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View Attempt 1 of 2 Title: Exam One

Started: June 14, 2011 12:48 AM

Submitted: June 14, 2011 2:04 AM

Time spent: 01:15:09

Total score: 54/104 = 51.9231% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 104


Which part of the brain is the largest of the brain's lobes, contains the motor cortex, and Broca's area?

Student Response

A. Frontal lobes.

B. Parietal lobe.

C. Occiptial lobe.

D. Limbic system.

Score: 0/2


Which of the following neurotransmitters plays an excitatory role in stimulating the neurons involved in learning new information?

Student Response

A. Endorphins

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B. Acetylcholine

C. Epinephrine

D. Dopamine

Score: 2/2


Which system is a series of ductless glands located throughout the body and manufactures and secretes hormones?

Student Response

A. The pituitary system.

B. The pancreatic system.

C. The circulatory system.

D. The endocrine system.

Score: 2/2


The purpose of the case study is to:

Student Response

A. identify cause and effect relationships.

B. assess the strength of the relationship between variables.

C. generate in-depth information about a single individual's or small number of person's unique behavior.

D. provide information about the attitudes, belief's, experiences or behaviors

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of large groups of people.

Score: 2/2


In memory research, the term "overlearning" refers to the situation where we practice new material:

Student Response

A. beyond the point where it can be repeated once without error.

B. until we cannot concentrate on it anymore.

C. to the point where we become confused about it.

D. until it seems to be familiar.

Score: 2/2


Passively reading your textbook rather than actively reciting the material is apt to lead to:

Student Response

A. interference.

B. encoding failure.

C. retrieval failure.

D. decay.

Score: 0/2

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The hypothalamus regulates all of the following EXCEPT:

Student Response

A. internal body temperature.

B. hunger and thirst.

C. coordinated movement.

D. sexual behavior.

Score: 2/2


The memory for general information and facts is known as___________ memory.

Student Response

A. nondeclarative

B. episodic

C. working

D. semantic

Score: 0/2


A(n) ________ is anything that strengthens or increases the probability of the

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response it follows.

Student Response

A. punisher

B. operant

C. model

D. reinforcer

Score: 2/2


Multiple-choice, matching, and true/false quesitons are examples of _______test items.

Student Response

A. recall

B. relearning

C. recognition

D. repetition

Score: 2/2


What is the definition of psychology?

Student Response

A. The study of behavior.

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B. The study of mental processes.

C. The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

D. The scientific study of disorders and disturbances.

Score: 2/2


The technique of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is useful for mapping structures in the brain, but it has a drawback in that:

Student Response

A. it cannot be used on other systems of the body.

B. it cannot provide a measure of brain activity.

C. it only measures brain activity.

D. it exposes the patient to harmful X-rays.

Score: 0/2


Everytime Anna drives by the local grocery store parking lot, she gets becomes fearful because this is the location where she is in a major car accident. The brain structure most responsible for Anna's memory generated fear response is the:

Student Response

A. amygdala.

B. medulla.

C. thalamus.

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D. hypothalamus.

Score: 2/2


Money, praise, good grades, and applause are examples of:

Student Response

A. continuous reinforcers.

B. secondary reinforcers.

C. primary reinforcers.

D. partial reinforcers.

Score: 0/2


The tendency of stimuli similar to a conditioned stimulus to evoke the conditioned response is called:

Student Response

A. extinction.

B. discrimination.

C. generalization.

D. spontaneous recovery.

Score: 0/2

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When the cell membrane of a neuron changes its permeability, allowing more positively charged neurons to flow into the cell and other ions flow out, the neuron has reached its:

Student Response

A. resting potential

B. action potential.

C. quiet potential.

D. synaptic potential.

Score: 2/2


Endorphins are most directly involved in the perception of:

Student Response

A. homeostasis.

B. physical pain.

C. appetite.

D. skeletal muscle contraction.

Score: 0/2


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The ________ areas house memories and are involved in thought, perception, and language.

Student Response

A. language processing

B. association

C. sensory input

D. motor

Score: 0/2


Difficulty producing the sounds required for speech due to damage in the frontal lobe is referred to as:

Student Response

A. Wernicke's aphasia

B. Wernicke's apraxia

C. Broca's aphasia.

D. Broca's apraxia.

Score: 2/2


The school of psychology that focuses on the uniqueness of human beings and their capacity for choice, growth, and psychological health is called:

Student Response

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A. behaviorism.

B. gestalt psychology.

C. humanistic psychology.

D. cognitive psychology.

Score: 0/2


Psychologists are required to debrief subjects thoroughly after a research study when the study:

Student Response

A. exposes subjects to unreasonable risk or harm.

B. wastes taxpayers money on trivial questions.

C. violates subjects right to privacy.

D. deceives subjects about the true purpose of the research.

Score: 0/2


Dr. Michaels is conducting a study in which he wants to compare the frequency of alcoholism among identical twins with the frequency of alcoholism among fraternal twins. Dr. Michaels is probably studying ______.

Student Response

A. behavioral genetics.

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B. evolutionary psychology.

C. addictive psychology.

D. neuropsychology.

Score: 0/2


The structures located in the ________ control heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and many other vital functions.

Student Response

A. hindbrain

B. midbrain

C. forebrain

D. lowbrain

Score: 0/2


Which method would be used to measure the degree of relationship between two variables like alcohol consumption and grades?

Student Response

A. Case study

B. Naturalistic observation

C. Experimental method

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D. Correlation method

Score: 2/2


Which of the following variables causes changes in the behavior of subjects being studied?

Student Response

A. Random

B. Independent

C. Dependent

D. Control

Score: 2/2


The ________ is comprised of the brain and spinal cord.

Student Response

A. central nervous system

B. autonomic nervous system

C. peripheral nervous system

D. somatic nervous system

Score: 2/2

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Transforming information into a form that can be stored in memory is called _______.

Student Response

A. storage.

B. retrieval.

C. encoding.

D. consolidation

Score: 2/2


Which of the following statements summarizes psychoanalysis?

Student Response

A. The brain processes information in sequential steps in much the same way as a computer.

B. The mind interprets experiences in predictable ways rather than simply reacts to them.

C. Thoughts, feelings, and behavior are determined by unconscious forces.

D. All human beings have the capacity for choice, growth, and psychological health.

Score: 0/2

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For encoded information to be stored, some physiological change in the brain must take place. This process is called:

Student Response

A. retrieval.

B. consolidation.

C. encoding.

D. storage.

Score: 2/2


An event that increases the probability that the response will be repeated is called ________and __________.

Student Response

A. positive reinforcement; negative reinforcement.

B. negative reinforcement; punishment.

C. primary reinforcement; negative reinforcement.

D. secondary reinforcement; punishment.

Score: 2/2


The __________ operates without any conscious control and transmits messages between the central nervous system and the glands, cardia muscle, and smmoth

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muscles which are normally not under voluntary control.

Student Response

A. autonomic nervous system

B. endocrine system

C. synaptic system

D. somatic nervous system

Score: 2/2


Not remembering something one is certain of knowing is called:

Student Response

A. encoding failure.

B. motivated forgetting.

C. retrieval failure.

D. consolidation failure.

Score: 2/2


Subjects selected for a survey from a population make up a group referred to as a:

Student Response

A. subgroup.

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B. subpopulation.

C. sample.

D. control group.

Score: 2/2


Short-term memory has a very limited capacity of about _______ items.

Student Response

A. five

B. twelve

C. seven

D. fifteen

Score: 0/2


Damage to the CEREBELLUM is likely to disrupt which of the following?

Student Response

A. Playing basketball.

B. Sleeping.

C. Homeostasis.

D. Thinking.

Score: 2/2

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Even though he hasn't been on one in years, Jeff is able to jump on a bicycle and take off pedaling thanks to his _______ memory.

Student Response

A. declarative

B. semantic

C. nondeclarative

D. episodic

Score: 0/2


Bringing the material that has been stored to the mind is called _______.

Student Response

A. consolidation.

B. retrieval.

C. storage.

D. encoding.

Score: 2/2


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The tendency to make a conditioned response to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus is called:

Student Response

A. extinction.

B. discrimination.

C. generalization.

D. spontaneous recovery.

Score: 2/2


The three main parts of the neuron are:

Student Response

A. cell body, synapse, neurotransmitter.

B. dendrite, action potential, resting potential.

C. synapse, axon, action potential.

D. axon, dendrite, cell body.

Score: 2/2


The method of changing behavior through a systematic program based on learning principles is called__________.

Student Response

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A. education.

B. behavior modification.

C. learned helplessness.

D. counseling.

Score: 0/2


The brain's capacity to adapt to changes such as brain damage is referred to as:

Student Response

A. synaptogenesis.

B. pruning.

C. plasticity.

D. myelination.

Score: 2/2


The memory for personal life events is known as_______.

Student Response

A. nondeclarative memory.

B. semantic memory.

C. episodic memory.

D. iconic memory.

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Score: 0/2


Dr. Ngaro feels that social and cultural factors must be understood when interpreting behavior. This is an example of the:

Student Response

A. evolutionary perspective.

B. humanist perspective.

C. biological perspective.

D. sociocultural perspective.

Score: 0/2


In order to extinguish a classically conditioned response, you must repeatedly present the _________ WITHOUT the _______ .

Student Response

A. conditioned response; unconditioned response.

B. conditioned stimulus; unconditioned stimulus.

C. conditioned response; conditioned stimulus.

D. unconditioned response; unconditioned stimulus.

Score: 0/2

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When Pavlov presented began his experiment, he presented the dog with and tone and food. The dog responeded by salivating. In his experiment, the FOOD was the :

Student Response

A. conditioned response.

B. conditioned stimulus.

C. unconditioned stimulus.

D. unconditioned response.

Score: 0/2


A perspective that emphasizes the role of environment as a determinent of behavior is called:

Student Response

A. behaviorism.

B. humanistic psychology.

C. psychoanalysis.

D. cognitive psychology.

Score: 0/2


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Which memory system is virtually unlimited in capacity and contains a person's storehouse of vastly permanent or relatively permanent information?

Student Response

A. Elaborative memory.

B. Long-term memory.

C. Short-term memory.

D. Sensory memory.

Score: 0/2


The placebo effect occurs when a subject responds according to:

Student Response

A. the hypothesis.

B. actual treatment.

C. his or her expectations.

D. how the researcher behaves.

Score: 0/2


The group of participants exposed to the independent variable is called:

Student Response

A. the control group.

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B. the population.

C. the sample.

D. the experimental group.

Score: 2/2


The chemicals in neurons that excite or inhibit other neurons are called:

Student Response

A. somas.

B. vesicles.

C. inhibitors.

D. neurotransmitters.

Score: 2/2


An________ reveals the electrical activity of the brain by producing a record of brain waves. A _________ reveals activity in various parts of the brain based on patterns of blow flow, oxygen use, and glucose consumption.

Student Response

A. PET Scan; fMRI

B. electroencephalograph; PET

C. MRI; electroencephalograph

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D. CT Scan; MRI

Score: 0/2


Which of the following imaging techniques uses X-ray photography to produce visual representations of the brain?

Student Response

A. CT scan


C. PETscan


Score: 0/2
