  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    ELT-MCGID(An E-learning Tool for Minimizing Communication Gap and Interaction Delay)

    Submitted To:

    Ms. Asma Sajid

    Submitted By:

    MUHAMMAD Zubair Yaseen Roll # (6003)

    Ali Waqar Roll # (6016)

    Ashfaq Ahmad khan Roll # (6032)

    Team Leader: Muhammad Zubair Yaseen

    Msc (CS) 3RD Semester







  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    Table of Contents

    Page no

    1. Scope (of the project) 4

    2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements

    2.1 Functional Requirements .5-7

    2.2Non Functional requirements ..8-9

    3. Use Case Diagram ..10

    4. Usage Scenarios...........................................11-24


  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    S RS Document

    Scope of Project:

    In e learning there is a major problem of communication gap and

    interaction delay. We are also facing the same problem in our vu study program.

    We do not get quick response of our queries .So through this e-learning tool we

    will resolve this problem by developing such a tool we will remove this delay time

    or get quick response from the both sides of teacher and student. This tool will

    minimize communication gap and both will interact with each other online at the

    same time .We will provide such tools to both users which will increase their

    capability in resolving the problem easily and the teacher will also answer in a

    satisfactory way.

    The e learning tool aims to simulate a classroom environment whereby teacher

    sand students will be able to fully interact by using the tools such as text chat and options. This will create a great learning environment which would

    help the users all over the world who are involved in distant learning experience.

    The scope of the project is to make available to the users a platform where they

    can enhance their learning experience by logging into a simple system which

    would provide a link between teachers and students.


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    1. Functional and non Functional Requirements:

    Functional Requirements:

    Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of the system.

    This behavior may be expressed as services, tasks or functions the system is

    required to perform. We are going to develop such software which will

    minimize communication gap and interaction delay so our software will have

    the following features

    Administrator Interface


    List A participants

    List B participants

    Student Interface

    Raise hand

    Drop hand

    Teacher Interface

    Block user

    Teacher prefix teacher

    White board


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    Administrator interface:

    He is the most responsible for the controlling activity of database. He

    can handle all the sessions and manage class scheduling. He can manage database

    and also handles database queries. He has authority of updation in database.

    Login :

    To enter in the An E-learning Tool for Minimizing Communication

    Gap and Interaction Delay user will use Login id and Password. Database

    checks and confirm it and then user can login into the software.

    List A Class Participants:

    In this list all participants will be present which are login in the

    software. List A shown all the students who are online. If any student wants to

    ask the question then he/she raised their hands. They are not allowed to do VC.

    They can just raise hand.

    List B Questioners:

    In this list the questioners will be available sequence wise .One that

    comes first have position at the top of the list. Here the teacher will allow the

    student to ask his question. After dropping hand when the students will get his

    problems solution he will be excluded from the list.

    Student interface:


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    When the teacher will allow the student to ask his query then the

    module of white board, VC and text entering space will be enable. All these

    modules will facilitate the user to explain his problem.

    Raise hand:

    Students can raise hand to ask any query from teacher. He can show his

    desire to ask question by raising hand. There will be option of raise hand on

    student interface.

    Drop hand:

    After getting answer from teacher student can drop hand. Student will

    drop hand when he will be fully satisfied with the teachers explanation. And

    now he does not want to continue his talk with teacher and he wants to breakup

    his interaction with teacher after getting his required solution of his


    Block user:

    The teacher has the right to block the student .When the students find

    the solution of his problem then the teacher block him and allow next student

    to ask. Teacher can also block the student if he ask irrelevant question.

    Teacher interface:

    The teacher has the module of allow and block the student. Theteacher also can reply to the students problem by using whiteboard and VC

    and through text.


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    Teacher prefix name:

    The teacher name will be shown in the chat room with the prefix of

    teacher. With this prefix the student can easily identify the teacher.

    White board:

    This chat room has the function of whiteboard through which the user

    can define his problem and he can draw the symbols or figures which are

    difficult to write in text box. This facilitate the both users the student and the



    Non-functional requirements:

    "Non-functional" refers to the manner in which such functions are

    performed. These specify the system requirements which are required to build

    this tool of minimizing Communication Gap and Interaction Delay. These

    types of requirements are often called quality of service (QOS) requirements,

    service-level requirements or non-functional requirements. If any Non-

    functional requirement fails, you may have to throw the whole thing away and

    start again.

    Operating system


    Attractive interface

    Unlimited students





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    Operating system:

    The system must operate in Windows Operating System.


    It must be developing in such a way that its maintainability will be

    easy. It will be fully latest technology oriented and fulfill the business requirements of

    the system. The .system should be fully maintainable by providing sufficient options

    to the user.

    Attractive interface:

    Its interface will be well designed and it will be user friendly which

    will be easy to use and fonts size is kept large and Colors combination of

    background and foreground are well versed.

    Unlimited students:

    No limitation is applied on the participants in the virtual classroom.

    Unlimited students can enter in the classroom.


    The software should be fully reliable. It should provide a stable working

    environment to the users which do not suffer from anomalies and errors.


    No unauthorized person can enter in the classroom. Only those students

    can enter in the classroom which are registered and have the authorized id

    allowed from the institution so that no other person can create interruption or


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    spoil the chat. For this purpose each student is allowed a specific id through

    which he can enter in the virtual class.


    System must be developed in such a way that will be easy to

    understand and easy to update and it will be easy to configure with other soft



  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    Use Case Diagram(s):An E-learning Tool for Minimizing Communication

    Gap and Interaction Delay


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    L o g i n

    M a n a g eD a t a b a s e

    Q u e r i e s

    L i s t B

    L i s t A

    R a i s e h a n d

    W h i t e b o a r dV o i c e c h a tD r o p h a n d

    B l o c k s tu d e n t

    A ll o w s t u d e n t

    A n s w e r q u e r y

    A s k

    q u e s t i o n

    S e l e c t s u b j e c t

    < < e x t e n d > >

    < < e x t e n d > >

    < < e x t e n d > >

    < < e x t e n d > >

    < < e x t e n d > >

    S t u d e n t

    < < e x t e n d > >

    T e a c h e

    A d m in is tr a to r

    D r o p h a n d

    S e l e c t c o u r s e

    2. Usage Scenarios:


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    Use Case Title Login

    Abbreviated Title LM

    Use Case Id UC 1.1.0

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Desecration: Every actor can login to system using his ID and password and can access to the

    system to allowed limits.

    Pre Conditions: every user have its user ID and password before login to the system

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. User enters open login window

    2. User enters user ID & password.3. System verify user name and password

    4. If user enter invalid user name and password

    5. This use case end.

    System return an error

    Post Conditions: after login user can access their required windows. User can change their

    login password after login.

    Unresolved issues: system cant login if user forgets its password.

    Authority: Administrator


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    Use Case Title Select subject

    Abbreviated Title SS

    Use Case Id U.C 1.1.1

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: Every student that login can select any subject from the given list and then further enter in

    the subject related classroom.

    Pre Conditions:The student must be registered and must login with his authorized id and password.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. student login in the system

    2. Student opens the list of the subject.

    3. He/she select the related subject name.

    4. System allows him to enter in the subject related classroom.

    5. This use case end.

    If no subject is chosen

    system returns an


    Post Conditions: the student will be allowed to enter in the subject related classroom.

    Unresolved issues: system can not allow entering in the classroom if the students do not choose any


    Authority: administrator


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  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    Use Case Title List A

    Abbreviated Title LA

    Use Case Id UC.1.1.2

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: in list A all student are visible which are present in the classroom and they use text box

    to enter text for communication purpose.

    Pre Conditions: user must login with his authorized id pr password.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. User login in the virtual class.

    2. User can communicate with other students.

    3. Student can raise hand for ask question.

    4. Student can use text box.

    5. This use case end.

    If system fails then

    give error.

    Post Conditions: student can raise hand after coming in List A and also can interact with other


    Unresolved issues: student can not interact directly with the teacher.

    Authority: administrator


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  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    Use Case Title List B

    Abbreviated Title LB

    Use Case Id UC1.1.3

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: In this list the students can interact directly with teacher to resolve their problem. they

    can explain their problem by using different modules like voice chat, whiteboard etc

    Pre Conditions: student must raise hand to ask question from teacher.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. Student enter in the list B.

    2. He comes in the queue according to his arrival timing in the list.

    3. When the teacher allows him to ask query then he can explain his


    4. Student can use white board, text box, voice chat to get the solution

    of his problem from teacher.

    5. This use case end.

    if not working properly

    then give error.

    Post Conditions: the student drop hand after getting solution of his query from teacher.

    Unresolved issues: the student is not satisfied with answer or explanation of teacher he is unable to


    Authority: teacher


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  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    Use Case Title Manage Database Queries

    Abbreviated Title MDQ

    Use Case Id UC 1.1.4

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: This case give information that all the management of the system is in the hand if

    administrator. What is happening in whole system is in the knowledge of administrator.

    Administrator is responsible to handle database. He can shedule all the classes and handle

    sessoions and also manage database queries.

    Pre Conditions:No System

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. Administrator has to control all activities of the system.

    2. . The administrator has all the rights to handle database queries.

    3. Administrator perform the class scheduling.

    4. Administrator also handles all the sessions.

    5. This use case end.

    If any problem in

    system then give


    Post Conditions:Administrator can update the systems and manage data and it is timelyupdating by administrator.The system will be in well organized form.

    Unresolved issues: It should be done otherwise no system exist against this.

    Authority: administrator


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  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    Use Case Title Raise Hand

    Abbreviated Title RH

    Use Case Id UC1.1.5

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: When the student wants to ask the question then he raise their hand and the teacher

    will allow them for answering

    Pre Conditions:The student has to be entering in list A then he is able to raise hand for

    questioning from teacher and showing by raising hand.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. Student enter in list A.

    2. Set his status as raise hand.

    3. Teacher allows him to interact with himself.

    4. The use case ends.

    If not working properly

    then give error.

    Post Conditions: the student is entered in the list B after raising hand.

    Unresolved issues: If the student doesnt raise their hand then they are not able to ask the

    question to the teacher.

    Authority: student


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  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    Use Case Title Ask Question

    Abbreviated Title AQ

    Use Case Id UC 1.1.6

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: The student will ask the questions to the teacher.

    Pre Conditions: The student has to raise hand for asking any question.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. Teacher will allow the student to ask the question.

    2. Then student will enter in List B.

    3. Ask question to the teacher.

    4. The use case ends.

    If the student is not

    asking the question

    then gives error.

    Post Conditions: When the student will drop hand when he completed his task and got the

    solution of his problem from teacher..

    Unresolved issues: If the student doesnt raise their hand then they are not able to ask the

    question to the teacher.

    Authority: Student


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    Use Case Title Select course

    Abbreviated Title SC

    Use Case Id U.C 1.1.7

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: Every teacher that login can select course to teach from the list and then further enter in

    the subject related virtual class. A teacher can teach more than one subject.

    Pre Conditions:The teacher must be login with his authorized id and password.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. Teacher login in the system.

    2. Teacher opens the list of the subject.

    3. System allows him to enter in the subject related classroom.

    4. This use case end.

    If no subject is

    chosen system

    returns an error.

    Post Conditions: the teacher will be allowed to enter in the subject related virtual room.

    Unresolved issues: system can not allow entering in the virtual room if the teacher does not choose

    any subject.

    Authority: administrator


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  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    Use Case Title Answer Query

    Abbreviated Title AQ

    Use Case Id UC1.1.8

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: If the student asks the question to the teacher then the teacher will help to the

    student by giving them answer of their query.

    Pre Conditions: The student must be list B.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. Teacher will allow the student to ask the question.

    2. Ask question to the teacher.

    3. Get answer about the question.

    4. Can use text box, whiteboard and voice chat if needed.

    5. The use case ends.

    If the student does

    not get the answer

    then gives error.

    Post Conditions: the student will drop hand after getting his answer.

    Unresolved issues: If the student does not ask the question then he/she will never ask the

    question to the teacher.

    Authority: Student


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    Use Case Title Block Student

    Abbreviated Title BS

    Use Case Id UC1.1.9

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: if the students is spoiling the atmosphere then the teacher have right to block the

    student. He will be disabling to interrupt anymore.

    Pre Conditions: the student must be irritating the other ones and spoiling the atmosphere.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. The student enters in List A.

    2. If the student is spoiling the atmosphere and irritating the

    other students.

    3. Teacher will block the student.

    4. Use case ends.

    If the student

    doesnt spoiling the

    atmosphere then

    dont do this.

    Post Conditions: The student will be excluded from the list.

    Unresolved issues: If the students do not irritating the other student then the teacher will never

    block them.

    Authority: Teacher


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    Use Case Title Allow Student

    Abbreviated Title AS

    Use Case Id UC1.2.0

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: If the students want to ask the question then the teacher will allow them to ask

    the query. The teacher will permit the student. And who comes will be allowed first to ask

    question from teacher.

    Pre Conditions: The student must be in List A and want to ask the question by raise hand.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    The students in List A will raise their hand for asking a question.

    Teacher will allow them for asking the query.

    The student will enter in List B.

    Then ask the question to the teacher.

    The use case ends.

    If the student will

    not allow after

    allowing them then

    system gives error.

    Post Conditions: The student drop hand after getting solution of his query from teacher.

    Unresolved issues: If the student does not satisfy with the teachers answer then they can

    again raise their hand and enter in List B for asking question.

    Authority: Teacher


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  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Analysis and Desighn Phase


    Use Case Title Voice chat




    Use Case Id UC1.2.1

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: The student and teacher in List B can interact with each other also using voice

    chat. They can call to each other for easy communication.

    Pre Conditions: The student must be in List B and asking a question.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    Teacher allows the student to ask the question.

    Students enter in List B.

    Then they asked a question to the teacher also using voice chat.

    The Use case ends.

    After using white

    board, it doesnt

    show any text then

    give error.

    Post Conditions: The student will drop their hand.

    Unresolved issues: If the student is not in list B then he/ she will not use voice chat.

    Authority: Teacher, Student


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    Use Case Title White board

    Abbreviated Title WB

    Use Case Id UC1.2.2

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: Teacher and student both can use white board for discussing the relative topic,

    about which the student ask the question.

    Pre Conditions: The student is in List B.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. The students enter in List B.

    2. Ask the question to the teacher

    3. Using white board for discussion the topic

    4. Teacher also uses it for answering.

    5. The use case ends.

    If the white board is

    not working then

    gives error.

    Post Conditions: The student will be satisfied after this discussion and will drop hand.

    Unresolved issues: If the student is not in List B then they can never use white board for


    Authority: Teacher, Student.


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    Use Case Title Drop handAbbreviated Title DH

    Use Case Id UC1.2.3

    Requirement Id 9.2

    Description: when the students want to ask the question to the teacher then they will raise

    their hand and teacher will allow them then, after that they will enter in List B and ask the

    query about the relative topic by using text box, voice chat. When a student gets their answer

    then they will drop hand or the teacher will drop them. And they will be excluded from list B.

    Pre Conditions: The student in List B and doing discussion to the teacher about their topics.

    Task Sequence Exceptions

    1. The students enter in List B.

    2. They will also ask the query.3. The teacher will give them answer.

    4. Student will satisfy after getting answer.

    5. They will drop hand after getting answer.

    6. The Use case ends.

    If the drop hand is

    not working thengives error.

    Post Conditions: The student will be excluded from the List B.

    Unresolved issues: If the students dont satisfy then they will never drop hand.

    Authority: Teacher, Student
