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Smart-Templates and Post-Operative

Patient HandoversA QI + Research Project

Aalap Shah, MDSurgical Services Chair, Housestaff Quality and Safety Committee

R4, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain MedicineUniversity of Washington Medical Center

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Table of Contents• IT/Handoffs Overview [s3-21]

• Patient Handoffs [s3-6]• UW PACU Handoff [s7-13]• UW ICU Handoff (eff. 2/2014) [s14]• EHRs/Meaningful Use [s15-21]

• PAST Template [s22-32]

• Case Example [s28-32]

• T2 Template [s33]

• Handover IT: Objectives [s34]

• Handover IT as a QI Project [s35-50]

• Handover IT as a Research Project [s51-62]

• Future Directions [s63-64]

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Patient Handoffs• “Transfer of information, responsibility, and

authority from one health care provider to another.”

• ACGME 2003 – • Duty hour restrictions Increased # of handoffs

• Gawande 2003• Review of 100 incident reports from 45 surgeons• 60% of events in OR+PACU

• 43% due to communication failure; of which 2/3 were due to inadequate handoffs.

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Patient Handoffs• Joint Commission 2006 –• Requirement for standardized handoff approach at

accredited institutions

• Joint Commission + WHO 2008 –• Highlighted role for standardized processes to

identify and reduce handoff-related errors

• Institute of Medicine 2008 – • Increased focus on handoff processes to improve

patient safety

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Patient HandoffsObstacles

Different media (Nagpal 2010, Mistry 2005)

Taped/written reports verbal bedside reportsEMR/PHR Integration

Lack of institutional standardization (Mistry 2008, Nagpal 2010)

Descriptive reports structured templatesSpecialty and location-specific handoff tools, physician vs. nurse

Information Omission (Nagpal 2011, Catchpole 2007, Zavalkoff 2011)

Poor Setting (Smith 2008, 2010, Chen 2011)

Interruptions/MisunderstandingsRoom Delays/”Rushed” Inaccurate clinical assessment

Unclear task assignments and “anticipatory guidance” (Joy 2011)

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Patient HandoffsResearch and Data Collection Methods

Pre-/Post- Implementation Studies (Catchpole 2007, Joy 2011, Jukkala 2012, Mistry 2008) Six Sigma, Model for Improvement

Focus group (Bosmans 2013)

Observational/Cross-Sectional (Chen 2011)

RCT (Van Eaton 2005, 2010)

Surveys (Flanagan 2009, Bernstein 2010)

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UW PACU Handoff

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Case Example


– A-fib

– DM2



– Morbid Obesity (BMI 35.4)

– Chronic LBP

– Hypothyroidism

– Hearing Loss


– h/o Breast Ca s/p R. lumpectomy, chemorx

– Lipoma removal 2002 PONV

– Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy


– Coumadin 5mg Daily

– HCTZ 25mg Daily

– Ranitidine 150mg Daily

– Vicodin 5/325 1 tab q4-6 hours

– Lisinopril 5mg Daily

– Metoprolol 25 mg Daily

– Metformin 500mg BID

– Levothyroxine 125 mcg Daily


– Tobacco use (1ppd x 20 years)

– Alcohol use (3-5 glasses wine/day)


- +palpitations w/exercise, +myopia, +heartburn, +tingling in b/l 1st/2nd digits, recent URI (2 days)


– VS: HR 79, BP 145/89, RR 16 shallow, Temp 36.7, Sp2 98% on RA

– Wt: 96.4kg, Ht: 165cm

– Airway: Mallamapati II, , TMD < 6, Loose #11, NC 15.5in

– Respiratory: UATS

– CV: IRIR, no gallops

– Abd: +Murphy’s sign. Hypoactive BT

– Ext: Varicose veins, no edema

– Neuro: +numbness in b/l feet, + carotid bruit

– Skin: Lumpectomy incision healed.

– FS: >4 (3 flights of stairs back pain)


– Na 139, K 3.3, Cl 109, HCO3 29, BUN 12, Cr 1.1

– WBC 8.3, Hct 35, Hgb 12, Plt 171

– PT 13.5 , PTT 35, INR 2.1

• Studies

– Referred for sleep study

– EKG: IRIR HR 67-98

– TTE: nl chamber size, wall motion,valves, and EF

58yo F presents to clinic for laparoscopic cholecystectomy on xx/2014, 3weeks prior to DOS Postprandial symptoms ED visit last week Gallstones/GBW thickening

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UW PACU Handoff

Surgery ClinicVisit

I. Pre-Anesthesia/Clinic Visit

Phone interview

Need PAC


Add’l studies?

Chart review

Pre-op phone


Pt. arrives on DOS


Referral visits

Pre-op phone


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UW PACU HandoffPAC Note

6-8 sheets of paper, only 60% vital to patient care

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UW PACU Handoff



IIa. Day before Surgery Pt. arrives on DOS

IIb. Day of Surgery


assigned cases

I. Pre-operative data collection and plan formation- PAC Note- Cerner- OSH Records- ?EpicII. D/w attending

Need to see:- Preop Nurse- Surgeon- Anesthesia- OR Nurse

OR CaseDispo

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Un-planned ICU

Arrive in PACU,Bay


Handover- Attach O2- Monitors- Positioning- MD: Verbal handoff- RN: SSHR filled

Stable for Dispo?


Monitor in PACU

CODE/still unstable?


Floor Tx

Orders in?Bed avail?

Yes! To floor,,.

Yes! Go home,,.Outpt Rx ready?

No Oh helll no



RN-RN handover

RN-RN handover

Page 13: Informatics Tools and Patient Handovers

UW PACU Handoff Information Omissions (March 27, 2014) (n=63)

Pre-study nurse surveys: Multiple disturbances/interruption Providers almost always “rushed” Inconsistency with PACU arrival tasks (monitors, O2, patient

positioning) prior to handoff

Data re: PACU and 24hr events pending

Name -- Airway management 3%

Status/Code 68% Induction Meds 16%

PMHx 36% Lines 24%

Home Rx 24% Resident name/pager 100%

Allergies 10% Anticipatory Guidance 82%

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UW ICU Handoff

John Lang, MDAlan Artru, MD

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EHRs: Meaningful UseElectronic Health Records Today:

The Positives Standardized Accessibility (Dykes 2007)

Funding and Support (Steinbrook 2009)

The Perceived Positives Workflow facilitation Efficiency Accuracy (Steinbrook 2009)

Patient Care

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EHRs: Meaningful Use

Medscape. July 16, 2014

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EHRs: Meaningful Use• National Alliance of HIT –• Office of National Coordinator – 2004• “Majority of Americans to have EHRs by 2014”

• ARRA 2009 – • $19.2B (of $>170B) stimulus package allocated to

Healthcare IT

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EHRs: Meaningful Use• Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS)• 2010 – standards for “certified “EHR• 2011 – incentive payments for EHR “meaningful

use” attestation• 2015 – Medicare payment deductions for

providers not showing meaningful use

• National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)• Health Effectiveness Data and Information Set

(HEDIS) – 2012• 35 quality measures to facilitate reporting of

accountable care organization (ACO) benchmark data

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EHRs: Meaningful Use

Medscape. July 16, 2014

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EHRs: Meaningful Use

Medscape. July 16, 2014

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EHR Templates Improvement in physician note quality scores (Fielstein 2006)

Facilitation for secondary data use (Bonney 2013)

Automatized process of information transfer and extraction by domain (Siebens 2001)

Discourages ambiguous findings in notes (Bosmans 2012)

Highlights important findings

Improved patient rapport and continuity of care (Co 2010, Millery 2011)

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PAST Template Automatic and timely consolidation of data from

disparate systems Anesthesia Information Management Systems (Merge/AIMS) Cerner Powerchart MINDScape

Data access/processing from Cerner EHR via AMALGA

Stand-alone web-based program (SQL Serve Reporting Services)

Access granted with Cerner/ORCA User ID/Password (HIPAA-compliant)

*It is NOT a replacement for:- your own patient assessments - other clinician’s evaluations in the EHR- any perioperative communication (i.e. day-before phone call)

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PAST TemplateKey:Gray highlighted fields [ ]:

extracted from PAC noteYellow highlighted fields [ ] :

labs/studies electronically extracted from Cerner/PowerChart.

Green highlighted fields [ ]: extracted from DOCUSYS server

Text in blue direct links to the Cerner PowerChart/Mindscape

where studies can be retrieved (XML format)Text in red

fields which will require revision of the PAC note template in order to accurately extract information.

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I. Quantitative Information

- Numeric data, studies, vitals, etc. all represented in one section- CPT/ICD already present Facilitates rapid input into DOCUSYS- Improves information reporting (Surgeons, PACU)


PAST Template

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II. Medical/Surgical History

- Diagnosis-linked fields pull in medications and problems by organ system- Airway management and complication information extracted from previous DOCUSYS anesthetic record


PAST Template

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III. Anesthetic Issue “Dashboard”

- PAC note components (ROS, PE, Labs) directly transferred from PAC note i- Issue and timeframe-based organization assist with prioritization and contribute to thorough and rapid patient assessments

DOS Checklist for provider and Pre-Op Nursing Staff

All coded fields from the PAC note categorized by issue. Only positive findings will “light up” in the final template


PAST Template

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1-7days prior

to DOS


PAST Template

Information automatically extracted from sourcesto populate template

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Case Example


– A-fib

– DM2



– Morbid Obesity (BMI 35.4)

– Chronic LBP

– Hypothyroidism

– Hearing Loss


– h/o Breast Ca s/p R. lumpectomy, chemorx

– Lipoma removal 2002 PONV

– Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy


– Coumadin 5mg Daily

– HCTZ 25mg Daily

– Ranitidine 150mg Daily

– Vicodin 5/325 1 tab q4-6 hours

– Lisinopril 5mg Daily

– Metoprolol 25 mg Daily

– Metformin 500mg BID

– Levothyroxine 125 mcg Daily


– Tobacco use (1ppd x 20 years)

– Alcohol use (3-5 glasses wine/day)


- +palpitations w/exercise, +myopia, +heartburn, +tingling in b/l 1st/2nd digits, recent URI (2 days)


– VS: HR 79, BP 145/89, RR 16 shallow, Temp 36.7, Sp2 98% on RA

– Wt: 96.4kg, Ht: 165cm

– Airway: Mallamapati II, , TMD < 6, Loose #11, NC 15.5in

– Respiratory: UATS

– CV: IRIR, no gallops

– Abd: +Murphy’s sign. Hypoactive BT

– Ext: Varicose veins, no edema

– Neuro: +numbness in b/l feet, + carotid bruit

– Skin: Lumpectomy incision healed.

– FS: >4 (3 flights of stairs back pain)


– Na 139, K 3.3, Cl 109, HCO3 29, BUN 12, Cr 1.1

– WBC 8.3, Hct 35, Hgb 12, Plt 171

– PT 13.5 , PTT 35, INR 2.1

• Studies

– Referred for sleep study

– EKG: IRIR HR 67-98

– TTE: nl chamber size, wall motion,valves, and EF

58yo F presents to clinic for laparoscopic cholecystectomy on xx/2014, 3weeks prior to DOS Postprandial symptoms ED visit last week Gallstones/GBW thickening

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Case Example

I. Quantitative Information


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Case Example

II. Medical/Surgical History


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Case Example

III. Anesthetic Issue “Dashboard”DEVELOPMENT

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Transfer Template (T2)


Push F7 on OR Anesthesia computers to display T2

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Handover IT: Objectives Engagement of nurses and providers in the development of web-based

informatics application to improve the handover process.

Decreased information omissions related to the patient’s relevant medical history on the Surgical Services Handoff Report (SSHR) (purple sheet), prior to patient discharge or ward transfer.

Improvement in the quality of the provider-nurse handover process as gauged by third-party (nurse educator) evaluators and tested handover evaluation tools in the recovery room.

Decreased incidence of minor complications in the immediate post-operative period, as well as within the first 24 hours of floor transfer.

Improved intraoperative evidence-based anesthetic plans based on identifying at-risk patients (ex: multiple agent therapy for PONV prophylaxis, decreased volatile gas administration for patients with lower MAC requirements)


“Provider” = any person administering an anesthetic (attendings, CRNA, residents)

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Handover IT: QIApproach: IHI Model For Improvement


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Handover IT: QIPatient Task Factors Staff Factors

Team Factors

Organization Environment

1.) Omission of Information (OI)2.) Poor handover quality3.) PACU adverse events

Cause/Effect Chart

- OSH records not available- Language barriers - Complex pt/multiple medical issues-Incorrect/incomplete info presented at clinic visit

- Incorrect info in EHR- Chart review instead of [needed] clinic visit

-Multiple intraop handovers (anesthesia)-PACU nurse task burden/”shift change”-Provider/nurse

- Burden of PAC documentation- Time-consuming EHR review- Case to follow, pressure to be efficient

- Lack of or miscommunication between residentand attending re: anesthetic plans

-Multiple sources of info in EHR-No standardized -Printouts/jotting down illegible notes

-Noisy/clustered -Staff or pt. interruptions-Chart/SSHR not available

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Handover IT: QI

Accuracy of Post-Operative Handovers


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Handover IT: QIAIMS Statement:


Our team aims to decrease the rate of post-operative verbal handover OI in all checklist fields to ≤ 15% within 6 months of study start (e.g. June 30, 2015) in ASA3+ patients being admitted to UWMC after elective surgery.


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Handover IT: QI

Assemble A Team Research: G. Alec Rooke, MD PhD,

Gail Van Norman, MD PAC Clinic coordinators: G. Alec Rooke, MD PhD IT: Dr. Bala Nair, Shu-Fang Newman (Programmer) CQI Coordinator: Karen McElhinney Nurse educator (CNE) team: TBA


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Outcome MeasuresPrimary Outcomes

• OI (%), Run Chart

• Quality (via Handoff CEX)

• # of minutes until patient is transferred from PACU to inpatient floor





Demographics Airway Access

Condition Antibiotics Disposition

Allergies Induction Rx Sign-Out

Medications BP Rx Anticipatory Plans



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Outcome MeasuresPrimary Outcomes• 1) OI Run chart


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Outcome MeasuresPrimary Outcomes• 2) Handoff CEX


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Secondary Outcomes (PACU)• 3) PACU adverse events

PONV • Incidence of PONV in Group 1 and Group 2• # of medications administered• # of emesis episodes

Pain• # of separate pain medication administrations• Maximum pain score recorded by patients• Total opioid consumption (in milligrams)

Outcome Measures


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Outcome Measures• PACU adverse events (cont’d)

Sedation scores (Aldrete score) • 15 minutes, 1 hour, and 2 hours

Hypotension (SBP < 90 and/or MAP <60)• # of patients with hypotensive episodes• # of individual pressor (blood pressure-

elevating) medication administrations• Total pressor consumption (in milligrams)


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Outcome Measures• PACU adverse events (cont’d)

Respiratory compromise• # of patients with respiratory depression

(RR < 8)• # of narcan administration events• # of desaturations


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Process Measures•% attendance/participation at training sessions•% of PACU nurses using template for signout at 3 months

•% provider (resident/CRNA/attending for signout at 3 months


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Balance Measures• Administrative time expense • Whiteboard involvement

• Provider time expense• Handover time, OR turnover time

• Developmental/Programming Costs• Nursing/Provider satisfaction• Evaluation of PHI integrity (to be determined

after 2nd PDSA cycle)


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Handover IT: QI

Problem/ Processes

Improvements/ Interventions

Omission of Information (OI)


Handover Quality


PACU adverse events



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Handover IT: QI• Pre-Implementation• IRB, etc.• PACU Nursing Survey• Online training module/instructional video• Provider Recruitment• Departmental, Class, or Group E-mail


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Handover IT: QI• Implementation• Focus Groups (x4), 1.5 hr sessions• Focus on Qualitative Input

• Foster provider-nurse partnership and ownership

• Identify hospital-wide barriers and ways to facilitate implementation

• Revise product

• Pizza

• Departmental announcements• Online modules/LMS Gateway• Model for Improvement – PDSA Cycles


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Handover IT: Research• Study Design:• Prospective RCT• Single-blinded (PACU nurse/provider aware)• IRB needed: access to patient PACU data, intent to

publish QI data outside UWMC

• Study Population: N=64 dyads (provider-PACU nurse interactions + patient); 32 dyads/group• “Provider” = CA2 or CA3 resident or CRNA (>2yrs)• “PACU Nurse” = 1:1 nurse who is routinely in PACU• “Patient” = ASA 3+ with planned post-op



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Handover IT: Research• Intervention:• Control Group: Provider preference in patient pre-op

preparation and handover

• Intervention Group: PAST for patient pre-op preparation, PAST + T2 for handover • Will receive additional instructional video (15 minutes)

• Templates visible by both PACU nurse and provider

• Recruitment:• E-mails, GR announcements

• Consent:• Written consent from providers

• Nursing staff to receive educational session during pre-implementation phase,


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Handover IT: Research• Workflow• 1 day prior to DOS: Coordinate with

Whiteboard/AIC • Providers notified 1 day prior to surgery re: control vs

intervention group

• DOS: Provider brings pt. to PACU• Audio recorders (numbered) distributed to each nurse

prior to provider/patient coming from OR

• Monitors, positioning, O2 after arrival, etc.

• If provider is in intervention group, provider instructs PACU nurse to open PAST template

• Verbal handoff, recording with pt. name and ID.


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15-min video tutorial

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Handover IT: Research




Ia. Day before Surgery Pt. arrives on DOS

Ib. Day of Surgery


assigned cases

I. Pre-operative data collection and plan formation- PAC Note- Cerner- OSH Records- ?EpicIII. D/w attending

Need to see:- Preop Nurse- Surgeon- Anesthesia- OR Nurse

OR CaseDispo

I. Access/downloadPASTII. Additional chart review T2 used

for intraop handoffs

T2 printed before arrival

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Handover IT: Research



Arrive in PACU,Bay


Handoff- Attach O2- Monitors- Positioning

- PAST Handoff at PACU computer

- Anticipatory planning- PACU orders revised,

if needed

Un-planned ICU

Stable for Dispo?


Monitor in PACU

CODE/still unstable?


Floor Tx

Orders in?Bed avail?

Yes! To floor,,.

Yes! Go home,,.Outpt Rx ready?

No Oh helll no



RN-RN handover

RN-RN handover

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Handover IT: Research


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Handover IT: ResearchData Storage/Access

Audio recorders (containing PHI) stored in locked desk in Anesthesia QI office

Handover audio evaluations:OI: Recordings compared against PAC note and ORCA

medication listQuality: Recordings graded via Likert Scale in

Handover CEX (previously validated evaluation tool)PACU events: Recordings compared against

completed PACU charting in CERNER IView.

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Handover IT: Research




Demographics Airway Access

Condition Antibiotics Disposition

Allergies Induction Rx Sign-Out

Medications BP Rx Anticipatory Plans



Primary Outcomes

• OI (%)

• Quality (via Handoff CEX)

• # of minutes until patient is transferred from PACU to inpatient floor

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Handover IT: ResearchSecondary Outcomes

PACU adverse eventsPONVPain ScoresSedation scoresHypotensionRespiratory depression


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Handover IT: Research• Data Collection:• Audio recordings: End of OR Day• PACU data: Weekly review of patient charts

• Analyses• Power analysis for study sample• Handoff CEX scores nonparametric tests of mean• Handover and PACU times Mann-Whitney U test• PACU outcomes Fisher-Exact Test


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Timeline September 2014 –

Submit IRB PAST/T2 rollout

October-December 2014 – Provider Recruitment Focus Groups Template revisions/feedback Create 15-minute instructional video

January-May 2015 (Resident Research Track)– Data collection and analyses

June 2015 – Manuscript preparation

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Widespread implementation of PAST template at UW as well as affiliated hospitals.

Institute a web-based handover report/checklist form to replace the paper-based Surgical Services Handoff Report (SSHR)

Integrate surgical handoff/anticipatory guidance into electronic handoff tools (i.e. the T2)

Decrease post-operative major + minor complications related to provider communication error

Research/QI: Long-Term Objectives


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HSQC IntegrationHigh Value Theme – Empowering PACU nurses to

standardize handoffs

Surgical subspecialty education about anesthetic workflow

Non-handover-related aims to improve efficiency of patient disposition (avoid “limbo”)

Documentation standardization modules

HMC PACU QI Champions

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Referencesemail me:

Aalap Shah

[email protected]

[email protected]
