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International Environmental Law -Substantive Legal Aspects(2016-2017)

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421 items

The textbook recommended for the module which students are expected to refer to as acore reference source is any one of the following

Course textbook (5 items)

International law and the environment - Birnie, Patricia W., Boyle, Alan E., Redgwell,Catherine, 2009

Book | Core (Must Read)

Principles of international environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Peel, Jacqueline, FabraAguilar, Adriana, Mackenzie, Ruth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read)

International environmental law - Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Jorge E. Vinuales, 2015Book | Core (Must Read)

International environmental law - Beyerlin, Ulrich, Marauhn, Thilo, 2011Book | Core (Must Read) | (This textbook does not address Topic 8 of the module on

environmental criminal liability)

Introduction to international environmental law - Timo Koivurova, 2013Book | Recommended (Should Read) | Provides students with some useful background


Selected commentaries on International Environmental Law (16 items)

Routledge handbook of international environmental law - Alam, Shawkat, 2013Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Emerging principles of international environmental law - Sumudu A. Atapattu, c2006Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The Oxford handbook of international environmental law -Brunnee, Jutta, Bodansky, Daniel, Hey, Ellen, 2007

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The art and craft of international environmental law - Bodansky, Daniel, 2010Book | Recommended (Should Read)


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Transboundary harm in international law: lessons from the Trail Smelter arbitration -Bratspies, Rebecca M., Miller, Russell A., 2006

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Multilateral environmental agreements: legal status of the secretariats - Desai, Bharat,Dawsonera, 2010

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Research handbook on international environmental law - Fitzmaurice, M., Ong, David M.,Merkouris, Panos, c2010

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The Earthscan reader on international trade and sustainable development - Gallagher,Kevin, Werksman, Jacob, Earthscan, 2002

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

International environmental law and policy - Hunter, David, Salzman, James, Zaelke,Durwood, 2011

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Guide to international environmental law - Kiss, Alexandre Charles, Shelton, Dinah, c2007Book | Recommended (Should Read)

International environmental law - Kiss, Alexandre Charles, Shelton, Dinah, 2004Book | Recommended (Should Read)

International environmental law: fairness, effectiveness, and world order - Louka, Elli,MyiLibrary, 2006

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

International environmental law and Asian values: legal norms and cultural influences -Mushkat, Roda, c2004

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The role of customary law in sustainable development - Ørebech, Peter, 2005Book | Recommended (Should Read)

International environmental law and policy for the 21st century - Nanda, Ved P., Pring,George W., 2013

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

International environmental law and economics - Rao, P. K., 2002Book | Recommended (Should Read)

International legal materials (1 items)

ECOLEX - the gateway to environmental lawWebpage | Recommended (Should Read) | This website contains a database hosting a

wealth of information on international environmental legal materials. Specifically, itcontains a wide range of international environmental treaties and other statutory sources,


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international judicial decisions and links to literature on international environmental law.

Other selected reference materials (22 items)

General environmental law texts and commentaries (6 items)

Environmental law - Stuart Bell, Donald McGillivray, Ole Pedersen, Donald McGillivray,2013

Book | Background (Could Read)

Environmental protection, law and policy: text and materials - Holder, Jane, Lee, Maria,MyiLibrary, 2007

Book | Background (Could Read)

Environment and the law: an introduction for environmental scientists and lawyers - JohnF. McEldowney, Sharron McEldowney, 1996

Book | Background (Could Read)

Environmental law - John F. McEldowney, Sharron McEldowney, 2010Book | Background (Could Read)

Sourcebook on environmental law - Sunkin, Maurice, Ong, David M., Wight, Robert, 2002Book | Background (Could Read)

Wolf and Stanley on environmental law - Susan Wolf, Neil Stanley, 2013Book | Background (Could Read)

Theoretical and general policy related publications (6 items)

The philosophical foundations of environmental law: property, rights and nature - Coyle,Sean, 2004

Book | Background (Could Read)

Green political thought - Dobson, Andrew, MyiLibrary, 2007Book | Background (Could Read)

International environmental law, policy and ethics - Gillespie, Alexander, 1997Book | Background (Could Read)

Environmental policy: implementation and enforcement - Hawke, Neil, 2002Book | Background (Could Read)

Regulating pollution: a UK and EC perspective - Hilson, Chris, 2000Book | Background (Could Read)

New instruments of environmental governance?: national experiences and prospects -Jordan, Andrew, Wurzel,Ru


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diger, Zito, Anthony R., 2003Book | Background (Could Read)

Selected EU environmental law reference works (10 items)

EU environmental law - LudwigKramer, 2016

Book | Background (Could Read)

European Union environmental law: an introduction to key selected issues - Davies, PeterG. G., 2004

Book | Background (Could Read)

European environmental law - Jans, J. H., Vedder, Hans, 2008Book | Background (Could Read)

Casebook on EU environmental law -Kramer, Ludwig, MyiLibrary, 2002

Book | Background (Could Read)

The effectiveness of European Union environmental policy - Grant, Wyn, Matthews,Duncan, Newell, Peter, 2000

Book | Background (Could Read)

Enforcement of European Union environmental law: legal issues and challenges - MartinHedemann-Robinson, 2015

Book | Background (Could Read)

EU Environmental Policy: Its Journey to Centre Stage - Nigel Haigh, 2015Book | Background (Could Read)

EU environmental law and policy - David Langlet, Said Mahmoudi, 2016Book | Background (Could Read)

Documents in European Community environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Galizzi, Paolo,Sands, Philippe, 2006

Book | Background (Could Read)

EU environmental law, governance and decision-making - Maria Lee, 2014Book | Background (Could Read)

Journals (17 items)

American journal of international law - American Society of International Law


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Journal | Recommended (Should Read)

Colorado journal of international environmental law and policyJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

Ecology law quarterlyJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

Environmental policy and lawJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

Environmental liabilityJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

European environmental law reviewJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

European Energy and Environmental Law ReviewJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

European journal of international law: Journaleuropeen de droit - European University Institute

Journal | Recommended (Should Read)

Fordham environmental law journalJournal

Fordham environmental law reviewJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

Georgetown international environmental law reviewJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

International and comparative law quarterly - British Institute of International andComparative Law

Journal | Recommended (Should Read)

International trade law & regulationJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

Journal of environmental lawJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

Review of European Community and international environmental law - Foundation forInternational Law and Development

Journal | Recommended (Should Read)

Yearbook of European environmental lawJournal | Recommended (Should Read)


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Yearbook of international environmental lawJournal | Recommended (Should Read)

Internet sources (14 items)

International internet sites (6 items)

United NationsDocument

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Home page --Website


International Maritime OrganizationWebsite

FAO: FAO HomeWebsite


European internet sites (7 items)

The European Union WebsiteWebsite | This is the gateway to a vast reserve of information on the EU. Apart from full

texts of the treaties themselves and secondary legislation, it is possible to access pressreleases, consultation documents such as green papers and white papers, statistics, latestdevelopments and links to the individual Directorates of the Commission. Links are alsoprovided to the homepage of all the EU political and judicial institutions, which are alsoreferred to below.

European Commission - Environment - Environment DGWebpage | Provides up to date information on all the EU's current environmental

activities.The European Commission has a number of key roles with respect to environmental policyat EU level. The Commission has a significant legislative role, in being the principalinstitution responsible for proposing specific legislative initiatives on environmentalprotection. It also has key powers in overseeing the correct implementation of EUenvironmental law by EU Member States. In addition, alongside EU Member states, it haspowers to act as representative of the EU in negotiations with respect to the developmentof international environmental policy.

CONSILIUM - HomepageWebpage | In environmental policy matters, the Council of the EU (also known as the

Council of Ministers) shares legislative power with the Council of the EU.


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European ParliamentWebsite | In environmental policy matters, the EP shares legislative power with the

Council of the EU. The EP's site provides a useful insight into the workings of the EUlegislative machine, affording free access to parliamentary documents relating to theprogress of proposed EU legislation.

CURIAWebsite | The ECJ's website contains caselaw online since 1997.

EUROPA - EU laws, treaties and legislation in preparationWebpage | The entire body of ECJ case law may be accessed from this portal.

Council of EuropeWebsite | The CoE is a European regional international organization with a wider

membership than the EU. A number of regional environmental conventions have beenagreed under its auspices.In addition, the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms(ECHR), which is of increasing importance with respect to environmental protection issuesin Europe, is a CoE agreement.

Notes on EU legal terminology and referencing (1 items)

The Treaty of Lisbon and European environmental law and policy - Vedder, H., 2010Article | This is a useful article for a recent assessment of the impact of the Treaty of

Lisbon on EU environmental law.

Seminar 1 - Air pollution (1): International environmental law and airquality issues (14 items)

Core reading for seminar preparation (5 items)

Read one of the following

International law and the environment - Birnie, Patricia W., Boyle, Alan E., Redgwell,Catherine, 2009

Book | Core (Must Read) | pages 335-355 of Ch6

Principles of international environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Peel, Jacqueline, FabraAguilar, Adriana, Mackenzie, Ruth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | pages 238-274 of Ch7

International environmental law - Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Jorge E. Vinuales, 2015Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch 5 (sections 5.1-5.4.3)

International environmental law - Beyerlin, Ulrich, Marauhn, Thilo, 2011Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch13 (sections 13.1-3)


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Selected international legal documents (4 items)

Trail Smelter Arbitral Tribunal - Decision - 1939Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Stockholm 1972 - Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the HumanEnvironment - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)



Webpage | Recommended (Should Read)

Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear WeaponsArticle | Recommended (Should Read)

International agreements on atmospheric pollution (5 items)

Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air PollutionWebpage | Recommended (Should Read)

1985 CLRTAP Protocol on the Reduction of Sulphur EmissionsArticle | Recommended (Should Read)

Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level OzoneWebpage | Recommended (Should Read)

Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer - Main PageWebpage | Recommended (Should Read)

1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone LayerArticle | Recommended (Should Read)

Seminar 2 - Air pollution (2): International environmental law onclimate change (18 items)

Core reading for seminar preparation (5 items)

Read one of the following

International law and the environment - Birnie, Patricia W., Boyle, Alan E., Redgwell,Catherine, 2009

Book | Core (Must Read) | pages 356-378 of Ch6; or

Principles of international environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Peel, Jacqueline, FabraAguilar, Adriana, Mackenzie, Ruth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | pages 274-302 of Ch7


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International environmental law - Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Jorge E. Vinuales, 2015Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch 5.(sections 5.5-5.5.5)

International environmental law - Beyerlin, Ulrich, Marauhn, Thilo, 2011Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch13 (section 13.4)

Selected commentaries (3 items)

Grand promises of Paris climate deal undermined by squalid retrenchments | Opinion | TheGuardian


Reflections on the Paris Conference - Opinio Juris - Daniel BodanskyArticle

Compendium of Commentary on the Paris Agreement/COP21 | Teaching Climate/EnergyLaw & Policy


Selected international legal documents (6 items)

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeWebpage | Recommended (Should Read)

Kyoto ProtocolWebpage | Recommended (Should Read)

2005 Decision 27/CMP.1Article | Recommended (Should Read)

2007 Decision 1/CP.13Article | Recommended (Should Read)

2009 Copenhagen AccordWebpage | Recommended (Should Read)

2015 Paris Agreement - European CommissionWebpage | Recommended (Should Read)

UNFCCC/Kyoto Protocol: (2 items)

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeWebpage

Paris Agreement 2015: The text of the Paris AgreementDocument


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EU: (1 items)

EUROPA - PRESS RELEASES Search press releasesWebpage

Scientific appraisal of climate change (1 items)

IPCC Fifth Assessment ReportWebpage

Seminar 3 - Water (1): International environmental law and protectionof the marine environment (17 items)

Core reading for seminar preparation (5 items)

Read one of the following

International law and the environment - Birnie, Patricia W., Boyle, Alan E., Redgwell,Catherine, 2009

Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch7; or

Principles of international environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Peel, Jacqueline, FabraAguilar, Adriana, Mackenzie, Ruth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch9

International environmental law - Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Jorge E. Vinuales, 2015Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch 4 (sections 4..1-4.2.4)

International environmental law - Beyerlin, Ulrich, Marauhn, Thilo, 2011Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch12

Selected commentaries (2 items)

International Law and Ocean Governance: audacity and modesty - Pureza, 1999Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Preventing pollution from ships – reflections on the ‘adequacy’ of existing rules - Ringbom,1999

Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Selected international legal documents (2 items)

1972 Stockholm Declaration (Declaration of the UN Conference on the HumanEnvironment)

Article | Recommended (Should Read)


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1992 Rio DeclarationArticle | Recommended (Should Read)

Key international agreements and other instruments on protection ofthe marine environment (5 items)

IMO | London Convention and ProtocolWebpage | Recommended (Should Read)

IMO | International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)Webpage | Recommended (Should Read)

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - Main PageWebpage | Recommended (Should Read) | Especially part XII

unced home pageWebpage

Washington Declaration on Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-BasedActivities (1995)


Selected regional agreements (3 items)

Welcome to the Regional Seas websiteWebpage

Convention - Introduction - About OSPAR - OSPAR CommissionWebpage

Convention on the Protection of the marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area 1992(Helsinki Convention)


Seminar 4 - Water (2): International environmental law and freshwatermanagement (21 items)

Core reading for seminar preparation (5 items)

Read one of the following

International law and the environment - Birnie, Patricia W., Boyle, Alan E., Redgwell,Catherine, 2009

Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch10

Principles of international environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Peel, Jacqueline, FabraAguilar, Adriana, Mackenzie, Ruth, 2012


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Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch8

International environmental law - Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Jorge E. Vinuales, 2015Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch 4 (sections 4.3-4.3.4)

International environmental law - Beyerlin, Ulrich, Marauhn, Thilo, 2011Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch11

Suggested alternative/complementary textbook references (1 items)

International environmental law: fairness, effectiveness, and world order - Louka, Elli,MyiLibrary, 2006

Book | Recommended (Should Read) | Ch5

Selected international legal documents and agreements (12 items)

1972 Stockholm Declaration (Declaration of the UN Conference on the HumanEnvironment)

Article | Principle 2

1992 UN Conference on Environment and DevelopmentDocument

1992 Rio DeclarationArticle

Agenda 21Article | Chapter 18

Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses - MainPage


Millennium Development GoalsWebpage

International Law Association - "Berlin Rules"Article

World Summit On Sustainable Development) (UN Declaration on World Summit Outcome -UNGA A/RES/60/1)


Draft articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers 2008Document

Sustainable development goals - United NationsWebpage | Esp. SDG6


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United Nations Official Document: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda forSustainable Development


Home - World Water DayWebsite

ii) Selected regional instruments (2 items)

Water Convention - UNECEWebpage

The EU Water Framework DirectiveWebpage

iii) Selected international cases (1 items)

Czechoslovakia,Denmark, UK, France, Germany v Poland (River Oder Case - TerritorialJurisdiction of the International Commission of the River Oder): Judgment of PermanentCourt of International Justice 10.9.1929, PCIJ Series A (1929) No.23 

Spain v France (Lake Lanoux Arbitration) (Spain v France) 24 ILR 101(1957) (ArbitralTribunal)

Hungary v Slovakia (Case concerning Gabčìkovo-Nagymaros Project) : ICJ Judgment25.9.1997, 37 ILM 162 (1998)

Argentina v Uruguay (Case concerning the Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay) : ICJ Judgment20.4.2010, available at :


Core reading for seminar 5 preparation: (5 items)

Read one of the following

International law and the environment - Birnie, Patricia W., Boyle, Alan E., Redgwell,Catherine, 2009

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 8 (pages 473-486) and Chapter 14 (pages 793-796)

Principles of international environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Peel, Jacqueline, FabraAguilar, Adriana, Mackenzie, Ruth, 2012


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Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch12

International environmental law - Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Jorge E. Vinuales, 2015Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch 7

International environmental law - Beyerlin, Ulrich, Marauhn, Thilo, 2011Book | Core (Must Read) | ch 15

Suggested alternative/complementary textbook references: (3 items)

International environmental law: fairness, effectiveness, and world order - Louka, Elli,MyiLibrary, 2006

Book | Recommended (Should Read) | Ch10

And selected commentary

Safe and sound scrapping of ‘rusty buckets’? The 2009 Hong Kong Ship RecyclingConvention - N Matz-Lueck, 2010

Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Global instruments (12 items)

Stockholm 1972 - Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the HumanEnvironment

Webpage | Principle 6

1992 UN Conference on Environment and DevelopmentDocument

Rio Declaration - Rio Declaration on Environment and Development - United NationsEnvironment Programme

Webpage | Principle 14

Agenda21.docDocument | Chs 20-22

London Dumping ConventionWebpage

IMO | International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)Webpage

Overview - Convention & Related AgreementsWebpage | especially Part XII

Basel Convention Home PageWebsite | 1989 Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of

hazardous wastes and their disposal


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1990 IAEA Code of Conduct on Radioactive wasteWebpage

1997 Joint Convention on spent fuel and radioactive wasteWebpage

2001 POPs Convention: Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic PollutantsWebpage

IMO | The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally SoundRecycling of Ships


ii) Selected regional instruments (10 items)

Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import Into Africa and the Control of TransboundaryMovement and Management of Hazardous Wastes Within Africa


OECD Dec. C(2001) 107: Decision of the Council concerning the Control of TransboundaryMovements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations


Regulation 1013/06/EC on shipments of waste (OJ 2006 L190/1): (replaced formerRegulation 259/93/EEC since 12.7.2007)


2006/117/Euratom: Shipments of radioactive waste: supervision and controlWebpage

Environment Canada - Pollution and Waste - Can-USA AgreementWebpage

LAPAZ CaseWebpage

Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991) - British AntarcticSurvey


South Pacific Nuclear-Free Zone (SPNFZ) Treaty of RarotongaWebpage

1992 OSPAR Convention (Northeast Atlantic)Webpage

Our Oceans, Seas and Coasts - Environment - European Commission: The HelsinkiConvention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area adopted in1992



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Core reading for seminar 6 preparation: (5 items)

Read one of the following

International law and the environment - Birnie, Patricia W., Boyle, Alan E., Redgwell,Catherine, 2009

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 2 (pages 99-103) and Chapter 5 (pages 288-298(section 2(5)); or

Principles of international environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Peel, Jacqueline, FabraAguilar, Adriana, Mackenzie, Ruth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | pages 86-93 of Ch3 and Ch15 (notably pages 624-626,648-659)

International environmental law - Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Jorge E. Vinuales, 2015Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch 3 (section and Ch 10 (section

International environmental law - Beyerlin, Ulrich, Marauhn, Thilo, 2011Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch16 (notably sections 16.1 and 16.4-5) and Ch17 (section

17.2.4) and Ch21 (sections 21.1-2)

Selected commentaries (1 items)

The Oxford handbook of international environmental law - Bodansky, Daniel, Brunn�ee,Jutta, Hey, Ellen, 2008

Book | Recommended (Should Read) | ch 29 + ch 33

i) Global instruments (11 items)

Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human EnvironmentWebpage

Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human EnvironmentWebpage | See in particular Principles 1 and 19

Rio Declaration - Rio Declaration on Environment and Development - United NationsEnvironment Programme (UNEP)

Webpage | In particular Principles 10 and 20-22

1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development : Agenda 21Document | Chapters 23-32, 36, 38 & 40

1998 Århus ConventionWebpage | 1998 Århus Convention (UNECE Convention on access to information, public

participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters)


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2003 Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (not yet in force)Document

Amendment to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation inDecision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters


World Charter for NatureWebpage | Art.23

Johannesburg Plan of ImplementationDocument | paras. 168-170

1991 Espoo Convention (Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in atransboundary context)

Webpage | Arts. 2(6), 3(8)

1992 Convention on Biological Diversity, Art.14Document

International environmental rights documents: (2 items)

1994 'Ksentini Report': United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECE) ReportCommission on Human Rights Sub-Commission on prevention of discrimination andprotection of minorities: Review of further developments in fields with which theSub-Commission has been concerned – Human Rights and the Environment(E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/9) (Rapporteur Fatma Zohra Ksentini)

Human Rights Documents - E/CN.4/RES/2003/71Webpage

EUROPE (2 items)

Council of EuropeWebsite

1993 Council of Europe Convention on Civil Liability for damage resulting from activitiesdangerous to the environment, Arts.14-16 (not yet in force)

1950 European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Selected cases:           Guerra v Italy (1998) 26 EHRR 357 LCB v UK (1999) 27 EHRR 212 Balmer-Schafroth v CH (1998) 25 EHRR 598 Hatton v UK (2003)

            Case law of the European Court of Human Rights may be inspected on-line at theCouncil of Europe's website:

European Union (1 items)


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The EU has adoptedvarious measures and legislative initiatives in order to implement the1998 Århus Convention. These are listed below and may be inspected on the EuropeanCommission's Environmental Directorate-General relevant webpage: http://ec.europa.environment/aarhus/index.htm

Decision 2005/370/EC on the conclusion on behalf of the European Community of theÅrhus Convention (OJ 2005 L124/1)

Directive 2003/4/EC on public access to environmental information (OJ 2003 L41/26)

Directive 2003/35/EC providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up ofcertain plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard topublic participation and access to justice Council Directives 85/337/EEC and 96/61/EC (OJ2003 L156/17)

Regulation 1367/2006 on the application of the provisions of the Århus Convention toCommunity institutions and bodies (OJ 2006 L264/13)

Commission Decision 2008/50/EC laying down detailed rules for the application ofRegulation 1367/2006 as requests for the internal review of administrative acts (OJ 2008L13/24)

Commission Decision 2008/40/EC,Euratom amending its Rules of Procedure for theapplication of Regulation (EC) 1367/2006

COM(2003)624 Commission proposal for a Directive on access to justice in environmentalmatters, 24.20.2003

Implementation report of the European Commission submitted to the Secretariat of theÅrhus Convention (SEC(2008)556 Aarhus Convention Implementation Report – EuropeanCommunity, 7.5.2008)

Legal standing (locus standi) to challenge EU decisions affecting the environment

EU law (Article 263 TFEU (ex Art.230(4) of the EC Treaty) as interpreted by the Court ofJustice of the EU, the opportunities for civil society to seek judicial review of legally bindingacts taken at EU level affecting the environment have been and remain limited:

Case C-321/95 Greenpeace and others v Commission [1998] ECR I-6151

Regulation (EC) 1367/2006 on the application of the provisions of the Århus Convention toCommunity institutions and bodies (OJ 2006 L264/13), see Articles 10-11 in particular.

Art.263(4) TFEU

North America (1 items)

1993 North American Agreement on Environmental Co-operation


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North-East Atlantic (1 items)

1992 OSPAR Convention, Art.9

Ireland v UK (MOX plant), Permanent Court of Arbitration (2003)

Asia (1 items)

1985 ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Art 16 (notyet in force)

Africa (1 items)

2003 African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Art XVI(not yet in force)


Core reading (5 items)

Read one of the following

International law and the environment - Birnie, Patricia W., Boyle, Alan E., Redgwell,Catherine, 2009

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 5 (pages 316-329 (sections 4-5))

Principles of international environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Peel, Jacqueline, FabraAguilar, Adriana, Mackenzie, Ruth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | pages 700-702, 737-771 of Ch17.

International environmental law - Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Jorge E. Vinuales, 2015Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch 8 (section 8.3.3)

International environmental law - Beyerlin, Ulrich, Marauhn, Thilo, 2011Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch 24 (notably sections 24.1 and 24.4-5)

Suggested alternative/complementary textbook references (1 items)

International environmental law: fairness, effectiveness and world order - Elli Louka,MyiLibrary, 2006

Book | Core (Must Read) | Ch11 (Liability and State Responsibility)



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1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment

Stockholm Declaration (Declaration of the UN Conference on the Human Environment).See, in particular Principle 21 reproduced below.

1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development

1992 Rio Declaration (Declaration of the UN Conference on Environment andDevelopment). See in particular Principles 2 and 14 reproduced below.

1972 Space Liability Convention

1982 UNCLOS, Arts 39 and 235

Selected international cases:

Chorzow Factory Case (1928) PCIJ

Trail Smelter arbitration (1938, 1941)

Gabcikovo case (Hungary v Slovakia) (1997) ICJ

International Law Commission:

2001 Draft articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts

2001 Draft articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities

2004 Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the case of Transboundary Harm arising


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out of Hazardous Activities

Institute of International Law:

1997 Resolution on Responsibility and Liability under International Law for EnvironmentalDamage

A.2 European Union and state liability

Art.17 TEU and Arts.258-260 TFEU (ex Arts.211, 226-228 of the EC Treaty)

Liability under Art.260 TFEU - Case C-387/97 Commission Greece (Kouroupitos waste site)[2000] ECR I-5047

State liability: Case C-6,9/90 Francovich [1993] 2 CMLR 66; Cases C-46,48/93 Brasserieand ex parte Factortame [1996] ECR I-1029


1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment

Stockholm Declaration (Declaration of the UN Conference on the HumanEnvironment).See, in particular Principle 22 reproduced below.

1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development

1992 Rio Declaration (Declaration of the UN Conference on Environment andDevelopment). See in particular Principle 13 reproduced below.


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Nuclear sector:

1960 Paris OECD Convn on third party liability in the field of nuclear energy

2004 Protocol amending the Paris Convention

1963 Vienna IAEA Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage

1997 Protocol amending the Vienna Convention

1997 Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage

Oil pollution:

1992 Civil Liability Convention (CLC): Brussels International Convention on Civil Liability forOil Pollution Damage

1992 International Oil Fund Convention: Brussels International Convention for theestablishment of an International Fund for Compensation of Oil Pollution Damage

2003 Protocol to the International Oil Fund Convention on the establishment of aninternational fund for compensation for oil pollution damage

2001 Bunker Oil Convention: Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage

OPOL 1974 Oil Companies Offshore Pollution Liability Agreement, as amended in 1996

Marine environment:

1972 London Convention : Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping ofwastes and other matter


1992 Baltic Convention

1977 Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage

1992 Black Sea Convention:Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution



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1972 London Convention: Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping ofwastes and other matter

1991 Bamako Convention

1999 Basel Convention Protocol on liability and compensation for damage resulting fromtransboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal

2009 Hong Kong Ship Recycling Convention

Transport of substances

1971 Brussels Convention relating to civil liability in the field of maritime carriage ofnuclear material

1989 Geneva UNECE Convention on Civil Liability for damage caused during carriage ofdangerous goods by road, rail and inland navigation vessels (CRTD)

1996 HNS Convention: International Convention on Liability and Compensation for damagein connection with the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances by sea

1999 Basel Convention Protocol on liability and compensation for damage resulting fromtransboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal

Fresh water resources:

2003 Kiev Protocol on civil liability and compensation for damage caused by thetransboundary effects of industrial accidents on transboundary waters (to the 1992Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and internationallakes and to the 1992 Convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents)


1988 CRAMRA: Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities(Wellington)

1991 Antarctic Environment Protocol, Annex VI


-Council of Europe (

1993 Lugano Convention: Council of Europe Convention on Civil Liability for DamageResulting from Activities Dangerous to the Environment (ETS 150) -European Union

Directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability with regard to prevention and remedyingof environmental damage (OJ 2004 L143/56) as amended



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LAW (9 items)

Core reading (3 items)

Read one of the following

International law and the environment - Birnie, Patricia W., Boyle, Alan E., Redgwell,Catherine, 2009

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 5 (pages 329-334 (sections 6-7))

Principles of international environmental law - Sands, Philippe, Peel, Jacqueline, FabraAguilar, Adriana, Mackenzie, Ruth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | pages 725-727 of Ch17

i) General international instruments (5 items)

International criminal law:

 1996 ILC Draft Code of Crimes against Peace and Security of Mankind, Art20(g)

1998 Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court, Art.8(2)(b)(iv)

 See also in this connection the following conventions on warfare:

1977 ENMOD Convention: Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostileuse of environmental modification techniques

1977 Additional Protocol I to the 1949 Geneva Conventions: Arts 35, 55.

International conventions containing express duties on Contracting Parties to imposecriminal sanctions under national law:

1973 CITES (Convention on the international trade in endangered species of wild flora andfauna), Art VIII(a)

1974 Paris Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Marine Sources, Art12

1989 Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous waste,Arts. 4 and 9

Other sources:

2001 UNEP Guidelines on compliance with and enforcement of multilateral environmentalagreements See especially section D (National enforcement)


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1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment

Stockholm Declaration (Declaration of the UN Conference on the Human Environment)

1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development

1992 Rio Declaration (Declaration of the UN Conference on Environment andDevelopment)

ii) Regional instruments (1 items)


Council of Europe:

1998 Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of the Environment through CriminalLaw

European Union:

Directive 2008/99/EC on the protection of the environment through criminal law (OJ 2008L328/28)

Directive 2005/35 on ship-source pollution and on introduction of penalties forinfringements (OJ 2005 L255/11)

Framework Decision 2005/667 to strengthen the criminal law framework for theenforcement of the law against ship-source pollution (OJ 2005 L164): annulled by ECJ inCase C-440/05 (see below)

 European Court of Justice key cases:

Case C-176/03 Commission v Council (Environmental Crimes)[2005] ECR I-7879

Case C-440/05 Commission v Council (Ship-source pollution) [2007] ECR I-9097

Case C-308/06 The Queen on the application of: International Association of IndependentTanker Owners (Intertanko) and Others v Secretary of State for Transport [2008] judgmentof the ECJ 3.6.2008 (nyr)


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Environment Directorate General of the European Commission web page on environmentalcrime:


1991 Bamako Convention on the control of transboundary movement and management ofhazardous waste, Art 9(2)


CLRTAP: (4 items)

Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution - Air Pollution - EnvironmentalPolicy - UNECE

Webpage | See eg. UNECE 2006 Review of CLRTAP: Strategies and Policies for AirPollution Abatement (UN, 2007)

The Oxford handbook of international environmental law - Bodansky, Daniel, Brunn�ee,Jutta, Hey, Ellen, 2008

Book | pages 316-321 of Ch14

The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution: meeting the challenge ofinternational co-operation - A Fraenkel, 1989


International control of Persistent Organic Pollutants: the UNECE Convention onLong-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, and beyond - K Hillman, 1999


Vienna Convention/Montreal Protocol: (3 items)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Home pageWebsite | Backgrounder:Basic facts and data on the science and politics

of ozone protection (UNEP, 2008) UN Ozone Secretariat Progress Report 1987-2007: Achievements in Stratospheric OzoneProtection (UNEP, 2007)

Decisions in the desert: Report of the 10th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocolin Cairo - K Gray, 1999


Impact of ozone layer protection on the avoidance of climate change: legal issues andproposals to address the problem - T Akanle, 2010


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General Reading: (20 items)

Alive and kicking’: the first Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol - C Bausch, MMehling, 2006


A history of the science and politics of climate change: the role of the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change - Bolin, Bert, 2007


Adjudicating climate change: state, national, and international approaches - Burns, WilliamC. G., Osofsky, Hari M., Dawsonera, 2009


Equity and flexibility mechanisms in the climate change regime: conceptual and practicalissues - P Cullet, 1999


Climate change law and policy: EU and US approaches - Carlarne, CinnamonPinon, c2010


The science and politics of global climate change: a guide to the debate - Dessler, AndrewEmory, Parson, Edward, 2010


Legal aspects of carbon trading: Kyoto, Copenhagen, and beyond - Freestone, David,Streck, Charlotte, 2009


Climate ethics: essential readings - Gardiner, Stephen Mark, 2010Book

Global warming: the complete briefing - Houghton, J. T., Dawsonera, 2009Book

Allocation in the European Emissions Trading Scheme: rights, rents and fairness -Ellerman, A. Denny, Buchner, Barbara, Carraro, Carlo, 2007


Carbon capture and storage: emerging legal and regulatory issues - Havercroft, Ian,


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Macrory, Richard, Stewart, Richard B., 2011Book

Climate change, forced migration, and international law - McAdam, Jane, 2012Book

The Kyoto Protocol in the EU: European community and Member States under internationaland european law - Massai, L., SpringerLink (Online service), c2011


Sovereignty and Equity within the Framework of the Climate Regime - Eriika Melkas,2002-07


The Oxford handbook of international environmental law - Bodansky, Daniel, Brunn�ee,Jutta, Hey, Ellen, 2008

Book | pages 327-332 of Ch14

Fairness in international climate change law and policy - Soltau, Friedrich, Dawsonera,2009


Atmospheric justice: a political theory of climate change - Vanderheiden, Steve, 2008Book

Global warming gridlock: creating more effective strategies for protecting the planet -Victor, David G., 2011


The Kyoto Protocol: origins, assessment and future challenges - F Yamin, 1998Article

Beyond the carbon economy: energy law in transition - Zillman, Donald N., 2008Book

Post-Kyoto 2012: (9 items)

Elements for a robust climate change regime - S Aguilar, 2007Article

Architectures for agreement: addressing global climate change in the post-Kyoto world -Joseph E. Aldy, R. N. Stavins, 2007


Climate change, forests and REDD: lessons for institutional design - Gupta, Joyeeta, Grijp,Nicolien van der, Kuik, Onno, 2013


Climate governance at the crossroads: experimenting with a global response after Kyoto -Hoffmann, Matthew J., 2011


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The Bali Road Map: can it deliver an equitable post-2012 climate agreement for smallisland states? - M Mace, 2008


The Long way to the Copenhagen Accord: Climate change negotiations in 2009 - L Massai,2010


Copenhagen 2009: failure or final wake-up call for our leaders? - B Mueller, 2009Article

Climate policy after Copenhagen: the role of carbon pricing - Neuhoff, Karsten, 2011Book

Great expectations: understanding Bali and the climate change negotiations process - CSpence, K Kulovesi, 2008


Common and differentiated responsibility: (4 items)

Leadership in the climate regime: inspiring the commitment of developing countries in thepost-Kyoto phase - J Gupta, 1998


The principle of common but differentiated responsibility and the balance of commitmentsunder the climate regime - L Rajamani, 2000


North-South aspects of the climate change issue: towards a constructive negotiatingpackage for developing countries - J Gupta, 1999


Legal steps outside the Climate Convention: litigation as a tool to address climate change -J Gupta, 2007


Adaptation to climate change: (4 items)

Adaptation to the impacts of anthropogenic climate change – the international legalframework - R Verheyen, 2002


Adaptation to global climate change: an urgent requirement for small island developingstates - L Nurse, R Moore, 2005


Funding for adaptation to climate change: UNFCCC and GEF developments since COP-7 - M


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Mace, 2005Article

Conceptual history of adaptation in the UNFCCC process - E Schipper, 2006Article

Economic instruments: (5 items)

The Law and Practice of Joint Implementation - Richard J. King, 1997-03Article

Flexibility mechanisms: which path to take after Kyoto? - F Missfeldt, 1998Article

International emissions trading under the Kyoto Protocol: core issues in implementation -M Grugg, 1998


The Clean Development Mechanism: unwrapping the ‘Kyoto Surprise’ - J Werksman, 1998Article

What’s new in the CDM? - H Wilkins, 2002Article

Compliance: (3 items)

Verifying compliance with the Kyoto Protocol - J Lanchbery, 1998Article

The implementation and compliance regimes under the Climate Change Convention andits Kyoto Protocol - X Wang, G Wiser, 2002


The Kyoto Protocol compliance regime and treaty law - M Fitzmaurice, 2004Article


State of the marine environment: (1 items)

GESAMP Report 2001 (Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine


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Environmental Protection), A Sea of Troubles (2001 UNEP)

Available for inspection on the UNEP website:

Selected suggested commentaries: (21 items)

Environmental security in the Arctic Ocean: promoting co-operation and preventingconflict - Berkman, Paul Arthur, Royal United Services Institute for Defence and SecurityStudies, 2010


Dumping of Wastes at Sea: Adoption of the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention 1972 -Rene Coenen, 1997-03


Reforming the international law and policy on marine oil pollution - E Duruigbo, 2000Article

The Oxford handbook of international environmental law - Bodansky, Daniel, Brunn�ee,Jutta, Hey, Ellen, 2008

Book | Ch15

Learning from disaster: lessons in regulatory enforcement in the maritime sector - Gold,1999


International environmental law and the conservation of coral reefs - Goodwin, Edward J.,2011


Protection of the marine environment through international ship-source pollution oilpollution compensation regimes - Gauci, 1999


Shipping interdiction and the law of the sea - Guilfoyle, Douglas, Dawsonera, 2009Book

Making the law of the sea: a study in the development of international law - Harrison,James, 2011


Protection of the marine environment and the EU - Drifting or making headway? Somecritical reflections on internal and external dimensions to law, policy and practice -Hedemann-Robinson, 2004


Uncharted waters for EU law enforcement: EU waste management law and the marineenvironment – liability issues arising from the Prestige oil tanker disaster -Hedemann-Robinson, 2003



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The EU and Environmental Crime: The Impact of the ECJ's Judgment on FrameworkDecision 2005/667 on Ship-Source Pollution - M. Hedemann-Robinson, 2008-02-05


The contribution of the ICJ to the development of the law of the sea and environmental law- J E L Kwiatkowska, 1999


The legal order of the oceans: basic documents on law of the sea - Lowe, A. V., Talmon,Stefan, 2009


Can the oceans be harboured? A four step plan for the 21st century - Stone, 1999Article

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Protection and Preservation ofthe Marine Environment - Mensah, 1999


Competence or confidence? The appropriate forum to address multi-purpose high seasprotected areas - Morgera, 2007


International Law and Ocean Governance: audacity and modesty - Pureza, 1999Article

Preventing pollution from ships – reflections on the ‘adequacy’ of existing rules - Ringbom,1999


Marine Protected Areas beyond areas of national jurisdiction: what’s mine is mine andwhat you think is yours is also mine - Salpin, Germani, 2010


Marine environmental governance: from international law to local practice - Techera, ErikaJ., 2011



1. Background information on the state of freshwater environment: (3items)

OECD Improving Water Management: Recent OECD ExperienceWebsite

Europe’s environment: the Fourth Assessment – Section 2.3 Inland Waters


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UN World Water Development Report Water for People, Water for Life – ExecutiveSummary (2003 UN)

2. Selected suggested additional commentaries: (11 items)

International water law in a climate of disruption - J Dellapenna, 2008/9Article

General Principles Governing the Cooperation between States in Relation toNon-Navigational Uses Of International Watercourses - M. Fitzmaurice, 2004-01-01


The Oxford handbook of international environmental law - Bodansky, Daniel, Brunn�ee,Jutta, Hey, Ellen, 2008

Book | Ch15

Water resources planning and management - Grafton, R. Quentin, Hussey, Karen, 2011Book

The Watercourses Convention: To what extent does it provide a basis for regulating usesof international watercourses? - E Hey, 1998


Pollution Prevention in the Watershed: Protect the Land to Protect the River - Eric S.Howard, 1996-06


The emergence of an ‘ecosystem approach’ to the protection of international watercoursesunder international law - O McIntyre, 2004


Managing and transforming water conflicts - Delli Priscoli, Jerome, Wolf, Aaron T.,Dawsonera, 2009


Water Use and Development in Arid Regions: Environment, Economic Development andWater Resource Politics and Policy - J.A. Allan, 1996-06


Transboundary toxic pollution and the drainage basin concept - L Teclaff, E Teclaff, 1984Article


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Fresh water and international economic law - Weiss, Edith Brown, Boisson de Chazournes,Laurence, Bernasconi-Osterwalder, Nathalie, 2005


Regional arrangements: (9 items)

Water law for the twenty-first century: national and international aspects of water lawreform in India - Cullet, Philippe, Gowlland-Gualtieri, Alix, Madhav, Roopa, Ramanathan,Usha, 2009


Aspirations and Realities under the Water Framework Directive: Proceduralisation,Participation and Practicalities - W. Howarth, 2009-01-01


European River Basin Districts: Are They Swimming in the Same Implementation Pool? - A.M. Keessen, J. J. H. van Kempen, M. van Rijswick, J. Robbe, C. W. Backes, 2010-01-01


Analysing the ECE Water Convention: What Lessons for the Regional Management ofTransboundary Water Resources? by Patricia Wouters, Sergei Vinogradov :: SSRN


The EC water framework directive – an instrument for integrating water policy - DGrimeaud, 2004


The River Rhine: from Equal Apportionment to Ecosystem Protection - Andre Nollkaemper,1996-06


Towards sustainable management of international water basins: the case of Lake Geneva -C Ferrier, 2000


Conflicts over International River Basins in Africa, the Middle East and Asia - Dante A.Caponera, 1996-06


See also range of papers in (2003) Volume 14 of Yearbook of International EnvironmentalLaw

Human rights and freshwater resources: (2 items)

Trading water: the human factor - J Razzaque, 2004Article

The Contribution of Human Rights to Freshwater Resource Management - S. R. Tully,2004-01-01


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Suggested selected further reading: (9 items)

International management of hazardous wastes: the Basel Convention and related legalrules - Kummer, Katharina, 1995


International management of hazardous wastes: the Basel Convention and related legalrules - Kummer, Katharina, 1995


The Basel Convention: Ten years on - K Kummer, 1998Article

Safe and sound scrapping of ‘rusty buckets’? The 2009 Hong Kong Ship RecyclingConvention - N Matz-Lueck, 2010


The Basel compliance mechanism - A Shibata, 2003Article

Trade implications of the Basel Convention amendment banning north-south trade inhazardous wastes - D Wirth, 1998


Liability and compensation for injurious consequences of the transboundary movement ofhazardous wastes - B Runtinwa, 1997


Negotiation of a protocol on liability and compensation resulting from transboundarymovements of hazardous wastes and their disposal - P Lawrence, 1998


The Bamako Convention and the first meeting of the parties: a glance at implementationstrategies - E Eguh, 1998


Topic 6: CIVIL SOCIETY AND INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (31items)Suggested further reading


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General: (6 items)

Human rights approaches to environmental protection - Boyle, Alan E., Anderson, MichaelR., 1996

Book | Ch7

The Oxford handbook of international environmental law - Bodansky, Daniel, Brunn�ee,Jutta, Hey, Ellen, 2008

Book | Chapter 29

Environmental protection, law and policy: text and materials - Holder, Jane, Lee, Maria,MyiLibrary, 2007

Book | Ch3

Defending the environment: civil society strategies to enforce international environmentallaw - Malone, Linda A., Pasternack, Scott, c2006


Enhanced implementation of international environmental treaties by judiciary – access tojustice in international environmental law for individuals and NGOs: efficaciousenforcement by the Permanent Court of Arbitration - A Rest, 2004


Participation and Deliberation in Environmental Law: Exploring a Problem-solving Approach- J. Steele, 2001-09-01


Århus Convention: (5 items)

The Aarhus Convention and innovations in compliance with multilateral environmentalagreements - S Kravchenko, 2007


The usual suspects? Public participation under the Aarhus Convention - M Lee, C Abbot,2003


The Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making andaccess to justice in environmental matters - S McAllister, 1998

Article | Journal not held

An Update on the Aarhus Convention and its Continued Global Relevance - Elisa Morgera,2005-08


Pursuing Substantive Environment Justice: The Aarhus Convention as a ‘Pillar’ ofEmpowerment - Carine Nadal, 2008-02



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NGOs: (4 items)

The role of NGOs in shaping [European] Community positions in internationalenvironmental fora - P Bombay, 2001


Facilitating and controlling civil society in international environmental law - A Gillespie,2006


The Oxford handbook of international environmental law - Bodansky, Daniel, Brunn�ee,Jutta, Hey, Ellen, 2008

Book | Chapter 33

NGOs and international environmental law: a critical evaluation of their roles andresponsibilities - F Yarmin, 2001


EU: (8 items)

NGO standing in the European Court of Justice – does the Aarhus Regulation open thedoor? - T Crossen, V Niessen, 2007


Beyond Greenpeace, courtesy of the Aarhus Convention - F De Lange, 2003Article

Enforcement of European Union environmental law: legal issues and challenges -Hedemann-Robinson, Martin, 2007


Access to environmental information in an open European society – Directive 2003/4/EC - LKraemer, 2004


Public participation, procedure, and democratic deficit in EC environmental law - M Lee,2003


Implementation of the Aarhus Convention through Community law - 2004Article

Public participation in the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes onthe environment – Directive 2001/42/EC, the UNECE Espoo Convention and the KievProtocol - K Morrow, 2004


Public participation regarding the elaboration and approval of projects in the EU after theAarhus Convention - J Verschuuren, 4



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Legal Standing and access to justice: (3 items)USA

Getting into court: standing, political questions and climate tort claims - M Averill, 2010Article

Standing up for the environment: citizen suits in the US and in the EC white paper onenvironmental liability - M Cull, 2000


Casenote on Friends of the Earth, Inc v Laidlaw 120 S.Ct.693 (2000)

A number of citizen environmental suits have been and are being pursued in the US aswell as legal actions taken by states on behalf of local communities:

Comer v Murphy Oil 585 F 3d 855 (5th Cir 2009)

Kivalina v Exxon (2009) Judgment of US District Court for the Northern District of Califoria

Connecticut v American Electric Power 582 F.3d 309 (2nd Cir.2009) (currently pendingappeal before the US Supreme Court)

Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 (2007)

UK: (2 items)

Access to justice in environmental matters at EU Member State level – an update on theUK - J Razzaque, 2005


See also decision of the Arhus Complaints Committee of September 2010 regarding ClientEarth v UK (Port of Tyne waste disposal):

Ireland: (1 items)

Access to justice under the Århus Convention and Irish judicial review - R Kennedy, 2008Article


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Netherlands: (1 items)

The Rise and Fall of Access to Justice in The Netherlands - H. Tolsma, K. de Graaf, J. Jans,2009-01-01


India: (1 items)

Public Interest Environmental Litigation in India: Exploring Issues of Access, Participation,Equity, Effectiveness and Sustainability - L. Rajamani, 2007-08-09


Topic 7: CIVIL LIABILITY AND INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (29 items)Suggested further reading

General: (14 items)

Environmental risk spreading and insurance - L Bergkamp, 2003Article

Liability and environment: private and public law aspects of civil liability for environmentalharm in an international context - Bergkamp, Lucas, 2001


Environmental damage in international and comparative law: problems of definition andvaluation - Bowman, Michael, Boyle, Alan E., 2002


Environmental damage in international and comparative law: problems of definition andvaluation - Bowman, Michael, Boyle, Alan E., 2002


Globalising Environmental Liability: The Interplay of National and International Law - A.E.Boyle, 2005-01-01


Of sense and sensibility: rflections on international liability regimes as tools forenvironmental protection - J Brunee, 2004


Facilitating (Transnational) Civil Liability Litigation for Environmental Damage by Means ofTreaties: Progress, Problems, and Prospects - R. R. Churchill, 2002-01-01


Civil liability regimes as a complement to multilateral environmental agreements: soundinternational policy or false comfort? - A Daniel, 2003



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The Oxford handbook of international environmental law - Bodansky, Daniel, Brunn�ee,Jutta, Hey, Ellen, 2008

Book | Chapter 44

Liability for Environmental Damage Caused to the Global Commons - Malgosia Fitzmaurice,1996-12


Compensation Funds versus Liability and Insurance for Remedying Environmental Damage- Michael G. Faure, Ton Hartlief, 1996-12


Liability for transboundary environmental damage: towards the general liability regime? -T Gehring, M Jachtenfuchs, 1993


4. International / Civil Liability and Compensation - I. Plakokefalos, 2012-01-01Article

Valuation of Environmental Damage-US and International Law Approaches - PhilippeSands, Richard B. Stewart, 1996-12


State liability: (1 items)

Liability and Compensation for Environmental Damage in the Context of the Work of theUnited Nations Compensation Commission - Ruth Mackenzie, Ruth Khalastchi, 1996-12


Oil pollution: (6 items)

Liability and Compensation for Natural Resource Damage under the International OilPollution Conventions - Edward H. P. Brans, 1996-12


Judicial attitudes to redress for oil-related environmental damage in Nigeria - K Ebeku,2003


The international regimes for the compensation of oil-pollution damage: are theyeffective? - M Faure, W Hui, 2003


Limitation of liability in international maritime conventions: the relationship betweenglobal limitation conventions and particular liability regimes -MartinezGutie


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rrez, Norman A., 2011


Recovering Damage to the Environment per se1 Following an Oil Spill: The Shadows andLights of the Civil Liability and Fund Conventions of 1992 - Drame Ibrahima, 2005-04


Some recent developments regarding liability for damage resulting from oil pollution –from the perspective of an EU Member State - W Oosterveen, 2004


GMOs: (1 items)

The transboundary movement of living modified organisms: issues relating to liability andcompensation - A Ascencio, 1997


Waste: (1 items)

The Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastesand their disposal: 1999 Protocol on liability and compensation, - S Choksi, 2001


EU: (5 items)

Liability for damage to public natural resources under the 2004 EC environmental liabilitydirective - E Brans, 2005


Enforcement of European Union environmental law: legal issues and challenges -Hedemann-Robinson, Martin, 2007


Enforcement of European Union environmental law: legal issues and challenges -Hedemann-Robinson, Martin, 2007


Weighing up the EC Environmental Liability Directive - G. Winter, J. H. Jans, R. Macrory, L.Kramer, 2008-02-05


Environmental liability and ecological damage in European law - Hinteregger, Monika, 2008Book

Antarctica: (1 items)


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10/12/20 International Environmental Law - Substantive Legal Aspects | University of


Liability for Environmental Damage in Antarctica - Anthony Aust, John Shears, 1996-12Article


General: (9 items)

Defending the right to a healthy environment: towards a crime of genocide I internationallaw - L Berat, 11993


Transnational criminal law? - N Boister, 2003Article

The international crime of ecocide - M Gray, 1996Article

Crimes against nature: illegal industries and the global environment - Liddick, Don, c2011Book

Criminal liability for environmental damage occurring in times of non-international armedconflict - A Lopez, 2007


The reality of international law: essays in honour of Ian Brownlie - Ian Brownlie, Guy S.Goodwin-Gill, Stefan Talmon, 1999


The reality of international law: essays in honour of Ian Brownlie - Guy S. Goodwin-Gill,Stefan Talmon, Ian Brownlie, 1999


Prospects for environmental liability in the International Criminal Court - P Sharp, 1999Article

Routledge international handbook of green criminology - 2013Book

Europe: (11 items)

Criminal environmental law and Community competence - F Comte, 2003Article

European environmental criminal law – recent developments - F Comte, 2005Article


Page 43: International Environmental Law - View Online Substantive ... · International Environmental Law - Substantive Legal Aspects (2016-2017) View Online 421 items The textbook recommended

10/12/20 International Environmental Law - Substantive Legal Aspects | University of


Environmental crime in Europe: rules of sanctions - Comte,Francoise,Kramer, Ludwig, 2004


European environmental criminal law: do we really need it? - M Faure, 2004Article

The emergence of EU environmental criminal law -Part I - M Hedemann-Robinson, 2008Article

The emergence of EU environmental criminal law –Part II - M Hedemann-Robinson, 2008Article

The role of the ECJ in the protection of the environment - F Jacobs, 2006Article

Environment, crime and EC law - L Krämer, 2006Article

Environmental criminal law in the first pillar: a positive development for environmentalprotection in the EU? - R Pereira, 2007


The EC and harmonisation of the criminal law enforcement of Communiy policy? - JVervaele


Your money or your life: a look at the Convention on the protection of the environmentthrough criminal law - C Selin, 2001


