Page 1: Investigation Report Template - Investigator - GhostStop report... · Investigation Timeline Log List any evidence gathered, observations and experiences during the investigation

Template provided by ghost hunting equipment shop. page 1 of 3


Client/Location: Investigation Date:

Investigator Name: Report Date: Start Time: End Time:

Site Observations Describe your observations of the investigation site detailing the condition of the property and environment. Please be as descriptive as possible and note any changes in the environment as the investigation progresses. Type of Site: ☐ residential ☐ commercial property Description: Site Conditions: Client/Contact: Weather Conditions: Other Observations:

Equipment Used List equipment you used during the investigation including the model. Detail the settings and any accessories attached. Type / Model Settings and Accessories Used

Debunk Report List any potential or proven natural explanations for reported claims of activity. Time Reported Claim Explanation of Cause

Investigation Timeline Log List any evidence gathered, observations and experiences during the investigation. Please be as descriptive as possible. Time Evidence or Observation

Page 2: Investigation Report Template - Investigator - GhostStop report... · Investigation Timeline Log List any evidence gathered, observations and experiences during the investigation

Investigation Report (continued)

Template provided by ghost hunting equipment shop. Page 2 of 3

Investigation Timeline (continued)

Time Evidence or Observation

Evidence Review List any potential evidence gathered during evidence review. Note the type of evidence and describe the surrounding circumstances of the occurrence. Time Type of Evidence Description ☐ video ☐ audio

☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

☐ video ☐ audio ☐ photo ☐ other data

Noteworthy Evidence Describe any noteworthy evidence, experiences, observations or debunked claims gathered documented above that may be pertinent to the outcome or resolution of this investigation. Describe any potential natural causes of your findings and note any supporting material.

Page 3: Investigation Report Template - Investigator - GhostStop report... · Investigation Timeline Log List any evidence gathered, observations and experiences during the investigation

Investigation Report (continued)

Template provided by ghost hunting equipment shop. Page 3 of 3

Summary & Suggestions Please summarize your thoughts on this investigation and note your suggestions for follow-up or resolution of this case.
