Page 1: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

Internal staff release only

X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS

Jayex Technology LimitedX-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

Page 2: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

Contents Installing X-Call Server

Installing X-Call Reception

Configuration for X-Call Server

Configuration for X-Call Reception

Page 3: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

X-Call Server Installation

Double click on the ‘Jayex Install’ folder.

Double click on the ‘X-Call’ folder.

Double click on the ‘X-Call Server’ folder.

Select the relevant Server Setup depending on their Clinical System

This will begin the installation process, click ‘Next’.

Click on ‘Start’ and ‘Run’.

In the run command text box type \\x-media\c$ and click ‘OK’.

Page 4: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

Click on ‘Install’ to continue.

A status window will open indicating the length of time for the installation.

Page 5: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

When the installation has completed, click on ‘Finish’.

The X-Call Server icon will now appear on the desktop.

A popup message will appear towards the end of the installation, click on ‘Cancel’ to ignore.

Page 6: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

X-Call Reception Installation

From the ‘Jayex Install’ folder double click on the ‘X-Call’ folder.

Double click on the ‘X-Call Reception Setup’ icon.

This will begin the installation process, click ‘Next’.

Page 7: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

Click on ‘Install’ to continue.

A status window will open indicating the length of time for the installation.

Page 8: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

When the installation has completed, click on ‘Finish’.

The X-Call Reception icon will now appear on the desktop.

An error message will appear towards the end of the installation, click on ‘Ignore’ and continue to repeat this until install complete.

Page 9: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

X-Call Server Configuration for Emis LV

From the desktop, double click on ‘X-Call Server’ icon.

This will open up a configuration window.

Ensure you have selected ‘LV’ (from the bottom left hand corner).

When the correct information has been entered, click ‘OK’.

Page 10: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

X-Call Server Configuration for Emis PCS

From the desktop, double click on ‘X-Call Server’ icon.

This will open up a configuration window.

Ensure you have selected ‘PCS’ (from the bottom left hand corner).

N.B The Database will always be EMIS , this must be in upper case followed by the site number .

When the correct information has been entered, click ‘OK’.

Page 11: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

In the Data Server field type the computer name (x-media) and click on ‘Test Settings’.

When the test is successful, this will indicate ‘Test Ok’ in green. Click ‘OK’ to continue.

A pop up server window will open and automatically disappear showing your X-Call Server running in the system tray.

Page 12: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

X-Call Reception Configuration

From the desktop, double click on ‘X-Call Reception’.

This will open up a configuration window, click ‘Next’.

Type in the PC Name (x-media) and click on ‘Test’.

Page 13: Internal staff release only X-Call V2.0 - Installation for Emis LV & PCS  Jayex Technology Limited X-Call Version 2.0 March 2010 v3.10.1

When the test connection has succeeded, the path will be stated in the ‘Server Directory’. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

You will be asked to enter a valid License Key given to you on a monthly basis by your Jayex Support team.

When you have typed the License Key, click ‘Register’, this will open up your X-Call Reception. This will now show you your valid license expiry date.
