Page 1: Internet most important terms

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Internet Most Important Terms


Page 2: Internet most important terms

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Internet Most Important Terms :

24 X 7 : A Reference to something that is open 24 hours a day, Seven days a week.

Access Provider : Company which sells internet connection. Known as Internet Service Provider too.

ActiveX : A Microsoft technologies that facilities information sharing among applications.

Address : A Network address. It has two forms, Numbers and Alphanumeric.

Affiliate : An organization or Individual whom you have formed a formal or informal agreement with

to either sell or receive products, services, content, traffic etc.

Animated GIF : A graphical interchange format (image) that appears to move or change as a result of

multiple layered images.

Anonymous FTP : A FTP (File Transfer Protocol) session in which a user connects to a remote host, by

using a username as anonymous.

ANSI : Computer use several methods for deciding how to put information on the screen and how the

keyboard interacts with the screen.

Archive : The name given to a historical or old files, which are normally compressed using a

comparison technique

Applet : A computer program written in java.

APRANet : A predecessor of the internet where the methodology and software on which the internet

is based were tested .

Article : A Message or file.

ASCII : American standard code for Information Interchange.

Attachment : A file delivered as part of an e-mail message.

BackBone : A high speed network that connects several powerful computers.

Backoffice : All the function in a company that occur behind the scene away from public.

Bandwidth : A measure of the amount of data.

Banner Ad : The long thin ads shown at a website.

Baud : The speed at which modems transfer data.

BBS : Bulletin Board System.

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Binary File : A file containing information such as a program, compressed archive, an imade or a


Bit : A binary digit.

Bookmark : A list of links of URLs on the internet maintained within a web browser.

Bounced Email : When email is undeliverable, it sent back to the sender and is said to have bounced


BPS : Bits Per Second

Browser : A client program that used to view resources on the internet, particularly Web Pages.

Byte : A set of bits. (1 Byte = 8 bits)

Buzz : Conversation about a particular company or technology.

CERN : Council European pour la Recherche Nucleaire.

CGI : Common Gateway Interface.

Chat Room : An online place where people to post and read electronic messages.

Click Through : When a visitor to a website uses a link to access another website that’s known as Click


Cookie : A file stored on your hard disk and used to identify your computer.

Content : The collective name for the text, picture, sound, data or other information presented by a


Crack : To break a program security.

DDN : Defence Data Network.

Dial-Up Access : Access the internet through a telephone line and a modem.

Direct Connection : A connection, such as SLIP or PPP, whereby our computer becomes a live part of

the internet.

DNS : Domain Name System.

Domain : An address to reach at a specific website.

Download : Copying a file from a host system to your computer.

e-Bank : An online bank that provides regular bank services over the internet.

e-Commerce : Business conducted exclusively through an electronic format.

Email : Electronic mail, a basic Internet service for sending or receiving messages electronically over a

computer network.

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EDI : Electronic Data Interchange.

EFT : Electronic Fund Transfer.

Emotions : A combination of keyword characters using which facial expressions.

Encryption : A procedure of jumbling data by using a mathematical function.

ERP : Enterprise Resource Planning.

FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions, A list containing the questions and their answers on a specific


File : Anything stored on a computer, such as a program, image or document.

Firewall : Software intended to prevent unauthorized access to a computer network.

Freeware : Software that is available on the internet for free.

FTP : File Transfer Protocol.

FYI : For Your Information.

Gateway : A hardware and software set up that enables translation between two different protocols.

GIF : Graphic Interchange Format. It is used for storing photoquality graphic images.

Gigabyte : A measurement of electronic file size. Roughly equal to one billion byte.

GUI : Graphic User Interface. Uses icons and images in addition to text to repersent information.

Hacker : A person who enjoys stretching hardware and software to their limits.

Hit : A visit to a website by a web surfer.

Homepage : The first screen of a site on the WWW.

Host : A computer on the internet containing and providing access to various resources and services.

HTML : Hyper Text Mark Up Language. The computer language used for creating documents on the


HTTP : Hyper Text Transport Protocol. The protocol used to transfer information over the WWW.

Hyperlink : A Link, when clicked will automatically transfer an internet user to another page or


i-Commerce : Business conducted through an electronic format on the Internet.

InterNIC : Internet Network Information Center. A controlling body that administers and registers

domain names and IP address.

Internet : An internet is a large number of smaller networks.

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IP : Internet Protocol. A numeric address used to located physical or virtual computers or sites on the


IPO : Initial Public Offering. The first public offering of a stock.

IRC : Internet Relay Chat.

JAVA : An object oriented programming language.

JPEG : Joint Photographic Experts Group, A type of graphic file format suitable for use in web


Kbps : Thousand Bits Per Second.

LAN : Local Area Network. A computer network with certain limitations like networking with in same

building or campus.

Login : The process of connecting to a host computer or public access site.

Logoff : Disconnect from a host.

Modem : A computer peripheral that connects a computer to a data transmission line similar to a

telephone line.

Multimedia : A content that combines text, sound, graphics or video.

Network : A Communications system that links two or more computers together so that they can

share resources.

Newbie : Somebody new on the internet.

Node : Any single computer connected to a network.

Offline : When your computer is not connected to a host computer system or the internet.

Online : When your computer is connected to another computer, bulletin-board system or public

access site.

Password : A code used to get access to a locked system.

PC : Personal Computer.

Post : To compose a message and then send it out electronically as in email or News group for other to


PPP : Point to Point Protocol.

Protocol : A set rules or procedures for exchanging information between networks or computer


Search Engine : A software application or service used to locate files on an internet or the web.

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Server : A computer that provides access to the internet.

Service Provider : An organization that provides access to the internet.

Shareware : Software that is made available on a limited time trial base.

Site : A collection of related webpages.

Spam : A message that is unnecessarily posted to multiple newsgroup.

Surf : To browse the internet.

Text File : A file that contains text only.

Traffic : Visits to a Website.

URL : Uniform Resource Locator, An address on the World Wide Web.

WAN : Wide Area Network, A Network that covers an area larger than single building or campus.

WebPage : A series of HTML, files that can be viewed by using a browser Webcast.

Wizard : Computer based help that guides you through the steps necessary to complete atask.

WWW : World Wide Web.

Zip : PC file compression format that creates files with extension .zip

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