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Fran ClarkePsychotherapist, group leader, program developer,

holistic coach, activist for women in need

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Conscious Evolution CoachingGroup Leader

CEC is a dynamic psychospiritual process which facilitates rapid growth and awakening to

higher consciousness through the use of new thought paradigm and psychoenergetic

modalities.The goal is to give birth to a New Era of peace, love, and oneness by raising our own consciousness and attracting others who are also eager to do so. As we expand the numbers of these circles a collective energy is created and Shift happens!

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Professional Background• Psychotherapist for twenty-five years—individual & group• Specialize in women’s concerns• Holistic orientation• Psychospiritual/Positive Psychology • Utilize sound, music, vibration as healing modalities• Program and workshop developer• Conference presenter• Certified in The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music• Certified Mandala Assessment Facilitator• Circles of Life Trainer• Developed and facilitate The Heroine’s Journey: A Woman’s Search for


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Personal Background

• Founder of Yassah’s Sisters, which serves women in remote villages in Liberia

• Partner in Project Mother Rosary, which provides women in El Salvador with a means to earn a living.

• Live a passionate life, immersed in beauty and creativity, surrounded by amazing friends.

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I am passionate about….

• Being alive!• Personal growth & transformation• Authenticity• Exploration—inner & outer• Beauty• Harmony• Love• Women evolving• Travel to other cultures

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My Spiritual Practice

My path to awakening began most earnestly when I started training in The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music (GIM). Through the use of specifically selected classical music selections and self-evoked imagery, I re-experienced my conception, clearing programs of shame. I began life again through the original sound and vibration of creation .

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I discovered that…..

• I am valuable, precious• My creation was sacred• I am Loved• I can—and must—celebrate my uniqueness• Divinity is within me

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Since that awakening music, sound and vibration have played an important role in my spiritual development, as has ongoing work in psychospiritual processes and study of various authors and spiritual visionaries and leaders.

Meditation, time spent in nature, practice of compassion, travel to ancient sites, experiencing the sacredness of all help me to remember connection to the Source.

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My Soul contract is…

• To Grow• To BE Authentic• To take responsibility for expressing my unique

contribution to the world

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My Life Purpose is…

• To have the fullest experience possible of giving & receiving Love

• To be an Instrument of Peace

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My Spiritual Goals

• To eliminate all Victim consciousness• To awaken to higher consciousness• To live in alignment with my Truths, every day

and in all ways• To achieve inner peace, regardless of outer

circumstances• To have unshakable connection to the Source

of all that is• To live in the energy of Love

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My continued personal work is to transform…

• Envy & apprehension into peace & contentment

• Blind spots into portals of awareness• False beliefs about myself into acknowledged

truths• Doubt into Trust• Scarcity mentality into full realization of


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Through CEC and other practices, my professional work inspires others to….

• Bypass limitations of the judging mind in order to access deeper, innate Wisdom and compassion

• Clear dysfunctional programming• Awaken dormant potentials

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• Create lives of Passion, Purpose & Power• Live Authentically, from the inside out• Wake up to and embrace the magnificence

that they truly are!• Be spiritually aligned with deepest truths and

values• Be equipped to handle the complexities of life

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• Realize intuition as a powerful source of wisdom

• Realize divinity in themselves and others• Be spiritually aligned with higher purpose• Contribute a co-creators of the peaceful

evolution of consciousness that is eminent

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Within the stated purposes of CEC, my work is especially beneficial for those who are:

• Experiencing subtle to profound dissatisfaction in their current lives

• Yearning for a more meaningful existence— one of Love, Peace, Joy

• Searching for inner peace through clearing of lower energy patterns

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• Navigating life transitions• Feeling constricted by limiting, self-defeating

patterns • Motivated to change, but lack the clarity,

focus, and sense of direction to move forward• Appreciative of quick, effective,

transformational, self-utilized practices

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• Desiring heart-centered relationships in a consciousness-oriented community

• Willing to accept responsibility for promoting peace in themselves and with the global community

• Recognize the current crisis of mankind and want to participate in accelerating a shift in consciousness to higher levels

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Our work together can clear dysfunctional imprinting from conception or previous lifetimes.

The processes learned will continue to serve you long after our work together has finished.

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I am honored to work with people from diverse spiritual and cultural backgrounds who want to live vibrant, healthy, purposeful lives that are in alignment with their core spiritual values and beliefs and who want to participate as co-creators in the evolution of positive change in the world.

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Are you ready to make a quantum leap in consciousness?

Are you called to co-create the next stage of evolution?

Are you fully open to emergence?

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Are you ready to participate in a group where you give and receive support and love…..where you are part of the container which facilitates the shift of others as well?

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“By individually experiencing an accelerated shift from lower to higher Self, from separation to Oneness, from self-interest to serving the Highest Good, our goal is to be instrumental in decisively raising overall collective consciousness within the next 10 years.

Through mutual group coaching and using a proven combination of traditional and modern energy-based spiritual tools and practices, we support each other to discover our true Life Purpose and to align our higher Self with the co-creative evolutionary impulse of Source.”

--Michael WolffFounder, Conscious Evolution Coaching

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I would be honored to share what I have learned with you, to walk alongside you as we support each other’s evolution in conscious awareness and evolution of the citizens of this planet.

I commit to you sincerity, openness to new perspectives, vulnerability and an open heart, being fully present and prepared and being of service in all ways that I can.

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To find out more about Conscious Evolution Coaching or to schedule a free and no obligation appointment with me go to:

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Fran Clarke

[email protected]