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  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Exchange Rates and Interest Rates

    Interest Parity

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    PPP and IP

    Relationship between exchange rates andprices ------ Purchasing Power Parity

    PPP is expected to hold when there is noarbitrage opportunity in goods markets.

    Relationship between exchange rates andinterest rates ------ Interest Parity

    IP is expected to hold when there is noarbitrage opportunity in financial markets.

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    PPP and IP

    Financial- asset prices adjust to newinformation more quicklythan goods

    prices PPP does not hold in the shortrun

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Interest Parity

    1/30/02 FT

    US$ Libor (3 months): 1.870 = i$ Euro Libor (3 months): 3.351 = i Euro spot: 0.8617 = E$/ Euro 3 months forward: 0.8585 = F


  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Euro currency

    Offshore Banking

    Euro dollar, Euro yen

    Euro banks

    Libor = London Interbank Offer Rate

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Interest Parity

    By investing $1,000 for 3 months, aninvestor in the US can earn 1,000 x (1+i$)

    = 1,000 x [1+(0.018704)] = 1,004.67dollars at home.

    Alternatively, she can invest in the EU by

    converting dollars to euros and theninvesting the euros.

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Interest Parity

    $1,000 equal to 1,000 E$/= 1,000 0.8617 = 1,160.50 euros, which is the

    quantity of euros resulting from the 1,000dollars invested.

    After three months, she will receive

    1,160.50 x (1+i) = 1,160.50 x [1+(0.033514)] = 1,170.22 euros.

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Interest Parity

    She will have to convert this investmentreturn to dollars at the exchange rate that

    will prevail 3 months later, which isunknown today.

    To avoid this uncertainty, she can cover

    the investment in euro with a forwardcontract.

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Interest Parity

    She sells1,170.22 to be received in 3months in the forward market today.

    The covered returnis (1,000 E$/) x(1+i

    ) x F$/= 1,170.22 x F$/

    = 1,170.22 x0.8585 = 1,004.64 dollars, which is pretty

    close to $1,004.67.

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Interest Parity

    Arbitrage makes the difference betweenthe returns on two investment

    opportunities equal to zero. In other words,

    1+i$= (1+i)(F$//E$/)


    (1+i$)/ (1+i) = (F$//E$/)

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Interest Parity

    Interest rate paritycondition is given by

    (i$-i)/ (1+i) = (F$/-E$/) /E$/

    which is approximated by

    i$-i= (F$/-E$/) /E$/ (Covered InterestParity)

    In other words, the interest differential betweenthe US and the EU is equal to the forwardpremium of the euro.

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Interest Parity

    To check CIP:

    (i$-i) = (1.8703.351)400 = -0.0037

    (F$/-E$/) /E$/= (0.85850.8617)0.8617= -0.0037

    CIP can be rewritten as

    i$=i+ (forward premium)

    where (forward premium) = (F$/-E$/) /E$/

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Uncovered Interest Parity

    Suppose that a US investor is buying a UKbond without using the forward market.

    The 6 months Libor is 4.17250 %, butthis is not the rate of return relevant for theUS investor.

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    The effective rate is given by

    i + (Ee$/-E$/) /E$/

    = (UK interest rate) + (Expected rate of


    where Ee$/

    stands for the expectedexchange rate 3 month ahead.

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    In other words, the expected return on apound investment is the UK interest rate

    plus the expected rate of depreciation ofthe dollar against the pound.

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    UIP: an example

    Suppose an investor expects the dollar toappreciate by 1.15% over six months.

    Then, the expected return on a UK bond is(4.172502)1.15 = 0.936 %.

    This is almost same as the return on a US

    bond: 1.8702 = 0.935 %.

    In such a case, we say that UncoveredInterest Parityholds.

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Inflation and Interest Rates

    Nominal interest rate = i : the observedrate

    Real interest rate = r : the rate adjustedfor inflation

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Fisher Effect

    Nobody lends someone money at 5%interest rate when the inflation rate is

    expected to be 6% for the next year.(Why?)

    The nominal interest rate incorporates

    inflation expectations to provide lendersenough level of real return. Fisher Effect

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Fisher Equation

    i = r + e

    where e = expected rate of inflation

    Higher the inflation expectations, higherwill be the nominal interest rates.

    The interest rates were high in 1970s and


  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Exchange rates, interest ratesand inflation

    Fisher equations for two countries:

    i$= r$+ USe

    i= r+ Je

    If the real rate is the same between twocountries, that is, r$= r, then

    i$- i = USe- J

    e= (F$/-E$/) /E$/

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    CIP, PPP, and FE

    Covered Interest Parity:

    i$- i = (F$/-E$/) /E$/

    Relative PPP:US

    e- Je= %E$/= (F$/-E$/) /E$/

    Fisher equations for two countries:

    i$= r$+ USe

    i= r+ Je

    CIP + Relative PPP + FE implies r$ = r

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity



    Suppose initially CIP holds:

    i$- i = (F$/-E$/) /E$/ Suppose further that the Democrats take

    over the senate and congress and startmassive spending.




    . (Why?) This implies i$by Fisher equation


  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Three possible cases

    1. Possibly, Ee. Then F . (Why?)

    2. More likely, Eedoes not change. Then E .(Why?)

    3. Suppose that the US or Japan or bothintervene the FX markets, trying to keep theexchange rate constant. Then, there will be nochange in i

    $- i


    But i$(Why?)

    So, i has to go up.

    Then, J will also go up. (Why?)

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Expected exchange rate and theTerm Structure of Interest Rates

    How different are the interest rates fordifferent maturities? Term Structure of

    Interest Rates In bonds market, there are 3-month, 6-

    month, 1-year, 3-year, 10-year, and 30-year bonds.

    Short-term, medium-term, long-terminterest rates.

  • 8/10/2019 Interest Parity


    Term Structure of Interest Rates

    Expectations Hypothesis:

    The expected return from the long-term bond

    tends to be equal to the return generated fromholding the series of short-term bonds.

    Liquidity Premium

    Risk-averse investors more prefer lendingshort-term than long-term. (Why?)

    Long-term bonds incorporate a risk-premium.
