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Page 1: Introduction to Game Theory

Table of Contents

1.1 Choices .....................................................................................................................................2

2.1 Decisions and Games………………………………………………………...……………..…3

2.2 What is decision theory?............................................................................................................4

2.2.1 Theoretical questions about decisions…………………………..……………………..……4

2.3 A truly interdisciplinary subject……………………………….………………………..……..5

2.4 Normative and descriptive theories……………………………………….……………..……6

3.1 Decision processes…………………………………………………..……………...……..…..8

3.1.1 Condorcet…………………………………………………………………………….….…..8

3.2 Modern sequential models………………………………………………...…………………10

3.3 Non-sequential models………………………………………………………………….……10

4.0 The standard representation of individual decisions……………………………….……..….14

4.1 Alternatives………………………………………………………………………………..…14

4.2 Outcomes and states of nature…………………………………………………..………..….16

4.3 Decision matrices…………………………………………………………………………….16

4.4 Information about states of nature…………………………………………………………...18

5.0 Introduction to Game Theory…………………………………………………………….…20

5.1 Sequential Games……………………………………………………………..……….…..…27

5.2 Simultaneous Games………………………………………………………….….………….31

5.3 Equilibrium………………………………………………………………………….………35



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1.1 Choices

Individuals as well as groups have to make decisions in many different contexts. As individuals,

we have to make decisions about how to divide our income among different goals and objectives.

A firm has to decide among the different things it needs to do in order to compete effectively in

the marketplace. Governments need to make decisions about their foreign policy, domestic

policy, fiscal policy and monetary policy. Students need to decide among courses they need to

take every semester. The list of situations in which individuals have to make a decision is indeed

very impressive. When we are faced with decisions, we wonder as to which decision would be

best. Sometimes we spend enormous amounts of time and energy agonizing about what to do.

Faced with the same alternatives, two individuals may choose quite differently. Is one individual

then wrong and the other right? Has one individual made a good decision and the other a bad

one? Obviously, the answer to these questions lies in the criteria used to evaluate decisions. As is

well-known, individuals have different objectives and diverse interests which may affect their

decision making.

As a decision problem usually has an objective to be attained and a set of alternative choices

with which to achieve it, a Decision Problem or an Optimization Problem has an objective

function (the goal to be achieved) and a feasible set or a choice set (the alternative choices). The

issue is then which choice will best achieve the specified objective or goal.


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2.1 Decisions and Games

In the previous chapter, we discussed how one can identify the best choice from a set of

alternative choices. In every context that we discussed there, the decision maker, by choosing the

right alternative could unambiguously influence the outcome and, therefore, the utility or

satisfaction that he or she received. This is not always true. In many cases, the well-being of an

individual depends not only on what he or she does but on what outcome results from the choices

that other individual make. In some instances, this element of mutual interdependencies so great

that it must be explicitly taken into account in describing the situation.

For example, in discussing the phenomenon of Global Warming it would be ludicrous to suggest

that any one country could, by changing its policies, affect this in a significant way. Global

warming is precisely that: a global phenomenon. Therefore, in any analysis of global warming

we have to allow for this. But then this raises questions about what is the right strategy (The

word “strategy” is the Greek word which means a plan or a method or an approach). to use in

tackling the problem. How should anyone country responds? What will be the reaction of the

other countries? And so on. Clearly, this is quite different from the situations analyzed in the last

chapter. Here strategic play is important and it is not as clear as to what is an optimal strategy.

Let us take a look at another situation in which strategic play is important.

The following excerpt taken from the New York Times reported on a settlement made by airlines

on a price fixing lawsuit. Major airlines agreed to pay $40 million in discounts to state and local

governments to settle a price fixing lawsuit. The price fixing claims centered on an airline

practice of announcing price (“Suit Settled by Airlines,” New York Times, p. D8, October 12,


2.2 What is decision theory?


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Decision theory is theory about decisions. The subject is not a much unified one. To the contrary,

there are many different ways to theorize about decisions, and therefore also many different

research traditions. This text attempts to reflect some of the diversity of the subject. Its emphasis

lies on the less (mathematically) technical aspects of decision theory.

2.2.1 Theoretical questions about decisions

The following are examples of decisions and of theoretical problems that they give rise to.

I. Shall I bring the umbrella today? – The decision depends on something which I do not

know, namely whether it will rain or not.

II. I am looking for a house to buy. Shall I buy this one? – This house looks fine, but

perhaps I will find a still better house for the same price if I go on searching. When shall I

stop the search procedure?

III. Am I going to smoke the next cigarette? – One single cigarette is no problem, but if I

make the same decision sufficiently many times it may kill me.

IV. The court has to decide whether the defendant is guilty or not. – There are two mistakes

that the court can make, namely to convict an innocent person and to acquit a guilty

person. What principles should the court apply if it considers the first of these mistakes to

be more serious than the second?

V. A committee has to make a decision, but its members have different opinions. – What

rules should they use to ensure that they can reach a conclusion even if they are in


Almost everything that a human being does involves decisions. Therefore, to theorize about

decisions is almost the same as to theorize about human


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However, decision theory is not quite as all-embracing as that. It focuses on only some aspects of

human activity. In particular, it focuses on how we use our freedom. In the situations treated by

decision theorists, there are options to choose between, and we choose in a non-random way.

Our choices, in these situations, are goal-directed activities. Hence, decision theory is concerned

with goal-directed behaviour in the presence of options.

We do not decide continuously. In the history of almost any activity, there are periods in which

most of the decision-making is made, and other periods in which most of the implementation

takes place. Decision-theory tries to throw light, in various ways, on the former type of period.

2.3 A truly interdisciplinary subject

Modern decision theory has developed since the middle of the 20th century through

contributions from several academic disciplines. Although it is now clearly an academic subject

of its own right, decision theory is typically pursued by researchers who identify themselves as

economists, statisticians, psychologists, political and social scientists or philosophers. There is

some division of labour between these disciplines. A political scientist is likely to study voting

rules and other aspects of collective decision-making. A psychologist is likely to study the

behaviour of individuals in decisions, and a philosopher the requirements for rationality in

decisions. However, there is a large overlap, and the subject has gained from the variety of

methods that researchers with different backgrounds have applied to the same or similar


2.4 Normative and descriptive theories


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The distinction between normative and descriptive decision theories is, in principle, very simple.

A normative decision theory is a theory about how decisions should be made, and a descriptive

theory is a theory about how decisions are actually made. The "should" in the foregoing sentence

can be interpreted in many ways. There is, however, virtually complete agreement among

decision scientists that it refers to the prerequisites of rational decision-making. In other words, a

normative decision theory is a theory about how decisions should be made in order to be rational.

This is a very limited sense of the word "normative". Norms of rationality are by no means the

only – or even the most important – norms that one may wish to apply in decision-making.

However, it is practice to regard norms other than rationality norms as external to decision

theory. Decision theory does not, according to the received opinion, enter the scene until the

ethical or political norms are already fixed. It takes care of those normative issues that remain

even after the goals have been fixed.

This remainder of normative issues consists to a large part of questions about how to act in when

there is uncertainty and lack of information. It also contains issues about how an individual can

coordinate her decisions over time and of how several individuals can coordinate their decisions

in social decision procedures. If the general wants to win the war, the decision theorist tries to

tell him how to achieve this goal. The question whether he should at all try to win the war is not

typically regarded as a decision-theoretical issue. Similarly, decision theory provides methods

for a business executive to maximize profits and for an environmental agency to minimize toxic

exposure, but the basic question whether they should try to do these things is not treated in

decision theory. Although the scope of the "normative" is very limited in decision theory, the

distinction between normative (i.e. rationality-normative) and descriptive interpretations of

decision theories is often blurred. It is not uncommon, when you read decision-theoretical


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literature, to find examples of disturbing ambiguities and even confusions between normative

and descriptive interpretations of one and the same theory.

Probably, many of these ambiguities could have been avoided. It must be conceded, however,

that it is more difficult in decision science than in many other disciplines to draw a sharp line

between normative and descriptive interpretations. This can be clearly seen from consideration

of what constitutes a falsification of a decision theory.

It is fairly obvious what the criterion should be for the falsification of a descriptive decision


(F1) A decision theory is falsified as a descriptive theory if a decision problem can be found in

which most human subjects perform in contradiction to the theory.

Since a normative decision theory tells us how a rational agent should act, falsification must refer

to the dictates of rationality. It is not evident, however, how strong the conflict must be between

the theory and rational decision-making for the theory to be falsified.


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3.1 Decision processes

Most decisions are not momentary. They take time, and it is therefore natural to divide them into

phases or stages.

3.1.1 Condorcet

The first general theory of the stages of a decision process that I am aware of was put forward by

the great enlightenment philosopher Condorcet (1743-1794) as part of his motivation for the

French constitution of 1793. He divided the decision process into three stages. In the first stage,

one “discusses the principles that will serve as the basis for decision in a general issue; one

examines the various aspects of this issue and the consequences of different ways to make the

decision.” At this stage, the opinions are personal, and no attempts are made to form a majority.

After this follows a second discussion in which “the question is clarified, opinions approach and

combine with each other to a small number of more general opinions.” In this way the decision is

reduced to a choice between a manageable set of alternatives. The third stage consists of the

actual choice between these alternatives. (Condorcet, [1793] 1847, pp. 342-343)

This is an insightful theory. In particular, Condorcet's distinction between the first and second

discussion seems to be a very useful one. However, his theory of the stages of a decision process

was virtually forgotten, and does not seem to have been referred to in modern decision theory.

3.2 Modern sequential models

Instead, the starting-point of the modern discussion is generally taken to be John Dewey's

([1910] 1978, pp. 234-241) exposition of the stages of problem-solving.

According to Dewey, problem-solving consists of five consecutive stages:


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(1) A felt difficulty,

(2) The definition of the character of that difficulty,

(3) Suggestion of possible solutions,

(4) Evaluation of the suggestion, and

(5) Further observation and experiment leading to acceptance or rejection of the suggestion.

Herbert Simon (1960) modified Dewey's list of five stages to make it suitable for the context of

decisions in organizations. According to Simon, decision-making consists of three principal

phases: "finding occasions for making a decision; finding possible courses of action; and

choosing among courses of action."(p. 1) The first of these phases he called intelligence,

“borrowing the military meaning of intelligence"(p. 2), the second design and the third choice.

Another influential subdivision of the decision process was proposed by Brim et al. (1962, p. 9).

They divided the decision process into the following five steps:

1. Identification of the problem

2. Obtaining necessary information

3. Production of possible solutions

4. Evaluation of such solutions

5. Selection of a strategy for performance

(They also included a sixth stage, implementation of the decision.)

The proposals by Dewey, Simon, and Brim et al are all sequential in the sense that they divide

decision processes into parts that always come in the same order or sequence. Several authors,

notably Witte (1972) have criticized the idea that the decision process can, in a general fashion,

be divided into consecutive stages. His empirical material indicates that the "stages" are

performed in parallel rather than in sequence. "We believe that human beings cannot gather


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information without in some way simultaneously developing alternatives. They cannot avoid

evaluating these alternatives immediately, and in doing this they are forced to a decision. This is

a package of operations and the succession of these packages over time constitutes the total

decision making process." (Witte 1972, p. 180.)

A more realistic model should allow the various parts of the decision process to come in different

order in different decisions.

3.3 Non-sequential models

One of the most influential models that satisfy this criterion was proposed by Mintzberg,

Raisinghani, and Théorêt (1976). In the view of these authors, the decision process consists of

distinct phases, but these phases do not have a simple sequential relationship. They used the

same three major phases as Simon, but gave them new names: identification, development and

selection. The identification phase (Simon's "intelligence") consists of two routines. The first of

these is decision recognition, in which "problems and opportunities" are identified "in the

streams of ambiguous, largely verbal data that decision makers receive" (p. 253). The second

routine in this phase is diagnosis, or "the tapping of existing information channels and the

opening of new ones to clarify and define the issues" (p. 254).The development phase (Simon's

"design") serves to define and clarify the options. This phase, too, consists of two routines. The

search routine aims at finding ready-made solutions, and the design routine at developing new

solutions or modifying ready-made ones. The last phase, the selection phase (Simon's "choice")

consists of three routines. The first of these, the screen routine, is only evoked "when search is

expected to generate more ready-made alternatives than can be intensively evaluated" (p. 257).

In the screen routine, obviously suboptimal alternatives are eliminated. The second routine, the

evaluation-choice routine, is the actual choice between the alternatives. It may include the use of


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one or more of three "modes", namely (intuitive) judgment, bargaining and analysis. In the third

and last routine, authorization, approval for the solution selected is acquired higher up in the

hierarchy. The relation between these phases and routines is circular rather than linear. The

decision maker "may cycle within identification to recognize the issue during design, he may

cycle through a maze of nested design and search activities to develop a solution during

evaluation, he may cycle between development and investigation to understand the problem he is

solving... he may cycle between selection and development to reconcile goals with alternatives,

ends with means". (p. 265) Typically, if no solution is found to be acceptable, he will cycle back

to the development phase. (p.266)


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The relationships between these three phases and seven routines are outlined in figure 3.1


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Figure 3.1: The relationships between the phases and routines of adecision process, according

to Mintzberg et al (1976).

Exercise: Consider the following two examples of decision processes:

a. The family needs a new kitchen table, and decides which to buy.

b. The country needs a new national pension system, and decides which to introduce. Show how

various parts of these decisions suit into the phases and routines proposed by Mintzberg et al.

Can you in these cases find examples of non-sequential decision behaviour that the models

mentioned in sections 2.1-2.2 are unable to deal with?

The decision structures proposed by Condorcet, by Simon, by Mintzberg etal, and by Brim et al

are compared in figure 3.2


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figure 3.2. A comparison of the stages of the decision process according to Condorcet, Simon,

Mintzberg et al and Brim et al.

Note that the diagram depicts all models as sequential, so that full justice cannot be made to the

Mintzberg model.2.4 The phases of practical decisions – and of decision theory

According to Simon (1960, p. 2), executives spend a large fraction of their time in intelligence

activities, an even larger fraction in design activity and a small fraction in choice activity. This

was corroborated by the empirical findings of Mintzberg et al. In 21 out of 25 decision processes

studied bythem and their students, the development phase dominated the other two phases.

In contrast to this, by far the largest part of the literature on decision making has focused on the

evaluation-choice routine. Although many empirical decision studies have taken the whole

decision process into account, decision theory has been exclusively concerned with the

evaluation-choice routine. This is "rather curious" according to Mintzbergand coauthors, since

"this routine seems to be far less significant in many of the decision processes we studied than

diagnosis or design" (p. 257).

This is a serious indictment of decision theory. In its defense, however, may be said that the

evaluation-choice routine is the focus of the decision process. It is this routine that makes the

process into a decision process, and the character of the other routines is to a large part

determined by it. All this is a good reason to pay much attention to the evaluation choice routine.

It is not, however, a reason to almost completely neglect the other routines – and this is what

normative decision theory is in most cases guilty of.


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CHAPTER 4 4.0 The standard representation of individual decisions

The purpose of this chapter is to introduce decision matrices, the standard representation of a

decision problem that is used in mainstream theory of individual decision-making. In order to do

this, we need some basic concepts of decision theory, such as alternative, outcome, and state of


4.1 Alternatives

In a decision we choose between different alternatives (options).Alternatives are typically

courses of action that are open to the decision maker at the time of the decision (or that she at

least believes to be so).The set of alternatives can be more or less well-defined. In some decision

problems, it is open in the sense that new alternatives can be invented or discovered by the

decision-maker. A typical example is my decision how to spend this evening. In other decision

problems, the set of alternatives is closed, i.e., no new alternatives can be added. A typical

example is my decision how to vote in the coming elections. There is a limited number of

alternatives (candidates or parties), between which I have to choose. A decision-maker may

restrict her own scope of choice. When deliberating about how to spend this evening, I may

begin by deciding that only two alternatives are worth considering, staying at home or going to

the cinema. In this way, I have closed my set of alternatives, and what remains is a decision

between the two elements of that set. We can divide decisions with closed alternative sets into

two categories: those with voluntary and those with involuntary closure. In cases of voluntary


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closure, the decision-maker has herself decided to close Weirich (1983 and 1985) has argued that

options should instead be taken to be decisions that it is possible for the decision-maker to make,

in this case: the decision to bring/not to bring the umbrella. One of his arguments is that we are

much more certain about what we can decide than about what we can do. It can be rational to

decide to perform an action that one is not at all certain of being able to perform. A good

example of this is a decision to quit smoking. (A decision merely to try to quit may be less

efficient.) the set (as a first step in the decision). In cases of involuntary closure, closure has been

imposed by others or by impersonal circumstances.

In actual life, open alternative sets are very common. In decision theory, however, alternative

sets are commonly assumed to be closed. The reason for this is that closure makes decision

problems much more accessible to theoretical treatment. If the alternative set is open, a definitive

solution to a decision problem is not in general available. Furthermore, the alternatives are

commonly assumed to be mutually exclusive, i.e, such that no two of them can both be realized.

The reason for this can be seen from the following dialogue:

Bob: "I do not know what to do tomorrow. In fact, I choose between two alternatives. One of

them is to go to professor Schleier's lecture on Kant in the morning. The other is to go to the

concert at the concert hall in the evening."

Cynthia: "But have you not thought of doing both?"

Bob: "Yes, I may very well do that."

Cynthia: "But then you have three alternatives: Only the lecture, only the concert, or both."

Bob: "Yes, that is another way of putting it."

The three alternatives mentioned by Cynthia are mutually exclusive, since no two of them can be

realized. Her way of representing the situation is more elaborate and clearer, and is preferred in


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decision theory. Hence, in decision theory it is commonly assumed that the set of alternatives is

closed and that its elements are mutually exclusive.

4.2 Outcomes and states of nature

The effect of a decision depends not only on our choice of an alternative and how we carry it

through. It also depends on factors outside of the decision-maker's control. Some of these

extraneous factors are known, they are the background information that the decision-maker has.

Others are unknown. They depend on what other persons will do and on features of nature that

are unknown to the decision-maker. As an example, consider my decision whether or not to go to

an outdoor concert. The outcome (whether I will be satisfied or not) will depend both on natural

factors (the weather) and on the behaviour of other human beings (how the band is going to


In decision theory, it is common to summarize the various unknown extraneous factors into a

number of cases, called states of nature. A simple example can be used to illustrate how the

notion of a state of nature is used. Consider my decision whether or not to bring an umbrella

when I go out tomorrow. The effect of that decision depends on whether or not it will rain

tomorrow. The two cases "it rains" and "it does not rain" can be taken as the states of nature in a

decision-theoretical treatment of this decision.

The possible outcomes of a decision are defined as the combined effect of a chosen alternative

and the state of nature that obtains. Hence, if I do not take my umbrella and it rains, then the

outcome is that I have a light suitcase and get wet. If I take my umbrella and it rains, then the

outcome is that I have a heavier suitcase and do not get wet, etc.

4.3 Decision matrices


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The standard format for the evaluation-choice routine in (individual) decision theory is that of a

decision matrix. In a decision matrix, the alternatives open to the decision-maker are tabulated

against the possible states of nature. The alternatives are represented by the rows of the matrix,

and the states of nature by the columns. Let us use a decision whether to bring an umbrella or not

as an example. The decision matrix is as follows:

For each alternative and each state of nature, the decision matrix assigns an outcome (such as

"dry clothes, heavy suitcase" in our example).

Exercise: Draw a decision matrix that illustrates the decision whether or not to buy a ticket in a


In order to use a matrix to analyze a decision, we need, in addition to the matrix itself, (1)

information about how the outcomes are valued, and (2) information pertaining to which of the

states of nature will be realized. The most common way to represent the values of outcomes is to

assign utilities to them. Verbal descriptions of outcomes can then bereplaced by utility values in

the matrix:


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Mainstream decision theory is almost exclusively devoted to problems that can be expressed in

matrices of this type, utility matrices. As will be seen in the chapters to follow, most modern

decision-theoretic methods require numerical information. In many practical decision problems

we have much less precise value information (perhaps best expressed by an incomplete

preference relation). However, it is much more difficult to construct methods that can deal

effectively with non-numerical information.

4.4 Information about states of nature

In decision theory, utility matrices are combined with various types of information about states

of nature. As a limiting case, the decision-maker may know which state of nature will obtain. If,

in the above example, I know that it will rain, then this makes my decision very simple. Cases

like this, when only one state of nature needs to be taken into account, are called "decision-

making under certainty". If you know, for each alternative, what will be the outcome if you

choose that alternative, then you act under certainty. If not, then you act under non-certainty.

Non-certainty is usually divided into further categories, such as risk, uncertainty, and ignorance.

The locus classicus for this subdivision is Knight ([1921] 1935), who pointed out that "[t]he term

'risk', as loosely used in everyday speech and in economic discussion, really covers two things

which, functionally at least, in their causal relations to the phenomena of economic organization,

are categorically different". In some cases, "risk" means "a quantity susceptible of

measurement", in other cases “something distinctly not of this character". He proposed to reserve

the term "uncertainty" for cases of the non-quantifiable type, and the term “risk" for the

quantifiable cases. (Knight [1921] 1935, pp. 19-20)

In one of the most influential textbooks in decision theory, the terms are defined as follows:

"We shall say that we are in the realm of decision making under:


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(a) Certainty if each action is known to lead invariably to a specific outcome (the words

prospect, stimulus, alternative, etc., are also used).

(b) Risk if each action leads to one of a set of possible specific outcomes, each outcome

occurring with a known probability. The probabilities are assumed to be known to the decision

maker. For example, an action might lead to this risky outcome: a reward of $10if a 'fair' coin

comes up heads, and a loss of $5 if it comes up tails. Of course, certainty is a degenerate case of

risk where the probabilities are 0 and 1.

(c) Uncertainty if either action or both has as its consequence a set of possible specific outcomes,

but where the probabilities of these outcomes are completely unknown or are not even

meaningful."(Luce and Raiffa 1957, p. 13)

These three alternatives are not exhaustive. Many – perhaps most –decision problems fall

between the categories of risk and uncertainty, as defined by Luce and Raiffa. Take, for instance,

my decision this morning not to bring an umbrella. I did not know the probability of rain, so it

was not a decision under risk. On the other hand, the probability of rain was not completely

unknown to me. I knew, for instance, that the probability was more than 5 per cent and less than

99 per cent. It is common to use the term “uncertainty" to cover, as well, such situations with

partial knowledge of the probabilities. This practice will be followed here. The more strict

uncertainty referred to by Luce and Raiffa will, as is also common, be called "ignorance". (Cf.

Alexander 1975, p. 365) We then have the following scale of knowledge situations in decision

problems: certainty deterministic knowledge risk complete probabilistic knowledge uncertainty

partial probabilistic knowledge ignorance no probabilistic knowledge

It is common to divide decisions into these categories, decisions "under risk", "under

uncertainty", etc.


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In summary, the standard representation of a decision consists of (1) a utility matrix, and (2)

some information about to which degree the various states of nature in that matrix are supposed

to obtain. Hence, in the case of decision-making under risk, the standard representation includes

a probability assignment to each of the states of nature (i.e., to each column in the matrix).

CHAPTER 55.0 Introduction to Game Theory

Game theory is the branch of decision theory concerned with interdependent decisions. The

problems of interest involve multiple participants, each of whom has individual objectives

related to a common system or shared resources. Because game theory arose from the analysis of

competitive scenarios, the problems are called games and the participants are called players. But

these techniques apply to more than just sport, and are not even limited to competitive situations.

In short, game theory deals with any problem in which each player.s strategy depends on what

the other players do.

Situations involving interdependent decisions arise frequently, in all walks of life. A few

examples in which game theory could come in handy include:

I. Friends choosing where to go have dinner

II. Parents trying to get children to behave

III. Commuters deciding how to go to work

IV. Businesses competing in a market

V. Diplomats negotiating a treaty

VI. Gamblers betting in a card game

All of these situations call for strategic thinking. Making use of available information to devise

the best plan to achieve one’s objectives. Perhaps you are already familiar with


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assessing costs and benefits in order to make informed decisions between several options.

Game theory simply extends this concept to interdependent decisions, in which the options being

evaluated are functions of the players. choices.

Game theory is a fascinating subject. We all know many entertaining games, such as chess,

poker, tic-tac-toe, baseball, computer games — the list is quite varied and almost endless. In

addition, there is a vast area of economic games, discussed in Myerson (1991) and Kreps (1990),

and the related political games, Ordeshook (1986), Shubik (1982), and Taylor (1995). The

competition between firms, the conflict between management and labor, the fight to get bills

through congress, the power of the judiciary, war and peace negotiations between countries, and

so on, all provide examples of games inaction. There are also psychological games played on a

personal level, where the weapons are words, and the payoffs are good or bad feelings, Berne

(1964). There are biological games, the competition between species, where natural selection can

be modeled as a game played between genes, Smith (1982). There is a connection between game

theory and the mathematical areas of logic and computer science. One may view theoretical

statistics asa two person game in which nature takes the role of one of the players, as in

Blackwell and Girshick (1954) and Ferguson (1968).

Games are characterized by a number of players or decision makers who interact, possibly

threaten each other and form coalitions, take actions under uncertain conditions, and finally

receive some benefit or reward or possibly some punishment or monetary loss.

In this text, we present various mathematical models of games and study the phenomena that

arise. In some cases, we will be able to suggest what courses of action should be taken by the

players. In others, we hope simply to be able to understand what is happening in order to make


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better predictions about the future. As we outline the contents of this text, we introduce some of

the key words and terminology used in game theory.

First there is the number of players which will be denoted by n. Let us label the players with the

integers 1 to n, and denote the set of players by N = {1, 2, . . . , n}. We study mostly two person

games, n = 2, where the concepts are clearer and the conclusions are more definite. When

specialized to one-player, the theory is simply called decision theory. Games of solitaire and

puzzles are examples of one-person games as are various sequential optimization problems found

in operations research, and optimization, (see Papadimitriou and Steiglitz (1982) for example), or

linear programming, (see Chv´atal (1983)), or gambling (see Dubins and Savage(1965)). There

are even things called “zero-person games”, such as the “game of life” of Conway (see

Berlekamp et al. (1982) Chap. 25); once an automaton gets set in motion, it keeps going without

any person making decisions. We assume throughout that there are at least two players, that is, n

≥ 2. In macroeconomic models, the number of players can be very large, ranging into the

millions. In such models it is often preferable to assume that there are an infinite number of

players. In fact it has been found useful in many situations to assume there are a continuum of

players, with each player having an infinitesimal influence on the outcome as in Aumann and

Shapley (1974). In this course, we take n to be finite.

There are three main mathematical models or forms used in the study of games, the extensive

form, the strategic form and the coalitional form. These differ in the amount of detail on the

play of the game built into the model. The most detail is given in the extensive form, where the

structure closely follows the actual rules of the game. In the extensive form of a game, we are

able to speak of a position in the game, and of a move of the game as moving from one position


Page 24: Introduction to Game Theory

to another. The set of possible moves from a position may depend on the player whose turn it is

to move from that position.

In the extensive form of a game, some of the moves may be random moves, such as the dealing

of cards or the rolling of dice. The rules of the game specify the probabilities of the outcomes of

the random moves. One may also speak of the information players have when they move. Do

they know all past moves in the game by the other players? Do they know the outcomes of the

random moves?

When the players know all past moves by all the players and the outcomes of all past random

moves, the game is said to be of perfect information. Two-person games of perfect information

with win or lose outcome and no chance moves are known as combinatorial games. There is a

beautiful and deep mathematical theory of such games. You may find an exposition of it in

Conway (1976) and in Berlekamp et al. (1982). Such a game is said to be impartial if the two

players have the same set of legal moves from each position, and it is said to be partizan

otherwise. Part I of this text contains an introduction to the theory of impartial combinatorial

games. For another elementary treatment of impartial games see the book by Guy (1989).

We begin Part II by describing the strategic form or normal form of a game. In the strategic

form, many of the details of the game such as position and move are lost; the main concepts are

those of a strategy and a payoff. In the strategic form, each player chooses a strategy from a set

of possible strategies. We denote the strategy set or action space of player i by Ai, for i = 1,

2, . . . , n. Each player considers all the other players and their possible strategies, and then

chooses a specific strategy from his strategy set. All players make such a choice simultaneously,

the choices are revealed and the game ends with each player receiving some payoff. Each

player’s choice may influence the final outcome for all the players.


Page 25: Introduction to Game Theory

We model the payoffs as taking on numerical values. In general the payoffs maybe quite

complex entities, such as “you receive a ticket to a baseball game tomorrow when there is a good

chance of rain, and your raincoat is torn”. The mathematical and philosophical justification

behind the assumption that each player can replace such payoffs with numerical values is

discussed in the Appendix under the title, Utility Theory. This theory is treated in detail in the

books of Savage (1954) and of Fishburn (1988). We therefore assume that each player receives a

numerical payoff that depends on the actions chosen by all the players. Suppose player 1 chooses

a1 ∈ Ai, player 2 chooses a2 ∈ A2, etc. And player n chooses an ∈ An. Then we denote the

payoff to player j, for j = 1, 2, . . . , n,by fj (a1, a2, . . . , an), and call it the payoff function for

player j.

The strategic form of a game is defined then by the three objects:

(1) the set, N = {1, 2, . . . , n}, of players,

(2) the sequence, A1, . . . , An, of strategy sets of the players, and

(3) the sequence, f1(a1, . . . , an), . . . , fn(a1, . . . , an), of real-valued payoff functions of the


A game in strategic form is said to be zero-sum if the sum of the payoffs to the players is zero

no matter what actions are chosen by the players. That is, the game is zero-sum if

n_i=1 fi(a1, a2, . . . , an) = 0

for all a1 ∈ A1, a2 ∈ A2,. . . , an ∈ An. In the first four chapters of Part II, we restrict attention

to the strategic form of two-person, zero-sum games. Theoretically, such games have clear-cut

solutions, thanks to a fundamental mathematical result known as the minimax theorem. Each

such game has a value, and both players have optimal strategies that guarantee the value.


Page 26: Introduction to Game Theory

In the last three chapters of Part II, we treat two-person zero-sum games in extensive form, and

show the connection between the strategic and extensive forms of games. In particular, one of

the methods of solving extensive form games is to solve the equivalent strategic form. Here, we

give an introduction to Recursive Games and Stochastic Games, an area of intense contemporary

development (see Filar and Vrieze (1997), Maitra andSudderth (1996) and Sorin (2002)).

In Part III, the theory is extended to two-person non-zero-sum games. Here the situation is more

nebulous. In general, such games do not have values and players do not have optimal strategies.

The theory breaks naturally into two parts. There is the non-cooperative theory in which the

players, if they may communicate, may not form binding agreements. This is the area of most

interest to economists, see Gibbons (1992), and Bierman and Fernandez (1993), for example. In

1994, John Nash, John Harsanyiand Reinhard Selten received the Nobel Prize in Economics for

work in this area. Such a theory is natural in negotiations between nations when there is no

overseeing body to enforce agreements, and in business dealings where companies are forbidden

to enterinto agreements by laws concerning constraint of trade. The main concept, replacing

value and optimal strategy is the notion of a strategic equilibrium, also called a Nash

equilibrium. This theory is treated in the first three chapters of Part III.

On the other hand, in the cooperative theory the players are allowed to form binding

agreements, and so there is strong incentive to work together to receive the largest total payoff.

The problem then is how to split the total payoff between or among the players.

This theory also splits into two parts. If the players measure utility of the payoff in the same units

and there is a means of exchange of utility such as side payments, we say the game has

transferable utility; otherwise non-transferable utility. When the number of players grows

large, even the strategic form of a game, though less detailed than the extensive form, becomes


Page 27: Introduction to Game Theory

too complex for analysis. In the coalitional form of a game, the notion of a strategy disappears;

the main features are those of a coalition and the value or worth of the coalition. In many-player

games, there is a tendency for the players to form coalitions to favor common interests. It is

assumed each coalition can guarantee its members a certain amount, called the value of the


The coalitional form of a game is a part of cooperative game theory with transferable utility, so it

is natural to assume that the grand coalition, consisting of all the players, will form, and it is a

question of how the payoff received by the grand coalition should be shared among the players.

The appropriate techniques for analyzing interdependent decisions differ significantly from those

for individual decisions. To begin with, despite the rubric game, the object is not to .win.. Even

for strictly competitive games, the goal is simply to identify one’s optimal strategy. This may

sound like a euphemism, but it is actually an important distinction. Using this methodology,

whether or not we end up ahead of another player will be of no consequence; our only concern

will be whether we have used our optimal strategy. In gaming, players’ actions are referred to as

moves. The role of analysis is to identify the sequence of moves that you should use. A sequence

of moves is called a strategy, so an optimal strategy is a sequence of moves that results in your

best outcome. (It doesn.t have to be unique; more than one strategy could result in outcomes that

had equal payoffs, and they would all be optimal, as long as no other strategy could result in a

higher payoff.)

There are two fundamental types of games: sequential and simultaneous.

In sequential games, the players must alternate moves; in simultaneous games, the players can

act at the same time. These types are distinguished because they require different analytical


Page 28: Introduction to Game Theory

approaches. The sections below present techniques for analyzing sequential and simultaneous

games and we conclude with a few words about some advanced game theory concepts.

5.1 Sequential Games

To analyze a sequential game, first construct a game tree mapping out all of the possibilities.

Then follow the basic strategic rule: “look ahead and reason back”

1. Look ahead to the very last decision, and assume that if it comes to that point, the deciding

player will choose his/her optimal outcome (the highest payoff, or otherwise most desirable


2. Back up to the second-to-last decision, and assume the next player would choose his/her best

outcome, treating the following decision as fixed (because we have already decided what that

player will pick if it should come to that).

3. Continue reasoning back in this way until all decisions have been fixed.

* For those familiar with decision trees, game trees are quite similar. The main difference is that

decision trees map decisions for one person only, while game trees map decisions for all players.

All rules and most examples here have been borrowed from: Dixit, Avinash K., and Barry J.

Nalebuff Thinking Strategically. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1991. This is an excellent

nontechnical book on game theory. That’s all there is to it. If you actually play out the game after

conducting your analysis, you simply make the choices you identified at each of your decisions.

The only time you even have to think is if another player makes a .mistake. Then you must look

ahead and reason back again, to see if your optimal strategy has changed. Notice that this

procedure assumes that the other players are as smart as we are, and are doing the same analysis.


Page 29: Introduction to Game Theory

While this may not be the case, it is the only safe assumption. If it is correct, we will have made

our best possible decision. For it to be incorrect, an opponent must choose an option not in

his/her own best interests.

The analytical process is best illustrated through an example. Suppose that a company called Fast

cleaners currently dominates the market and makes $300,000 per year, and we are considering

starting a competing company. If we enter the market, Fast cleaners will have two choices:

accept the competition or fight a price war. Suppose that we have done market analyses from

which we expect that if Fast cleaners accepts the competition, each firm will make a profit of

$100,000 (the total is less than Fast cleaners alone used to make because they could enjoy

monopoly pricing). However, if Fast cleaners fight a price war, they will suffer a net loss of

$100,000, and we will lose $200,000. (Note that these are the ultimate payoffs, not just

temporary gains or losses that may change over time.)

With this information, we can build a game tree (Figure 5.1). We begin by mapping the decision

structure before including any data: we (.us.) move first and either enter the market or do not. If

we enter, Fast cleaners (.FC.) get to respond, and either accepts us or starts a price war. If we do

not enter, nothing happens. Then we just fill in the numbers listed above, and the tree is



Page 30: Introduction to Game Theory

US: $100,000

FC: $100,000


Enter market Price war

US: $200,000

FC: $100,000

Do not enter

US: $0

FC: $300,000

Figure 5.1: Cleaners Example Game Tree

Now we can look ahead and reason back. Looking ahead, if Fast cleaners face the last choice, it

will be between $100,000 profit and $100,000 loss. Naturally, they will choose the profit.

Reasoning back, we now know it will not come to a price war, which means our decision is

between $100,000 profit and $0 profit. Consequently, we decide to start our company and enter




Page 31: Introduction to Game Theory

the market, where we expect to make $100,000 profit. Of course this is only a very simple

example. A more realistic situation might involve more decision stages (Fast cleaners could

begin a price war, and re-evaluate every month) or more factors (Fast cleaners could be a chain,

willing to accept a loss at this branch in order to build a reputation of toughness to deter other

would-be competitors), but the analytical method of looking ahead and reasoning back will

remain valid. It has been proven that there exists an optimal strategy for any sequential game

involving a finite number of steps. Note that this doesn.t always mean it is possible to determine.

The game of chess technically has an optimal strategy, but no one has yet been able to map out

all of the possible combinations of moves. Only specific scenarios have been solved. We end this

section with a few observations before moving on to simultaneous games.

First, notice that looking ahead and reasoning back determines not just one player’s optimal

strategy, but those for all players. It is called the solution to the game.

Once it has been determined, it is irrelevant whether or not the game is actually played, as no one

can possibly do better than the solution dictates.* That is why the concept of .winning. does not

really apply. Alternatively, one could argue that the player who gets to make the last decision

wins. Sequential games are determined, so ultimately, there are only two choices: either the

player with the last decision gets his/her best outcome, or the game is not played. Thus, the game

tree obviates the need to actually play out the game.


Page 32: Introduction to Game Theory

5.2 Simultaneous Games

Turning to simultaneous games, it is immediately apparent that they must be handled differently,

because there is not necessarily any last move. Consider a simple, but very famous example,

called the Prisoner’s Dilemma: two suspected felons are caught by the police, and interrogated in

separate rooms. They are each told the following:

● If you both confess, you will each go to jail for 10 years.

● If only one of you confesses, he gets only 1 year and the other gets 25 years.

● If neither of you confesses, you each get 3 years in jail.

The only exception is if someone makes a mistake, and moves differently than planned in his/her

strategy. Note that this is very definitely an error; it cannot possibly result in a better outcome for

the player. Or it would have been part of his/her optimal strategy and it almost always results in a

worse one.

We cannot look ahead and reason back, since neither decision is made first. We just have to

consider all possible combinations. This is most easily represented with a game table listing the

players. possible moves and outcomes. Table 5.1, below, presents the outcomes for the first

prisoner, for each possible combination of decisions that he and the other prisoner could make:


Page 33: Introduction to Game Theory

First Prisoner’s Decision

Other prisoner’s


Confess Hold Out

Confess 10 years 25 years

Hold Out 1 years 3 years

Table 5.1: Prisoner’s Dilemma Game Table

The game table (also called a payoff matrix) clearly indicates if that the other prisoner confesses,

the first prisoner will either get 10 years if he confesses or 25 if he doesn.t. So if the other

prisoner confesses, the first would also prefer to confess. If the other prisoner holds out, the first

prisoner will get 1 year if he confesses or 3 if he doesn.t, so again he would prefer to confess.

And the other prisoner’s reasoning would be identical. There are several notable features in this

game. First of all, both players have dominant strategies. A dominant strategy has payoffs such

that, regardless of the choices of other players, no other strategy would result in a higher payoff.

This greatly simplifies decisions: if you have a dominant strategy, use it, because there is no way

to do better.

Thus, as we had already determined, both prisoners should confess. Second, both players also

have dominated strategies, with payoffs no better than those of at least one other strategy,


Page 34: Introduction to Game Theory

regardless of the choices of other players. This also simplifies decisions: dominated strategies

should never be used, since there is at least one other strategy that will never be worse, and could

be better (depending on the choices of other players). A final observation here is that if both

prisoners use their optimal strategies (confess), they do not reach an optimal outcome. This is an

important theme: maximizing individual welfare does not necessarily aggregate to optimal

welfare for a group.

Consequently, we see the value of communication. If the two prisoners could only communicate,

they could cooperate and agree to hold out so they would both get lighter sentences. But without

the possibility of communication, neither can risk it, so both end up worse off.

Although it was very simple, the above example laid the groundwork for developing strategies

for simultaneous games:

● If you have a dominant strategy, use it.

● Otherwise, look for any dominated strategies and eliminate them.

Many games can be solved using these steps alone. Note that by eliminating a dominated

strategy, you cross off a whole row or column of the game table, which changes the remaining

strategies. Accordingly, if you can eliminate a dominated strategy, you should immediately

check to see if you now have a dominant strategy. If you do not, then look for another dominated

strategy (there may have been more than one originally, or you may have just created one or

more). You can keep iterating in this way until you either find a dominant strategy, or the game

cannot be reduced any further.

For example, consider the news magazines Time and Newsweek, each trying to choose between

cover stories about AIDS and the national budget. The game table below presents information

for both players. (Many analysts find this staggered payoff notation, invented by Thomas


Page 35: Introduction to Game Theory

Schelling, more convenient than a separate table for each player.) In each outcome box, the

upper-right value represents Newsweek’s payoff, while the lowerleft value represents Time’s

payoff (for enhanced clarity in this example, the Newsweek outcomes are colored blue, and the

Time outcomes are colored red). Thus we see that if Newsweek and Time both choose AIDS for

their cover stories, for example, Newsweek will get 28% of the readers, and Time will get 42%.

(The other 30% of readers are only interested in the budget story, so they would buy neither

magazine in that case.)

Newsweek Cover Story

Time Cover Story

AIDS Budget

AIDS 28%




Budget 70%




Table 5.2: Time/Newsweek Cover Story Game Table

Now we can analyze this table to determine each magazine’s optimal strategy. Time has a

dominant strategy: selecting AIDS for its cover story. This move is dominant because no matter


Page 36: Introduction to Game Theory

which topic Newsweek chooses, Time would get a higher percentage of readers by running an

AIDS cover story than it would by running a budget cover story. Thus Time’s optimal strategy is

obvious. For Newsweek, however, there are no dominant or dominated strategies; its best choice

depends upon Time’s decision. However, Newsweek can see from the game table that Time’s

dominant strategy is to choose AIDS, and so knows that will be Time’s choice. Given this

information, Newsweek’s optimal strategy becomes selecting the national budget for its cover

story (as this will attract 30% of the readers, while competitively running the AIDS cover story

would only attract 28%).

5.3 Equilibrium

What happens if the game cannot be reduced and there is no dominant strategy? An example

might Time and Newsweek trying to decide what price to charge to for each magazine. If

Newsweek picks a fairly high price, Time could pick a slightly lower one and get most of the

swing readers (people who will buy either magazine, as opposed to loyal readers of a specific

one). On the other hand, if Newsweek picks a very low price, Time would do better to set its price

a little higher, foregoing the swing readers to make a profit off of its loyal readers.

However, this is not a sequential game; Time does not have the luxury of waiting for Newsweek

to pick a price first. To consider the whole story, let us add Newsweek’s best response to Time’s


Strategically, this would appear to produce an endless circle: if Newsweek sets its price at

$1, then Time should pick $2, in response to which Newsweek would switch to $2.50, in response

to which Time would switch again. But there is a way out: seek equilibrium. An equilibrium (or

Nash equilibrium) is a set of outcomes such that no players have any incentive to change



Page 37: Introduction to Game Theory

Notice that the two price response curves intersect. The point at which they cross is equilibrium.

A set of prices such that each magazine is already at its best responses to each other’s price. (In

this example the prices happen to be $3 for each, but they need not be equivalent to be an

equilibrium.) At this point, neither magazine would have any incentive to raise or lower its price,

because to do so would result in a lower profit.

Consequently, if there is an equilibrium solution, it represents stability, and is usually the best


(Note, however, that a given equilibrium point may not be acceptable to all parties stability does

not necessitate optimality. so compensation or other agreements may be necessary. This is a

more advanced aspect of game theory.)

There remain two more situations: what if there are multiple equilibrium points, or none? In

either case, the optimal choice is a mixed strategy, in which players strategically switch between

various non-dominated strategies. It is possible to calculate the optimal mixture. the percentage

of time each strategy should be used . for any given game, but that is beyond the scope of this

discussion. Suffice to conclude by reiterating that if you don’t have a dominant strategy, you

should seek an equilibrium or mixed strategy.


Page 38: Introduction to Game Theory

CONCLUSIONGame theory is exciting because although the principles are simple, the applications are far-

reaching. Interdependent decisions are everywhere, potentially including almost any endeavor in

which self-interested agents cooperate and/or compete. Probably the most interesting games

involve communication, because so many layers of strategy are possible. Game theory can be

used to design credible commitments, threats, or promises, or to assess propositions and

statements offered by others. Advanced concepts, such as brinkmanship and inflicting costs, can

even be found at the heart of foreign policy and nuclear weapons strategies . Some the most

important decisions people make.


Page 39: Introduction to Game Theory


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