Page 1: Ingle Farm Primary School Out of School Hours Care And … · 2019-02-19 · WELCOME Welcome to our service. We are pleased to have new families join us. We look forward to working

Ingle Farm Primary School Out of School Hours Care

And Vacation Care

Ingle Farm Primary School POBox423

Ingle Farm SA 5098

Ph: 8262 7208 Mobile: 0434 308 814

Fax: 83497837 Email: [email protected]


Family Handbook

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Ingle Farm Primary School OSHC / Vac Care

Open times Before School: 7am to 9am After School: 2.45 to 6pm

Vacation Care: 7am to 6pm

(Last updated Aug 2017)

Page 2: Ingle Farm Primary School Out of School Hours Care And … · 2019-02-19 · WELCOME Welcome to our service. We are pleased to have new families join us. We look forward to working


Welcome to our service. We are pleased to have new families join us. We look forward to working with you and your children. Ingle Farm OSHC has been operating since 1992. The Ingle Farm Primary School Governing Council is the operator of the service. The OSHC committee is a subcommittee of the Governing Council, and reports to council, and makes recommendations for improvement in all operating procedures. The staff team work closely with the OSHC management. Parents are welcome to become members of this committee. Our service cares for children that attend Ingle Farm Primary School throughout the school terms, and the wider community during Vacation Care periods. Our staff team work closely with staff from both schools to ensure we provide the highest quality care for your children. We provide a happy and comfortable environment to all children and their families. Our service is available to working, or studying families, and we are also available for respite care. The service offers regular or occasional care for your children. The facilities we have are suitable for all children, including those with additional needs. Refer to our Policy Manual for service policies. Please feel free to contact our staff for any information.


At Ingle Farm Primary School OSHC / Vac Care we believe that providing an environment that supports a sense of inclusion and belonging while promoting the development and learning of every child is essential to ensuring meaningful and joyful experiences that enriches their childhood and supports a strong sense of self and connection to the world they live in. To achieve this we aim to:

• develop and maintain strong relationships between educators, children, families and the community.

• deliver programs that provide intentional teaching and spontaneous child led activities in collaboration with children and families

• ensure that all interactions are rich in communication and understanding • thrive on the importance of play and leisure as opportunities to build

understandings • be focused on our role as educators, entrusted by families


Our service is operating under the ‘The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care’ which has been established by all Australian Governments to ensure the Quality and Continuous Improvement and consistency in education and care services. The Framework consists of:

• A national legislative framework – My Time Our Place A Framework for school aged children Outcomes are:

1. Children have a strong sense of identity 2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world 3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing 4. Children are confident and involved learners 5. Children are effective communicators

• A National Quality Standard consisting of seven Quality Area;

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1. Educational program and practice 2. Children’s Health and Safety 3. Physical Environment 4. Staffing arrangements 5. Relationships with Children 6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities 7. Leadership and service management

• A national Quality rating and assessment process, where services are assessed and provided with a rating:

Excellent: Indicates that a service demonstrates excellence and is recognised as a sector leader. Exceeding National Quality Standard: Indicates that a service is exceeding the National Quality Standard. Meeting National Quality Standard: Indicates that a service is meeting the National Quality Standard. Working Towards National Quality Standard: Indicates that a service is working towards meeting the National Quality Standard. Significant Improvement Required: Indicates that a service is not meeting the National Quality Standard and the regulator is working closely with the service to immediately improve its quality (otherwise the service’s approval to operate will be withdrawn)


The OSHC management committee support & assist the Governing Council to ensure that the Quality of care being offered is in keeping with the values, principles & policies of the NQS, schools, council, community & DECD. Membership of the Advisory committee include: the Principal, OSHC Director, Governing Council rep who is a parent use of OSHC), parent user of OSHC, OSHC staff rep.


The team of Educators are dedicated people whose main aim is to provide the highest quality care and support to the children, families and community of our OSHC. The team members are:

Karen Willis

Director Sharon Norris

Assistant Director Barb

McLaughlin Naomi

Goldsworthy Taylah Willis

Jo Boutros Sam Cubitt Olivia Mortimer Olivia Smith Renae Walker

Page 4: Ingle Farm Primary School Out of School Hours Care And … · 2019-02-19 · WELCOME Welcome to our service. We are pleased to have new families join us. We look forward to working


At Ingle Farm PS OSHC/Vac we have developed a Policy Manual to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children, staff and families. The Policy Manual is available for viewing at all times and is located in foyer and upon request from staff. Flow charts relating to certain procedures are displayed around OSHC. Policies are devised in partnership with National Quality Framework, OSHC management and feedback and input from children and families.


OSHC works best when it is truly a partnership between families and staff. Please feel free to speak to the Director and Educators about anything. We conduct a Feedback evaluation annually for families & children. There is a suggestion box on the sign in / out table for suggestions, feedback, ideas & comments from children and families. We really value your input. ‘Your thoughts and feelings won’t be known if you don't express them’. We have a Facebook page for communications between OSHC & home.


The staff are committed to working together. Staff maintain confidentiality. Information Sharing procedures are followed as set by the Government of South Australia, Office of the Guardian for Children & Young People; Information Sharing Guidelines for Promoting the Safety & Wellbeing of Children, Young People and their families. Upon enrolment families must sign for the following consent: I consent for OSHC staff, obtaining confidential information regarding health issues and plans, custody orders, developmental information or other relevant information about my child/ren, from school staff, preschool staff & relevant agencies and understand that confidentiality will be maintained.

For more information see website:


Ingle Farm OSHC aims to provide an environment in which children will have their individual health needs supported. Effective hygiene practices are implemented to

1. Has the identity of the person seeking information been

verified?2. Is there a

legitimate purpose for sharing



Are children at risk? YES Inform Leader, make

necessary reports

Is the information relevant to providing

quality care


OSHC staff & school staff to

share information

NO Do not share! Record decision!

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control the spread of illness, infection and disease, and to manage injuries. Practices will ensure every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children from harm and hazard.


Ingle Farm OSHC is approval as a Cancer Council SunSmart Centre. We follow the Cancer Council SA Sun smart policy. Policy is implemented from August to April / Terms 1 & 4 and

whenever the UV level reach 3 and above. The SunSmart UV Alert app will be used by staff to find out reading & sun protection times. Protection in 5 ways 1. Slip: Clothing: children are encouraged to wear clothing that protects the skin. Rash vests or T-Shirts must be worn for outdoor water activities 2. Slop: Sunscreen: SPF 30 or higher, broad spectrum & water resistant sunscreen is available for children & staff. It is applied prior to outdoor activities & reapplied every 2 hours. If your child requires a specific cream it must be brought from home. 3. Slap: Hats: Children & Educators are required to wear a bucket hat or broad brimmed hat for all outdoor activities. If children don’t provide 1 from home or school, the service will provide them with a hat to keep at OSHC 4. Seek: Shade: Shade audits are conducted. We will endeavour to use shade as much as possible 5. Slide: Sunglasses: Children are welcome to bring & wear sunglasses. Children will be responsible for their own sunglasses.


All children with medical conditions are supported at OSHC. Medical Care Plans including for Asthma, Allergy and Anaphylaxis must be completed by a doctor and provided to the service prior to attendance. All children with medical conditions are supported at OSHC. Families must provide current Medical Care plans completed by a doctor prior to attendance. Medication plans must also be completed by a doctor. Medications must be handed to OSHC staff. Ingle Farm OSHC is recognised by Asthma Foundation of SA as an Asthma Friendly Service.


At Ingle Farm OSHC we follow the Government of SA Healthy Eating Guidelines. All food is prepared in accordance with the Health and Hygiene Policy and food will be served in accordance with government health recommendations. All year round:

• Service will promote healthy eating & encourage healthy options • A light breakfast of toast & spreads or cereals can be supplied • Families can supply cereal for breakfasts and Educators will prepare. Cereals

chosen must be healthy option. • Afternoon tea will be supplied daily, a menu is planned that is varied & caters to all

dietary requirements • Families must supply dietary requirements & allergy information • Cool fizzy drinks & energy drinks are not permitted • Staff will follow food safety requirements & all have Food Safety training

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During Vacation Care & Student Free Days:

• Families must supply recess, lunch & drink bottles for their children • Filtered water is always available, however children will need to bring their own

drink bottle on excursion days • Children can bring lunches requiring simple cooking eg 2 min noodles or reheating

on all in-service days • Staff can only assist preparing on non-excursion days • The small fridge is for storage of children’s lunches only • The large fridge is only to be used for OSHC food only • Staff to reheat food so that it is hot (over 70 C) children will need to wait for it to

cool down to eat • The thermometer can be used to test food temperature, & then it will be sterilised • Parents are responsible for anything brought in from home as staff may be unable

to tell if food has been maintained at home, therefore all responsibility belongs to the families

• If children bring food requiring cooking on an excursion day they may be given a substitute that will be charged

• Children will be encouraged by Educators to eat their food, however Educators can’t force children to eat

• Recess & Lunch breaks will be had as a group to ensure all children have an opportunity to take a break & eat

• Children will be discouraged from sharing food • Any food uneaten or discouraged by children will be sent back home


As part of enrolment it is essential that you provide the service with any relevant information regarding your child/ren additional needs as listed below. Any professional reports and plans will assist with the transition into our care environment. Additional forms may be required to be completed prior to commencement of care to provide inclusion support. If it essential for the wellbeing of all that we understand the care requirements of each individual.

Inclusion Support is available to assist Children with additional needs including: • Children with a disability or undergoing assessment • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children • Children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds • Children from refugee or humanitarian backgrounds • Children with serious medical conditions • Children presenting with language and speech delays • Children presenting with disruptive behaviour


Children attending OSHC are expected to respect the rights of other children, adults and the property of OSHC. Every effort will be made to encourage children to behave appropriately. Managing children’s behaviour is essential to the provision of a safe, happy and caring environment. Effective Behaviour Management strategies encourage self-discipline and responsibility. Service rules and values are displayed. Positive behaviour charts are also displayed.


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Children must be enrolled to attend our service. Families must meet with the Director. Details must be updated as changes occur. Additional information must be provided to service staff eg. Medical plans, medication plans, specific dietary requirements, additional needs support; reports relating to behavioural, social, learning needs. Bookings are essential and must be made by 9am on each Friday prior to the week. Cancellations must be made by 6pm, on the previous evening or fees apply. Vacation Care & Student Free bookings must be finalised 1 week prior to commencement. All cancellations will be charged. Casual bookings will only be accepted if there is an available place, and sufficient educator to child ratios.


Fees are charged by the session. Government subsidies can reduce your fees. Governing Council review fees regularly. Session times and costs are: Before School: 7.00am—8.45am $14.00 After School: 3.00pm—6.00pm $25.00 Early finish: 2.00pm—3.00pm $ 9.00 Vacation Care: 7.00am—6.00pm $49.00 Vac Care half day:(certain circumstances) $29.00 Vacation Care late booking fee: $ 5.00 per child

(any bookings received after booking date) Student Free day: 7.00am—6.00pm $49.00 Late collection fee: after 6pm $15.00 automatic for 15 minutes block $1 per minute applies there after

Direct debit rejection fee $ 2.75 (each occasion) Early finish days, families will be charged Early finish fee until 3pm, children remaining in care after 3pm will be charged After School fees also. Vacation Care excursions must be a full day. Half days must be discussed with Director Student Free Days care will only be available if sufficient bookings made. Children must be collected by 6pm, if families are late, late fee applies. If families are charged a late fee more than once, your child care may be suspended. If children are not collected by 6.30pm and families have not made contact with staff, staff can contact Crisis care to collect children, and notify police.


Australian Government offer Child Care Subsidy to reduce your fees. Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is:

• Available to eligible families • Paid directly to the service • Income & activity assessed

To be eligible you must: • Meet Australian residency requirements • Have a Family Tax benefit eligible child attending an Australian Government

Approved Child care service. • Be liable to pay child care fees • Ensure your child complies with immunisation requirements of the Australian

Government • Provide FAO with estimate income details

Page 8: Ingle Farm Primary School Out of School Hours Care And … · 2019-02-19 · WELCOME Welcome to our service. We are pleased to have new families join us. We look forward to working

Additional Child Care Subsidy is: • An additional payment to provide extra support under special circumstances

Designed to support: • Families who require practical help to support their children’s safety & wellbeing • Grandparents who are the primary carers • Families experiencing temporary financial hardship • Families transitioning from income support to work

Family’s responsibilities to be able to receive these payments are as follows:

• Create a MyGov account • Provide your estimate income details • Provide activity details (work, study etc) • Complete OSHC enrolment form and ensure details are correct; name, date of

birth (DOB), customer reference numbers (CRN) • Complete direct debit forms for payment

Service responsibilities:

• Under the Child care package law OSHC management must submit enrolments and attendances through their software provider. This will be processed automatically

• Child Care Subsidy will be reduced from your fees (family must set up CCS) • Provide families with a Tax Invoice from our service each week • Process direct debit payments

For further information:



PAYMENTS (March 2017)

Invoices are created weekly, and processed on a Monday for the previous week. Child care benefits are then credited to your account via CCMS (Child care management system). Invoices will be emailed on Wednesday. Please ensure your email address is on your child’s enrolment form. Alternatively if you do not use email, your invoice will be available at OSHC at your request. Fees are collected through direct debit each week. Payments can be processed directly from a bank account or credit / debit card. Payments can be processed weekly or fortnightly and will be negotiated. Families will need to complete authority forms. Payments are processed on a Wednesday, and will then be deducted from your nominated bank account on Thursday or Friday depending on your financial institution.

It is the responsibility of the family to ensure sufficient funds are in your account. Rejection fees apply and will be charged to the family. Overdue accounts will receive a reminder letter; if outstanding amount is unpaid then your child care will be suspended.


The staff are always happy to discuss your child with you and chat to you. If you have

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any thing that you need addressed, please be aware that some things cannot be dealt with immediately and that staff may ask you to discuss with Director. During arrival time in After school care 3.05-3.30pm, Educators must be completely focused on ensuring all children have arrived and are signed into care, this time can be very busy, please understand that staff must make the children our first priority and therefore this time can make meeting with families, taking payments etc quite difficult. Also during Vacation care when the staff are getting the children organised for an excursion, they have lots to do to ensure the children are well prepared for the day, therefore this can be a difficult time to liaise with families. Contact our Director by phone or email for any bookings, cancellations, account, or any general enquiry. Feel free to complete a feedback /suggestion/ideas slips and leave in the suggestion box located on the sign in / out table From time to time you will be asked to complete evaluation forms to assist staff with the continuing improvement plans for OSHC. These are confidential your name is optional, however if we know your concerns or ideas we can follow up with you. We appreciate any feedback we receive.

PLEASE LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE! Keep up to date with things happening, provide feedback!

Children’s photo’s will NOT be put on the page


We have a working Planning Cycle that allows Educators to program activities based on the strengths, interests & ideas of the children. This begins from enrolment where ‘All About Me’ sheets are asked to be completed. Educators complete Learning stories & My Time Our Place outcomes checklists on the children. Children’s learning is documented & available for families viewing. We have a photos & displays of work around the room. There is a Year book which is used to collect photos of what happens at OSHC. Children have their own folders to store things they do at OSHC as well as photos. There is a program board which displays programmed activities & evaluations. As part of the program we have Sustainable Practices as part of our routines. Together with the children we recycle scrap materials, have a recycle bin, also collect bottles, cans etc for recycle refund. We also compost all our scrap foods. We also have links with the wider community. We have a Donation bin, we collect clothing & small household items. We continue to provide support to the RSPCA, Animal Welfare, Asthma SA through donations and raffles.

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For after school care, please ensure your child/ren teacher knows that your child will be attending OSHC. Children are signed in by Educators when they arrive. If they do not arrive Educators will follow up with school staff & parents to resolve why the child is not in attendance. Families should notify OSHC if there child is absent. Each afternoon we have afternoon tea with a variety of foods that are offered. Please ensure you notify the Educators of all dietary requirements & allergies. Children can be encouraged to do their homework. We have programmed activities, based on children’s strengths, interests & ideas as well as spontaneous activities that the children can choose daily.


During before school care children are able to have breakfast if they require some. Children have the choice of programmed activities or spontaneous activities. Some morning’s children just want to relax and watch a movie other days we enjoy an active morning with a game of sports, or a busy craft activity. At 8.35am when the yard play bell goes, children have the option of going out to play, or stay in OSHC.


There will be separate information provided regarding the program and bookings for Vacation care periods and Student Free Days. Bookings for these both close 1 week prior to the date. All bookings are charged. Children will need to bring their recess and lunch as they would a school day. We do make exceptions and will allow 2 min noodles or frozen meals etc. Breakfast can be provided and afternoon tea will be provided. Children are required to bring a bucket or wide brimmed hat for outdoor activities. Children can bring items from home to play with or share with their peers however they do so at their own risk, they will be provided with a safe place to put their items however staff will not be responsible to look after any items. Any electronic equipment will be time limited for use as we do with all electronic equipment at OSHC.

PHOTOGRAPHS (updated Oct 18)

Photographs are taken at OSHC for the purpose of programming, evaluating and reflecting of activities. They are an important part of documenting learning. Photos will be used within the service and may be displayed on website or social media or used in newsletters or publications, unless permission is not approved. Feel free to flip through our photo books to see what your children have been doing.

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The following links were used when writing of all policies and may be helpful for you to gain further information:

• Australian Government – Child Care Subsidy

• National Quality Standards

• School aged care framework

• ‘Staying Healthy in Child Care’

• Food Safety Standards


• SunSmart

• Information Sharing:

Page 12: Ingle Farm Primary School Out of School Hours Care And … · 2019-02-19 · WELCOME Welcome to our service. We are pleased to have new families join us. We look forward to working