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Newsletter 16/2015—Be a Learner, Be Respectful, Be Safe Page 1

INSIDE Diary 2

CHS Regional Surf Competition 2

PSSA Boys Soccer Knockout 2

CHS Regional Surf Competition 2

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Author Profile 2

Beef Meets Reef Festival 2

CLO News 3

Canteen Roster 2

Science Trivia 2

K-6 Awards 3

P&C News 4

Student Reports Before too long students will receive their half yearly reports. This is a time to

reflect on many fine achievements our students are recording. Students are

encouraged to identify the things they are doing well. Parents are asked to

discuss reports with their child highlighting the positives. It is also a time for

looking at where improvements need to be made. This can be identifying areas

of learning, application to study or improved personal organisation.

Italian Exchange Planning for the 2015 -16 Italian exchange is progressing. The opportunity to

participate has been extended to include Year 8 2015 as well as students of

Year 9 this year. A letter has been sent home with Year 8 students explaining

arrangements and how to register interest in participating. We will have 14

Italian students with us August 31 - September 18 2015. It is planned that our

students will travel to Italy April 2 - 22 (approximate dates). The exchange

provides a wonderful life opportunity for students to learn more of friends who

grow up in another country. Previous participants have spoken effusively about

their enjoyment and the rich learning from their involvement.

Trade Skills Centre Update Officials from the Department of Education and the Department of Public

Works attended the school this week to progress planning for the $1M

construction of our Commercial Cookery and outdoor bistro facility. Plans are

99% completed. We anticipate tenders being called next month, closing during

July and being let during August. The completed works are due for handover to

the school from the first day of school 2016. While the works are being

completed a demountable Food Technology unit will operate at the school to

ensure continuity of classes. A part of the tender requires that for the days the

HSC examinations use the gymnasium, no work will be undertaken on site.

This amounts to only those days where very large candidature courses are

being sat: three days in total. While we anticipate the northern car park will

remain operational for most of the period of construction there will be some

days where heavy machinery, including cranes, will be used and the car park

will be closed. Advanced warning is anticipated.

Rob Walker – Principal

SCU Chemistry Day Our senior cohort of eight HSC Chemistry students

represented Evans River K-12 at the SCU Lismore

Campus last Wednesday, along with 15 other regional

schools, to participate in enrichment activities aimed to

enhance studies of Chemistry. Practical sessions

centered on student Titration skills, Sulfate analysis,

Issue 16

28th May 2015

Masthead Photo: Beef meets Reef Parade 2015

Newsletter 16/2015—Be a Learner, Be Respectful, Be Safe Page 2


This Week - Week 7 Term 2 - Week A

Jun 02 Science and Engineering Challenge Yr 10 SCU

Jun 03 Hair and Beauty Students to TAFE Wollongbar

Jun 05 PSSA Cross Country Kempsey

CHS Regional Cross Country

Primary Girls Network

Next Week - Week 8 Term 2- Week B

Jun 08 Queens Birthday Public Holiday

Jun 12 K-6 Athletics Carnival Field Events

Car Wash for Italian Exchange

Coming Event

Jun 15 P&C Meetings 9:00am and 4:30pm Library

Jun 16-17 Mobile Dental Visits

Jun 18 CHS Regional Open Softball Lismore

Jun 19 CHS Zone Athletics Lismore

Primary Athletics Carnival- Track Events

Jun 22 NAIDOC Assembly

Jun 23 Minyumi Aboriginal Students Excursion

Jun 24 NAIDOC Activities Day

Jun 25 Performance Assembly & Preliminary Awards 12:00pm

Jun 26 Last Day of Term 2

AAS and flame testing as well as Isotopes and their

applications. Evans River students utilised further

opportunities to investigate the Chemistry facilities

available at the Southern Cross University, while

meeting and working with peers from distant schools,

including Macksville and Murwillumbah High.

Karen Warwick- Science Teacher

PSSA Boys Soccer Knockout On Monday 19th May, the Evans River Primary Boys soccer team played the

first two rounds of the NSW PSSA Soccer Knockout at Woodburn Soccer


Our first game was against Woodburn Primary

School. It was a very close game with the final

score 0-0. We won because we had the most

corner kicks throughout the match.

We then played against Coraki Primary School.

We won 3-0. And now go on to play round 3 of

the knockout.

Congratulations to all of the boys involved. We would like to thank the parents

who transported us there and for cheering us on. Also thanks to Mr Fields for

coaching us.

Darcy Banks, Oscar Forrester and Toby Stothard

CHS Regional Surf Competition On Friday 15th May the ‘Super Groms’ of Evans River K-12 School competed

in the CHS Regional Surf competition at Lennox

Head. The team members were Zac McMahon, Codey

Bell, Utah Chilcott, Alec Barker and Kobi Reilly. The

surf conditions were wild and woolly, testing the

fitness and skill levels of all competitors. Alec, Codey

and Utah shredded their way into the quarters,

however their run ended there. Zac McMahon also

competed in the regionals the following day progressing into the semi-finals

and just missed out on a spot in the finals. Zac will now be heading to Port

Macquarie to compete in the State Titles. Well done Zac.

Robin Mather- Teacher

Premier’s Reading Challenge Author Profile

Bob Graham is an

Australian author, born on

the 20th October 1942, he

grew up in Sydney with his

mother, father, sister and


His hobbies and interests

are drawing and painting

and this was the path he

followed at University. After graduation he went to

the UK to live and returned to Sydney in 1969.

He started his career as an illustrator and

designer before he started writing. Some of Bob

Graham’s more popular books are Blanket, Buffy,

Queenie, Granddad's Magic and Brand New

Baby. Bob Graham now lives back in the UK.

One of the books on the Premier Reading

Challenge list is ‘Greetings from Sandy Beach”.

This is the story of a family camping adventure to

Sandy Beach. First there are tears, then the

campsite is overrun with a biker gang. The story

is great fun and the biker gang actually turns out

to be very helpful.

Zahli Moore - Year 6 Student

Beef Meets Reef Festival Last weekend our students and staff were

involved in this wonderful community event.

There were student dancing, our choir sang the

National Anthem and a Justice Crew song.

Thanks to Mrs Delman and her parent, student

and staff supporters who created our float for the

parade. The parade had students of all ages

involved in different community floats including

our own. A special thanks to the Banks family for

providing their vehicle and boat for the march. It

was a day of community celebration and

involvement that was enjoyed by all.

Yvonne Sharpe- Deputy Principal K-7

Newsletter 16/2015—Be a Learner, Be Respectful, Be Safe Page 3

Science Trivia!

This Week’s Question: Reed, Marsh, Sedge

and Grasshopper are varieties of which bird?

Last Week’s Question: Orbiting 35,900km

above the equator, what term is given to

satellites that remain above the same point on

the Earth’s surface in their orbit?

Answer: Geostationary

Monday 01 Jun Help Wanted

Tuesday 02 Jun Donna Moore

Wednesday 03 Jun Molly Forsyth

Thursday 04 Jun Von Pickens

Friday 05 Jun Charmayne Stevens

Canteen Roster - Week A K-6 AWARDS Term 2 Week 5

Kinder Bodhi

Wornes Tyler Fletcher

Honey Hodder-Bell

Natayla Brunsdon

Year 1 Caleb

Samuels Sarah Boyle

Makayla Bateman

Mia-Jo Henderson

Year 2/3B Aidan



Stewart Leah Turner Valinn Caslick



Abbie Yourell

Halle Fardy Matilda Wornes Zack


Year 4C Oska



Patch Ella Griffiths Tahj Hodder

Year 5/6F Darcy Banks Karlee

Stothard Justice Savage Holly Perkins

Year 5/6E Finn

Gillespie Tori Alderson Jacob Franks Kellie Mills

Dirrawong Awards

Willy Harris Kobi Mitchell Halle Fardy William Weekes

Lyn Thomson CLO 6682 6666 [email protected]

DON’T FORGET to put this date in your diary - The DENTAL van will be back at school on the 16th & 17th June. A great

opportunity to have your child’s teeth checked locally, payments can be made using Child Dental Benefits Schedule. More

information on how to book closer to the date.

The School is holding a garage sale this Saturday

30th May, commencing at 9am. It will be held in the

school gymnasium (near the roundabout). This is a

fundraiser for our Italian Exchange program.

Proceeds will assist in financing activities planned

for the visiting students in September this year.

Our primary gardens are having a little trouble

with hungry wallabies who visit after dark and

think our veggies are delicious. If anyone in the

community has any good fencing or fence

panels that they no longer need we would love

to take them off your hands, we would put them

around our veggie gardens to keep out the


Party's over! Here come the teachers. The Mid Richmond Education Fund was established some years ago to

assist and support local young people. The fund gains its income through

fundraising, grants and donations. The fund supports a diverse range of

education and career pursuits, which may include trade apprenticeships,

traineeships, university degrees and diploma courses. They can assist with

trade tools, other practical course costs and text books etc. Twice a year

the fund calls for applications for assistance from young people who

reside in the Mid Richmond Area, the next round of assistance opens on

31/8/2015. Go to their website for further information

The fund is also looking for addition board members if you are interested

in supporting the youth of the area, contact their secretary at

[email protected]

Our Year 6 students are very lucky as they get to do

woodwork in the high school facilities and learn all

about the basics of using tools safely and how to

make interesting and useful items.

Principal: Rob Walker B.Ed., M.Ed. Cypress Street, Evans Head NSW 2473 Email: [email protected] Phone: 02-6682 6666 Website: Fax: 02-6682 6777

NAB is Proud to offer Support to the Evans River K–12 School P&C Association through our NAB Introducer Program. With this program Nab can help your school raise funds to contribute to any

services your school requires. All you need to do is take out any Home Loan with NAB and they will donate a percentage of that amount back to your School – it is simple. For further information please email. [email protected] or contact NAB on 02 66 2263997.

@ Evans Presbyterian Church

Our playgroup is about connecting together as parents, providing

a safe and welcoming environment, listening to stories, singing

songs, doing craft activities and playing games. Morning tea

provided (ALLERGY FRIENDLY) and tea/coffee for parents.

Any parents/carers and kids under 5years are welcome!

When: 10 - 11:30am on Wednesdays during The

school terms

For further information, please call 0400 143 557 or 6682 4976


OVERSEAS STUDENT? Experience another culture, make new

friends and improve your language

studies at home

Hosting – An Experience for Life

Student Exchange is looking for host

families across Australia to welcome

overseas students into their home

Ph:1300 135 331 (cost of local call)

The Northern NSW Local Health District would like to remind parents and

carers that the Child Oral Health Service offers FREE dental care to ALL

children under 18.

Oral health is essential for health and wellbeing.

It is recommended that children have regular dental checkups

starting at 1 year of age.

Regular dental checkups can prevent minor problems becoming

major ones and prevent unnecessary pain and distress. Dental

visits can be fun for kids, treat these visits as normal, routine

events so as not to develop fear.

P&C News Our next meetings will be held on Monday 15th

June. Our morning meeting takes place at

9:00am in the Administration Building and the

second meeting is held in the Library at 4:30pm.

Please join one of our meetings and bring along

your ideas.

TAKE HOME A BIG BROTHER OR BIG SISTER Give your children the wonderful opportunity to have an international big

brother or big sister by hosting one of our exceptional international

students arriving in Australia in July 2015 for their 3, 5 or 10 month

programs. Our international students from France, Germany, Italy,

Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland will live as

a local, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending

money and comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by Southern

Cross Cultural Exchange.

Visit us at, email [email protected] or call us

toll free on 1800 500 501, request our international student profiles, and

capture the spirit of family and friendship!
