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What is environmental pollution?

Environmental pollution is called to the presence in the environment of any agent

(physical, chemical or biological) or a combination of several agents in places such forms and concentrations that are or may be injurious to health, safety or the welfare of the population, or potentially harmful to

plant or animal life or prevent the normal use of the property and places of recreation.

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Types from pollution environmental

Contaminació ³ n water: the water Incorporació ³ n ± as weird materials such as microorganisms, products, chemical, industrial waste and other

types or sewage. These substances impair water quality and make ina º til for the intended uses. Contaminació ³ n soil: the soil Incorporació ³ n ± as weird materials, such as litter, waste xicos tà ³, products chemical, and industrial wastes. The soil

from pollution ³ n an imbalance of phasic and biological Química gico adversely affecting

plants, animals and humans. Air Contaminació ³ n: the additional damages ± ³ n ine the gas

atmosphere xicos tà ³, or others that affect the normal development of plants, animals and

adversely affecting human health.

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Causes of environmental pollution

household waste industrial waste

exes of fertilizers and chemicals logging burning garbage

the smoke of cars lakes and rivers polluted seas

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 the smoke of cars

  pollution by cutting down treespollution by cutting down trees

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Impact of environmental n from pollution

The environment from pollution affects cardiovascular health. ³ It was found that there is

a direct Relation between the increase in air pollutants partÃculas the city and the wall

thickening of the arteries, which is a proven indicator of atherosclerosis. The persistent effect from pollution of the air breathed ³ n, in a silent

process of aà ± os, ultimately leads to the development of acute cardiovascular conditions

such as heart attacks. "Deteriorates every time sa mà our planet endangers the lives of plants,

animals and people-Genera ± os phasic damages on individuals-Becomes a consumable item is not

water-contaminated soil in the planting is not possible

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Climatic changes from pollution by ticos environmental

Tico climatic change, because of the environment from pollution ³ n, implies that the average global temperature increased 0.6 degrees ³ Century. XX average global temperatures rise between 1.4 and

5.8 degrees between 1990 and 2100 . PerÃodo Similarly, the mean sea level increase from 0.09 to 0.88 meters. The increase of the Century. XX

has not occurred in any of the à º last ten centuries. Tambi © n will change under rà © groan of rainfall in the cloud cover and in the patronage of occurrence ³ n ³ fena less like AC

lida El Nià ± o, which has become frequent mà s. Such an increase may lead to an increased incidence of waterborne diseases, such as

comfortable lera, and related toxins, such as shellfish poisoning.

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Destrucció ozone ³ n ³ n from pollution by the environment.

³ day carbon monoxide and greenhouse gases is warming the planet No. The Destrucció ³ n ozone from pollution due to ³ n a reached the point where the damages ± inos rays,

ultraviolet B, come, in large parts of the earth surface at levels capable of causing extensive damages to life ± os. The increasing doses of UV-B threaten the health and human welfare, crops, forests, plants, wildlife and marine. There has been a Lifting the rate of ca ncer skin. The exhibitions radiació ³ n ³ n the UV-B reduces the effectiveness

of immunological system ³ gico.

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 Industrial Environmental Pollution

The opening of mining galleries that promote the infiltration of potash salt, for

example in the field; the toxic gases that are dissolved in water from rainfall and

potential accidental rupture of pipelines, processing industries, water discharges with

heavy metals and synthetic organic compounds, the poor storage of chemicals,

gas and oil leaks in the road transport, pollution thermal hot water nuclear power plant, the courage of waste at sea and in


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