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Introduction to human resources management:

Human resource is an important corporate asset and the overall performance

of company depends on the way it is put to use. In order to realize company

objectives, it is essential to recruit people with requisite skills, qualification and

experience. While doing so we need to keep present and future requirements

of company in mind.

Human resources is a term used to refer to how people are managed by

organizations. It was basically a traditionally administrative function but with time

it focuses and recognizes talented and engaged people and organizational success.

Human resources have at least two related interpretations depending on

context. The original usage was traditionally called labour. It is a measure of the

work done by human beings. This perspective is changing as a function of new and

ongoing research into more strategic approaches. This first usage is used more in

terms of 'human resources development’ and can go beyond just organizations to

the level of national importance. The more traditional usage within corporations

and businesses refers to the individuals within a firm or agency, and to the portion

of the organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel

issues, typically referred to as 'human resources management'.

The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR)

have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the

processes involved in managing people in organizations. In simple sense, HRM

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means employing people, developing their resources, "personnel management"

as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations.

Human resource management is to maximize the return on investment from

the organization's human capital and minimize financial risk. Presently Human

Resource Management is an integral but distinctive part of management. Its

objective is the maintenance of better human relations in the organization by

the development, application and evaluation of policies, procedures and

programs relating to human resources to optimize their contribution towards the

realization of organizational objectives. HRM helps in attaining maximum

individual development, desirable working relationship between employees and

employers, employees and employees, and effective modelling of human resources

as contrasted with physical resources. It is the recruitment, selection, development,

utilization, compensation and motivation of the human resources by the


Generally, human resource management refers to the management of the entire

workforce of an organization in a reliable, honest and professional manner. It is the

responsibility of human resource managers in a corporate context to conduct these

activities in an effective, legal, fair, and consistent manner. That’s why the demand

of Human Resource (HR) management has been dramatically increased these

days. From corporate sector to banking industry, from non profit organizations to

human protection groups, from IT solution companies to printing industry; human

resource management is playing a critical role in all the other sectors of the


Introduction to Recruitment:

Recruitment is defined as, “a process to discover the sources of manpower

to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective

measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective

selection of an efficient workforce.” By - Edwin B. Flippo defined recruitment as

“the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to

apply for jobs in the organization.” Selection process by reducing the number of

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visibly, under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Help reduce the probability

that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only

after a short period of time. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants

who will be appropriate candidates. Induct outsiders with a new perspective to

lead the company. Infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization. Develop an

organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company. Search for

talent globally and not just within the company.


The following are the 2 important factors affecting Recruitment: -


Recruiting policy: The recruitment policy of an organisation specifies the

objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for implementation of

recruitment programme. It may involve organizational system to be developed for

implementing recruitment programmes and procedures by filling up vacancies with

best qualified people.

Human Resources Planning: Effective human resource planning helps in determining

the gaps present in the existing manpower of the organization. It also helps in

determining the number of employees to be recruited and what qualification

they must possess.

Company’s size: The size of the firm is an important factor in recruitment process. If

the organization is planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will

think of hiring more personnel, which will handle its operations.

Cost of recruitment: Recruitment incur cost to the employer, therefore, organizations

try to employ that source of recruitment which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to

the organization for each candidate.

Company’s growth and expansion: Organization will employ or think of employing

more personnel if it is expanding its operations.

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Supply and Demand factors: The availability of manpower both within and

outside the organization is an important determinant in the recruitment process. If

the company has a demand for more professionals and there is limited supply in the

market for the professionals demanded by the company, then the company will

have to depend upon internal sources by providing them special training and

development programs

Unemployment Rate: One of the factors that influence the availability of

applicants is the growth of the economy (whether economy is growing or not and

its rate). When the company is not creating new jobs, there is often oversupply of

qualified labour which in turn leads to unemployment.

Labour-market conditions: Employment conditions in the community where the

organization is located will influence the recruiting efforts of the organization. If there is

surplus of manpower at the time of recruitment, even informal attempts at the time of

recruiting like notice boards display of the requisition or announcement in the meeting

etc will attract more than enough applicants.

Political- legal-Social Environment: Various government regulations prohibiting

discrimination in hiring and employment have direct impact on recruitment practices.

For example, Government of India has introduced legislation for reservation in

employment for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, physically handicapped etc. Also,

trade unions play important role in recruitment. This restricts management freedom to

select those individuals who it believes would be the best performers. If the candidate

can’t meet criteria stipulated by the union but union regulations can restrict recruitment


Image/ Goodwill: Image of the employer can work as a potential constraint for

recruitment. An organization with positive image and goodwill as an employer finds it

easier to attract and retain employees than an organization with negative image. Image

of a company is based on what organization does and affected by industry. For example

finance was taken up by fresher MBA’s when many finance companies were coming


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Competitors: The recruitment policies of the competitors also affect the recruitment

function of the organisations. To face the competition, many a times the organisations

have to change their recruitment policies according to the policies being followed by the



The sources of recruitment may be broadly divided into two categories: internal sources and

external sources. Both have their own merits and demerits.

Internal Sources

Persons who are already working in an organization constitute the ‘internal sources’.

Retrenched employees, retired employees, dependents of deceased employees may also

constitute the internal sources. Whenever any vacancy arises, someone from within the

organization is upgraded, transferred, promoted or even demoted

External Sources

External sources lie outside an organization. Here the organization can have the services of:

(a) Employees working in other organizations; (b) Jobs aspirants registered with

employment exchanges; (c) Students from reputed educational institutions; (d) Candidates

referred by unions, friends, relatives and existing employees; (e) Candidates forwarded by

search firms and contractors; (f) Candidates responding to the advertisements, issued by the

organization; and (g) Unsolicited applications/ walk-ins.

External source of recruitment are again divided into two categories- Direct External

Recruitment and Indirect External Recruitment methods.

Direct External Recruitment Methods

Campus Recruitment: In Campus Recruitment, Companies / Corporate visit some of the

most important Technical and Professional Institutes in an attempt to hire young

intelligent and smart students at source. It is common practice for Institutes today to hire a

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Placement Officer who coordinates with small, medium and large sized Companies and

helps in streamlining the entire Campus Recruitment procedure.

Benefits of Campus Recruitment:Companies get the opportunity to choose from and

select the best talent in a short span of time. Companies end up saving a lot of time and

efforts that go in advertising vacancies, screening and eventually selecting applicants for


College students who are just passing out get the opportunity to present themselves to some

of best companies within their industry of interest. Landing a job offer while still in college

and joining just after graduating is definitely what all students dream of. On the

negative front, campus recruiting means hiring people with little or no work


Indirect External Recruitment Methods

Advertisements: Advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment. They

can be found in many places (local and national newspapers, notice boards, recruitment

fairs) and should include some important information relating to the job (job title, pay

package, location, job description, how to apply-either by CV or application form, etc).

Where a business chooses to advertise will depend on the cost of advertising and the

coverage needed i.e. how far away people consider applying for the job.

Walk-ins: Walk-ins is relatively inexpensive, and applicants may be filed and processed

whenever vacancies occur. Walk-ins provide an excellent public relations opportunity

because well- treated applicants are likely to inform others. On the other hand, walk-

ins show up randomly, and there may be no match with available openings. This is

particularly true for jobs requiring specialized skills.

Public and private employment agencies: Public and private employment agencies are

established to match job openings with listings of job applicants. These agencies also

classify and screen applicants. Most agencies administer work- sample tests, such as typing

exams, to applicants.

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E-Recruiting: There are many methods used for e- recruitment, some of the important

methods are as follows:

Job boards: These are the places where the employers post jobs and search for candidates.

One of the disadvantages is, it is generic in nature.

Employer web sites: These sites can be of the company owned sites, or a site developed

by various employers.

Professional websites: These are for specific professions, skills and not general in nature.

Gate Hiring and Contractors: The concept of gate hiring is to select people who approach

on their Own for employment in the organization. This happens mostly in the case of

unskilled and semi- skilled workers. Gate hiring is quite useful and convenient method at

the initial stage of the Organization when large number of such people may be required by

the organization. Recruitment is however not just a simple selection process but also

requires management decision making and extensive planning to employ the most

suitable manpower Competition among business organisations for recruiting the best

potential has increased focus on innovation, and management decision making and the

selectors aim to recruit only the best candidates who would suit the corporate culture, ethics

and climate specific to the organisation. The process of recruitment does not however end

with application and selection of the right people but involves maintaining and

retaining the employees chosen.

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Introduction to Selection:

Definition of selection:

Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable person out of all

applicants. According to Dale,” selection may be defined as the process by which

the organization chooses from among the applicants, those people whom they feel

would best meet the job requirement, considering current environmental condition”.

According to Thomas “Selection is the process of differentiating between

applicants in order to identify those with greater likelihood of success in the job.”

Factors influencing selection process:

1. Nature of the organization

2. Nature of the labour market

3. Union requirements

4. Government requirements

5. Composition of the labour force

6. Location of the organization.

Steps in selection procedure:

Receiving application

The candidates must be asked to submit their applications together with their bio

data on a plain paper.

Preliminary interview

Preliminary interview is done to weed out totally undesirable/unqualified

candidates at the outset. It is essentially a sorting process in which prospective

candidates are given necessary information about the nature of the job and the

organization. The object of this interview is to see the candidate personally to

ensure whether he is physically and mentally suitable for job.

Application blank

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The printed applications contain the details desired by the employer from the

candidate with sufficient space for the candidate to furnish the particulars.


A test is a sample measurement of a candidate’s ability and interest for the job, Test

can be broadly classified into four types they are as defined below:

Aptitude test:

These test measures the latent ability or potential of a candidate to learn new job or

a new skill, this test is conducted to know the interest level of the candidate in

grasping new

Job, new technology, and new skill involved in the job.

Achievement test: These tests measure what a person can do. These determine the

skill or

knowledge already acquired through training and on the job experience.

Personality test: These are pen and paper tests used to judge the psychological

makeup of a

person. These probes deeply to discover clues to an individual’s value system,

emotional reactions and maturity and his characteristic mood.

Interest test: These tests are inventories of the candidate’s likes and dislike in

relation to work. These are generally used for vocational guidance.

While applying tests, the following precautions should be observed:-

Only valid tests should be used, that is, content valid, predictive valid and

construct valid

Tests should be used only when found reliable.

Test must be standardized so that the test scores become comparable.

A test must be constructed in such a way that two or more persons can score

the responses in the same way.

Tests should be designed, administered, interpreted and assessed only by a

trained person.

Final interview

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An interview is a face to face oral examination of a candidate by an employer.

Back ground verification

The background verification is done to check the honesty and integrity of the


Final selection

If the employer is satisfied with the candidate, then the selection will be made.

Physical examination

It is important that a person selected for the job must also be medically fit to

perform it.


If the employer is satisfied with the medical report of the candidate, he may place

in the concern.

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ROI on Recruitment:

Before making any investment, every organisation would want to evaluate

the investment. A lot of resources like time and money are spent on recruitment

processes of an organisation. But assessing or quantifying the returns on the

recruitment process, or calculating the return on investment (ROI) on recruitment is

a complicated task for an organisation. Indeed, it is difficult to judge the success of

their recruitment processes. Instead, recruitment is one activity that continues in an

organisation without anyone ever realizing its worth or measuring its impact on the

organisation’s business. According to a survey, 38 % of organisations do not

prepare or produce any kind of documents or reports on their recruitment processes,

and there is no accountability of the HR department for the costs incurred and the

opportunities missed.

With the increasing strategic focus on the human resources, more and more

organisations are adopting one or the other way for calculating the ROI on its

recruitments. Many organisations are examining their HR functions and processes

and are trying to quantify their results and returns.

A recruitment professional or manager can calculate and maximize the return on

investments on its organisation’s recruitment by

Clear definition of the results to be achieved from recruitment.

Developing methods and ways measuring the results like the time–to–hire, cost-Per-Hire

and effectiveness of the recruitment source etc.

Estimating the costs associated with the recruitment project.

Estimating the tangible and intangible benefits to the organization including the payback

period of the recruitments.

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Providing and ensuring proper training and development of the recruitment professionals.

Assessing the ROI on recruitments can assist an organisation to strengthen its HR

processes, improving its recruitment function and to build a strategic human resource

advantage for the organisation.

The recruitment manager should do the following to calculate the ROI on recruitment:

Start off with a clear analysis of the organizational and commercial outcomes required

for recruitment. What is the business trying to achieve and what part will the successful

candidate need

to play?

Develop clear way of tracking and measuring these outcomes.

Carry out an objective and open minded analysis of the qualified people need to perform.

Ensure that access full range of qualities needed for success which includes personality,

motivation, aptitude as well as experience.

Ensure that everyone involved in recruitment committee is trained to the best and

possible standards.

Carefully connect the recruitment committee into induction, training management, and

performance management to ensure that business does not just get the right people but

nourishes and capitalize in them well.

These approaches deliver ROI, because;

They identify people who perform

Reducing the risk of employing people who cannot perform

Cut the cost of redesigning and play a major part in driving forward original changes.

ROI on Recruitment:

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Before making any investment, every organisation would want to evaluate

the investment. A lot of resources like time and money are spent on recruitment

processes of an organisation. But assessing or quantifying the returns on the

recruitment process, or calculating the return on investment (ROI) on recruitment is

a complicated task for an organisation. Indeed, it is difficult to judge the success of

their recruitment processes. Instead, recruitment is one activity that continues in an

organisation without anyone ever realizing its worth or measuring its impact on the

organisation’s business. According to a survey, 38 % of organisations do not

prepare or produce any kind of documents or reports on their recruitment processes,

and there is no accountability of the HR department for the costs incurred and the

opportunities missed.

With the increasing strategic focus on the human resources, more and more

organisations are adopting one or the other way for calculating the ROI on its

recruitments. Many organisations are examining their HR functions and processes

and are trying to quantify their results and returns.

A recruitment professional or manager can calculate and maximize the return on

investments on its organisation’s recruitment by

Clear definition of the results to be achieved from recruitment.

Developing methods and ways measuring the results like the time–to–hire, cost-Per-Hire

and effectiveness of the recruitment source etc.

Estimating the costs associated with the recruitment project.

Estimating the tangible and intangible benefits to the organization including the payback

period of the recruitments.

Providing and ensuring proper training and development of the recruitment professionals.

Assessing the ROI on recruitments can assist an organisation to strengthen its HR

processes, improving its recruitment function and to build a strategic human resource

advantage for the organisation.

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The recruitment manager should do the following to calculate the ROI on recruitment:

Start off with a clear analysis of the organizational and commercial outcomes required

for recruitment. What is the business trying to achieve and what part will the successful

candidate need

to play?

Develop clear way of tracking and measuring these outcomes.

Carry out an objective and open minded analysis of the qualified people need to perform.

Ensure that access full range of qualities needed for success which includes personality,

motivation, aptitude as well as experience.

Ensure that everyone involved in recruitment committee is trained to the best and

possible standards.

Carefully connect the recruitment committee into induction, training management, and

performance management to ensure that business does not just get the right people but

nourishes and capitalize in them well.

These approaches deliver ROI, because;

They identify people who perform

Reducing the risk of employing people who cannot perform

Cut the cost of redesigning and play a major part in driving forward original changes.

Description of Vinyas.I.T:

Vinyas Innovation Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is situated in Mysore. It was founded

as a start up company in 2001 by a very small group of technocrats. It is an

ISO 9001-2008 & TS 16949 certified company. It is an EMS Industry. EMS-

Electronics Manufacturing Service is a term used for companies that design, test,

manufacturing, distribute and provide return/repair services for electronics and

assemblies of original equipments manufactures (OME’s). The company is located

in two locations- Mysore, Bangalore. In Mysore they have four plants- DAT

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(Domestic) division, EHTP (Export) division, L&T division, BEL division.

Currently there are about 700 employees working. Its major customers are- L&T,

BEL, Sunair, Philips, TeleNet, Proton, TATA, Fluke, TMT, Texas Instruments etc.

Organisational Structure:

Vinyas Innovative Technologies Pvt.Ltd. follows a “RADIAL MANAGEMENT

STRUCTURE” This form of structure maintains transparency in entire


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The organisational structure is as shown

Fig 1.1 Organisational Structure

Products Developed:

Electro Mechanical and cable harness

Board Assembly

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Electronic Components


3.1 Introduction to Existing System:

Vinyas.I.T is basically an EMS Industry they are into electronic manufacturing &

services. They have given more importance only to production. The functioning of

HR-Department is on average. HR-Department as not maintained a standard

recruitment and selection process. To survive in this competitive business world

apart from infrastructure, human resource is a key factor. The functioning of HR-

Department is on average is because of the following drawbacks:


The request for manpower i.e., (exact requirements of the new or vacant position) is

not made on timely basis.

The reporting system that is followed is designed very vastly, i.e., (it is in macro


Sources of recruitment are not used effectively.

The advertisements methods must be redesign i.e., appropriate methods of

advertisements must be used for the required level of employee.

The interview rating forms which are existing do not have any consideration with

HR-Department, thus those interview rating forms have to be modified.

The company is not maintaining search committee members for the interviewing


As a part of retention stay-interview and exit-interview must be conducted, which is

not followed?

The company does not have standardized recruitment and selection model.

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The existing system is lacking the transparency in recruitment and selection


Therefore this study has been undertaken to know the existing system and to offer

concrete suggestion for fine tuning or strengthening the existing system.

3.2 Objective of the study:

To study the complete existing process of Recruitment and Selection and to find the

loopholes in the process.

To ensure that all appointments are made on merit.

To attract sufficient applications from potential candidates for appointment with the

skills, qualities, abilities, experience and competencies deemed as being necessary

to the job.

To develop and maintain procedure which will assist in ensuring the appointment of

the most suitable candidate.

To ensure that recruitment & selection procedures are clear, valid and consistently

applied by those involved in recruitment and that they provide for fair & equitable

treatment for those who apply for employment.

To base selection decision and criteria directly on demands and requirements of the

job and the competencies identified as necessary for satisfactory performance.

3.3 Scope of the study:

The study was conducted primarily at Vinyas.I.T. All organisations are interested in

having efficient workforce. For that company as to undertake continuous research

on recruitment and selection program. In Modern business world, to survive in

addition to the other infrastructure, human resource is a key factor. In this direction,

Vinyas.I.T made attempt to recruit & select efficient workforce. Having the same

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study conducted in other units of Vinyas.I.T, may further increase the scope of

development in Vinyas.I.T as whole.

3.4 Need/Purpose of the study:

In order to know the employee perspective about the existing recruitment and

selection process.

Determine the present and future requirement of the organisation in conjunction

with its personnel planning and job analysis activities.

Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of

visibly, under qualified or overqualified job applicants.


A research process consists of stages or steps that guide the project from its

conception through the final analysis, recommendations and ultimate actions. The

research process provides a systematic, planned approach to the research project

and ensures that all aspects of the research project are consistent with each other.

Research studies evolve through a series of steps, each representing the answer to a

key question.

4.1 Definition:

Research methodology is the way in which researchers specify how they are going

to retrieve the all-important data and information that companies will need to make

vital decisions. It is the pathway or an approach to get the needed information by

locating the data from different sources which are primary & secondary.

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4.2 Methods of data collection:

There are two ways of collecting data namely- Primary data and Secondary data.

Primary data:

Primary research entails the use of immediate data in determining the survival of

the market. Primary data shows that direct relationship between potential customers

and the companies. Primary data is more accommodating as it shows latest

information. Primary data is accumulated by the researcher particularly to meet up

the research objective of the subsisting project. Primary data is completely tailor-

made and there is no problem of adjustments. Primary data takes a lot of time and

the unit cost of such data is relatively high.

The methods of collecting primary data are:

Observation method

Interview method

Through questionnaires

Through schedules

Secondary data:

Secondary data is a means to reprocess and reuse collected information as an

indication for betterments of the service or product. In secondary data, information

relates to a past period. Secondary data though old may be the only possible source

of the desired data on the subjects,

This cannot have primary data at all. Secondary data is available effortlessly,

rapidly and inexpensively.

The methods of collecting secondary data are:

Reports prepared by company

Books, journals etc,

Company website

4.3 Methods of data presentation:

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After collecting the data it was scientifically analysed and presented in a tabulated

form. Column chart is used for the presentation of tabulated data so as to give a

clear picture of the analysis.

4.4 Sample design:

Under this project work three types of survey is conducted. Survey 1 is for

applicants-in concerned with the advertising process, survey 2 is for resume

selected candidates who have gone through the recruitment and selection process,

survey 3 is for the Level 2 employees i.e., managers- in concerned with the entire

fine-tuning the existing recruitment and selection procedure. For survey 1 & survey

2 the sampling technique used is random sampling, for survey 3 the sampling

technique used is stratified sampling.

4.5 Tools & Statistics:

Tool- Likert Scale: Likert-type scale, is a psychometric scale commonly used in

questionnaires, and is the most widely used scale in survey research. When

responding to a Likert questionnaire item, respondents specify their level of

agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agrees-disagree scale for a series of

statements. Thus the scale captures the intensity of their feelings. The scale is

named after its inventor, psychologist Rensis Likert.

Statistics: is the science of the collection, organization, and interpretation of data. It

deals with all aspects of this, including the planning of data collection in terms of

the design of surveys and experiments.

The characteristics are:

They are enumerated or estimated according to a reasonable standard of


They are affected by multiplicity of factors.

They must be numerically expressed.

They must be aggregate of facts.

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In applying statistics to a scientific, industrial, or societal problem, it is

necessary to begin with a population or process to be studied. Populations can be

diverse topics such as "all persons living in a country" or "every atom composing a


A population can also be composed of observations of a process at various

times, with the data from each observation serving as a different member of the

overall group. Data collected about this kind of "population" constitutes what is

called a time series.

For practical reasons, a chosen subset of the population called a sample is

studied — as opposed to compiling data about the entire group (an operation called

census). Once a sample that is representative of the population is determined, data

are collected for the sample members in an observational or experimental setting.

These data can then be subjected to statistical analysis, serving two related

purposes: Description and Inference.

Descriptive statistics summarize the population data by describing what was

observed in the sample numerically or graphically. Numerical descriptors include

mean and standard deviation for continuous data types (like heights or weights),

while frequency and percentage are more useful in terms of describing categorical

data (like race).

Inferential statistics uses patterns in the sample data to draw inferences about the

population represented, accounting for randomness. These inferences may take the

form of: answering yes/no questions about the data (hypothesis testing), estimating

numerical characteristics of the data (estimation), describing associations within the

data (correlation) and modelling relationships within the data (for example, using

regression analysis). Inference can extend to forecasting, prediction and estimation

of unobserved values either in or associated with the population being studied; it

can include extrapolation and interpolation of time series or spatial data, and can

also include data mining.


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5.1 Introduction:

As said before the existing system as the stated drawbacks, to overcome these

drawbacks required corrections are made and the existing process is redesign, so as

to fine-tune/Strengthen the existing process.Thus the PROJECT

METHODOLOGY is as shown below:

Fig 5.1: Project Methodology

Study of existing recruitment and selection procedure in- production, stores, quality, & materials.

Manpower Requisition

Recruitment Process

Exit Interview/ Stay Interview Job Levelling Advertising Methods Interview rating forms Search committee members Job decision matrix

Feedback process

Selection Process

Job knowledge test Eynskey personality inventor test

Standardised Recruitment and sel

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5.2 Salient Feature:


To overcome the first drawback i.e., the vacancy occurring in each of the

department is not communicated on time in proper manner; because of which there

creates a pressure on HR-Department when there is a need of manpower. Thus a

MANPOWER REQUSITION FORM is prepared and it’s mandatory to fill it every

three months ones by all departments.


Department/Project: _________________________ Date of Request: ________

Position: __________________________________ Number of Positions:


Type of employment: Regular/ Temporary

Reason for request : ______________________

Functional Area: _______________________

Expected Hiring Date: ____________________

Reporting Authority:

Roles & Responsibilities:


(Please add a sheet if the above space is not sufficient)For new position, please state in detail all duties to be performed and attach a copy of the approved organizational chart for job evaluation purposes


Age: Minimum ________ Maximum: ________

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Work Location: _________________________________

Education: _______________________________

Work Experience: ______________________________

Key Skills/Abilities:







Supplementary skills: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Personal Characteristics: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Projected monthly salary (Cost to the Company) ______________________________________________

Requested by : _____________________

Authorized by : _____________________

Reporting Head : _____________________

Department Head : _____________________

Approved by:

Director : _____________________

Head of the Dpt. : _____________________

HR Manager : ___________________

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Name of the Recruiter: ___________ _________

Date : ____________________

Projected Closing date: ___________________

No. Candidates lined up:___________________

Position Closed on : ____________________




Reasons if deviated from the projected date:



Recruitment process starts when there is a vacancy, this vacancy occurs when

current employee leaves or there is growth in business. When current employee

leaves EXIT-INTERVIEW is conducted, EXIT-INTERVIEW forms are developed

and are in use.

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Exit Interview Questionnaire

We would appreciate you taking about 8-10 minutes to answer the following questions as

honestly as possible. We believe that the information is of vital importance and will assist in

analyzing our employee retention and turnover. Thank you for your cooperation!


Employment Date


Termination Date



What prompted you to seek alternative employment? (Note all that apply)

[ ] Type of Work [ ] Quality of Supervision

[ ] Compensation [ ] Work Conditions

[ ] Lack of Recognition [ ] Family Circumstances

[ ] Company Culture [ ] Career Advancement Opportunity

[ ] Business/Product Direction [ ] Other: ___________________

Before making your decision to leave, did you investigate other options that would enable you to stay?[ ] Yes [ ] No If "yes", describe:______________________________

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What did you think of your supervision in regard to the following?

Almost always

Sometimes Never Comments

Demonstrated fair and equal treatment

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Provided recognition on the job

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Developed cooperation and teamwork

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Encouraged/listened to suggestions

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Resolved complaints and problems

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Followed policies and practices

[ ] [ ] [ ]

How would you rate the following in relation to your job?

Excellent Good Fair PoorComments

Cooperation within your department

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Cooperation with other departments

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Communications in your department

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Communications within the company as a whole

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Page 31: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Communications between you and your manager

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Morale in your department? [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Morale within whole company? (Your location)

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Job Satisfaction[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Training you received[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Growth Potential[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Was your workload usually:

[ ] Too great[ ] Varied, but all right[ ] About right[ ] Too light

How did you feel about your salary and the employee benefits?

Excellent Good Fair Poor Comments

Base Salary [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Medical Plan [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Dental Plan [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Vision Plan [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Life Insurance [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Paid-time-off [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

STD/LTD Plan [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Page 32: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Profit Sharing Plan [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Other [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Are there any other benefits you feel should have been offered?[ ]Yes [ ]No

If "Yes", what? ______________________________________________________________________________

Any other comments on benefits? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


To standardize the process there must be “JOB LEVELING” in the departments by which

HR-Department can make efficient use of recruiting sources. Thus job levelling is done for

the department under the study along with it recruiting sources and the advertising methods

are developed.


Job levelling is implemented for the department under the study they are - Production, Quality,

Stores, and Materials.The levelling is done based on qualifications, experience, role &

responsibility. The levelling is maintained constant in all departments; this levelling process

includes all type of employee. The levelling helps in making clear job description.

Production Department:

MR( Management Representative)

Head of Production

Production Supervisor


Quality Department:

Page 33: Introduction to Human Resources Management


Head of Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Supervisor

Quality Inspector (operators)

Stores Department:


Head of Sourcing

Stores Executive

Stores Supervisor


Materials Department:


Head of materials

Materials Executive


There exist only four level thus maintains transparency for the lower level internal

advertisement is used i.e., advertising through billboards and the source of recruitment is internal

reference, for higher level external form is used i.e., through newspapers, competitors.


For the proper execution of the interview process, interview rating forms must have

consideration with HR-Dept, thus for level 1 and level 2 interviews rating forms have

been modified.

Page 34: Introduction to Human Resources Management


Rating scale (1-5): 1= unsatisfactory, 2 = average, 3 =good, 4=very good, 5=outstanding

Technical parameters:

Selected / Not Selected: ______________________________________

Signature of the Interviewer: _________________________________

Date: _________________



Name of Candidate:

Date of the Interview:

Education Qualifications:

General :

Technical :

Position Interviewed for :

Total past Experience Company Wise:

Present / Previous Working Company:

Skills Rating Remarks

1 2 3 4 5

Electronics Components Identification


Basic Knowledge of PCB process

Critical electric components handling and soldering

Past Exp in PCB assembly & Knowledge of Process

Basic knowledge for electronic Process Soldiering

Outstanding Very Good Good Satisfactory N Not satisfactory

81-100% 61-80% 41-60% 21-40% Below 20%

Page 35: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Previous Salary ___________________ Expected Salary ________________

Offered Salary __________________

Signature of HR:



Interview for the post of : _________________________ Date: ______________________

Name of the candidate : _________________________ Location : __________________

Function : _________________________ Reporting to: ________________


FactorRating Scale

Remarks Lowest Highest

1 Qualification (s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 Job knowledge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3Experience Profile & Consistency in jobs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Page 36: Introduction to Human Resources Management

4Personality (Appearance, Dress, Manners)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5Awareness about technical Dynamics.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6Interpersonal skills / team spirit.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7Attitude towards tasks, people and technology.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8Confidence level (Positive mental attitude)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 Age Group suitability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 Communication skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 Business Orientation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

12Analytical skills, logical reasoning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

13 Clarity of thoughts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14 Maturity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

15Achievement Orientation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

16 Conceptual Clarity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

17 Openness Of Mind 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18Leadership Ability / Proactive ness

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

19 Personal Profile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

20 Careers Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Total /200 %

Assessment Very Good Good Satisfactory



(91-100%)76-90% 61-75% 41-60% Below 41%

Page 37: Introduction to Human Resources Management

General Observations:

Joining Potential: Strong / Weak ________________

Expected Salary : _______________

Previous Salary :_______________

Offered Salary : ________________

Interview Committee:


Final Assessment.

HR :

Concerned Dept :

Page 38: Introduction to Human Resources Management

For selection process two tests are conducted, i.e., Job Knowledge Test (lower level) and

Eynskey personality inventor test (higher level).

Decision-Making MatrixComplete this form after you interview each job candidate for a particular position. Enter a score for each of the key areas. By tallying the total scores and reviewing your notes from the interviews, you can begin to evaluate which candidate is the right person for the job.

Job Title:

Key Area Ratings(poor) 1 to 5 (excellent)

Candidate Name EducationPrevious


Job Accomplish-ments

Skills and Knowledg


Personal Attributes

Previous Appraisal or Rating TOTAL












Page 39: Introduction to Human Resources Management

To make the process transparent a search committee is finalised for the interview

process, and job decision matrix form is also developed.

Finally an HR model is proposed for recruitment and selection process.









Concern with Finance Department Preparation of JD (Based on Job Openings) Preparation of Advertisement (Based on Job Openings)

Internal Method External Method

Preparation of Interview Rating Forms (Based on Job Openings) Preparation of Selection Test (Based on Job Openings)

Job Knowledge Test Personality Test

Finalising Search Committee Members Short-listing the Resumes Calling the Applicants & start selection




Page 40: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Fig 5.2: Proposed HR-Model

Recommendations to Vinyas.I.T:

Proper Training to executives will effect in greater achievements and smooth

functioning of the company.

Company should target the leading colleges and conduct interview. Such campus

recruitment provides large pool of applicant giving chance to hire best talent


Company should participate in job fairs, and open houses, this would help to

attract potential employees and will also help to improve the company image held

by both public and present employees.

The clients should be asked to prepare and provide proper JD for the post vacant

in their organization.

There are more avenues like various social networking sites which may be

explored for a better approach towards recruitment.


The main objective of the project is to fine tune the existing recruitment and

selection process. Thus three sets of survey has been conducted. The main objective

is to validate forms and process which has been design

SURVEY 1: Feedback from the Applicants.

The first step of recruitment starts from advertisements, the survey 1 gets the

feedback from the applicants regarding the advertisement which is published; this

survey gets the feedback regarding the advertising methods used for different level


Page 41: Introduction to Human Resources Management

of job openings. For this survey the sample size considered is 45. The sampling

technique used is Random sampling.

Interpretation obtained from Survey 1 are:

Q1) 5 respondents said they are aware of this company and rest 40 respondents said

they are not aware of the company.

Q2) 40 respondents said they came to know about this company through

advertisements, 2 respondents said word of mouth and rest 3 said present employee.

Q3) 3 applicants approach the company through internal advertisements and 42

through external advertisements.

Q4) 2 respondents said advertisement format is good, 5 said satisfactory, and 38

responded average.

Q5) 5 responded the level of impact of advertisement is good, 10 responded

satisfactory, 22 responded as average and 8 responded as fair.

Q6) All the applicants responded that the advertisement is relieving the designation

of the job.

Q7) 12 responded that nature of job is clearly mentioned in advertisement and 33

responded as no.

Q8) 8 responded that advertisement is relieving the type of employment need to be

made, 37 responded as no.

Q9) 9 responded said that advertisement clearly mentions the job responsibility and

timing involved in the job and 36 responded no.

Q10) All responded that as not mentioned the number of days within which resume

as to be sent.

Q11) 35 responded that advertisement as mentioned the means of sending the

resume and 10 responded as no.

Page 42: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Q12) 3 responded that advertisement was good, 7 responded as satisfactory, 30

responded as average, and 5 responded as average.

Thus from survey 1 the conclusion drawn are:Sample size 45 is combination of-

fresher’s, college students, experienced and college dropout employee.The number

of applicants submitted their resume were 45, out which only 20 were eligible and

their resumes were short listed.

Page 43: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Fig 6.1: Graphical Representation of Survey-1

From the above graph the percentage of NO is more in Q1,Q7,Q8 & Q9 because

this advertising was mainly designed for ITI & Diploma candidates with minimum

6 months of experiences, but the turned out applicants were from other streams, &

uncompleted students, who could not reply to the questions properly. The number

of days within which the resume as to be given was not mentioned, thus is as been

included in upcoming advertisement.


The sample size for this survey is 20, the sampling technique followed is stratified

sampling. This survey gets the feedback from the applicants regarding the

recruitment selection process which they have gone through.

Q1) 3 responded that they received the call of interview on the same day as

intimated, 17 responded no.

Q2) 18 responded that interview panel members introduce themselves before the

start of interview process and 2 responded no.

Page 44: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Q3) 16 responded that interview panel members are good, 4 responded as


Q4) 15 responded that advertising method used for different level of job opening is

good, 5 responded as satisfactory.

Q5) 10 responded that job experience & qualification emphasised for particular job

posting is good, 8 responded as satisfactory and 2 responded as average.

Q6) 16 responded that the attributes included in technical interview process (i.e.,

electronic components identification test, soldering, basic knowledge of PCB

process/assembly, critical components handling & soldering) are good,3responded

as satisfactory, 1 responded as average.

Q7) 14 responded that job knowledge test conducted during interview process is

good, 14 responded as satisfactory, 4 responded as average, 1 responded as fair.

Q8) 16 responded that the work sample given to you during the job knowledge test

was good, 3 responded as satisfactory, 1 responded as average.

Q9) 12 responded that the technical skills mentioned in the interview process is

good, 6 responded as satisfactory, 2 responded as average.

Q10) 14 responded that the in-depth interview conducted during the interview

process is good, 3 responded as satisfactory, 3 responded as average.

Q11) All responded that the interview process was related to the job requirements

(i.e., any hypothetical questions were not asked)

Q12) 12 responded that the communication skill of the interview panel members

during the interview process was good, 6 responded as satisfactory, 2 responded as


Q13) 14 were satisfied with the Recruitment and Selection process which you have

gone through and 6 responded as no.

Page 45: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Q14) 17 responded that the entire recruitment and selection process which you have

gone through is good, 2 responded as satisfactory,1 responded as average.

Out of 20 only 18 applicants were selected and were asked to join the company.

The main objective of conducting this survey was to know who the applicants felt

about the new designed process.

Page 46: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Fig 6.2: Graphical Representation of Survey-2

From the above graph the percentage of NO is more for Q1, it was mistake of the

receptionist who did not communicate, the number of days you get the call of interview.


This survey is conducted of the sample size of 20 and out of 20- 2 belong to

supervisors,2 belong to head of department and 1 is MR of the department. The

main objective is to know how they feel about the process which is modified.

Q1) 8 responded that they are aware of the recruitment & selection process

followed in your company and 12 responded no.

Q2) 8 responded that the recruitment & selection process is transparent and 12

responded no.

Q3) 15 responded that they are aware company as redesign the recruitment &

selection process, and 5 responded no.

Page 47: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Q4) 12 responded that the newly designed manpower requisition form is good, and

8 responded as satisfactory.

Q5) 16 responded that the job levelling done is good, and 4 responded as


Q6) 18 responded that finalised search committee members (Interview panel

members) suggested for the interview process is good, and 2 responded as


Q7) 15 responded that the advertising method used for different level of job

postings is good, and 5 responded as satisfactory.

Q8) 12 responded that the education & experiences emphasized for particular job

posting is good, 6 responded as satisfactory, 2 responded as average.

Q9) 17 responded that the attributes included in the technical interview process is

good, 3 responded as satisfactory.

Q10) 14 responded that work sample given for different job knowledge test is good

and 6 responded as satisfactory.

Q11) All said yes that the job decision matrix form making the selection process


Q12) 12 responded that stay-interview form is good, 2 responded as satisfactory, 8

responded as average.

Q13) 14 responded that exit-interview form is good, 2 responded as satisfactory, 4

responded as average.

Q14) 18 responded that the proposed HR-model is good, and 2 responded as


Q15) 18 responded that entire recruitment & selection process which I have

designed is good, 2 responded as satisfactory.

Page 48: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Fig 6.3: Graphical Representation of Survey-3

Thus all the survey which was conducted is presented through descriptive statistics.

Thus to derive the infernal statistics i.e., mathematical model co-relation is used.

There are some questions in common in survey 2 and survey 3 thus it is co-related

to know that whether the proposed model is meeting all the requirements of the

company. All these questions have the same rating scale that is five points scale.

Page 49: Introduction to Human Resources Management

The main objective of correlation knows the degree of relationship between two



There is six questions which is common to survey 2 and survey 3, these questions

get the feedback regarding the entire process from the advertisement till hiring of

the applicant, this feedback is from both applicants who are attending it, and the

managers who are conducting it. After obtaining the feedback as shown below:

Fig 6.4: Snapshot of Correlation Survey

Weights were assigned for individual options i.e., for –

Page 50: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Good- 5





Thus weighted average mean is calculated and the co-relation is obtained between


X- Values are survey result of survey- 2

Y- Values are survey result of survey-3


4.8 4.9

4.75 4.75

4.45 4.5

4.75 4.8

4.75 4.7

4.8 4.9

Page 51: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Fig 6.5: Correlation – Graphical Approach

From the above graph, there are differences of opinion between the candidates and

managers regarding finalized search committee members and entire outlook of the

process, the satisfaction is more from managers.

Inferential result can be obtained through:

Microsoft office Excel -2007 OR SPSS

1. Microsoft Office Excel - 2007

The correlation value is calculated by Carl persons, Correlation (r) is computed as

shown below-

Page 52: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Fig 6.6: Snapshot of correlation-Microsoft Excel 2007

The co-relation value obtained is: R= 0.92366

Thus through Carl persons we can conclude if R value is more than 0.5 then co-relation exists. Thus positive correlation exists between two variables.

2. SPSS SoftwareSPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a computer program used for

survey authoring and deployment, data mining, text analytics, statistical analysis,

and collaboration & deployment. Between 2009 and 2010 the premier vendor for

SPSS was called PASW (Predictive Analytics Software) Statistics, while copyright

issues for the name were settled.

SPSS software is used for data analysis and interpretations; there are many

statistical options available such as- reliability of data, correlation, regression etc.

For this project correlation is used following snapshots –

Page 53: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Data Analysis by SPSS (Correlation, bi-variant)

Page 54: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Bi-variate correlation using Karl Pearson’s Formula

Fig 6.7: Snapshot of correlation – SPSS Software

The correlation value obtained is r-0.92. thus positive correlation exists between two variables, and the forms and process designed is validated.

Page 55: Introduction to Human Resources Management


VINYAS.I.T encourages an environment where people respect and tolerate

each other’s differences in order to foster a good working environment.

To enhance the transparency of the system the first step carried is- redesign

the forms, and then the survey was conducted to validate the forms and the

process design.

Forms redesigned are- manpower requisition form, exit interview, interview

rating forms for Level-1 and level-2, job decision matrix, and an HR- model

is proposed for recruitment and selection process.

Three survey was conducted, Survey 1- Feedback Form for the Applicants,

Survey 2- Feedback Form the Resume Selected Candidates, Survey 3-

Feedback Form the Managers.

To Check it inferential correlation is done,for it Weighted average method

was used to obtain correlation by Carl persons,(by Microsoft Excel-2007 &


The value of “r” (correlation) obtained is 0.923, which is showing positive



Due to limited time available, only four departments are considered for study.

The data is been collected by means of questionnaires which hence, is to be

assumed factual.

The study was made only with limited number of samples, so that to have an

elaborate interaction with the employees.

The data collected and analysed are mainly from a section of the employees and

hence the outcomes may not be generalised.


Page 56: Introduction to Human Resources Management

This project as concentrated only on four departments, the future scope is to

concentre on all the departments of the organisation.

JD plays a main role in recruiting the applicants, thus there must be a standardized

JD for each level of job openings, so that best people are recruited and the clarity

of a particular position or function is obtained.

Application Software can be designed for the recruitment and selection process,

so that it helps the HR process to give better clarity.



1. Are you aware of this company?o Yes

o No

2. How did you come to know about this company?o Advertisement

o Word of mouth

o Present employee

3. How did you approach this company?o Internal advertisement

o External advertisement

4. How is the advertisement format?o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

5. What’s your view regarding the level of impact of the advertisement?o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

Page 57: Introduction to Human Resources Management

6. Is the advertisement relieving the designation of the job? o Yes

o No

7. Is the nature of the job clearly mentioned in the advertisement?o Yes

o No

8. Is the advertisement relieving the type of employment you need to make?o Yes

o No

9. As the advertisement clearly mentioned the job responsibility and timing involved in your job?

o Yes

o No

10. As the advertisement clearly mentioned the number of the days within which you need to send your resume?

o Yes

o No

11. As the advertisement mentioned the means of sending your resume?o Yes

o No

12. What’s your opinion about the advertisement?o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

13. Do you like to mention any corrections to be made in the advertisement format?

o Yes

o No

If YES please specify:........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Page 58: Introduction to Human Resources Management


CANDIDATES1. Did you get the call for the interview on the same day as intimated to you before?o Yes

o No

2. Did the interview panel members introduce themselves before the start of the interview process?

o Yes

o No

3. What’s your opinion about the interview panel members?o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

4. What’s your opinion regarding the advertising methods used for different level of job openings?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

5. What’s your view regarding the job experience & qualification emphasised for particular job openings?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

6. What’s your opinion regarding technical interview process (i.e., electronic components identification test, soldering, basic knowledge of PCB process/assembly, critical components handling & soldering)?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

Page 59: Introduction to Human Resources Management

7. What’s your view about job knowledge test conducted during interview process?o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

8. What’s your view about the work sample given to you during the job knowledge test?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

9. What’s your opinion regarding the technical skills mentioned in the interview process?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

10. What’s your view about the in-depth interview conducted during the interview process?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

11. Was the interview process related to the job requirements (i.e., any hypothetical questions were asked)?

o Yes

o No

12. What’s your opinion regarding the communication skill of the interview panel members during the interview process?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

Page 60: Introduction to Human Resources Management

13. Are you satisfied with the Recruitment and Selection process which you have gone through?

o Yes

o No

14. What’s your outlook about the entire recruitment and selection process which you have gone through?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor


1. Were you aware of the recruitment & selection process followed in your company? Yes No2. Is the recruitment & selection process is transparent? Yes No3. Are you aware that your company as redesign the recruitment & selection process? Yes No4. What’s your opinion about the newly designed manpower requisition form? Good Satisfactory Average Fair Poor5. What’s your opinion about the job levelling? Good Satisfactory Average Fair Poor6. What’s your opinion about finalised search committee members (Interview panel

members) suggested for the interview process? Good Satisfactory Average Fair

Page 61: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Poor7. What’s your opinion regarding the advertising methods used for different level of

job postings? Good Satisfactory Average Fair Poor8. What’s your view regarding the education & experiences emphasized for particular

job posting? Good Satisfactory Average Fair Poor9. What’s your opinion regarding the attributes included in the technical interview

process? Good Satisfactory Average Fair Poor10. What’s your opinion about work sample given for different job knowledge test? Good Satisfactory Average Fair Poor11. Is the job decision matrix form making the selection process transparent? Yes No 12. What’s your opinion about stay-interview form? Good Satisfactory Average Fair Poor13. What’s your opinion about exit-interview form? Good Satisfactory Average

Page 62: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Fair Poor14. What’s your opinion regarding the proposed HR-model? Good Satisfactory Average Fair Poor15. What’s your outlook about entire recruitment & selection process which I have

designed? Good Satisfactory Average Fair Poor


1. What’s your opinion about finalised search committee members (Interview panel members) suggested for the interview process?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

2. What’s your opinion regarding the advertising methods used for different level of job postings?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

3. What’s your view regarding the education & experiences emphasized for particular job posting?

o Good

Page 63: Introduction to Human Resources Management

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

4. What’s your opinion regarding the attributes included in the technical interview process?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

5. What’s your opinion about work sample given for different job knowledge test?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor

6. What’s your outlook about entire recruitment & selection process which I have designed?

o Good

o Satisfactory

o Average

o Fair

o Poor


Case study:Project done by Praveena.M (master of engineering and management)

Text Book:

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Page 64: Introduction to Human Resources Management

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Page 65: Introduction to Human Resources Management

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