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    Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo these

    global brands and a host of other IT companies are rapidly andfundamentally transforming the way in which we work,

    communicate, collaborate and enjoy entertainment such as movies

    and games.

    All These TECH Giants employs the same particular cutting edge




    HOW many of you in the AUDIENCE own a gadget ,a cellphone or

    a device with web browsing capabilities,?And how many of us

    have at least uploaded a picture ,or file to the internet in the last 28

    days ? Or collaborated on the Spectrum portal .There are real lifeexamples of CLOUD COMPUTING use which exist in this

    technological era .

    Cloud Computing is a technology which is able to store all data in

    a large data factory .At the same time making it highly accessible

    via internet. Our lives today are so dependant on cloud

    computing,especially in the university where were required to be

    efficient in research,effective in communication and synergized in

    collaboration .Coupled with Small handheld devices, Cloud

    Computing has brought us CONVENIENCE was not made availble

    in previous decades. Im Sure We have all benefitted in one way

    or another , and having a hand in building content into a

    technology which highly interactive .

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    The growth and scale of investment in cloud computing technology

    is truly mind-blowing. Industry experts estimates that therell be

    50% increase in the amount of digital information by 2020.And

    Nearly half a trillion in investment in the coming year,.

    All to create and feed our desire for access to infinite information

    from our computers, phones and mobile devices instantly.


    The engine that drives the cloud is the data center or data factories

    of the 21st century .It contains thousands of computers servers

    that store and manage our rapidly growing collection of data forconsumption at a moments notice.

    A research done by Greenpeace International reveals that these

    cloud data centers, many of which can be seen from space,

    consume a tremendous amount of electricity; to the equivalent ofnearly 180,000 homes. Electricity is essential to power the data

    servers and the cooling mechanisms that keep the machines

    running smoothly.One begins to ponder where did all that electricty

    come from?

    They are mainly powered by electricity which is often derived from

    burning coal.Which in turn , emit Carbon into the atmosphere.


    At the same the energy choices made by these companies are

    completely invisible to consumers. As consumers continue to rely

    more and more on our online world, there are places where the

    cloud actually touches the ground. As a matter of fact,cloud

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    computing is responsible for a very significant and rapidly growing

    impact in the offline world. Places where these data centers are



    As users of the technology , we are partly to be blamed for the

    mismanagement of environmental situation by the very cloud

    companies we support . We did not realise that we are actually

    behind these sophisticated IT companies.Companies which didn't

    bother linking their IT innovation to equally innovative clean

    sources of electricity.Many IT companies are simply choosing to

    attach their information factories to some of the dirtiest sourcesof electricity .

    And these utilities suppliers, unlike the IT companies, are notknown for their innovation and are polluting the environment with

    carbon emissions of devastating proportions.

    Greenpeace activists have reveal that Three of the largest IT

    companies are found to be in the environmental red , Amazon,

    Apple and Microsoftrapidly expanding without adequate regard

    to source of electricity.They relying heavily on coal energy to

    power their clouds.

    The lack of transparency from major IT brands remains one of

    the major environmental concern among environmental activist..

    There is this shared secrecy due to fear of disclosing business

    information among major cloud brands.

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    There is also a desire to suppress the story of how the IT sector,

    often perceived as clean by the public and its employees, is

    actually heavily reliant upon coal and other dirty sources of

    energy to fuel its growth.

    We as consumers should demand our rights to be made aware

    of the environmental impact that is derived from the cloud

    computing industry .And we need to express the urgency rather

    quickly. Through the social networks we use, we should spread

    the awareness of the detrimental effects which cloud computing

    pose on our environment. Our tremendous urgency will pressure

    cloud companies towards renewable sources of energy.Taking

    the example of facebook one of the largest online destinations

    with over 800 million users around the world.It has now

    committed to power its platform with renewable energy.

    Facebook took the first major step in that direction with the

    construction of its latest data center in Sweden, which can be

    fully powered by renewable energy such as wind energy. That

    serves to prove that as a consumer, we do have the power to

    influence the companies to look into the potential of cleaner


    As a summary to what I have delivered in my speech, I wish toreiterate that the cloud computing has brough many convenience

    and benefits in the field of communication and information

    technology. However ,the inconvenient truth about cloud

    computing is that many companies have yet to sought cleaner

    energies to fuel the expansion of the investments. Furthermore the

    lack of transparency , has allowed consumers to be oblivious of

    the dangers the industry pose to the environment. Consumers

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    exert their power asthe agents that can influence change in the


    As a conclusion, I would like to encourage all cloud users such as

    the audience I have here with me to practise educated and

    environmental judgment . Use the cloud only when necessary. If

    possible ,do not rely on online storage platforms such as Icloud.In

    my personal experience,as an owner of of many Apple devices, I

    am guilty of Apples ignorant stand on environmental issues

    .Recently ,I have disabled all my icloud subscription in my devices.

    I believe if we do not do something about this,, future generations

    will question is cloud computing just a cloud of pollution and if it

    is why did we all allowed it to happen
