
Integrated skills Unit 4 A good read What do you know about this boy? Is he the main character in this book? Is the Harry Potter series popular? How many books in the Harry Potter series have you ever read? Who is the writer? A Recommending a book Al The Cass 1, Grade 8 students are talking about what they have read recently. Listen to them and match each student with the type and name of the book they have read. Kitty Millie Daniel Simon Sandy novel history science travel Three Men in a Boat Notes from a Small Island Moment in Peking Flags of Our Fathers A Brief History of Time Student Type of book Name of the book A2 Suzy plans to read the Harry Potter series. She is telling her classmates about the books. Listen to what she says and complete her notes. A British writer Date of birth (1) _____________ As a child often wrote (2)______ and read them to her sister In 1990 got the idea for the first Harry Potter story on a (3)______ trip to London In (4) ____ finished the first Harry Potter book In 2007 finished the (5) ____________ book of the series J. K. Rowling 31 July 1965 stories train 1995 seventh/last at first all the British publishing houses refused to publish it a year later a small publishing house in (6) ________ accepted it so far a great success has been translated into about (7) ____ languages Sales over (8) ______ million copies in over (9) _____ countries and areas Harry Potter series London A3 Millie made some notes of the Harry Potter series. However, she has made some mistakes. Listen to Suzy again. Help Millie underline the mistake in each sentence and write the correct words in the blanks. 1. J. K. Rowling is a Canadian writer. _______ 2. Rowling's birthday is on 30 July. _____ British 31 3. When she was a child, Rowling often shared toys with her sister. ______ 4. The eighth Harry Potter book is the last one of the series. _______ 5. The first Harry Potter book was a great success in the very beginning. ________ 6. The Harry Potter series is popular only in Britain. ________________________ ________________________ stories seventh was not in over 200 countries and areas all over the world B Speak up: I want some history books Daniel: Excuse me, I want some history books, but I don't know where to find them. Mrs Li: Don't worry. You can search for information on the computer here. Daniel: Thank you. How many books can I borrow at a time? Daniel is talking to Mrs Li, the school librarian. Work in pairs and take t to borrow books from a library. Use the conversation below as a model. Mrs Li: You can borrow one Chinese book and one English book. Daniel: I see. How long can I keep the books? Mrs Li: For two weeks. You must return them on time. Daniel: Could you tell me how to renew them? Mrs Li: You don't have to come to our desk every time. Just renew them online. It's easy. Daniel: OK. Thanks for your help. Mrs Li: You're welcome. 1.How many books can Daniel borrow at a time? 2. How long can he keep the books? 3. How can he renew the books? Answer the questions according to the conversation between Daniel and Mrs Li. He can borrow one Chinese book and one English book. He can keep the books for two weeks. He can renew them online Language points 1.You don't have to come to our desk every time. Just renew them online. online online travel online shopping Suppose youre in a gym. Make a new conversation using Part B as a model. Exercise Sample conversation: A: Excuse me, I want to borrow some basketballs. but I dont know where to find them. B: Dont worry. You can look at the shelf over there. A: Thank you. How many basketballs can I borrow at a time? B: You can borrow five for each class. A: I see. How long can I keep them? B: You can keep them for 45 minutes. You must return them after class. A: Can I keep them longer? B: No, and you can only borrow them once a day. A: OK, thanks for your help. B: Youre welcome. Homework Master the words and expressions you have learnt in this unit and review the grammar.