Page 1: Innovation Impact and ustainability at Meridian Water...Circular Economy Vidhi Gupta Christina Bayram. ... connected east-west by swales, rain gardens and water boulevards to lend

Q1. Description of the team. Introduce the team and explain how they have the experience and capability to address the challenges outlined above.

PRP’s diverse interdisciplinary team is highly suited to this project and will provide added value in its holistic and sustainable approach to Meridian Water.

The team will be overseen by senior partner, Manisha Patel, who leads the team on some of PRP's most high profile projects including London's first Olympic legacy neighbourhood Chobham Manor. Here she developed a new typology which facilitates multi-generation living, a design and cultural expression of her upbringing. She is also responsible for the masterplan of the Pydar Street neighbourhood in Truro, where intergenerational living will ensure that the development is sustainable for successive generations. Manisha is a Mayor of London Design Advocate and a TfL Design Advisor and provides expertise and guidance to the Mayor’s Good Growth programme. Manisha’s team will be led by Spyros Katsaros, PRP’s urban design and masterplanning director who also worked on Pydar Street and led High Path Estate’s sustainable and vibrant, mixed-use, mixed-tenure, community led regeneration for Merton and would do the same for Meridian Water.

Scott Cromack will lead the architectural team. Scott’s experience, in particular from Chobham Manor and High Path Estate, includes developing new housing typologies that are innovative, adaptable and deliverable. These will create a genuine multi-tenure blind neighbourhood for generations to come at Meridian Water.

Adrian Judd will lead the landscape team. Adrian has 30+ years’ experience, he has recently worked on Clapham Park, the scheme includes biodiverse roofs, attenuation at podium garden level and extensive rain gardens over 300 metres long. The landscape overall strategy was carefully designed to be resilient to a changing climate and to benefit wildlife.

PRP’s team will provide a holistic approach to health, wellbeing, safety and sustainability to be led by Andrew Mellor, a partner at PRP. Andrew’s expertise includes sustainable development, zero carbon buildings, efficient building operation, climate change resilience, low carbon retrofit, electric vehicle infrastructure and corporate sustainability strategies. Andrew Mellor is technical advisor to MHCLG on Building Regulations and Building Safety analytical work, including work on the Hackitt process. He has an excellent understanding of the forthcoming Building for a Safer Future legislation. Andrew’s team includes Marylis Ramos, a director at PRP and sustainability and social value expert, she worked on Pydar Street where she helped formulate the overall vision and strategy for the project, and the shaping and implementation of the social value strategy over the project’s lifetime.

Scott Sanderson will be the technical and BIM service lead. He has been leading the ‘Smart Regeneration’ concept deployed successfully with Metropolitan at Clapham Park. The project won Digital and BIM Initiative of the Year at the 2018 Building Awards.

PRP will incorporate within the multidisciplinary team two leading practices in their field.

Proudlock Associates will be the lead consultant on Inclusive Design. Liam Proudlock has consultant status on the National Register of Access Consultants (NRAC) and has extensive knowledge working on Local Authorities and will ensure Meridian Water meets all conditions and delivers inclusion.

Social Life is a specialist centre of research and innovation about the social life of communities. Their skills are in applied research: using a variety of methods to understand a place, including ethnography qualitative research, analysis of official data and visualisations. The team draw on a variety of skills and expertise from sociology and anthropology, through to architecture, data analysis and mapping, to policy analysis.

Innovation, Impact and Sustainability at Meridian Water

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Carolina Ipes(PRP)


Scott Sanderson(PRP)


Adrian Judd(PRP)


PRS/PS Craig Sheach

Social Value Marylis Ramos Mike Richardson Mario Gerace Tracey Proudlock

Proudlock Associates

Non-ResidentialRob High

Local Community Stakeholders

Affordable Alexandra Andone

Jack Bennett

Daniel England Mengyu Yan

Later Living Jenny Buterchi

Cezar Petcu


Scott Cromack(PRP)


Liam Proudlock(Proudlock

Associates )


Spyros Katsaros(PRP)

Manisha Patel(PRP)


Andrew Mellor(PRP)


Nicola Bacon(Social Life)

Internal Stakeholders

Climate Change & Circular Economy

Vidhi Gupta

Christina Bayram

Page 2: Innovation Impact and ustainability at Meridian Water...Circular Economy Vidhi Gupta Christina Bayram. ... connected east-west by swales, rain gardens and water boulevards to lend

Innovation, Impact and Sustainability at Meridian Water Q2.One innovative idea. Describe one innovative idea for how to implement our sustainability objectives on Meridian Water phase 2.

Our idea for Meridian Water delivers clear design objectives to achieve the sustainable vision and three place-making pillars to deliver an inclusive new community, creating a place of exchange that encourages social engagement and promotes economic and environmental sustainability

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Our innovative idea is to create “Living in Nature” , a new neighbourhood that reconciles the historic natural landscape of the area within a new urban environment, both evolving together to encourage social engagement and to promote economic and environmental sustainability.

In the natural characteristic landscape and waterways of the area are restored. The wild landscape around the Pymmes Brook and Tottenham marshes expands in between the urban form and re-introduces the characteristics of the marshes and woodland into the open spaces and public realm. The landscape expands throughout the area to transform the public realm into a nature park and woodland copse, where reeds intertwine with water. The landscape is integrated vertically and horizontally within and around the buildings, where green terraces and food growing areas are part of the nature-urban life.

A network of blue infrastructure is re-instated and is an integral element of the landscape strategy providing SuDS, flood resilience, rainwater harvesting etc. The River Lee and Pymmes Brook are connected east-west by swales, rain gardens and water boulevards to lend new identity and amenity to a new piece of the city forming valleys within the green streets and public realm. The buildings are part of the natural landscape and contribute to the SuDS network through water collection and green and productive roofs.

A thriving multi generational community will find flexible and modern homes here that could adapt to different ways of living and evolve with family necessities. The new homes will be innovative and will stand the test of time, forming a new neighbourhood that will raise the bar for social equality in urban regeneration across UK, creating a genuine multi-tenure blind neighbourhood for generations to come.

New flexible non-residential uses on the ground floor provide vibrant and active public realm boosting economic opportunities for new and existing comunities. The corridor along the River Lee provides opportunities for a makers lane and commercial activities that draw in the central square and melds with the east west parkland public realm. The new community, comprised of people from diverse backgrounds, will feel that they belong; they know their neighbours and that they contribute to a truly socially inclusive place.

neighbourhood will demonstrate durability and resilience, forming a testament to high quality and delivery, reminding us that decisions we make today are going to last for many generations. A place to provide a legacy in order to emulate Enfield’s ethos at Meridian Water.



Page 3: Innovation Impact and ustainability at Meridian Water...Circular Economy Vidhi Gupta Christina Bayram. ... connected east-west by swales, rain gardens and water boulevards to lend

“Living in the park”

Our Vision to create

Key design elements to achieve Vision

Productive shared roofs for communal food production and energy generation.Lattice network of blue-green ecological park routes provide walking and cycling corridors connecting people with the biodiversity of their neighborhood.Building shape, orientation and massing designed to provide 100% dual aspect units promoting good daylight and sunlight access to dwellings and active courtyards.

Utilising the reservoirs to enhance the low carbon strategy (transport and heating) across the development.Roof and landscape design integrate rainwater harvesting and greywater collection with the SuDS strategy.

Adaptable ground floor spaces promote opportunities for SMEs to flourish on site, generating local economic growth.Flexible and innovative dual aspect home typologies that can adapt and evolve with different ways of living and stand the test of time.Innovative construction methods that use materials with low embodied carbon, minimise waste and promote circular design principles.Social infrastructure that enables people to meet and collaborate boosting wellbeing.A new “green architectural vernacular”

“Celebrating water”

“Inclusive and flexible living & working”

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Woodlands and marshlands characterize the organic landscape and web the urban form with the open spaces and public realm.

Water boulevards linking the public realm with the SuDS strategy connecting Pymmes Brook and River Lee.















Innovation, Impact and Sustainability at Meridian Water Q2.One innovative idea. Describe one innovative idea for how to implement our sustainability objectives on Meridian Water phase 2.

Page 4: Innovation Impact and ustainability at Meridian Water...Circular Economy Vidhi Gupta Christina Bayram. ... connected east-west by swales, rain gardens and water boulevards to lend

“ will be a destinatation and a place that integrates its natural habitat within the design, cultivates innovative lifestlyes for its people and is resilient to the changing dynamic of nature and living.”

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Innovation, Impact and Sustainability at Meridian Water Q2.One innovative idea. Describe one innovative idea for how to implement our sustainability objectives on Meridian Water phase 2.