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Information Technology Planning COMP1647

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Information Technology Planning


Contents 1. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 2

1.1 Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 2

2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 3

3. SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 4

3.1 Strengths ............................................................................................................................................. 4

3.2 Weakness ............................................................................................................................................ 4

3.3 Opportunities....................................................................................................................................... 4

3.4 Threats................................................................................................................................................. 4

4. Impact of IS............................................................................................................................................... 5

4.1 Major System ...................................................................................................................................... 5

4.2 Discussion with company’s person about the requirement identified in new system ......................... 6

4.2.1 Sales Person ................................................................................................................................. 6

4.2.2 Property Registrar ........................................................................................................................ 6

4.2.3 Adverts Clerk ............................................................................................................................... 7

4.2.4 Branch Manager ........................................................................................................................... 7

4.3 Biggest Organization Changes ............................................................................................................ 8

4.4 Disaster Restoration Procedure ........................................................................................................... 9

5. References ............................................................................................................................................... 10

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Information Technology Planning


1. Executive Summary

1.1 Summary

Reguero-Almandeel-Purohit is the estate agency in Anywhereland. Firstly describe the follow as

their company background and issues. There will be seen the about of their issues, needs and their

company background processing.

Secondly describe the analysis of their company with SWOT analysis. There will be seen their

strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of their company.

Thirdly describe the major system of their company. As major system the property management

system will help their business improvement. There will be seen which functional processes are important

in their company.

Fourthly describe question to key person who are the complex of processing in their company.

There will be seen who are need to question addition and why.

Fifthly describe the biggest organization changes of their company. There will be seen what is

need to prepare when they meet the biggest organization changes problems.

Finally describe the disaster restoration procedure for their company. There will be seen the

before, during and after restoration procedure when they meet the disaster.

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2. Introduction

2.1 Background

Reguero-Almandeel-Purohit is the estate agency in Anywhereland and has 16 branches. Each

branch includes five to ten sales persons. Some small branch office combines five admin staffs for

property processing. Some large office has particularly five admin staff. They are branch manager,

property registrar, sale administrator, appointment secretary. Each branch run with little staff but that is

effective and ruthless sales force and uniquely. And then making the work done by running less people

with do more process. And also they support the free pick-up service to view for all potential property

purchasers. And also they have the good relationship with local solicitors and well established banks.

That is the good for selling properties with easier.

In Head Office, have the some computerized systems which are general ledger accounts package,

a payroll package, spreadsheets for financial planning and some word processing. According the case

study the head office held central property register. That contain 600 properties are registered per week

and 500 properties are sold per week and then 100 properties are cancellation because vendor mind is

change not to sell and sell to other directly. But the issue is potential purchaser requested for looking

properties applicants more than the central properties registered. According the case study 3000

applicants is requested per week. So they need to extend their branched and hiring the more staff.

In now, they are hoping the computerized system for buying and selling properties system

because they are losing the 2400 applicants per week and they are not sufficient the staff. So they need

fast work done with new computerized system. Another issue is incorrect sales attrition rates and supports

the good customer service. The computerized system helps both issues. Next issue is registering the

properties by manual. That is slowing processing and not good for organization. The new computerized

system also helps that issue. The other issue is properties sales recorded monthly report also doing by

manual with. If the new system applied to the organization that monthly report isn’t hard like the past.

Finally issue is searching the potential purchaser requested information about the properties. That

searched is not easy because first look the purchaser applicants and then check the vendor’s property

recorded book and then reply to the potential purchaser. That is also slowing processing if they have the

good Information System that process change to fast.

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3. SWOT Analysis

3.1 Strengths

- They support a free pick-up service to view for all potential property purchasers.

- They have the experience of using the IT system.

- They have the good business partnership with local solicitors and well established banks.

- They have sixteen branches. So they have the experience of opening new branch in new place.

- They have the loyalty staff with their responsibility.

3.2 Weakness

- They don’t have enough to sell property because buyer request is more.

- They don’t have a lot of staff in each branch.

- They don’t have computerizing system for the whole processing of property selling and buying.

- They don’t have internet.

- They don’t have digital marketing.

3.3 Opportunities

- They can be opening the new branch.

- They can be make better partnership with more solicitors and established banks.

- They can be connected with information system provider when they enhance their business.

- They can be got the more potential purchaser and vendor.

- They can be become the premier estate agent when they changing computerized.

3.4 Threats

- They are lacking to support the good customer service.

- They are paying to the vendor for advert the vendor’s property.

- They are require to spend more on the development of new IS.

- They are lacking a few customer when they start of developing new IS.

- May be they are change the service changes to rise

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4. Impact of IS

4.1 Major System

Reguero-Almandeel-purohit needs a major system which is called “Property Management

System”. The system fixes a lot of problems in business. Firstly they can answer the directly about the

property information when the buyer request by phone or come. Secondly quick and easy to send monthly

report with sale person commission and properties sale record list to head office. Thirdly quick and easy

to calculates the sale person’s commission. Fourthly quick and easy to produces the all of the properties

description for advert to the local newspaper. Fifthly quick and easy to produces the completed contract

for buyer and purchaser. Sixthly quick and easy to checks who is responsible for each vendor’s property.

Seventhly quick and easy to checks who answer the vendor phone for sell or visit their properties.

Eighthly quick and easy to makes the appointment between sale person, purchaser and vendor.

The property management system includes a lot of functional requirements. First of the functional

requirements is the customer registration. It must need because they need to contact to the customer or if

existing customer they give the promotion to the existing customer. Second of the functional requirements

is the staff registration. It must need because they need to calculate the sale commission by who and etc.

Third of the functional requirements is the applicants registration. It must need because they need to

reply fast when the customer applicant property is available or reply in future. Fourth of the functional

requirements is the property registration. It must need because they need to collect the property

information from vendor for the potential purchaser. Fifth of the functional requirement is the

transaction registration. It must need because it is recorded the selling/buying with sale person, vendor

and purchaser. Six of the functional requirement is the staff commission report. It must need because to

calculate the commission of each sale person sale and also sales director Ahmed Almandeel want the

correct sales commission. Seventh of the functional requirement is the applicants report. It must need

because to review the how many applicants requested and etc. Eight of the functional requirement is the

customer report. It must need because to review the how many customers they have. Nine of the

functional requirement is the sales and property report. It must need because to review the how many

properties sold out and print out to send to the head office and advert for local newspaper and also is

requested from finance director Poona Purohit want that report. Ten of the functional requirement is the

transaction report. It must need because to review the how many properties are sold out and cancel.

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4.2 Discussion with company’s person about the requirement identified in new


4.2.1 Sales Person

Informed verbally to whom? It is needed to ask because for making the appointment with

potential purchaser and sales person. On future, the property management system needs to add the

appointment making section into the system.

Did he record the potential vendor property information to by their diary which is spreadsheet or

manual book? It is also needed to ask because for making the entry form in the property management

system. Because this process may be long time, the potential vendor property information is too

much. So help them for asking that question.

How to send the potential vendor’s property information to property registrar? It is also needed to

ask because if the sale person informed verbally to property registrar may be got the wrong data. On

future sale person informed with the program in the property management system because it can

avoid the got wrong data from the sale person than the informed verbally.

4.2.2 Property Registrar

How to get the full description of potential vendor’s property information? It is needed to ask

because the sale person is informed verbally to him that may be got the wrong information from sale

person. On future, looking the informed information from sale person section added to the program.

Did he record the all of vendor’s property information after sales person visited? It is also needed

to ask because property registration section is already added in the property management system. So

that section responsible by him.

Did he send the all of full description of vendor’s properties to the adverts clerk? It is also needed

to ask because if he sent that information to the adverts clerk the system should include that section.

Did he use the spreadsheet or manual record the vendor’s property for registration the properties?

It is also needed to ask because if the manual he recorded the changing from manual to computerized

isn’t easy for him if he using the spreadsheet it is easy to change to the computerized system.

Did he find and send the compatible property for each applicant? It is also needed to ask because

if he did how to find and send the compatible property for each applicant. Because the program

should be include the find and send section for him.

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4.2.3 Adverts Clerk

How he get the vendor property description for sent to the local newspaper? It is needed to ask

because if he finding vendor property description by self may be take long time if he not that’s not

taking long time.

How he compiling the property list? It is also needed to ask because if he compiling the property

list by manual it take long time. By computerized that will save their time.

How he sent the current monthly property list to all applicants? It is also needed to ask because he

finding the properties that are match with applicants by manual it will take long time. By

computerized finding automatically match with applicants reports. It will be save their time.

Why he not use the digital marketing? It is also needed to ask because need to know their

computer skill or online experiment. On future the system run with online web based system.

Did he find and send the compatible property to each applicant when they requested? It is also

needed to ask because if he did that section should be added in the property management system for


4.2.4 Branch Manager

Did he record the all of property sale by manual or spreadsheet for produce the monthly report? It

is needed to ask because if he did he will be responsible the sale transaction in the property

management system section. If he did not who should be responsible for that?

How he calculate the commission all sales for each sale person? It is also needed to ask because

the calculation rate per sale person is needs to insert to the property management system for monthly

sale commission calculation report.

How to send the monthly sale report to head office? It is also needed to ask because the monthly

sale report include in the property management system. If he did report by manual may be difficult to

change the manual in computerized. If he can not easy to change the manual to computerized.

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4.3 Biggest Organization Changes

Reguero-Almandeel-Purohitneeds must face the problems when they biggest change in

organizational. But they need the new computerized system for improvement of their business. The

improvement of business is upon the system flow and also depends on the staff in their company when

the changing the new system. There is a lot of advantages and disadvantages of changing the

computerized. That will describe following.

First of the organization changes is the unwillingness staff in the company because if the staff

aren’t interesting to use the computerized system that system making never be success and also business

improvement will be lack in future. And if the staffs are not having the computer basic skill in the

company they will fear to use the computerized system that causes the mental stress for them. So that the

system must flexible and easy to use for them and also system provide the help feature in the system

whenever they need. May be support the computer basic class for staff if they aren’t having the computer

basic skill because it will support when they using the computerized system and also change their mind to

willing system.

Second of the organization changes is the patient on the testing period of the system because

most of the company are depression on the system when they found the unexpected error. That time is

painful for them and they don’t want to use again. So that needs to explain about the system error when

before they using or testing the new system. If already explained they will understand on the new system

when found the unexpected error. So that needed to provide the error solution to them for error

immediately. That will also extend their patient when they start testing period.

Third of the organization changes is the staffs are want to run out of work when start using the

new system because they are fear to use the new system, it causes they are not interested new system and

may be they don’t having the basic computer skill. So that need to choice the right staff for using the new

computerized system. The right staff must be interest the new staff and have the computer basic skill for

easy to use the new system. As the using that way avoids the staff run out of work.

Final of the organization changes is the trust about their information to give to other because

most of companies aren’t willing to give their information to other. Especially about the sale person

commission rate. It causes they aren’t trustful to the new system. So that need to explain about the trust

on the system and also explain about the whole company information in the system aren’t using in other

and also that are not sold to other. As the using those ways the staffs are avoid the doubts about their

information on the system.

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4.4 Disaster Restoration Procedure

Reguero-Almandeel-Purohit needs must have disaster restoration procedure. Many disasters

which are fires, floods, hurricanes, major terrorist attacks often become in world. But most occur disaster

is the floods in our world. So that require for prepares and tests with the disaster restoration procedure

before the floods become.

Before the disaster becoming to the organization, the all of the computerized device and some

important paper list move to safe. If there is no sufficient time for moving those computerized device

must be do the daily backup all of important information in the system. Daily backup mean copying the

important information to the other computer. The important information can save to the cloud storage e.g.

Amazon Server. And prepare and train the backup system information before the disaster. And also make

a temporary office with new computer and connect the internet it is avoid the floods and hold and ready

the important loyalty staffs who are the profession in their office job. And also mean plan need to create

in that temporary office for their staff.

During the disaster becoming the organization, their hold and ready important loyalty is ready for

continue running for the office and backup the computer system. And then call the emergency number

some of help. And then plan the meal for their loyalty staff. They are work about the office with new

personal computer. If the internet connection is ready and restore their important information from cloud

storage to the new computer. And then they can be run as their office with smoothly and daily backup the

important information.

After the disaster becoming in the organization, they will need to set up to move to their office

from temporary office immediately. May be loss the some of their potential purchaser and vendor because

their office move temporary. So they need to move immediately after the disaster. And also may be need

to carry their new computer from temporary office because may be break the computer located in old

office during disaster. If the computer aren’t broke in old office they need restore the important data

information from cloud storage in this computer. And also they need to rebuilt their internet connection

immediately when they internet device are broke. If they can’t get the internet immediately they can use

their mobile operator internet until get internet.

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5. References

Mind Tools Editorial Team, Dec 31, 2015,

(visited time 8:00 PM 8/10/2016), Nov 23, 2015,

(visited time 8:15 PM 9/10/2016)

Dora Wang, Oct 2014,

(visited time 8:30 PM 11/10/2016)

Department of Homeland Security, (visited time 9:30

PM 13/10/2016)

Margaret Rouse, (visited time

9:50 PM 13/10/2016)