Page 1: International Congress on Paleoecology -past and future


Lethara, Vol 17, p 196 Oslo, 19840715

International Conmess on Paleoecology -



past and future L. DAVID, J. C. GALL AND A. SEILACHER

From 18th to 23rd July 1983 the ‘First International Congress on Paleoecology’ was held in Lyon under the auspices of the International Union of Paleontology. It was attended by more than 300 persons from about 30 countries.

The 170 oral and poster contributions were divided into three parallel sessions. They covered all aspects of paleocco- logy: paleoecologic methods, the study of fossiliferous deposits and the contribution of paleoecology to major problems of earth history, such as climatology, plate tectonics and evolu- tion. Two special symposia dealt with the contribution of or- ganisms to the formation of sediments and rocks and with paleo-limnology. Several one- to four-day excursions were also held. About SO contributions selected by the lecture committec will be published in a special issue of GEOBIOS.

At the end of the session of the different committees it was decided that a symposium on a more restricted theme should be held in 1985. For this, Prof. A. Seilacher (Tubingen, Ger-

many) proposed the theme ‘Paleoecology and Evolution’. It was also considered to have the sccond international congress on paleoecology in 1987, preferably in a non-European coun- try. A permanent committee consisting of the three persons undersigned was established to follow up proposals for this second congress. We close this short report with an invitation to geological and paleontological committees in different coun- tries to consider their candidature.

L. David, Universitk Claude Bernard, Dept. des Sciences de la Terre, 27-13, boulevard du 11 Novembre, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France; J . C. Gall, Universitt Louis Pasteur de Stras- bourg, Institut de GPologie, I , rue Blessig, F-67084, France; A . Seilacher, Universitiit Tubingen, Instirut f. Geologie u. Palaon- tologie, Sigwartstrasse 10, 0-7400 Tubingen, West Germuny; 23rd December, 1983.
