


INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. Today's segment is about the power of love:

This is a picture taken in 2011 in Vancouver, Canada, during Stanley Cup riots. The two people were both trying to get out of downtown and out of the riots when the woman, Alex Thomas, fell to the ground. In that moment, a man named Scott Jones came running over and bent down to comfort her. What happened next was a moment that couldn’t be made up for a movie. The two embraced and kissed as a photographer snapped the famous photo. The two are still together today and living in Melbourne, Australia. I am showing you this famous picture today because this picture shows what the media is hiding from us. That is because the media is owned by the Network of Global Corporate Control. Just about nobody trusts the media anymore. Only 6 percent of people say they have a great deal of confidence in the press, Hardly Anyone Trusts The Media Anymore

What the Network of Global Corporate Control Doesn't Want You to Know: The power of love is a mighty force. The media is hiding the strength of our love from us. We are hardwired to be kind. A study a new study by Canadian psychologists has found that much of our joy comes from simply being nice. Being kind to other people makes us happy, the study found. Kindness also improves the way we perceive one another — and our outlook on the world. Kind people, it should come as no surprise, see the world as a better place.

The media has blackouts on information that it doesn't want you to know, for example it is trying to hide civil unrest in France. France’s main police union, Alliance, pleaded



with workers to postpone demonstrations to give the police time to recover from the massive demonstrations. The first protest against the French government since Hollande came to power in 2012, kicked off on 9 March. On March 31, nearly 400,000 people took to the streets, disagreeing with the sweeping changes to labor laws; though organizers put the number at 1.2 million.

On April 9, about 120,000 people marched in Paris and across France for a sixth time, protesting against labor reforms that made it easier for companies to fire their workers. Organizers called for yet another strike on April 28, and a massive protest on May 1, Labor Day.

In Japan, there are also mass demonstrations. They are protesting the US base on Okinawa. You will recall that it is the Joint US Japan Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement that is keeping the US military honest, because the US military is in charge of defending Japan.



Demonstrations can be manipulated, such as the regime change in Brazil, where the corruption of the unelected replacement government following massive demonstrations in Brazil is at least as serious as the allegations of corruption against Dilma Roussef. WikiLeaks says U.S. government records show interim President Temer “was an embassy informant for US intelligence [and] military.” Ecuador, Venezuela and El Salvador recalled their ambassadors from Brazil in protest against Rousseff’s suspension.

Thousands of Rousseff’s supporters have rallied against the coup. Demonstrators are emphasizing that the right-wing interim president and many of his allies face actual corruption charges, while the suspended elected president has not even been charged with a crime.

The biggest media blackout of all is on José Rizal's Proclamation and Declaration of the Gift of Love. In this series on DCTV, I have been telling you about José Rizal, and the assets in the Global Debt Facility. DCTV is providing a forum so that you can learn about the 1.7 million metric tonnes of gold that José Rizal put into hiding so that there would be no claims when it came out of sequestration after 50 years.



I have told you about how the 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the World Bank are in charge of administering the trust that José Rizal established for the benefit of humanity which contains Treaty of Versailles Bonds worth 2 quadrillion dollars, about the gemstones, other precious metals, artwork,

and how the Network of Global Corporate Control is bankrupt and is getting wound down, and that paper currency issued by the Network of Global Corporate Control is getting exchanged for local currencies and national currencies out of gold called aurum.



I have been sharing my correspondence with the politicians, the journalists, the legal and accounting professions, and I have been answering your emails and comments personally.,

On Tuesdays at 6:00 pm EST interviews:

censored videos on military, gold, and secret societies are


The information which I have been giving you checks out. The Network of Global Corporate Control's efforts to suppress this information has been backfiring; I simply repost the links



that are cut, and double the numbers of people read whatever the Network was trying to suppress. What is even harder for the Network of Global Corporate Control is when groups of us work together to document the lies, as when Nick Blain told me about Anatoly Fomenko's work at Moscow State University showing how the Network of Global Corporate Control tried to lie about our ancient history.

And when Betsy Malone showed how we share the same reality.

This past year, I have documented how the Network of Global Corporate Control has unsuccessfully tried to steal our wealth, and is trying to hide cures for diseases, alternative energy, attempted nuclear attacks, the murder of Justice Scalia, and attempts to hypnotize us with remote technology. Is all this just theoretical? Not at all. The way I know that the reality which the Network of Global Corporate Control has been trying to conceal is going to become apparent is due to the Power Transition Model that came to the World Bank in 2004, and which predicts how coalitions will form. This model predicted that the US was going to lose the Gentleman's Agreement to simply name the President of the World Bank in 2010. When Elaine Colville and I disclosed the corruption at the World Bank to the UK Parliament, was when the Power Transition Model started predicting that the Network of Global Corporate Control was going to lose out to a coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF. Because of this coalition, I now vote for the US on the Board of Governors and Boards of Executive Directors of the World Bank and IMF and on the Development Committee of 26 Ministers that sits between the Annual and Spring Meetings. Now this Model is predicting that the US is going to end state capture by the Network of Global Corporate Control, and is going to return to its Constitution of 1789, with 90-95% likelihood.



The Power Transition Model clarifies why David Cameron resigned, and helps in understanding the Brexit vote. David Cameron was asked point-blank by 4 MP's why he was not accepting the offer of the UK's monetary gold reserves to replace paper currencies. Cameron simply stonewalled. This is corrupt. In the days leading up to the Brexit vote, the murder of Jo Cox was highly publicized:

Karen Hudes @KarenHudes Jun 21

Has Britain had a Psy-Op?

This is standard operating procedures, and is precisely what happened when Sweden's Foreign Minister Anna Lindh was stabbed on the eve of Sweden's vote to join the euro in 2003.

The Brexit vote has caught global investors by surprise. As a result gold

skyrocketed on Friday following the victory of the "Leave" camp in the

UK, prompting experts to dub it "sound money."

Gold has soared 25 percent year to date following the UK's stunning "Brexit" vote: the precious

metal is regarded as safe haven by flabbergasted investors.

An article in Sputnik states that the Brexit vote has divided the modern history into "before" and

"after" eras.

"This is the 1989 of this generation, meaning the end of the era. At that

time the USSR ended the Warsaw pact and that was similar to an


This took the Network of Global Corporate Control by surprise, because they were counting on the vote being reported inaccurately.



What does Brexit mean? It means that many, many people who were working for the Network of Global Corporate Control refused to miscount the British vote. It shows that there is now a movement not just for an exit from the European Union, but a movement to exit the Network of Global Corporate Control. I can't help wondering whether things might have gone the other way if the EU had devoted serious efforts to cleaning up its corruption and listening to its whistleblowers. My testimony on whistleblowing in 2012 to the European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control fell on deaf ears. Pretty soon, as more and more of the hidden reality about the corruption in the international financial system comes to light, the movement to jettison the Network of Global Corporate Control will become a stampede. The paper currency scam cannot hold up and is falling apart. It is falling apart in Greece and it is falling apart in Puerto Rico, where Puerto Rico's governor Padillo has suspended payments on $800 million of Puerto Rico's debt for infrastructure. The challenge is going to be to print Treasury Dollars before the Federal Reserve Note collapses. And during this interregnum the responsibility for allowing the Global Debt Facility to have access to the Federal Bureau of Printing and Engraving in Texas is squarely before the State Defense Forces. Let me tell you how this is playing out. On June 6th I informed Governor Larry Hogan and Major General Linda L. Singh, Adjutant General of Maryland, that on behalf of the National Guard, I advised Mr. Herve Ladsous, Head of the UN's Department of Peacekeeping Operations, and Lt. General Maqsood Ahmed, Military Adviser in the UN's Office of Military Affairs, to remove any and all troops seconded on US soil for peacekeeping operations. The Special Defense Forces are not yet listening. Just four days ago, UN vehicles were seen on Virginia's highway.



Maryland has a special role to play in the return of the rule of law. Mr. Dorsey L. Hile, Jr.,

Recordation Tax Supervisor in Anne Arundel's Office of Finance, has yet to issue the

recording tax receipt to the Global Debt Facility. I am requiring DC's Chief of Police, Cathy

Lanier, who lives in Anne Arundel County, to stop illegally preventing me from returning to

work at the World Bank headquarters. The Global Debt Facility has a lien on Cathy Lanier's

house, and the lien cannot be recorded because the Tax Office is not issuing a receipt for the

recording tax. Governor Larry Hogan is preventing the lien that is already recorded by

Maryland's Secretary of State from being recorded in Anne Arundel County.

Texas also has a role to play. I have been reminding Governor Abbott that I had already informed him in November 2015 that the US monetary gold reserves are not in Fort Worth.

That was when a software developer approached me with a scheme to have Texas' state

government be in charge of the world's gold reserves. I told him that the Network of

Global Corporate Control was working through state capture and that there were no

"middlemen" in the Global Currency Reset. I told him that General Dunford's martial

law rule in the US was over and that the US was in interregnum:

[The US Congress secretly extended a state of emergency behind closed doors to

keep a second, secret Constitution

constitutionstudy[1].pdf in place. The Global Debt Facility containing the US

monetary gold reserves has declared the US to be in interregnum and informed

that military dictator, General Joseph Dunford, Jr., or any secret successor, that

they have no role to play in civilian matters. On December 30, 2015



a henchman delivered a very unpleasant message to me from General Joseph

Dunford, Jr., and I told that stooge that I was not intimidated and that I was loyal

to my job, and that Gen. Dunford, Jr. was not in command of the civilian

government because the United States was in interregnum. On January 8th I was

attacked by DARPA military scalar technology, and I told the goons

administering the attack that not a single cell, nor a single mitochondria in my

body was going to surrender. I made a full recovery. I informed the public at large

of the attacks and threats. I defeated that Vatican

agent Anna von Reitz' attempt to steal the world's assets for General Dunford on

January 26th, The

following day, in a letter to General Dunford, which I tweeted to the world, I held

General Dunford accountable for refusing to reinstate Vice Admiral Tim Giardina

and Major General Michael Carey after these heroes foiled the Network of Global

Corporate Control's crime of flying armed nukes "from one end of the USA to the

other" After General

Dunford attacked me in an attempt to steal the US monetary gold reserves for the

Network of Global Corporate Control, I discussed General Dunford's treason on

the next live DCTV broadcast on February 9, 2016: 3 The Global Debt

Facility is requesting safe conduct to the Bureau of Printing and Engraving plant

in Fort Worth in order to print US Treasury Dollars, since Switzerland has broken

bailment laws, and is not releasing the uncut Treasury Dollars which UBS has on

deposit in an account of the Global Debt Facility.]

On June 20, I asked Maryland's Adjutant General MG Linda Singh point blank whom the State Defense Forces were serving: [email protected]> Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 4:53 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [Access of the Global Debt Facility to Print US Treasury Dollars]

If this is incorrect, and the State Defense Forces are not loyal to the people of the

United States of America, please let me know. I will inform the people of the

United States of America what is coming so that they can be prepared



The next day, I asked the Executive Directors who are also authorized to view the accounts of the Global Debt Facility, to accompany me. So far I did not hear back from any of them. Instead, yesterday, a group that calls itself the Five Star Trust asked me to help them to view the accounts of the Global Debt Facility. This is a one way ticket to WWIII. I told this outfit that the only way that someone could claim to be an authorized signatory of the Global Debt Facility was to be authenticated by the Board of Governors. They tried sending me confidential "for your eyes" only information, which I promptly disclosed on my social media. Read if time: From: Karen Hudes Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 8:12 AM Subject: To: Chief Editor of TASS

Dear Mr. Bryanski, The confrontation that TASS has described above is only a theatre concocted by the central bankers. There is goodwill and peace between the people of Russia and the people of the United States. The United States is in interregnum. As Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility containing the world's monetary gold reserves, I have invited the Executive Directors who have a right to access the Global Debt Facility to accompany me to view the accounts on Euroclear, including Russia's Executive Director. It was Eugene Miagkov who helped to reinstate me as Acting General Counsel of the World Bank in 2009. As the Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility, I also have the right to view these accounts. This correspondence is out for all to see on the internet (see below) I am writing this to you for a second time, because the Network of Global Corporate Control that was exposed in 2012 by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich


12 has seen fit to erase what I just wrote you, since they have hacked into my computer.

The Power Transition Model that came to the World Bank in 2004 from the National War College is very clear. The Network of Global Corporate Control has lost its control as more and more people see clearly how they have corrupted the international financial system with paper currencies. Interest on country debt is a big scam that has been offset against the 2 quadrillion in Treaty of Versailles Bonds that are held in the Global Debt Facility. I trust that Russia's Executive Director will be accompanying me together with Japan's.

Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global

Corporate Control." The media blackout on the Global Debt Facility is breaking down as

David Cameron exits stage left after the UK votes were counted honestly and the UK

exits the EU. The honest counting of the UK votes was an act of love. Gold is inevitably

coming out of hiding. We are waiting to see if the State Defense Forces remain loyal to

the people of the United States. That would be another act of love. Until next week, I

am your host, Karen Hudes.
