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Introduction to EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques

For Peace, Freedom & Joy

“Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body’s subtle energies, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) has been clinically effective in thousands of cases for Trauma &

Abuse, Stress & Anxiety, Fears & Phobias Depression, Addictive Cravings, Children’s Issues, and hundreds of physical symptoms including headaches, body pains, and breathing

difficulties. Properly applied, over 80 percent achieve either noticeable improvement or complete cessation of the problem. It is the missing piece to the healing puzzle.”

Gary Craig Father of EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques

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Important Note: Responsibility for Your Own Well-Being

EFT is gentle and easy to use, and has to date yielded remarkable results for relieving emotional and physical distress. While there have been no distressing side effects

reported to my knowledge, this does not mean that you will not discover side effects


TECHNIQUES. You may wish to consult a trained EFT practitioner. If you continue reading through this manual and apply these techniques, you are agreeing to take full

responsibility for yourself and others when applying the EFT technique, and shall neither hold Gary Craig, myself, nor anyone else associated with EFT responsible for

any adverse side effects or outcomes. Thank you for reading this.

This EFT oriented introductory guide is provided as a good faith effort to expand the use of EFT in the world. It represents the ideas from and does not represent the complete, standardized

EFT training offered at, We encourage you to visit the following sites for more information on EFT, www.eft-,,,,, for clinical evidence go to

For further information on EFT courses or sessions please call Eddie and Ranjana on

01424 427 919 or email [email protected]

About Eddie and Ranjana Appoo – The Co-founders of the Emotional Health Centre Ranjana is an inspired and sensitive Wholistic health professional. She practises

LiberatingTouch, EFT, Jin Shin Jyutsu and is an AAMET certified EFT Trainer of Trainers, Workshop Facilitator, Artist and Health Researcher. She has devoted her life

to experiencing and sharing peace, delight, beauty and harmony. She has travelled extensively and lectured in Fine Arts. Ranjana also succeeded in overcoming chronic

health challenges and so dedicated herself since 1995 to the study of nutrition, complementary therapies and holistic health research. She compiles a free quarterly

newsletter to share valuable health information. She is dedicated to the journey of Self-Realisation and meeting all of life with openness and love. She continues to paint

and write.

Eddie is an intuitive LiberatingTouch, EFT, Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner and Workshop

Facilitator. He has worked as an administrative officer in the civil service and BT. His years of experience of working with people have helped him to understand that

everyone has a unique story and potential. He unravels the meaning in these stories and so brings clarity and empowers his clients. Having also practiced meditation since

1986, Eddie allows his intuition and inner discoveries to guide him. He is dedicated to being happy and sharing happiness.

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What is (EFT) Emotional Freedom Techniques?

Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT, are psychological acupressure techniques that many doctors healthcare and well being professionals use in their practice to

optimise emotional health. Professionals that include Candace Pert, Bruce Lipton, Debbie Ford, Dr. Phill Mollon and many many more. Although it is still often

overlooked, emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical health and healing - no matter how devoted you are to the proper diet and lifestyle, it is more

difficult to achieve your body's ideal healing and immune protective powers if stress or emotional barriers stand in your way.

EFT is very easy to learn, and will help you:

Transform Negative Emotions Reduce Food Cravings

Reduce Pain Heal Trauma

Manage Stress effortlessly Implement Positive Goals

Detach from Limitations Develop Self Confidence

Cultivate Freedom and Joy and more

EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used

in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over five thousand years, but without the invasiveness of needles. Instead, simple tapping with

the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem - whether it is a traumatic event,

an addiction, pain, etc. -- and voice positive affirmations.

This combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive affirmation

works to clear the "short-circuit" - the emotional block -- from your body's bio energy system, thus restoring your mind and body's balance, which is essential for optimal

health and the healing of physical disease.

Some people are initially wary of these principles that EFT is based on - the electromagnetic energy that flows through the body and regulates our health is only

recently becoming recognized in the West. Others are initially taken aback by (and sometimes amused by) the EFT tapping and affirmation methodology.

“More than any traditional or alternative method I have used or researched, EFT works. I have witnessed the results in my clients & myself having decided to use EFT

since 1999. The pioneer of EFT, Gary Craig, has seen similar outstanding results since developing EFT over 2 decades ago (see the website for 100’s

of anecdotal EFT success stories). Indeed, because of its very high rate of success, the use of EFT has spread rapidly, and practitioners employing EFT can now be found

in every corner of the country and world.”

Stress/ Hurt = Energy Zzt

Using EFT


Stress/ Hurt

= Energy Zzt

Using EFT


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Gary Craig developed EFT around the early 90‟s; it continues to be refined by many people to this day. It is one of the many forms of METs (Meridian Energy Therapies)

now available, and perhaps one of the easiest to learn. EFT originated from TFT (Thought Field Therapy), which was discovered by psychologist Dr Roger Callahan in

the 80‟s. While Callahan developed the basic concept and structure, Craig had the vision to refine it and make it accessible to everyone. He also, along with many other

therapists working in this field, began to realise the broader possibilities for EFT. As a therapeutic technique there is little else to equal its simplicity and effectiveness. Many

experienced therapists now report typical success rates of 80-95% for many conditions. The immediate history of EFT is short; its future looks to be much longer.

Recently a variety of scientific journals have published articles on effectiveness of EFT. For eg. a controlled study is a available in the September 2003 issue of the

Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Over 70 years ago Einstein brought us his famous equation E=mc2. Simply stated

this means that everything (including our bodies) is composed of energy. This is so widely accepted that not one scientist on the planet disagrees with it. Until recently,

however, it has gone unnoticed by the psychotherapy profession. Energy related procedures have now been clinically demonstrated thousands of times to

dramatically reduce the sting of traumatic memories, grief, anger, phobias and almost any emotional ailment you can name. Further, it is usually rapid, long lasting and

relatively gentle. It often works where nothing else will.

EFT Research

Whilst there are countless anecdotal examples of Energy Therapies producing extraordinary results, until recently scientific validation has not been available. Now, however, thorough research studies into EFT and energy psychology are being carried

out worldwide and some excellent results are being reported. The following are important findings to date, further research will be added as it comes through.

Preliminary report of the first large scale study of Energy Psychology by Joaquin Andrade MD and David Feinstein PhD

Summary In preliminary clinical trials involving more than 29,000 patients from 11 allied treatment centres in South America during a 14-year period, a variety of randomized,

double-blind pilot studies were conducted. In one of these, approximately 5,000

patients diagnosed at intake with an anxiety disorder were randomly assigned to an experimental group (tapping) or a control group (Cognitive Behavior

Therapy/medication) using standard randomization tables and, later, computerized software. Ratings were given by independent clinicians who interviewed each patient

at the close of therapy, at 1 month, at 3 months, at 6 months, and at 12 months. The raters made a determination of complete remission of symptoms, partial remission of

symptoms, or no clinical response. The raters did not know if the patient received CBT/medication or tapping. They knew only the initial diagnosis, the symptoms, and

the severity, as judged by the intake staff.

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At the close of therapy:

63% of the control group were judged as having improved 90% of the experimental group were judged as having improved

51% of the control group were judged as being symptom free 76% of the experimental group were judged as symptom free

At one-year follow-up, the patients receiving tapping treatments were less prone to

relapse or partial relapse than those receiving CBT/medication, as indicated by the independent raters' assessments and corroborated by brain imaging and

neurotransmitter profiles. In a related pilot study by the same team, the length of treatment was substantially shorter with energy therapy and related methods than

with CBT/medication (mean = 3 sessions vs. mean = 15 sessions).

If subsequent research corroborates these early findings, it will be a notable

development since CBT/medication is currently the established standard of care for anxiety disorders and the greater effectiveness of the energy approach suggested by

this study would be highly significant. The preliminary nature of these findings must, however, be emphasized. The study was initially envisioned as an in-house

assessment of a new method and was not designed with publication in mind. Not all the variables that need to be controlled in robust research were tracked, not all

criteria were defined with rigorous precision, the record-keeping was relatively informal, and source data were not always maintained. Nonetheless, the studies all

used randomized samples, control groups, and double blind assessment. The findings were so striking that the team decided to report them.

The principal investigator was Joaquín Andrade, M.D. The report was written by Dr.

Andrade and David Feinstein, Ph.D. The paper will appear in Energy Psychology

Interactive: An Integrated Book and CD Program for Learning the Fundamentals of Energy Psychology (Ashland, OR: Innersource, in press, distributed by Norton

Professional Books) by David Feinstein in consultation with Fred P. Gallo, Donna Eden, and the Energy Psychology Interactive Advisory Board.


An excellent study by psychologist Steve Wells and his associates in Australia and the United States studied the effects of EFT on phobias of small animals and insects. This

study is published in a leading peer reviewed journal, the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

The results of the study are impressive. Those subjects who had learned EFT, as

compared to those in a comparison group who had learned a deep breathing method, showed significantly greater reduction in their fear of small animals and insects - both

in terms of their ability to approach the feared animal after the treatment, and their self reported indexes of fear. What is more, these results held up just as well six to

nine months later as they did at the time of the treatment, showing that the results of EFT are lasting - an important consideration.

The deep breathing group improved also in their symptoms, but significantly less so.

All told, this careful study represents a strong confirmation of EFT as a treatment for

phobias and common fears.

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Wells, S., Polglase, K., Andrews, H.B., Carrington, P., & Baker, A.H. (2003). Evaluation of a Meridian Based Intervention, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT),

for Reducing Specific Phobias of Small Animals. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 59(9), 943-966

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Research conducted by Dr. Paul Swingle and his colleagues, studied the effects of EFT on auto accident victims suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - an extremely

disabling conditioning that involves unreasonable fears and often panic attacks, disabling physiological symptoms of stress, nightmares, flashbacks etc. These

researchers found that three months after they had learned EFT (in two sessions) these auto accident victims showed significant positive changes in their brain waves

and in self-reported symptoms of stress.

Swingle, P., Pulos, L., & Swingle, M. (May, 2000). Effects of a meridian-based therapy, EFT, on symptoms of PTSD in auto accident victims. Paper presented at the

annual meeting of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Here are some of her key scientific insights from Genie in your Genes, by Dawson Church:

Energy Medicine is not a new phenomenon – the first evidence for energy medicine dates back 5,300 years in the form of acupuncture point tattoos on a

mummy discovered in Western Europe with osteoporosis. The tattoos corresponded to those used to treat osteoporosis.

Doctors are aware of energy medicine – medical professionals already use energy medicine in the form of ultrasound, MRIs, EKGs and ECG.

Being nurtured at an early age is critical to good health – a study of 17,400 subjects showed that lack of nurturing from parents resulted in disease. The

more abuse a child experiences the greater the problem in adult life. These effects may be reversed with the use of energy medicine.

Stress increases cortisol levels – increased stress levels can increase cortisol

which can result in chronic health problems, for example heart disease. EFT can lower cortisol in the body – after EFT treatment cortisol levels

in the body dropped by 21% versus CBT (cognitive behaviour treatment) and no treatment where cortisol dropped by 14%.

Brain scans show that EFT can reduce anxiety – patients with severe anxiety disorder shifted from highly dysfunctional brain scans to completely

normal radio frequencies after 12 sessions of EFT. EFT proven effective on pain and cravings – a recent study in peer-review

demonstrated that EFT significantly (p<0.01) reduces pain, intensity of traumatic memories and cravings by 68%, 83% and 86% respectively.

the latest veteran study at shows EFT reduces PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) symptoms – a recent observational study

on patients with PTSD found that after six sessions of EFT, anxiety and depression decreased by 46% and 49% respectively (p<0.001). These gains

were maintained after 90 days as well.

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So how does it work? It uses the end points of the 12 major meridian

channels and the 2 governing vessels found in Chinese medicine. It has

been observed that by tapping on these points while focusing on the

problem, a release takes place clearing the physical or emotional

pain being worked on. This has lead to the principal that:

The Cause of ALL Negative Emotions Is a Disruption in the Body’s Energy System

The underlying idea here is that you or your clients aren‟t “mentally blocked”. Rather

they are “energy blocked”. This refreshing way of viewing the human system suggests that an important cause of emotional

problems can be found in the disruption of the subtle energies that are known to circulate

throughout our bodies.

We find repeatedly that properly stimulating

these subtle energies; tapping on the meridians with our fingertips while experiencing or

focusing on a specific problem clears disruptions and normal function can resume. This results in

a new level of emotional freedom. That‟s why Gary Craig called the procedure Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT for short).

Interestingly, our results aren‟t limited to emotional issues. As you can appreciate, bringing relief to someone‟s anger, fear or trauma also brings relief to physical

ailments. By clearing the disruption in the body's energy system EFT returns health to the client.

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Psychological Reversal

Another interesting concept in EFT is that of psychological reversal. This appears to be when the energy flow becomes reversed, although nobody is exactly sure how it

works. The outcome is however undeniable. Take for example somebody who wants to quit smoking. Anybody familiar with muscle testing would be able to tell you this

person when tested has an unconscious resistance to wanting to stop. They still have some deeper part of them that wants to carry on smoking. Finding these different

aspects and treating them with the help of the set-up phrase can correct this unconscious resistance. The outcome of this is it‟s possible to help someone to stop

when his or her will power is not strong enough. In fact it even demonstrates that will power is not always the best option in overcoming addictions. Will power if used for

long durations is another form of stress on the body. It is great to use in emergency situations, but if used to overcome a craving it is likely that craving will resurface for

something else. This is commonly seen when someone quits smoking and starts eating more instead.

It may be the reason why some people have such a difficult time losing weight or giving up addictive substances.

It is, quite literally, the cause of self-sabotage.

Psychological Reversal is caused by self-defeating, negative thinking which

often occurs subconsciously and thus outside of your awareness.

Since the cause of Psychological Reversal involves negative thinking it should be no surprise that the correction for it is the neutralizing setup statement and affirmation

already included in the Basic Recipe.

Common Psychological Reversal Scenarios

I‟m afraid to give up my hopelessness, helplessness, fear, dependency, etc. I doubt it will happen.

I‟m supposed to be rejected. I don‟t trust myself to live it out.

I‟m supposed to be disapproved of. I don‟t feel safe with… (whatever the situation is)

I have to be perfect about everything. I fear something like this problem will happen again.

I doubt that I will really be able to do this.

The importance of tuning in

Problems are like puzzles and puzzles have a lot of pieces. The first step is to think about your problem and then pick the piece that you want to work on. Notice the

effects of thinking about that piece. How intense or stressful does it feel? Use EFT on that one piece until you feel some relief. Without tuning in to the problem, thereby

bringing the energy disruptions into your awareness, the Basic Recipe can be ineffective. Tuning in is seemingly a very simple process but very important for

effective EFT. To tune in you merely think about the problem, notice the emotion or stress attached to the issue and only then apply The Basic EFT Recipe.

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After you have Tuned in Create the Set-up Phrase

First identify the problem to create a set-up statement. The basic formula for this is

“Even though I have this (problem) I deeply and completely accept myself.”

So for example if you had a frontal headache you would say: “Even though I have this

headache in the front of my head I deeply and completely accept myself”

The key to an effective set-up phrase is to be as specific as possible. While you can work on more general issues they take much longer. Focusing on an exact

time/event/emotion and naming anyone involved attain much quicker and more

profound results. With time you will learn to develop set-ups that target the problem very quickly. When working on physical pain try to name its location and describe its

feeling, e.g. 'this throbbing pain just behind my left eye'. Use this while tapping on the Karate Chop point shown in the illustration below.

Reminder Phrase for tapping on all the other points after the Setup

This is a simple phrase used to help remain focused on the problem and prevent the mind from wandering. So in the example of a headache the reminder phrase would

simply be “This headache”. In a more complicated pain with a long description such as, 'this sharp shooting pain up the side of my left leg whenever I try to bend over',

you can either repeat the whole phrase, or abbreviate it. Simply shortening it to

'sharp shooting pain' will still work for most people; the important point is to remain focused on where you would feel the pain.

Measuring the effect, Intensity Level, SUDs scale of 1 to 10

To make sure the process is working it is important to monitor progress. Before you start close your eyes, tune in, and take a measurement on a scale of 0-10 of the

intensity of the problem. For strong emotions that feel overwhelming seek guidance from a professional therapist. This value is known as either your intensity level or

your SUDs (Subjective Units of Stress) level. In EFT we look to reducing this level to 0. It is not always possible as sometimes there will be other underlying problems that

still need to be worked on. This is particularly true in the case of physical pain where there is often emotional aspects that need to be addressed.

The Sequence

Start by repeating the set-up phrase 3 times while rubbing the Tender Spot

(illustrated below, you can also check out at the Emotional Toothbrush Intro video) or the Karate Chop point. Then repeat the reminder phrase while tapping with 2 or 3

fingers about 7 times on each of the other points. Start at the top of the head point and work down finishing at the karate chop point.

Tapping should be firm but not too hard as to hurt or cause injury. It can be done on

either side of the body, as points are bilateral. Use whichever side feels most comfortable or swap from side to side.

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Once you have done a round or two stop, close your eyes and re-evaluate the

problem. If there is still some feeling do another round. This time though change the set-up phrase to start with “even though I have this remaining ……….‟ So for the

example of the headache it would become:

"Even though I have this remaining headache, I deeply and completely accept myself”

The reminder phrase should also be changed to “this remaining ……….”.Keep checking

and repeating rounds until the problem has reached a 0. If after several rounds you are getting stuck see end of this section.

A Self Help EFT session summarised Identify the problem / event/ issue

Measure its intensity (crescendo) from 0-10 Create a set-up and reminder phrase that feels right

Be specific Repeat set-up phrase 3 times while rubbing the sore spot or Karate Chop point

Repeat reminder phrase while tapping on each of the following points approx 7 times

Top of Head, Eyebrow, Side of Eye, Under Eye, Under Nose Chin point, Collar Bone, Under Arm, Thumb, Index Finger, Middle Finger, Little Finger

Check intensity level

Repeat (if needed) with „this remaining ………..‟ Make sure all negative feeling has gone and the intensity is 0

Tips for Tapping

Always remember to do the Setup first and repeat the reminder phrase as you go through the points

Be Specific Watch for Aspects

Allow the core issue to surface Persist lovingly… Be kind and gentle

There are some great sources of audio tips and interviews on the net, most of which

include some tapping sequences, for example EFT expert interviews at The EFT Hub. We have created The Emotional Toothbrush series for make practicing Emotional

Freedom Techniques (EFT) fun and easy. To get insights and AHA‟s between sessions and to support your Personal Peace Procedure and accompany you on your journey to

Freedom and Joy. More information at:

There is also a feature-length film that explores EFT in a way that's never been done

before. It combines the wisdom and experience of world famous teachers, speakers and motivators with an element that's usually missing: REAL LIFE CASES, unfolding

before your eyes. 10 people spent four days working with EFT practitioners to see if they could turn their lives around. The results are real and documented, and the ride

is one you'll never forget. For more information about the film and to see the trailer

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The Very Basic Short form Steps of EFT Step 1: Awareness (Tuning in) Think about your problem. What worries you? Do you have pain? Are you feeling mad? Are you feeling upset? Are you scared? What do you hate? Do you want to feel Calm?

Problems are like puzzles and puzzles have a lot of pieces. The first step is to think about your problem and then pick the piece that you want to work on. When the piece of the problem is fixed you pick another piece until all the bad feelings are gone. (Be Specific)

Step 2: Tune in to the Intensity of the piece, story, problem What does this piece feel like? Does it make you feel sad? Feel angry? Feel pain? Find your SUDS/Intensity level- How much? Create the Setup Phrase that feels right

Step 3: Balance with Tapping

Correct Psychological Reversal Tap with the Reminder Phrase Check your Intensity Level/ Stress/ Feeling thermometer Step 4: Test and Clear Repeat the steps to clear other pieces of the puzzle and any remaining upset. Persist lovingly, and let

the core issue surface

The EFT Basic Recipe in 4 steps

1. Awareness, Tuning in

2. Check the Intensity, Create the Setup

3. Balance, Tap the Sequence, It‟s all in the fingertips…

4. Test and Clear the Sequence (Useful Repetitions)

With a little persistence most people experience amazing EFT results

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1. Awareness: Tune into the problem, be specific notice any physical/ emotional mental stress, tension, suffering or pain,

2. Note your Emotional Stress Intensity and then compose The Setup Phrase* 3. The Sequence

*The Setup...Repeat your chosen setup phrase 3 times for e.g., “Even though I have this _______ (for eg.

hideous headache…Reminder Phrase)_______ I deeply and completely accept myself." while continuously tapping the Karate Chop point or rubbing the Tender Spot

After completing the Setup Tap about 7 times on each of the following energy points while repeating the Reminder Phrase at each point.

Top of head Eyebrow

Side of eye Under eye

Under nose Chin

Collar bone Under Arm

Thumb Index Finger

Middle Finger Baby Finger

Karate Chop point

4. Tune in again to the issue and notice any remaining intensity and proceed to tap yourself FREE.

Note: In subsequent rounds The Setup affirmation and the Reminder Phrase are adjusted to reflect the fact that you are addressing the remaining problem.

If you get stuck Sometimes you might not seem to be making any progress. If this is the case then you might try one of the following to help. Try a different set-up phrase. Make sure you are being as specific as

possible. Drink a glass of water, this helps move things and may give insight. Move around, some gentle

exercise may help shift whatever is stuck. Book a session with a AAMET qualified EFT Practitioner

If you would like to learn more then we recommend an EFT introductory workshop conducted by professional AAMET trainers

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What Can Be Treated?

There are many things that EFT can help. Gary Craig the founder often says, „try it on everything‟; however some conditions do have better success rates than others. Many

fears and phobias can be removed completely and permanently. Addictions from smoking to substance abuse have been successfully resolved by tapping on the

emotional contributors. Trauma and abuse (sexual, physical or mental) that can take months or years in traditional counselling or psychotherapy to resolve can be

discharged with gentleness and ease. Comments like 15 minutes of EFT did me more good than 15 years of counselling are not unusual. However in my experience

persistence and patience are often required for complicated and deep seated issues. Allergies and sensitivities are becoming more common and more recognized

but there is often little that can be done except avoid whatever the cause of the problem. With EFT however the trigger from the substance can be neutralised and the

allergy resolved. Many hay-fever sufferers can get relief and people who had lactose intolerance can now drink some milk. There are many anecdotal stories of how other

common problems such as headaches, self-confidence/image, dyslexia, anger/stress,

weight issues, arthritis, phantom pain and anxiety disorders have been resolved. While it all sounds too good to be true the results speak for themselves. And one

thing is for sure, if you don‟t try it, it won‟t work.

Problems / feelings that can be resolved with Energy Therapy Abandonment

Horror Rage





Rebellious Vulnerable




Rejected Wasted






Angry Disgusted




Anxious Discouraged




Worn out

Apprehensive Disoriented


Deep Sadness



Lazy Scared

At a loss



Scorn Betrayed






Loss Shame




Shattered Burdened




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Melancholy Sorrow




Deep Sorrow Confused




Crazy Hapless




Heartache Overwhelmed




Persecuted Tired




Tortured Dejected




Depressed Helpless

Put down



Humiliated Put upon


And any other negative emotional states you can think of

Using these Tapping Techniques you can change your vibration dramatically to a positive state of Contentment, Joy and Gratitude

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. (Q) How can a single treatment method address such a variety of issues? (A) The discovery statement of EFT states that, "the cause of all negative emotion is an

imbalance in the energy system." All reactions, feelings, responses or physical symptoms can be addressed by balancing the human energy system with EFT. Once

the energy system has been balanced, the depression lifts, the anxiety is neutralized or the physical pain is alleviated.

2. (Q) Are there any contraindications to using EFT? (A) No. EFT is safe, easy to

apply, and non-invasive. To date, minimal side effects have been reported other than occasional temporary fatigue. However, this does not mean that you will not

experience adverse side effects. If you intend to use these techniques, you must agree to take full responsibility for the results and for your physical and emotional

well-being. You may wish to consult a trained EFT practitioner for professional

application of these techniques.

3. (Q) What prevents EFT from working? (A) If you are a living breathing human or animal, EFT should work on you. Occasionally, the targeted issue is approached too

globally which results in ineffective relief. In rare cases, energy toxins such as perfumes or certain foods produce an allergic reaction in an individual‟s energy

system and retard, or temporarily reverse treatment. Skilled EFT practitioners will spot this block and be able to treat the client effectively. While not perfect, EFT has

an extraordinarily high success rate of 85%, even when used by beginners.

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4. (Q) Can I treat myself? (A) Absolutely, and with a likelihood of a high success rate.

If you are motivated, emotionally stable and use good judgment in the problems you address with EFT, you should have good success. It is important however, to know

your limits. Sometimes it is difficult to be both patient and doctor. Many people consult EFT practitioners for the objectivity and experience necessary for successful


5. (Q) Suppose my illness has lasted decades or is an inherited condition? (A) EFT alleviates symptoms regardless of duration, etiology, or family history. The duration

of the condition does not seem to affect the outcome or length of treatment needed.

6. (Q) How long will the effects last? (A) It is difficult to predict this outcome in each individual case, however, long-lasting results are routine when using EFT properly and

aiming it at the right targets. If the practitioner successfully treats the core of the problem, permanent relief is the norm.

7. (Q) Can EFT be used for children? (A) Yes, usually with superb results. Since children are less critical than adults, they have less of a need to understand the inner

working of the energy system, and can therefore allow the treatment process to unfold more naturally. It is very safe and effective with children. See Gary Craig‟s

web site and search for articles on the treatment of children.)

8. (Q) Why does EFT focus on the negative so much? Can this hurt me? (A) In order for EFT to work, you must be tuned in to your problem, for example, actually feeling

some of the anxiety. This allows the treatment to be "aimed" at the problem, and be neutralized as a result of using the tapping. For a comprehensive study of installing

the positive aspects, see Dr. Patricia Carrington‟s Choices manual. Contact Dr. Carrington at [email protected] or order through her web site

9. (Q) How do I find out more about EFT and related treatments? (A) Check out our

website . In addition to this EFT guide, you will The Emotional Toothbrush Series and links to great resources. Books that we recommend

are The Healing Power of EFT & Energy Psychology by David Feinstein, Donna Eden & Gary Craig and Emotional Freedom Techniques for Dummies by Helena Fone

For EFT* Self Help Classes and Practitioner Training Go to

Trainings are conducted by Ranjana Appoo, AAMET Trainer specialising in the advancement of EFT


“Ranjana is a gifted EFT practitioner. She is highly skilled, exquisitely sensitive and she has the ability

to make you feel totally safe in her presence. Her confidence and creativity come from a deep

understanding of the principles of EFT, and the wisdom of one committed to her own journey of self-

discovery. I highly recommend her work.” Sue Beer EFT Master and Founder of the EFT Centre

Hope you found this introductory manual useful. Have Fun using EFT.

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Introductory EFT Level 1 Workshop*

This course is designed for those who would like to know about EFT and how to use it for

themselves. This course is open to everyone Course Content:

What is EFT – The origins and background? How does EFT work?

An Introduction to Psychological Reversal The Process SUDS level Methods to Test your Work

The EFT Basic Recipe The Movie Technique

Targeting Issues Being a Detective Generalisation Effects in Therapy Cognitive Belief Shifts

Dealing with High Emotional Intensity When EFT does not work

Frequently Asked Questions Introduction to Surrogate tapping or Intention tapping The Personal Peace Protocol

The EFT Adventure

You will have the opportunity to practise these methods and to ask any questions throughout the course. You will leave this course with skills you can start using the same day. This promises to be a wonderful day for beginners, self aware enthusiasts and practitioners.

The workshop is designed to enable you to learn to use EFT for yourself and others. Areas worked with include negative emotions, physical pain and addictive cravings. You will see

demos in this exciting technique and as well as having the opportunity to experience using EFT first hand. The focus will be on self-help; discovering and maintaining peace and harmony in daily living. Those who participate will be welcome to join the monthly meetings

of the East Sussex EFT self help support group for free. This group is for those who have participated in a Level 1 workshop and want to continue on the journey to freedom using EFT.

In our experience Self-help leads to self-discovery, then self-fulfilment, self-confidence and self-actualisation.

AAMET certified - EFT Practitioner Training Level 2 * Prerequisite for joining this is attendance of an AAMET accredited EFT level 1 Workshop.

Once you‟ve completed Level One, you‟re ready to expand your effectiveness with EFT! Join us and learn how to find core issues, how to test your results, how to deliver EFT over the

phone, how to work with groups and more! The course is designed for those serious students/therapists who want to use EFT to resolve

deep-seated projects and work with clients on a professional basis.

Course Content: A detailed Introduction to EFT Safety for Self and Clients

Rapport Skills, Calibration Skills Introduction to using Intuition

Classic EFT and Additional Tapping Points The Principles from the Palace of Possibilities

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The Tearless Trauma Technique Sneaking up on the Problem

Chasing the Pain Techniques Questioning Techniques to get to Core Issues

Abreactions Addressing Physical Issues

Addressing deep seated blocks

More on Psychological Reversal Introduction to Positive Choices

Introduction to Reframing Testing the Results EFT by Telephone / Computer

EFT in Groups and Borrowing Benefits EFT practice Issues, legal implications

This is an amazing weekend that gives you the skills and helps you become an EFT Artist and Practitioner. The course is designed for those serious students/therapists who want to use

EFT to resolve deep-seated projects with themselves and clients on a professional basis. You will have opportunities to practice these methods and to discover exciting ways to fulfill your


To receive the AAMET practitioner certificate you will also need to write up 3 case studies and complete an examination. For more information email us or call us on 01424 427 919.

Some Feedback

I felt quite tearful when I left your house, but it was "good" tearful. I was thinking about my "coming home" and had a strong sense of coming from a place of love and having lots of love to give - and it's where I want to be. The tears were happy ones (because I'm on my way

home) and a bit sad - because I came from a place of love as a child and got very lost for a very long time. It's good though.

Admin Officer - M C I just wanted to say thank you soooo much for the weekend. It was a great and interesting

two days and you made me so welcome. You are a fantastic, generous and intuitive tutor and mentor. I felt disappointed that I was unable to say any of this, but as you are aware, I felt

quite overwhelmed with emotion. Still don’t quite understand what happened…. Can’t wait to try out some EFT….

(EFT level 2 attendee) Counsellor – M M

EFT * Level 1, 2 & 3 Self Help Classes and Practitioner Training

These workshops are for professionals and serious students wanting in-depth, hands on training in EFT. We feel these workshops will generate extraordinary benefits for

all attendees. However, EFT is a very flexible process and thus this workshop

represents the views of the presenter(s). These Workshops are comprised of 3 levels: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 and are officially approved by AAMET (Association

for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Therapy) as containing the necessary training to become proficient in EFT. They provide a standard so that EFT'ers may

have common training throughout the world.

For more information go to

Page 18: Introduction to EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT Introductory Guide.pdf · Introduction to EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques ... Gary Craig Father of EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques


For more EFT Sequences and easy to use Self Help techniques visit:

The Emotional Health Centre Activities

More information at

AAMET certified EFT Workshops:

EFT Level 1 AAMET Introductory Training

EFT Level 2 AAMET Practitioner Training

EFT Level 3 AAMET Training & Mentoring (now included

as part of the LiberatingTouch Study Path) includes Specialised

Training in Working with Addictions, Trauma, Abuse, Serious Diseases, Chronic conditions, Body mind

criticism, Spiritual Challenges, lack of Confidence, Wealth projects and Family projects

Jin Shin Jyutsu Workshops:

Introductory Self Help Workshops

LiberatingTouch Workshops

Loving the World, Serving the World – 2 day workshop Liberating Your SELF – 4 day workshop Living a Liberated Life – Online 8 week radio event Liberated Breath and Awareness – 2 day workshop Liberating Relationships - 2 day workshop Liberating Detachment – 1 day Workshop Liberating Truth-Awareness-Bliss - 4 day workshop

Personal Therapy:

Jin Shin Jyutsu Sessions and Healing Intensives

LiberatingTouch & EFT Sessions and Regenerative Intensives

LiberatingTouch & EFT Sessions for Couples

Family and Group Therapy with LiberatingTouch & EFT

LiberatingTouch & EFT Distance Skype and Telephone Therapy

Free Support and Resources

Monthly Emotional Freedom Support Group

LiberatingTouch Sequences and Protocols

Emotional Toothbrush Series

Newsletter and more...
