
Tamil NaduInnovative-Entrepreneurial Eco-system

Challenges | Feasible SolutionsPraveen Kumar

Major Areas of focus


Urban – InfraSolid waste



Urban – InfraSolid waste


Energy Sector

• TN govt has signed a pact with Adani group for a 657 MW plant. Still, severalother small measures, that could bring a huge impact can be carried out. This isdone on a large scale, but has enormous benefits when it is localized.

The unit price quoted in TN is Rs.7.1, whereas the unit price quoted by the samegroup in Madhya Pradesh is Rs.6.04. This is because of the land accusation cost ishigh in TN. Experts say that this brings INR 7.76 Cr loss/day on a comparativebasis.

• Only 60% of the power produced from the power plants is utilized effectively.The greatest loss is the transmission loss that accounts for 32% of the totalpower loss through the transmission lines. If every home is equipped with asmall power unit within itself, not only the overall power requirement, but, thetransmission losses will also come down.

• TN govt has signed a pact with Adani group for a 657 MW plant. Still, severalother small measures, that could bring a huge impact can be carried out. This isdone on a large scale, but has enormous benefits when it is localized.

The unit price quoted in TN is Rs.7.1, whereas the unit price quoted by the samegroup in Madhya Pradesh is Rs.6.04. This is because of the land accusation cost ishigh in TN. Experts say that this brings INR 7.76 Cr loss/day on a comparativebasis.

• Only 60% of the power produced from the power plants is utilized effectively.The greatest loss is the transmission loss that accounts for 32% of the totalpower loss through the transmission lines. If every home is equipped with asmall power unit within itself, not only the overall power requirement, but, thetransmission losses will also come down.

Rooftop Solar Plants

Month Radiation incident on anEquator-pointed tiltedsurface (kWh/m2/day)

March (Highest) 6.76

November (Lowest) 4.35

Cumulative annualaverage


Source: NASA Atmospheric Science Data Center

Installing a 1 kW rooftop solar panelwill cost around INR 1.2 to 1.4 lk. Butthe central govt is giving a subsidy ofINR 30,000 and the state govt isproviding INR 20,000. So, the overallcost comes down by INR 50,000.

Government has to spend a hugeamount in the form of landaccusation, power grid developmentetc.

When the power system is localizedin the form of rooftop panels, theland, infra, power grid required canbe brought down to ground level.

Source: NASA Atmospheric Science Data Center

Installing a 1 kW rooftop solar panelwill cost around INR 1.2 to 1.4 lk. Butthe central govt is giving a subsidy ofINR 30,000 and the state govt isproviding INR 20,000. So, the overallcost comes down by INR 50,000.

Government has to spend a hugeamount in the form of landaccusation, power grid developmentetc.

When the power system is localizedin the form of rooftop panels, theland, infra, power grid required canbe brought down to ground level.

Rooftop Solar panel Diesel Generator

Rs. 4.5-5 / kWh Rs. 18/kWh

Energy cost stays almostfixed for the next 25


Cost fluctuates withpetroleum price!

Stop the free electrical utilities! Right now!

• TN govt has allotted INR 3370 Cr for free supply of mixer, grinder and fans to 1.5 Crpeople. Instead, govt can subsidize installation of solar panels to reduce the load on thepower grid. (INR 3370 Cr - with no idea about the power source).

The central govt has a ministry under the name ‘New and renewable energy’ which isstriving hard to generate awareness about the same.

A similar board must be generated in Tamil Nadu, that must include the members fromNGO’s working on Green and renewable energy.

It must be mandatory for residential constructions whose (worth>10 lks) and commercialbuildings (worth>40 lks) to install a 1 kWh and 5-10 kWh rooftop solar plants,respectively. With an excess 20k subsidy from the state, the price for solar plant must notexceed INR 30,000 for residencies.

The board must run a training program on ‘Production - Installation - Maintenance -Repair of Solar panels’ in association with SIDCO. This will be a source for a majoremployment in the upcoming years. This area has a great scope for entrepreneurship.

• TN govt has allotted INR 3370 Cr for free supply of mixer, grinder and fans to 1.5 Crpeople. Instead, govt can subsidize installation of solar panels to reduce the load on thepower grid. (INR 3370 Cr - with no idea about the power source).

The central govt has a ministry under the name ‘New and renewable energy’ which isstriving hard to generate awareness about the same.

A similar board must be generated in Tamil Nadu, that must include the members fromNGO’s working on Green and renewable energy.

It must be mandatory for residential constructions whose (worth>10 lks) and commercialbuildings (worth>40 lks) to install a 1 kWh and 5-10 kWh rooftop solar plants,respectively. With an excess 20k subsidy from the state, the price for solar plant must notexceed INR 30,000 for residencies.

The board must run a training program on ‘Production - Installation - Maintenance -Repair of Solar panels’ in association with SIDCO. This will be a source for a majoremployment in the upcoming years. This area has a great scope for entrepreneurship.

Solid Waste Management – An Innovative Business Model

It is estimated that India is generating 0.3 to 0.4 million MT of organic/recyclablewaste Per day, and 88% of the total disease burden is due to lack of clean water, andimproper solid waste management.

Mr. Srinivasan, an NGO from Vellore has designed an excellent model to manage thewaste. He calls the program itself as ‘Garbage to Gold’. This article was featured inseveral magazines and shows. He turned ‘garbage disposal’ into a successful ‘businessmodel’.

He calls this program as ‘ZWM-Zero WasteManagement’. He had implemented thisprogram at a village in Vellore.Visit formore insights about this project andinnovations.To the right, Mr. Srinivasan with AamirKhan in the popular social awarenessshow – Sathyameva Jeyathe

He calls this program as ‘ZWM-Zero WasteManagement’. He had implemented thisprogram at a village in Vellore.Visit formore insights about this project andinnovations.To the right, Mr. Srinivasan with AamirKhan in the popular social awarenessshow – Sathyameva Jeyathe

How is Garbage disposal a ‘Business’?

So, how does it turns to be a business model, and in what way it is going to lay an innovativeEcosystem in TN? Here’s a pictorial rep of the process Business! (It’s no more just a process).

Organic waste collectedwithin 12 hrs

50% resources are cattle food Bio-Gas Production

Pictures originally correspond to Indian Green Service© Vellore

Vermi cast Production

30,000 earthwormsfrom one cast

Cattle non-eatables inComposite beds

Finally, Manure from thecomposite beds

Pictures originally correspond to Indian Green Service© Vellore

So, What’s new in this model?

This may sound so easy, and you can all say that this seems to be traditional model.Nothing is new here?

It’s all about an NGO-Entrepreneurship strategy. It’s all about a ‘Social-Service Business’. He’snow a portrayed hero of Vellore, but least known personality of TN.

The future of business lies on the core of Energy and Urban Infra. This project is a source ofenergy (Bio-gas), and a self sustaining Urban Infrastructure maintainer. Also, there is a hugemarket for Organic foods industry in India, and this project supports it with organic manure.

So, One project – 3 Feasible solutions – A great business idea !

This project, requires a lot of resource from the municipalities and corporations. Apart fromthem, the greatest responsibility lies with ‘us – the people of TN’, in order to segregatedegradable and non-degradable garbage.

Cleanliness starts at home, indeed.

This may sound so easy, and you can all say that this seems to be traditional model.Nothing is new here?

It’s all about an NGO-Entrepreneurship strategy. It’s all about a ‘Social-Service Business’. He’snow a portrayed hero of Vellore, but least known personality of TN.

The future of business lies on the core of Energy and Urban Infra. This project is a source ofenergy (Bio-gas), and a self sustaining Urban Infrastructure maintainer. Also, there is a hugemarket for Organic foods industry in India, and this project supports it with organic manure.

So, One project – 3 Feasible solutions – A great business idea !

This project, requires a lot of resource from the municipalities and corporations. Apart fromthem, the greatest responsibility lies with ‘us – the people of TN’, in order to segregatedegradable and non-degradable garbage.

Cleanliness starts at home, indeed.

Threat from Telangana

Now Telangana is a new state, and it is striving hard to attract global investments. That’s why itmanaged to convince Google to have their headquarters, and the largest office in India atHyderabad.

The world’s second most Innovative company Xiaomi, manufacturer of electronics, has built itsproduction unit there.

These investments must have been attracted by TN, but the single-window system and instantapproval for business units makes the other states more attractive for global trade.

TN govt must stay alarmed about this situation, and try to attract more investments.

A campaign similar to #MakeinIndia must be initiated as #MakeinTN. More the globalinvestments, more the amount of export, and hence inflation will strictly be under control.

Now Telangana is a new state, and it is striving hard to attract global investments. That’s why itmanaged to convince Google to have their headquarters, and the largest office in India atHyderabad.

The world’s second most Innovative company Xiaomi, manufacturer of electronics, has built itsproduction unit there.

These investments must have been attracted by TN, but the single-window system and instantapproval for business units makes the other states more attractive for global trade.

TN govt must stay alarmed about this situation, and try to attract more investments.

A campaign similar to #MakeinIndia must be initiated as #MakeinTN. More the globalinvestments, more the amount of export, and hence inflation will strictly be under control.

Is it all the government’s responsibility?So, it’s all TN government’s responsibility to frame the ecosystem for start-ups? A big NOOO!1/5th of the responsibility lies with the young entrepreneurs.

The Business around the world is changing:World’s largest transportation company, UBER, which is valued at $50 bn USD, doesn’t evenown a single cab.

World’s largest marketplace, ALIBABA, doesn’t own a single inventory.

World’s largest accommodation provider, AIRBNB, doesn’t own a single real estate/property.

If a food made of ‘negative’ nutritional value and pure cholesterol (Pizza) can be madepopular around the world by western countries, why can’t our traditional foods do the same?Do you still think ‘rice’ is consumed by upper and middle class people, and traditional foodslike , are for lower class people? No, you are still in 20th century.

So, it’s all TN government’s responsibility to frame the ecosystem for start-ups? A big NOOO!1/5th of the responsibility lies with the young entrepreneurs.

The Business around the world is changing:World’s largest transportation company, UBER, which is valued at $50 bn USD, doesn’t evenown a single cab.

World’s largest marketplace, ALIBABA, doesn’t own a single inventory.

World’s largest accommodation provider, AIRBNB, doesn’t own a single real estate/property.

If a food made of ‘negative’ nutritional value and pure cholesterol (Pizza) can be madepopular around the world by western countries, why can’t our traditional foods do the same?Do you still think ‘rice’ is consumed by upper and middle class people, and traditional foodslike , are for lower class people? No, you are still in 20th century.

Is it all the government’s responsibility?One kg rice cost rs 40/kg, but look down!

Horse gram, obviously as the name says, once the staple food of horses, is now 250bucks/450 gms under the name ORGANIC Food. We all know that its market price will bearound 55/kg (which is still costlier than rice). Why should a foreign company act as amiddleman between an Indian farmer and an Indian customer?

Predict your business and ensure CSRTechSci Research is a market analysis and forecasting company. It took several businesses forstudy, and do you know which one got the highest CAGR (Computed Average Growth Rate)?It’s the Indian Organic and herbal foods industry, with a growth rate of 21% by 2020 alone.Several start-ups are evolving in TN to make this segment as e-commerce! This is how youshould lay the foundation for your business. Hope you can connect this with ZWM model.

Just before planning to be an entrepreneur, don’t just evaluate the present demand, but havea longer vision of ‘Where my company will be after 5 years?’. Look every product with acommercial mindset. Think about how a product can be sold with some value-addition.

It’s false that you need to spend a lot of time and energy to innovate.

Ensure CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)Hon’be APJ Sir passed away! We all paid tribute to him in a great way! FB flooded with hissayings and pics. No words to say, Whatsapp DP experienced the same. WAIT! Is this going tobring a change? A real maturity is paying off by planting a tree in his name. If trees give us Wi-Fi, we would all crazily pant them. After all they give Oxygen to breath. Don’t let this ignorancegrow. The Central government insists to spend 2% of a company’s profit to ensure CSR.

TechSci Research is a market analysis and forecasting company. It took several businesses forstudy, and do you know which one got the highest CAGR (Computed Average Growth Rate)?It’s the Indian Organic and herbal foods industry, with a growth rate of 21% by 2020 alone.Several start-ups are evolving in TN to make this segment as e-commerce! This is how youshould lay the foundation for your business. Hope you can connect this with ZWM model.

Just before planning to be an entrepreneur, don’t just evaluate the present demand, but havea longer vision of ‘Where my company will be after 5 years?’. Look every product with acommercial mindset. Think about how a product can be sold with some value-addition.

It’s false that you need to spend a lot of time and energy to innovate.

Ensure CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)Hon’be APJ Sir passed away! We all paid tribute to him in a great way! FB flooded with hissayings and pics. No words to say, Whatsapp DP experienced the same. WAIT! Is this going tobring a change? A real maturity is paying off by planting a tree in his name. If trees give us Wi-Fi, we would all crazily pant them. After all they give Oxygen to breath. Don’t let this ignorancegrow. The Central government insists to spend 2% of a company’s profit to ensure CSR.

Tamil Nadu | The Innovative Business Paradise

We generate wealth for the people.What comes from the people must, to the extentpossible, therefore get back to the people

- Bharat Ratna J R D Tata

Only when you have the courage to loose sight of the shore,You can discover the depths of the Ocean.

- Bharat Ratna A P J Abdul Kalam

Dream for a clean & Green Tamil Nadu
