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Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio |BOX 88 (Opistotie 2), FI-70101 Kuopio|

Internship Contract

This contract states the terms and conditions of Savonia Degree Programme student’s internship.

Student information

Family name and given names

Tran Thanh Hang

Social Security Number


Street Address

Am Steingarten 14/05

Postal Code and Town

68169 Mannheim


[email protected]



Degree Programme

International Business

Group Codes


Degree Title


Savonia UAS Unit


Savonia UAS School of Business and Administration Kuopio

Unit Address

Microkatu 1, 70210 KUOPIO

Supervisor/Contact Person

Virpi Oksanen

Supervisor’s Phone

+358 44 785


[email protected]

Employer/Organisation Name of the organisation

Haendler & Natermann Sport GmbH

VAT -number


Auf dem Dreisch 2

Phone of organisation +49 5541 90963 55

Supervisor in the organisation

Jörg Siemens

Phone and E-mail

[email protected]

Supervisor/Contact Person (if not same as above)

Phone and E-mail

(if not same as above)

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Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio |BOX 88 (Opistotie 2), FI-70101 Kuopio|


Type of Internship (basic or professional)


Validity of Contract

01 / 07 20 15 - 30 / 09 20 15

Length of Internship

3 months

Credits earned (supervising teacher’s estimate)

Internship duties and objectives Primary duties and learning objectives

Support for the re-launch of the company website, Facebook page, preparation of

advertisements, support for daily business

Other agreed issues

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Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio |BOX 88 (Opistotie 2), FI-70101 Kuopio|

Compensation for Student

650 €/month

Other terms and conditions

Internship work place is the student’s learning environment during internship.

Employer should nominate a supervisor for the student. The supervisor will act as the contact person to-

ward student’s UAS unit and as employer’s representative will coordinate, organise and monitor the intern-

ship according to the internship objectives.

The trainee is covered by the accident insurance of Savonia University of Applied Sciences during working

hours if the student’s official place of residence is in Finland, while the employer is responsible for arrang-

ing the liability insurance during the work placement period. In case of paid traineeship, the official work

contract is made between the employer and the trainee. The employer will be responsible for meeting the

terms and regulations governed by the legislation (e.g. insurance) of the work placement country.

The labour law applicable in this case is _______ German Labour law _______.

The employer has liability and/or accident insurance for the trainee in case of accident in the workplace or in the work

business:______________ Jörg Siemens_______.

The minimum terms and conditions of employment guaranteed by the applicable law are to be observed

throughout the training period. This applies e.g. working hours, health and safety but excludes regulations

concerning wages and salaries.

Employer commits to providing Savonia UAS unit any necessary information concerning work and work

environment and abiding by all work safety and work protection rules and regulations.

Employer commits to providing Savonia UAS unit contact information for contact and information purpos-

es, providing right to register employer organisation’s information in this contract to the customer register

and right to use the information when collecting feedback about the Internship.

The student commits to following all rules and regulations relevant to duties and work place. Student com-

mits to keeping any and all business secrets or other confidential pieces of information he/she is trusted

with or is otherwise exposed to.

This contract is valid only to the end of internship. Contract can be annulled according to the principles of

Finnish labour contract law chapter 8 §1 or if objective reaching has been considerably endangered.

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Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio |BOX 88 (Opistotie 2), FI-70101 Kuopio|


The student must make the objectives available to employer before making intern-

ship contract.

Objective of Internship is that the student will:

I Develop knowledge base

- explore duties and tasks essential to professional studies (professional specialization)

in a genuine work environment

- understand fundamental factors to the function of organizations on own field

II Develop field specific practical working competences

- have knowledge and skills and get practice in work methods required by the field of


- be able to evaluate and develop one’s own professional competences

- get used to punctuality and accurateness in duties, abiding by work schedules and exe-

cuting constructive behavior within work community

- be able to perceive own duties as part of a bigger entirety

- be familiar with operations of organizations, work division and social relations at work

and have capabilities for working in teams and supporting the well-being of work

community, also in multicultural environments

- be able to operate within communicative and interactive situations of working life and

know how to exploit information and communication technology

- be able to create personal working life contacts and operate within networks

- be able to look for customer-centered, sustainable, ethical and financially sound solu-


- understand the importance of developmental approach to work

- know how to work within projects

III Develop personal competences

- be able to work in an independent and responsible way and make decisions in unfore-

seeable situations

- be able to acquire, handle and evaluate information critically

- adopt capacity for entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship-like way of operating

- be able to work in a spontaneous and unprompted manner

- adopt a desire for new knowledge and continuous learning

Student and employer agree on the objectives of internship in the light of student’s professional

specialization, experience, phase of studies and personal development needs and –goals. Duties

are to be comprehensive enough and internship should progress in terms of demands and chal-

lenges. Thesis would be a desired and natural continuation to internship.

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