has healed.

Be careful of what you use as a face wash, moisturizer or cleanser on

your face as doing that can leave the skin more painful and inflamed. You

would want to stay away from chemical products so that your skin can

heal naturally.

TIP: Avoid using chemicals on your face. Instead, use natural honey as

a face wash and moisturize with any organic cold pressed oil for oily

skin. For dry skin, Argan oil is an amazing moisturizer.

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6. Get enough sleep

It is so easy to be a culprit in this area as life gets busy and tough. The

truth is that not getting enough sleep eventually affects the body. I

believe that no person chooses not to sleep for no reason. Sometimes, it

can be due to the internet with social media apps constantly leaving us

with information overload .

Lack of sleep may not be a direct cause of acne but it is one of the factors

that contribute to it.

So, remember this... your body works so hard during the day to digest

the food you eat and to process information to the brain (thinking).

Therefore, at night is the only time the body can get recharged for the

following day. It is also the only time that waste and toxins are being

released to clean the body out.

Now, imagine if you don’t give it time to do all that. The body will collapse

and burn out which will show on the skin.

Given half a chance, the body heals itself through sleep. My advice is that

you take this seriously. You need to sleep at night, take a nap during the

day if you can and watch how the body will have less inflammation, stress

and toxins.

7. Probiotics - Populate the gut with good bacteria. What are probiotics? These are live good bacteria that help keep

your gut healthy. You can;

Use quality supplements which can be of tremendous help to

your gut. When looking to buy these supplements, be sure to

carry out your research well.

Some recommended ones are; ReNew life and Garden of life.

Another way is to learn how to prepare cultured and

fermented foods. This alone will be of so much help to your

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digestive system. One of the foods you can ferment are

cabbage. Make yourself Sauekraut at home.

You can also buy Kefir powder. Add this to water or milk to

make yoghurt with live cultures. If you don’t take dairy,

almond or any other form of milk is fine.

Remember that acne has a direct link to the digestive system and fixing it

will help your skin so much.

8. Find time to exercise

Exercising or moving your body does not only help the body get rid of

toxins as you sweat, it plays a role in digesting the food you eat. As you

sweat during your exercise routine, the pores on your skin open up and

any build up from clogged pores is eliminated.

Doing this should not be something hectic. You can do fast walking, run if

you can or do your workouts at home. Do something that will make the

body sweat.

For example,

You can get off the bus or train one stop before and walk to work,

school or wherever you may be going.

Walk your dog out.

Or be in a habit of taking walks with friends or even alone for fresh


Helping your body get fit does not necessarily require hectic

exercise. Any movement you do is important.

Exercise doesn’t only help the body burn calories, there is a chemical

that gets released called Endorphins. It makes you feel great, motivated

and happier. So make that body sweat more often!

There are other ways you can help balance your body and this by finding

a spiritual practice. I dedicate time to prayer everyday which makes me

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face the day with hope and less stress. It also helps you live life from a

centered place.

I would encourage you to find a spiritual practice you like where you can

feed that spiritual part of you. You can meditate, do yoga or any other

thing that interests you.

9. Alkalize your body by adding lemon to your water

Some of you may have heard about people adding lemon to a glass of

water, and have always wondered why. I do it when I wake up in the

morning. It is not just good for your skin, but it reduces the level of acid

in the body which causes health problems.

The foods you eat such as sugar, processed products with

food additives in them, trans-fats, fried foods and many

others are acidic. When acid in the body is higher than

normal, the effect is bad health.

You may think lemon is acidic, but it in fact goes in the body and alkalizes

it, thereby reducing the acid levels.

So, now that you know that those lemons in your fridge are not only for

fish. Make yourself a glass of water to start your off your day the healthy


10. Don’t be negative about yourself

You are your own best friend. So don’t put yourself down when one thing

is not going according to plan about your body.

Give yourself a chance to rise above this challenge by loving, nurturing

and caring about your body. Everything else will work because you trust

yourself enough to overcome the problem.

Doing the 10 things I have just mentioned takes courage and

sometimes fear and doubt grips you, but it’s how you

manage it that matters. I know that some things are new to

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you like changing from a bad habit to a good one, and it all

takes time.

When faced with such a challenge, acknowledge that you are scared, but

do it anyway. And I believe that soon you will thank yourself for having

taken this very important step.

Lastly, focus on change and you will see results!


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