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Módulo 8

O Mundo do Trabalho

24 horas

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1. INTRODUÇÃO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

2. OBJETIVOS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

3. JOBS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

3.1 Vocabulary Study: Jobs and Professions --------------------------------------------- 7

3.2 Vocabulary Exercises ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8

3.3 Vocabulary related to Jobs ----------------------------------------------------------- 10

3.4 Song: Listening /Reading Comprehension ------------------------------------------- 11

4. THE CHANGING WORLD OF WORK -------------------------------------------------------- 13

4.1 Reading Comprehension- Text 1: Developments in ICT ----------------------------- 13

4.2 Grammar Study: Clauses of Reason -------------------------------------------------- 16

4.3 Speaking Activity: Teleworking -------------------------------------------------------- 18

4.4 Grammar Study: Clauses of Concession --------------------------------------------- 19

5. PART-TIME JOBS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

5.1 Speaking Activity: Part-time Jobs ----------------------------------------------------- 21

5.2 Grammar Study: Relative Pronouns -------------------------------------------------- 22

6. MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE --------------------------------------------------------------- 25

6.1 Speaking Activity: Gap Year ------------------------------------------------------ 25

6.2 Reading Comprehension – Text 2: A Year Out ---------------------------------- 27

6.3 Grammar Study: Prepositions of Place -------------------------------------------30

7. APPLYING FOR A JOB --------------------------------------------------------------------- 31

7.1 Reading Comprehension- Text 3: Applying for a Job --------------------------- 31

7.2 Writing Activity: The Curriculum Vitae -------------------------------------------- 33

7.3 Writing Activity: The Cover Letter / Letter of Application ----------------------- 35

8. THE JOB INTERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36

8.1 Grammar Study: Correlative Conjunctions -------------------------------------- 37

8.2 Listening Activity: Paul Harris’ Job Interview ------------------------------------- 38

8.3 Writing Activity: A Job Interview -------------------------------------------------- 39

8.4 Viewing/Listening Activity: Andy’s Job Interview ------------------------------- 41

9. CONCLUSÃO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44

10. BIBLIOGRAFIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45

11. ANEXOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó


“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as

Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote

poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will

pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well." –Martin

Luther King

No contexto de uma Europa plurilingue e pluricultural, o acesso a várias línguas torna-se

cada vez mais valioso para os cidadãos europeus, não só como requisito para a

comunicação com os outros, mas também como fundamento base de educação

cívica, um papel relevante na formação integral dos formandos, não apenas no que diz

respeito aos processos de aquisição dos saberes curriculares, como também na

construção de uma educação para a cidadania. Com efeito, a aprendizagem de

línguas inscreve-se num processo mais vasto, que ultrapassa a mera competência

linguística, englobando aspetos ligados ao desenvolvimento pessoal e social dos

formandos, levando-os a construir a sua identidade através do contacto com outras

línguas e culturas. Aprender línguas favorece o desenvolvimento de uma postura

questionante, analítica e crítica, face à realidade, concorrendo para a formação de

cidadãos ativos, intervenientes e autónomos.

Para isso, foi elaborado este manual com o intuito de desenvolver a sua autonomia na

aprendizagem, o seu espírito crítico e, naturalmente, para adquirir e consolidar

saberes/competências no âmbito da língua inglesa.

Ler, escrever, ouvir, falar, interagir e refletir sobre o funcionamento da língua são

domínios de ensino-aprendizagem trabalhados neste manual, de forma a levá-lo a

pensar em si, com aprendente e como indivíduo, mas também como cidadão, no

respeito e no reconhecimento do outro e de si mesmo.

Este módulo visa desenvolver os seus conhecimentos acerca das profissões, locais de

trabalho e alterações a nível laboral.

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

2. OS OBJETIVOS DO MÓDULO ______________________________________________________________________________


Usar adequadamente vocabulário associado à problemática do mundo

do trabalho;

Adotar estratégias de interpretação de texto adequadas aos tipos de

texto abordados no módulo;

Produzir textos orais e escritos claros e variados acerca dos tópicos

abordados no módulo revelando um espírito crítico face a problemáticas

associadas à temática do mundo laboral;

Alargar conhecimentos sobre a estrutura e o funcionamento da língua;

Descrever características de alguns tipos de texto;

Escrever textos claros e variados, de modo estruturado (CV, carta de

candidatura, anúncio, …);

Caracterizar diversas profissões e locais de trabalho;

Reconhecer a importância das condições de trabalho (segurança,

ambiente e qualidade de vida no trabalho…);

Comparar organização laboral e condições de trabalho em diversos

contextos socioculturais;

Relacionar informação de várias fontes, sintetizando-a de modo claro e


Avaliar criticamente as alterações a nível laboral.


Lexicais: o mundo do trabalho em mudança (alteração de ritmos e locais de

trabalho – flexibilização de horário, criação de espaços de lazer, a casa

como local de trabalho; condições de trabalho - saúde e higiene,

segurança, ambiente de trabalho; a formação ao longo da vida); o jovem

perante as mudanças (diversidade de percursos – gap year, time-off,

voluntariado; escolha de atividades profissionais; lazer).

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Gramaticais: preposições e locuções prepositivas; conjunções e locuções

conjuntivas; pronomes relativos; frase composta por subordinação: adjetiva e

adverbial; prosódia: entoação, ritmo, acento.


▪ Diálogo aluno/aluno e aluno/professora;

▪ Leitura e compreensão de textos;

▪ Audição, visualização e descodificação de documentos autênticos;

▪ Trabalhos de pesquisa;

▪ Resolução de fichas de trabalho;

▪ Trabalho de remediação;

▪ Acompanhamento individualizado e personalizado a alunos com dificuldades



Textos de apoio;

Dicionários e gramáticas;

Suporte audiovisual;

Computador / Internet;

Documentos autênticos.


Diálogo aluno/aluno e aluno/professora;

Leitura e compreensão de textos;

Audição, visualização e descodificação de documentos autênticos;

Trabalhos individuais, de pares e de grupo; Trabalhos de pesquisa;


Resolução de fichas de trabalho;

Trabalho de remediação;

Acompanhamento individualizado e personalizado a alunos com

dificuldades específicas.

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

Os instrumentos de avaliação a utilizar serão os seguintes:

A avaliação será feita de acordo com os seguintes critérios:

Aquisição, compreensão e aplicação de conhecimentos;

Progressão na aprendizagem;

Participação e empenho nas atividades propostas;

Interesse e empenho;

Espírito de iniciativa;

Capacidade de pesquisa e seleção de informação;

Iniciativa e grau de autonomia no desenvolvimento do trabalho;

Comportamento, valores e atitudes;

Pontualidade e assiduidade.

Os instrumentos de avaliação a utilizar serão os seguintes:

Observação direta;

Fichas de trabalho;

Fichas de avaliação formativa/ sumativa.

Este módulo terá um total de 24 horas.

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

Accountant -contabilista Actor / Actress - ator /atriz Air hostess –hospedeira Architect- arquiteto Astronaut -astronauta Baker- padeiro(a) Bank clerk- empregado bancário Barber-barbeiro Blacksmith-ferreiro Bricklayer / Stonemason – pedreiro Bus driver- condutor de autocarro Businessman/ Businesswoman – homem/mulher de negócios Butcher- talhante Carpenter -carpinteiro Cashier - caixa de supermercado Chemist/ Pharmacist - farmacêutico Computer programmer -programador de computadores Cook - cozinheiro(a) Dentist -dentista Doctor - médico(a) Driver -motorista Economist -economista Electrician -eletricista Engineer -engenheiro(a) Estate agent - agente imobiliário Factory worker - empregado(a) fabril Farmer -agricultor(a) Fashion designer -estilista (de moda) Fireman / Firefighter- bombeiro Fisherman - pescador Fishmonger- peixeiro(a) Flight attendant comissário de bordo Gardener -jardineiro Hairdresser -cabeleireiro Housewife -doméstica


3.1 Vocabulary Study: Jobs/ Professions

Journalist -jornalista Judge -juiz Lawyer -advogado(a) Librarian -bibliotecário Lifeguard - nadador salvador Locksmith - serralheiro Lumberjack - madeireiro Maid - empregada de limpeza Masseur / Masseuse - massagista Mechanic -mecânico Nanny - ama Nurse - enfermeira Nursery teacher - educadora de infância Office worker - empregado(a) de escritório Ophthalmologist -oftalmologista Painter -pintor Photographer -fotógrafo Physiotherapist -fisioterapeuta Pilot -piloto Plumber -canalizador Policeman/Policewoman - polícia Postman / Postwoman – carteiro(a) Priest - padre Psychiatrist - psiquiatra Psychologist -psicólogo Receptionist -rececionista Salesman/Saleswoman - vendedor(a) Secretary – secretária Scientist -cientista Shop-assistant - empregado(a) de balcão / assistente de loja Surgeon - cirurgião Taxi driver - taxista Travel agent - agente de viagens Teacher - professor (a) Veterinarian (Vet) - veterinário Waiter/Waitress - empregado(a) de mesa Writer -escritor

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3.2 Vocabulary Exercises

A. Match the job with its corresponding image.

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

B. Match the jobs with their corresponding workplaces.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1. actor/actress a) bakery

2. cashier b) kitchen

3. chef c) office

4. factory worker d) police station

5. farmer e) travel agency

6. fisherman f) supermarket

7. flight attendant g) theatre

8. judge h) boat / ship

9. mechanic i) factory

10. policeman j) garage / workshop

11. teacher k) ranch / farm

12. scientist l) hospital

13. secretary m) laboratory

14. surgeon n) court

15. travel agent o) school

16. baker p) airplane

C. Match the people with the equipment they use.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1. baker a) typewriter, word processor

2. barber / hair dresser b) drill, mouth mirror

3. businessman c) notebook

4. carpenter d) spanner, pipes

5. cleaner e) blackboard / whiteboard

6. computer programmer f) saw, wood

7. cook g) oven

8. dentist h) stethoscope

9. doctor i) camera

10. electrician j) gun

11. farmer k) vacuum cleaner

12. journalist / reporter l) tractor

13. musician m) joystick

14. photographer n) comb, scissors

15. pilot o) briefcase

16. plumber p) scalpel

17. secretary q) computer

18. soldier r) screwdriver

19. surgeon s) musical instrument

20. teacher t) frying pan, saucepan

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3.3 Vocabulary Related to Jobs

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

4.4 Song: Listening Comprehension A. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the missing jobs.

She hosts a T.V. show- she rides the rodeo

She plays the bass in a band

She's an (1) ________________ -

a (2) ________________ at the parking lot

A (3) ______________ working the land

She is a (4) ________________- she gets the gold

She's a (5) _________________- the star of the show


She's not just a pretty face

She's got everything it takes

She has a fashion line-

a (6) _________________ for "Time"

Coaches a football team

She's a (7) ________________, a romance (8) ___________________

She is a mother of three

She is a (9) ___________________ - she is a wife

She is a(10) ________________ - she'll save your life


She's not - just a pretty face

She's got- everything it takes

She's mother- of the human race

She's not - just a pretty face

Oh, oh, yeah

Oh na, na, na, na...

She is your (11) _____________ - she is your (12) ____________

she is your (13) _________________

She is every woman in the world

Oh, la, la, la

She flies an airplane

she drives a subway train

At night she pumps gasoline

She's on the council, she's on the board

She's a (14) ______________ - she praises the Lord

Repeat Second Chorus

No, she's (she's) not (not) just a pretty face

She's (she's) got (got) everything it takes

She's not just a pretty face

She's got everything it takes

She's not just a pretty face

Written by Shania Twain / R.J. Lange

She's Not Just A Pretty Face

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

B . What are the names of these jobs? Match each job description with the

corresponding job.

1. She hosts a TV show. a. bass player

2. She rides the rodeo. b. pilot

3. She plays the bass. c. service-station attendant

4. She has a fashion line. d. cowgirl

5. She coaches a football team. e. talk-show hostess; presenter

6. She flies an airplane. f. fashion designer

7. She drives a subway train. g. coach

8. She pumps gasoline. h. train conductor

C. Answer the following questions about the song.

1. Who is the singer talking about?



2. What is the song about?



3. Explain the meaning of these lines: “She is your waitress - she is your judge –

she is your teacher”.



4. What does the singer mean when she says: “She’s not just a pretty face”.



5. Give another title to the song and explain your choice.




D. Choose the best answer.

1. An astronaut is a person who ____________________________.

a) travels into space.

b) studies astronomy.

c) travels and works in a spacecraft.

2. A surgeon is ___________________________.

a) a doctor who is trained to perform surgery.

b) a doctor who delivers babies.

c) a doctor who examines people’s eyes.

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó


4.1 Reading Comprehension- Text 1: Developments in ICT

Read the following text.


Developments in information and communications

technology (ICT) have changed the way people work.

Today’s employees have much more information at

their fingertips1 and can communicate information

quickly and effectively2.

With the use of computer to process information,

many jobs have been lost in industries such as banking,

where there was a need for a large number of clerical


In manufacturing there has also been a change in the way things are done. Many routine

jobs can now be done by robots, e.g. painting new cars.

Changes in ICT can often lead to higher productivity. This means businesses can be

competitive. Besides, some employees can now work away from the office, which is called

teleworking. A teleworker is able to work at home and is connected to work via a computer

and modem. This can make the job more flexible, which is an advantage for some parents who

have to work and take care of their children.

Changes in the workplace

What changes have taken place in people’s workplaces? The introduction of new technology

has led to:

higher levels of production;

higher quality of work;

more responsibilities;

different types of injuries4;

more teamwork5;

loss of jobs;

on-going learning6;

more stress at work (there is more competition);

the work environment can be less friendly. (adapted)

VOCABULARY HELP 1 have much more information at their

fingertips –obtêm muito mais

informação rapidamente 2 effectively – de maneira eficaz 3 clerical staff – empregados de

escritório 4 injuries – lesões; ferimentos 5 teamwork – trabalho de equipa 6 on-going learning – apredizagem


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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

Reading Comprehension Exercises

B. Say if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Quote from the text to support ALL your answers.

1. The new changes in Information and communications technology allow people to get

information in a short time. _____________



2. Today there is a more notorious need for jobs in offices as a result of ICT. ______________



3. ICT has increased the levels of production. _____________



4. Teleworking isn’t a good option for working parents. ____________



C. Answer the questions about the text, using your own words as far as possible:

1. What is the main factor that has changed the way people work nowadays?



2. What is teleworking?



3. Is teleworking an advantage for working parents? Why / why not?



4. Would you like to be a teleworker? Justify your answer.




5. Come up with two advantages and two disadvantages of the developments of new




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D. Find in the text synonyms for the following words:

1. altered _____________________ 4. necessity ______________________

2. linked ______________________ 5. workers ________________________

3. moreover ____________________ 6. look after ______________________

E. Complete the following sentences according to the information given in the last paragraph of

the text.

1. As a result of new technologies, production ________________________________________________


2. The quality of work _______________________________________________________________________

3. Employees will have ______________________________________________________________________

4. They will have to work ____________________________________________________________________

5. Some employees ________________________________________________________________________

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

4.2 Grammar Study: Clauses of Reason

Clauses of reason express the cause or reason why something happened.

Connector Use Example

because + clause Because puts more

emphasis on the reason,

and most often introduces

new information which is not

known to the


He works overtime because he has

a lot of expenses at the end of the


since + clause “since” means the

same as because.

“since” tends to be

used in more informal,

spoken English.

As and since are used when

the reason is already known

to the listener/reader, or

when it is not the most

important part of the


As- and Since-clauses often

come at the beginning of


They had to leave early since their

train left at 8:30.

Since their train left at 8:30, they had

to leave early.

as + clause “As” means the same

as because.

“As” tends to be used

in more formal, written


He went to bed early as he had a

test the next day.

As he had a test the next day, he

went to bed early.

because of +

noun/pronoun Because of is a two-word

preposition, used before a

noun or a pronoun.

I arrived late to work because of

the heavy traffic.

Because of the heavy traffic, I

arrived late to work.

due to + noun

“due to” means

the same as

“because of”.

Phrases beginning with due

to are often separated from

the rest of the sentence by

a comma.

I arrived late to work due to the

heavy traffic.

Due to the heavy traffic, I arrived

late to work.

Grammar Practice

A. Join the two sentences by using the connector given in brackets. Add commas where


1. Tom works too much. He wants to get a raise. (because)


2. They had to run faster. Their train leaves at 9:30. (since)


3. The exam is very difficult. Students have to study harder. (as)


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4. This house was extremely damaged. There was an enormous storm. (due to)


5. She didn’t get the job. She didn’t have the required qualifications. (because)


6. She was angry at me. There were some mistakes in the composition and it was my fault.

(because of) _______________________________________________________________________________

7. The way people work has changed. There have been developments in information and

communications technology.

(because of) _______________________________________________________________________________


(due to) ___________________________________________________________________________________


8. Some people have lost their jobs. Computers are used to process information. (as)


9. Some employees can now work away from office. They are connected to work via the

Internet. (since)


10. She couldn’t concentrate. Her children were making too much noise. (because)


11. He loves music so much. He decided to go to a college of music. (since)


B. Complete the sentences with because or because of?

1. I don’t complain _________________ I’m satisfied.

2. Jules and John are here __________________ us.

3. The football match was cancelled __________________ the rain.

4. Jason doesn’t want to see Diane any more __________________ he met another girl.

5. He stopped being a rock singer __________________ his band broke up.

6. She walked slowly __________________ her bad leg.

7. I’m not going to wear these jeans ___________________ I don’t like them.

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4.3 Speaking Activity: Teleworking

How important is teleworking in the world today?

Would you like to be a teleworker? Why/ why not?

In the table below, list some advantages and disadvantages of telelworking.

Advantages Disadvantages

flexible hours

better control of working hours/

time management

physical and social isolation

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Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

4.4 Grammar Study: Clauses of Concession Clauses of concession are introduced by various words or phrases.

Connector Use Examples

However + clause


However is more common in

formal speech or writing. It can go

at the beginning or at the end of

the sentence.

It’s cheap. However, I don’t

like it. / I don’t like it,


The book is expensive;

however, it's worth it.

But + clause


But is used to introduce an

opposing idea.

Commas are used when but

connects two complete


Many administrative jobs are

full-time, but the use of

temporary staff is increasing.

Although + clause

Even though + clause

Though + clause


Although often becomes though in


Although always comes at the


Although I invited her to the

party, she didn’t come.

Although she was invited to

the party, she didn’t come.

Although /Though [he was]

hard working, Kevin failed

the examination.

Even though is a more emphatic

form of although.

Though can come at the end of a


In spite of + noun

Despite + noun

(apesar de)

Despite and in spite of are

followed by nouns (or gerunds),

and not by clauses.

Despite the rain, we still went


In spite of the rain, we still

went out.

Despite working hard, she

wasn’t promoted.

In spite of working hard, she

wasn’t promoted.

In spite of + -ing

Despite + -ing

(apesar de)

In spite of + the fact

that + clause

Despite + the fact

that + clause

If you want to use despite or in

spite of with a clause you must

add the fact that.

In spite of /Despite the fact

that he worked hard, Kevin

failed the examination.

When a connector begins the sentence, we use a comma to separate the contrasting


The “however” clause usually has a full stop or a semicolon before it.

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Grammar Practice

A. A. Join the two sentences by using the connector given in brackets. Add commas where


1. Mary and Lucy enjoy their jobs. There are some drawbacks to the career. (although)


2. The starting wage for secretaries can be low. They work hard. (despite)


3. She likes her job, but she doesn’t get any benefits or bonuses. (even though)


4. Paul has an important job but he isn’t very well-paid. (in spite of)


5. He had all the necessary qualifications but he didn’t get the job. (despite)


6. I worked hard despite not feeling well. (although)


7. Jonathan is a solicitor, but he hasn’t got his own office. (in spite of)


8. In spite of being unemployed, she lives in a big flat. (although)


9. Paul worked hard but he wasn’t promoted. (despite the fact that)


10. His job involves doing a lot of paperwork. He likes it. (however)


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5.1 Speaking Activity: Part-time jobs

Do you know the difference between a part-time job and a full-time job?

Have you ever had a part-time job? If so, what was your job?

Do you think it’s a good idea for students to work and study at the same time?

What are the advantages? And the disadvantages?

In the table below, list some advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job.

Advantages Disadvantages

It’s fun.

You meet new people.

It’s difficult to get up early at the


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5.2 Grammar Study: Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns

who/whom -used for people •A shop assistant is someone who serves customers in a


•The lady to whom I sold the perfume is over there.

which -used for things or


•That’s the book which was on sale last week.

that -used for either

people or things

•I met an actor that I really admire.

•A plane is a machine that flies.

whose -a possessive

relative pronoun for

people and

sometimes for things

or animals

•That’s the boy whose mother works with me.

A. Complete the sentences with who, which or whose.

1. This is the boy ____________ was born in England.

2. That’s the taxi driver _______________ drove us to the airport.

3. We always go to the music festival _______________ takes place in south-west


4. That’s the girl ___________ mobile phone was stolen.

5. Do you see the cat ___________ is lying on the door mat?

6. Do you know the girl _____________ mother is a dentist?

7. This is the bank ______________ was robbed last week.

8. The business ____________ they started is very successful.

B. Complete with a relative pronoun. Omit the pronoun whenever possible.

1. A motor mechanic is a person ___________ repairs cars and motorbikes.

2. That is the boy ______________ brother works with me.

3. Alice is a girl _______________ everybody likes.

4. An orphan is a child ______________ parents are dead.

5. Love is a feeling _______________ nobody can describe.

6. The TV programme ________________ we missed is on again tonight.

7. Do you know the girl _______________ went out on a date with Mark?

8. We stayed at a hotel _______________ is not far from the beach.

9. That’s the car _____________ has a flat tire.

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10. This is the museum _______________ I like very much.

11. That is the man _______________ lives in Liverpool.

12. This is the place _______________ I told you about.

13. A map is something ______________ gives you directions.

14. Those are the boys ______________ are in my class.

15. Is there someone _______________ can help us?

C. Relative clauses. Complete the sentences with relative clauses. Use who and which.

1. A shop assistant is someone (work in a shop).

A shop assistant is someone who works in a shop.

2. A watch is an object (tell time).


3. A fridge is an appliance (keep food cool).


4. A bee is an insect (make honey).


5. A Scot is a person (live in Scotland).


6. A dentist is a person (look after your teeth).


7. A butcher is a person (sell meat).


8. A USB stick is an object (store documents and pictures).


D. Join the two sentences using a relative pronoun.

1. I have a friend. He’s a good computer technician.

I have a friend who is a good computer technician.

2. I know the girl. Her father is an accountant.


3. A ferry is a ship. It carries people across the water.


4. The train goes to Edinburgh. It leaves in half an hour.


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5. They live in a house. It has a big yard.


6. She’s the flight attendant. Her husband works in a hospital.


7. This is the student. He speaks Russian.


8. English is a subject. I’ve always liked it.


9. This is the book. I bought it yesterday.


10. The Thames is a river. It flows through London.


11. That’s the restaurant. I told you about it yesterday.


12. These are the keys. I was looking for them.


13. A nurse is a person. Her job is to take care of sick people.


14. He works in a factory. It sells nice clothes.


15. I like the song. They are playing it on the radio.


16. George is a teenager. He has a part-time job.


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6. MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE 6.1 Speaking Activity: Gap Year

What do you want to do after you finish high school?

Do you want to go straight to university or look for a job?

Have you ever thought about doing voluntary work?

Would you rather take a year off to relax or do something new?

What is a gap year?

Do the following quiz on GAP YEAR to see if it is the right thing for you.

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What is a gap year?

A gap year / year out is the time spent working or travelling (usually up to a year) after finishing

A* levels (Advanced Levels) or equivalent study and starting university. Many students also

choose to take a gap year on completing their undergraduate studies.

* In England, this is usually done in two or three subjects only. The Scottish system is more like the


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6.2 Reading Comprehension -Text 2: A Year Out


A gap year is becoming a more and more popular option. Some of you

may need a year out simply to earn some cash to help you through

higher education. They come in all shapes and sizes.

It’s never too early to start planning one- a good year takes

organisation, particularly if you want to go abroad and need to raise

some funding1. There are websites and books to take you through all the alternatives and

enable you2 to contact various organisations.

The main alternatives

Paid employment – with the option of working here or jobs overseas3.

You can earn some money and get work experience. There are some

good employers who pay gap students a decent wage and teach

them useful skills. Many recruit through the organisation The Year in


Voluntary work

Again, this can be in your country or overseas. Lots of organisations

need young volunteers to work on all kinds of community,

environmental, social or care work projects. If you want to go

overseas, it is a good idea to go through a reputable organisation

that will arrange your accommodation, medical insurance and look

after you in any difficulty.


This can be anything from the full backpacking year to brief trips.

Some people spend a year travelling, but it is becoming common for

people to do it in their twenties. A god gap year can be a

combination of all three. It’s quite possible to earn then travel, then

earn again.

You can (abridged)

VOCABULARY HELP 1 to raise some funding –angariar

fundos 2 enable you – permitem-te 3 overseas – no estrangeiro

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Reading Comprehension Exercises

A. Say whether these statements are true or false. Quote from the text to support all your


1. Not many students take a year out between school and university. __________


2. There are lots of things you can do in the gap year. ____________


3. You should plan a gap year in advance. ___________


4. Paid employment isn’t a good option. ____________


5. Gap year students are never paid high wages. ___________


6. Volunteers may get involved in several kinds of projects. ___________


7. Any organisation will make your travel arrangements if you want to travel abroad. __________


B. Find words or phrases in the text that mean the following. Paragraph numbers are give in


1. respected (para 4) _______________________________________________________________________

2. take care (para 4) ________________________________________________________________________

3. to travel carrying your clothes and personal things in a backpack (=rucksack) (para 5)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. short journeys (para 5) ____________________________________________________________________

C. Who or what do the following words refer to?

1. you (line 1) ___________________________________

2. who (line 11) _________________________________

3. them (line 12) _________________________________

4. it (line 23) _____________________________________

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D. Answer the following questions with complete answers.

1. What should you do before taking a gap year? Why?


2. How can you get informed about gap years?


3. What alternatives are suggested in the text?


4. Which one would you prefer? Why?


5. Do you think it is useful to take a gap year between high school graduation and university?

Explain. ____________________________________________________________________________________



Imagine you’ve decided to take a year off and have taken up a part-time job in Liverpool.

Send an e-mail to your best friend telling him/her about your experience there.

First make a list of the points you want to mention. Think about:

The place where you are staying;

The type of job you do;

The salary you earn;

The working hours;

Your workmates;

What you like and dislike about your work.

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6.3 –Grammar Study: Prepositions of Place

Prepositions of place are used to clarify a specific place. Place prepositions are used with all

nouns. The preposition usually comes before the noun or the pronoun. The preposition never

comes before a verb.

A. Look and write.


● in = dentro ● into = dentro

● on = em cima ● between= entre

● next to = ao lado de ● under= debaixo

● in front of = à frente de ● among= entre(mais de duas coisas/pessoas)

● behind = atras de ● opposite = oposto

● above = por cima ● in the middle of = no meio de

● over = sobre, em cima de ● on the left (of) = à esquerda (de)

● by = perto ● on the left (of) = à esquerda (de)

● near = perto de ● on the left (of) = à esquerda (de)

● round = à volta de ● on the right (of) = à direita (de)

● out of = fora (de) ● at the back of = atrás de

● far from = longe de ● on the corner (of)= na esquina (de)

A. ____________________

B. ____________________


D. ____________________

E. _____________________

F. _____________________


H. ____________________

I. _____________________


K. _____________________

L. _____________________

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7.1 –Reading Comprehension- Text 3: Applying for a Job


Carina Soares

Rua 5 Outubro 54,


3240-312 Leiria

December 11, 2010

Rite Aid Corporation

New Jersey, USA

I am writing in reply to your advertisement I saw on the

Internet and I would like to apply for the position you are


I am 21 years old and I am from Avelar in central Portugal. I

studied English for seven years at school, so I can speak English

very well. I have already been to Ireland, where I attended a

summer course.

I feel I would be suitable for this job because I went to a

vocational school where I took a course in ICT (Information and

Communications technology) and I am quite proficient using

Microsoft Office Suite. I also have work experience which can be

useful in doing this type of job. I am currently employed and have

been since I left school. I have worked as a secretary for a large

company where I put my computer skills to great use. At the

moment I am working as a computer technician for a small

factory, but my contract ends in six weeks. I would particularly like

to join your company for the opportunity it would give me to use

my technical skills and to improve my oral English. I know that

English is very important for any type of job these days.

I am a patient, punctual and responsible person. I get on very

well with people and I enjoy making new friends. This position

would give me an opportunity to put my skills to use and to meet

new people.

I am prepared to work any hours and to start working in about

two months.

I enclose my CV and a letter of recommendation.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Carina Soares

Carina Soares

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Reading Comprehension Exercises

A . Answer the following questions about the letter you have just read.

1. Who wrote the letter? ____________________________________________________________________

2. Who was the letter written to? _____________________________________________________________

3. Why was it written?________________________________________________________________________

4. What type of letter it is? ___________________________________________________________________

B. Match the words taken from the letter with their Portuguese equivalent.

1. letter of application (title) a) anúncio

2. in reply b) carta de candidatura

3. advertisement c) candidatar

4. apply for d) em resposta

5. position e) carta de recomendação

6. I enclose f) lugar

7. letter of recommendation g) Junto envio

C. Read the letter again and answer the following questions.

1. Where is Carina from?


2. How many languages can she speak?


3. How does she feel about this job position?


4. How well does she work with computers?


5. Does she have any work experience?


6. What are some of her qualities?


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7.2 Writing Activity: The Curriculum Vitae

Fill in Carina’s CV with information from her letter of application. You can add any missing


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7.3 Writing Activity: Letter of Application / Cover Letter

A. Read the following Job ad and write an application letter.

(Your address) __________________



(Date) _________________________

(The employer’s address)



Dear Sir/ Madam,

I would like to apply for the vacancy as a ___________________(job) advertised in ___________ (name of

news paper) of _________________________ (date).

I am ___________(age) and at the moment I __________________________(school and what you are studying)

I am good at ____________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________( list some of your qualities).

I am very interested in working as ____________________(job), because ____________________________________


_______________________________________( reasons for applying).

I am available for an interview ______________________ (dates and times) and I can start working

_______________________ (date), but if is inconvenient for you, I would be happy to arrange another date.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,




(Your name- printed )


Job title: Accounts Technician Job location: Wexford,

Republic of Ireland

Type: Temporary Job description: Accounts

assistant - temp

Company: Gap Personnel 6 months – possibly leading to

perm -

Sectors: Accountancy jobs and banking jobs immediate start

Admin jobs and customer service jobs

Apply now.

Times 07.02.2010

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A. Circle the correct answer.

1. Please take a seat. I’ll be ________________.

a) with you in a moment.

b) at you in a moment.

c) you in a moment.

2. What kind of job are you looking for?

a) I look for a job as a computer technician.

b) I looking for a job as a computer technician.

c) I am looking for a job as a computer technician.

3. Do you prefer to work alone or with other people?

a) I prefer to work alone.

b) I like work alone.

c) I am alone.

4. Do you have any job experience?

a) No, I have any.

b) No, I haven’t some.

c) No, I don’t.

5. How fast can you type?

a) I can type.

b) I can type 50 words per minute.

c) I can type not too fast.

6. Are you looking for a part-time or full-time job?

a) I am looking for a part-time job.

b) I am looking for a part-time work.

c) I am looking for a part-time employment.

7. Are you good with numbers?

a) No, not good with numbers.

b) Yes, I am.

c) No, I don’t.

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8.1 – Grammar Study: Correlative Conjunctions

A conjunction is a word that joins other words, phrases, or clauses.

Correlative conjunctions join words, phases, or clauses of equal rank. They are always used in

pairs and join similar elements.

When joining singular and plural subjects, the subject closest to the verb determines whether

the verb is singular or plural.

Conjuction What is linked Example

both...and subject+subject Both Samantha and Jessica applied for

the accounts technician position.

either...or noun+noun Apply for the job either by post or via

the Internet.

neither...nor subject+subject Neither John nor Kevin applied for the


not only...but


sentence+sentence Paul not only speaks German but also


whether … or infinitive phrase + infinitive


Julia is trying to decide whether to go

to law school or to go to medical


Grammar Practice

A. Complete the sentences with the appropriate correlative conjunction.

1. _________________my grandfather __________________ my father worked in a Japanese car


2. I’m not sure where she’s from. She’s _______________ British _____________ American.

3. He said he would contract me, but he _________________ phoned __________________ wrote.

4. The film was ___________________ boring _________________ too long. I didn’t enjoy it.

5. We’re deciding __________________ to go to the beach __________________ to go to the

swimming pool.

6. I don’t know _____________ I should go to the University of Coimbra _____________ go to the

University of Aveiro.

6. __________________ Peter _______________ Paul were late for school.

7. Bring ___________________ some fruit juice ________________ some cupcakes to the party.

8. _________________ Rose _____________________ Jill have got red sports cars.

9. That man is ___________________ Stuart ________________ Michael.

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8.2 - Listening Activity: Paul Harris’ Job Interview

Paul Harris is being interviewed by Mr Smith for the job position as a computer operator at Gap


A. Listen to part of the interview and complete the chart below in note-form.

B. What do these work-related words mean in your language?

1. job interview a) salário/ ordenado mensal

2. candidate b) salário semanal

3. interviewer c) entrevista de trabalho

4. computer operator d) vaga

5. work experience e) candidato

6. working hours f) entrevistador

7. salary g) horário de trabalho

8. wage h) experiência de trabalho

9. vacancy i) operador de computador

C. These are some of Paul’ s answers to some of the questions asked at the interview. Ask the


1. Where _________________________________________________________________________________?

I’m from Scotland.

2. Where __________________________________________________________________________________?

I live at 12 Palmerston Park, Rathgar, Dublin 6.

3. When ___________________________________________________________________________________?

I finished school in 2008.

4. Why ____________________________________________________________________________________?

I’d like to use my computer skills.


Desired employment:


Date of birth:


Work experience


Reason for applying:

Working hours:






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8.3 – Writing Activity: A Job Interview The first impression you make on the interviewer is so important that it can decide the rest of the interview. Here are some Interviewing Tips:

Arrive on time.

Introduce yourself, shake hands, and be friendly and polite.

Greet the person who’s interviewing you by name:

“Hello Mr…, nice to meet you”.

Tell the truth.

Think about what questions you’ll be asked (based

on the required skills listed in the job description) and

prepare your answers in advance.

The best way to respond is in a short, friendly manner

without going into too much detail.

A. Here is a sample interview. Complete the dialogue as if you were being interviewed.

Interviewer: How are you today?

You: ______________________________________________________________________________________ .

Interviewer: Did you have any trouble finding us?

You: ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Interviewer: Tell me a little about yourself, please.

You: ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Interviewer: What type of position are you looking for? I am looking for

You: ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Interviewer: Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?

You: I am more interested in ______________________________ because________________________


Interviewer: Why are you interested in working for our company?

You: _______________________________________________________________________________________


Interviewer: How do you work with others? Are you a team player?



Interviewer: What is your greatest strength?

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Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?





Interviewer: When can you start?

You: _______________________________________________________________________________________.

Interviewer: I think that will be all for now. We’ll be in touch. Thank you.

You: _______________________________________________________________________________________.

B. These are some of the commonest interview questions. Match them with the answers.

1. Why do you want to work here? a) I've already worked as a

receptionist, but just for three months,

during the last summer holiday.

2. Why do you think you would be

suited to the job?

b) That's all right. I'm prepared to work

any time.

3. What experience do you have as a


c) Quite well, I think. I'm an organised

person and I like to talk on the phone.

4. What qualifications do you have? d) I would like to work for a hotel that is

established and has a good


5. How do you manage making and

receiving phone calls and taking


e) I get on well with people, I'm patient

and I think I speak quite clearly.

6. How many foreign languages do

you speak?

f) I speak English and French fluently.

7. Are you ready to do shift work and

sometimes also work overtime?

g) I left secondary school last year and

I have a certificate in Hotel


8. When are you able to start? h) Next week if that's all right with you.

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8.4-Viewing / Listening Activity: Andy’s Job Interview

You are going to watch a clip from the movie:

The movie is about a young lady who has just graduated from university and goes to New York

to become a journalist. She writes to all the big publishers and gets just one interview – on a

fashion magazine. Although Andy knows nothing about fashion and says all the wrong things

at the interview, Miranda Priestly, the most important person in fashion and editor of Runway

magazine, decides to give Andrea a chance.

A- Pre-viewing activity

1. Read the tips below.

Job Interviewing Do's

1. Learn all you can about the company or organization; learn as much as you can so that

your questions are sophisticated and knowledgeable during the interview.

2. Be prepared to answer and ask questions.

3. Prepare your clothes for your interview, making sure they are business-like and clean.

4. Prepare papers for your interview, including extra copies of your CV, job reference lists,

reference letters, etc.

5. Speak clearly and appear friendly and confident.

6. Maintain good eye contact during the interview.

7. Have intelligent questions prepared to ask the interviewer.

8. Exhibit a positive attitude. The interviewer is evaluating you as a potential co-worker.

Behave like someone you would want to work with.

9. Treat the interview seriously and as though you are truly interested in the employer and

the opportunity presented.

10. After the interview, make notes right away so you don't forget critical details.

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Job Interviewing Don'ts

11. Don't make excuses. Take responsibility for your decisions and your actions.

12. Don't make negative comments about previous employers or professors (or others).

13. Don't treat the interview casually, as if you were just shopping around or doing the

interview for practice. This is an insult to the interviewer and to the organization.

14. Don't give the impression that you are only interested in an organization because of its


15. Don't give the impression that you are only interested in the salary.

16. A job search can be hard work and can cause a lot of frustration; don't exhibit frustrations

or a negative attitude in an interview.

17. Don't make the interviewer guess what type of work you are interested in; it is not the

interviewer's job to act as a career advisor to you.

18. Don't act as though you would take any job or are desperate to be hired.

19. Don't tell jokes during the interview.

20. Don’t feel the need to state everything you learned from researching the company and

the interviewer - make use of the information as necessary.

B- While viewing activity

Andrea Sachs is a recent college graduate seeking her first job. Without a plan, she bumbles

into a job that ultimately teaches her many life lessons--some she'd rather not have had to


1. Reread the job interviewing tips.

Identify Andrea’s mistakes. What should/shouldn’t she have done?

She should have ….Do's She shouldn’t have….Don'ts











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2. Listen carefully to the interview scene between Miranda and Andrea and fill in the blanks with

the missing words in the text box.

Miranda: Who are you?

Andrea: My name is Andy Sachs. I’ve recently ___________________1 from Northwestern


Miranda: And what are you doing here?

Andrea: Well, I think I could do a good ____________ 2 as your ________________3.

And um.... I came to New York to be a _______________________4 and

sent __________________5 out everywhere and finally got a __________6

from Elias Clarke and met with Sherry up at _________________________7.

And basically it’s this or Auto Universe.

Miranda: So you don’t _____________8 Runway?

Andrea: Uh, No...

Miranda: And before today, you had never _______________9 of me...?

Andrea: No...

Miranda: And you have no ______________10 or sense of ___________________11...

Andrea: Well, um, I think that depends on what your....

Miranda: No, no. That wasn’t a question.

Andrea: Um, I was ______________________________12 of the Daily Northwestern.

I also won a national competition for college journalists with my

______________13 on the janitor’s union which exposed the exploitation

of –

Miranda: That’s all!

Andrea: Okay, you’re right! I don’t fit in here. I am not skinny or glamorous and

I don’t know that much about fashion, but I’m _______________14, I learn fast and I will work very


Nigel walks in unexpectedly and interrupts the interview.

Andrea: Thank you for your time.

graduated read style fashion heard call

Human Resources editor-in-chief series journalist smart letters assistant job

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"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -

I took the one less travelled by,

and that has made all the difference."

- Robert Frost, American poet

You have finally completed the Module 8 on the World of Work and I hope what you have

learned will be of use to you in the near future. You are finally prepared to go out to the

workforce whether you decide to stay and work in Portugal or work abroad in an English-

speaking country. The first step to finding a job is to have a well-written Letter of Application

and Curriculum Vitae. Remember that first impressions count.

Don’t forget to keep up with your English! It is the language of science, computers and tourism.

One good reason for learning English is to improve employment potential. Whatever your

career goals, knowing a language certainly won't hurt your employability. Chances are that

knowing languages will open up employment opportunities that you would not have had

otherwise. In addition, you will be able to command a greater salary in the workplace. All else

being equal, knowing languages gives you an edge over monolingual applicants competing

for the same jobs.

This custom course book was created/ compiled by Anabela Rodrigues

Page 45: Inglês - · 3. chef c) office 4. factory worker d) police station 5. farmer e) travel agency

Inglês- 3º Ano Módulo 8: O Mundo do Trabalho



Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó


- MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO (2005), Cursos de Educação e Formação - Programa –

Componentes de Formação Sociocultural – Disciplina de Inglês. Direcção-Geral de

Formação Vocacional.

- GONÇALVES, Maria Emília, New Frontiers 3, Areal Editores, 2010.

- GONÇALVES, Maria Emília ; FARIA, Sónia, New Opportunities 3 , Areal Editores, 2008.

-Coelho, Ana Cláudia Cohen, Inglês 8- Revisões para todo o ano, Texto Editores, 2009.

- Coelho, Ana Cláudia Cohen, Inglês 9- Revisões para todo o ano, Texto Editores, 2008.

- MURPHY, Raymond, Essential Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1996.





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Inglês- 3º Ano Módulo 8: O Mundo do Trabalho



Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó


LIST OF VERBS to talk about responsibilities

Page 47: Inglês - · 3. chef c) office 4. factory worker d) police station 5. farmer e) travel agency

Inglês- 3º Ano Módulo 8: O Mundo do Trabalho



Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

Most importantly, you will need to demonstrate your qualifications and skills, which are required

for the job you are applying for. The job skills that you have acquired in the past may not have

been for the same exact job. Therefore, it is important to show how the capabilities you do

have relate to the job you are applying for.

Use the Right Word

Below is a list of great verbs to help you express just exactly what you did with impressive

vocabulary. These verbs are used to express responsibilities and tasks performed:


















carried out




















































































































set up

























LIST OF ADJECTIVES to describe your skills

Page 48: Inglês - · 3. chef c) office 4. factory worker d) police station 5. farmer e) travel agency

Inglês- 3º Ano Módulo 8: O Mundo do Trabalho



Escola Tecnológica e Profissional de Sicó

To describe your skills the following adjectives are useful





































self disciplined

sense of humor






Use these verbs and adjectives and really sell yourself. You only have a few minutes to show

how good you really are. By using this precise vocabulary and being confident can help you

make the best impression possible.
