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  • INNOVATIVE MATCH SUPPORT Getting ready to serve special populations of youth Michael OTeter, Vice President of Program, BBBS Lone Star Katy White & Jen Walper Roberts, Dare Mighty Things
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  • Introduction s Big Brothers Big Sisters Lone Star Headquartered in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area, with 14 regional offices in communities across all of north, west-central and east Texas, as well as the Greater Houston community Serving almost 10,000 children with a mentor each year Dare Mighty Things, Inc. Consulting company specializing in performance management solutions for those working with vulnerable populations Serving as an outside evaluator for the Caruth Foundation
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  • Caruth Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Initiative Goals: Pilot an effective approach to prevent and reduce crime in Dallas County Advance the frontier on successful intervention with high-risk children and youth Target Populations: Children at-risk for early academic failure Truant adolescents Adjudicated adolescents
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  • Develop School Partnerships Retain Match support Specialists House In Order Infuse Educational Strategies
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  • What have you tried? to develop and retain high- quality match support specialists (mentoring managers/supervisors)? to infuse school- connectedness strategies into your mentoring program? to develop school partnerships?
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  • Enhance Standing of MSS
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  • Educational Support Phase 3 (Focus Intervention): Tailor educational consultations & plans Phase 2 (Piqu Interest): Engage matches in educationally focused match activities Phase I (Lay Foundation): Solidify relationship & expose match to educational resources
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  • Raising the Bar Researched Based Recruitment Market research data-driven recruiting to enroll High Performing mentors Mentors Commitment: Higher expectations for commitment, pre-match training and screening Family Commitment: Pre-match training orientation and participation expectations School Partner Commitment: Stronger commitment requirements and critical mass of students
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  • Faith Partnerships
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  • Corporate Partnerships
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  • mentor2.0
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  • Over to You! How can we build upon these foundations to meet the needs of youth who have been truant or adjudicated? Community Based Mentoring Table Discussion mentor2.0 Table Discussion